Pay attention to the people lifted up by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, those on whom they shine a spot light -- like the vile-speaking and sin-preaching people the ELCA placed in front of 31,000 youth this summer. (see here, here, here,
here, here, here and here) or the people living out sinful lifestyles whom the ELCA advocacy featured this summer. (see here) Please note who is writing articles for the ELCA's magazine and the people they feature in ELCA publications. They are not orthodox, conservative, or Bible-believing Lutherans. This week Pastor El-Yateem was featured in the ELCA's official magazine Living Lutheran (see here and below).
- He is quoted in a New York newspaper saying, “I support BDS. And I will say this publicly, I say it to everyone.” (See here) BDS is a Palestinian origination movement aimed at encouraging Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. In a moment of truth-telling, El-Yateem announced, "My church the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and I support the BDS."
(Radical Linda Sarsour, who is a friend of Rev. El-Yateem as you will see in pictures below, commented on Rev. El-Yateem's post saying BDS is "a non violent means of protest protected by the US constitution." See here and read about Linda Sarsour here)
The BDS movement is anti-Semitism in action. This movement has no place in the Christian church, yet we have the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America supporting this movement (see here for further confirmation). Add to that Rev. Khader El-Yateem, also a high-ranking ELCA leader, is an outspoken advocate of BDS. - Last year, Rev. El-Yateem offered housing to Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) staff when the United States spoke of closing the PLO mission in the nation's capital. (see here) If you are not aware, the PLO has a long history of terrorism against Israelis. (See here)
Here are some of other anti-Israel social media posts by Rev. El-Yateem. Two years ago, the ELCA pastor shared this post, a radical message to and about both Israel and the United States.
Below is what Pastor El-Yateem believes and thinks. History says otherwise. In the following Facebook post, ELCA leader Khader El-Yateem says, "the Israeli soldiers have no respect for human life or law." Notice the rocks being thrown at the soldiers in the video he shared. Below, the ELCA pastor expresses delight with President Obama's betrayal of Israel. Next Khader El-Yateem shows his displeasure with a new Israeli law allowing BDS advocates to be banned from Israel. He could and should be one of those banned from ever going to the Jewish state. Did you know Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Rev. Khader El-Yateem is a socialist? - While running for a political office a few years ago, ELCA pastor El-Yateem said, "I want to be Trump’s worst nightmare.” That is recorded in an article about Rev. El-Yateem titled (see here) Meet the Socialist Who Hopes to Become New York’s First Arab-American Elected Official. The article goes on to say, "It was these progressive credentials that inspired the New York chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to endorse El-Yateem and marshal its fervent base to volunteer on his behalf week after week, day after day. As of early September, the DSA reported that 'nearly 300' of its volunteers have participated in the El-Yateem campaign, including knocking on over 15,000 doors. And, while El-Yateem admits that some Democrats are unsure about the term 'socialism,' he is proud of the endorsement and unabashed about his socialism. 'Jesus was a socialist!' he laughs, referencing his vocation as a pastor."
ELCA Rev. Khader El-Yateem radicalism runs deep in many other areas too. Below are some of his social media posts. - Rev. El-Yateem retweeted a post saying "Abolish profit. Abolish prisons. Abolish cash bail. Abolish borders. #AbolishICE." - And here the ELCA pastor takes a knee with Linda Sarsour to #StandWithKap.
- ELCA pastor El-Yateem must be pretty close with Sarsour, here he says "#IMarchWithLinda." - So moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is against Jesus, but Palestinians claiming the Jewish capital as their own is not? - ELCA leader El-Yateem is honored to have an abortion advocating organization's endorsement. And he adds "Women's health is non-negotiable."
- This ELCA leaders stands with LGBTQ community and displays some fine name-calling skills.
- And again, happy pride and #LoveIsLove posted by the ELCA leader.
This is the leader being lifted up by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The ELCA is Just an Extreme Social Policy and Political Organization that Cloaks Itself in Religion12/19/2017 God's Word in Matthew 4:17 tells us that Jesus preached the message, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” You will not hear ELCA leadership preach repentance of sin (unless it has to do with "Global Warming" or lack of being inclusive). They must believe Jesus was naive to think that people needed to repent or that hell awaited those that reject Christ as their Savior. Instead ELCA leaders succumbed to Satan's directives and are preaching their liberal social and political policies. Here are some examples: - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America stands against the Congressional tax cut being voted on this month. They are spewing leftist propaganda saying it is a bill that "benefits corporations and the wealthy over lower and middle-income families." (See here and below.) - Today the ELCA's Metropolitan New York Synod shared a post from a pro-LGBT organization about the case of the Christian baker from Colorado who was sued by two gay men because the baker would not use his artistic talents to make them a wedding cake. The article features an ELCA pastor condemning the Christian baker's claim of religious freedom (see here and below). In the case of gay men vs. a Bible-believing Christian, it is not a surprise with whom the ELCA synod is siding. - Next is an article co-written by ELCA bishop William Gohl Jr. of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA. It condemns "current immigration policies" of the United States and says the "repeal of DACA would be morally reprehensible." He even says, "If we are to truly live out our faith, then we must...advocate that those who (are in the United States)...through DACA be allowed to stay." (See here) - Gun regulations and laws are a favorite topic of many ELCA leaders. Here is some of what ELCA bishop Steven L. Ullestad of the Northeastern Iowa Synod is using to fill up his Facebook page: (See here) - News from the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has them adopting the Israel-inspired (anti-Israel) investment screen that was passed at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2016. (read the summer blog here) They also “declined the request for the ELCA to declare itself a sanctuary denomination, yet supported the spirit of the sanctuary movement by encouraging congregations to serve and support the protection of migrants in their communities.” (see here) - Finally, I will end this with what is truly one of the most morally reprehensible positions held in the ELCA, the support of abortion. After someone posted this abortion-supporting article on an ELCA Clergy Facebook page, some challenged the thought. Then ELCA pastor Russell L. Meyer wrote the comment below:
The State of Israel passed a new law this year. The law denies entry of anti-Israel activists, those who support the boycott, divestment and sanctioning of Israel. The authors of the bill explain its purpose saying, "Over the past few years, calls for boycotts against Israel have grown louder. It seems to have become a new battlefront against Israel and the State has yet to be able to duly counter it. This bill seeks to prevent private individuals or those representing companies, associations or organizations that support boycotting Israel from promoting their agenda on Israeli soil." (see here)
ELCA leaders and even members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) should be very concerned that they will be denied entry into the Jewish State. They are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America which has been actively working to harm Israel. (see here and here) Last year the ELCA approved two resolutions aimed at Israel. One calls on the United States government to end all aid to Israel until a list of ELCA demands are met. The other resolution is titled “Justice for the Holy Land through Responsible Investment.” The resolution’s main aim is to stop investments in Israel and select companies that do business with Israel. (See here and here) An article titled “Evangelical Lutherans Divest from Israel over 'Settlement' Activity” speaks to last year’s votes by the ELCA. (see here) During an interview in 2014, before the 2016 resolutions, the ELCA’s highest bishop outlined the different actions the ELCA had taken concerning Israel. This is what she said: - “We've urged our government not to engage in grants to the state of Israel while the settlements are going on.” - “We also support that the blockade of Gaza be lifted.” - “We also engage in selective purchasing. So we not only try to trade with the Palestinian Authority, but we do not purchase products made in the illegal Israeli settlements.” - “...We are contacting the Congress, the President and saying that the illegal settlements must stop. We’re hoping that people are listening to us. I'm not sure that the government of Israel is listening to the United States when we ask for these settlements be stopped. But we have to keep trying.” (see here) In 2017 the ELCA, by way of its top bishop, signed a letter to congress stating its opposition to the "Israel Anti-Boycott Act." It said "we collectively affirm and defend the right of churches and organizations to use economic measures in the specific case of Israel-Palestine." (see letter here) The ELCA, which boycotts (they use the words "selective purchasing") parts of Israel, is defending churches and organizations that boycott Israel. The letter is advocating for the United States Congress to reject the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act” which "prohibit support of international state-sponsored boycotts of Israel by U.S. citizens engaged in interstate or international commerce." (see article here) As you can see, the ELCA is involved in and supports divestment, boycott and sanctions against Israel. Anyone associated with the ELCA should be prime candidates to be denied entry into the Jewish State. ELCA leadership and bishops should be forbidden entry into Israel. ELCA pastors and missionaries should be denied. And anyone who is an ELCA member should be denied entry to Israel, because they have chosen to be part of an organization that actively seeks to harm Israel. There is a precedence for this. In 2016, an Israeli government directive resulted in an “Associate General Secretary for the World Council of Churches (WCC)” being “blocked from entering Israel because of her work with the group to malign Israel and damage it through an economic boycott.” (See here) There is also this, “Presbyterian Official Denied Israel Entry Amidst Divestment Tension.” (See here) Top it all off with the fact that the ELCA sends “missionaries” to “the Holy Land” who take part in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) (see here, here and here) “which brings activists to the Jewish State to create publicity material alleging that Palestinians are oppressed.” (read more about EAPPI here) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pushes policies that are harmful to Israel. ELCA employees should no longer be allowed to come to Israel until the denomination rescinds all their anti-Israel policies, actions and rhetoric. Additional information: Rev. Khader El-Yateem, an ELCA pastor says, “I support BDS. And I will say this publicly, I say it to everyone.” (See here) The ELCA's Peace Not Walls program is an initiative of the ELCA to implement their Anti-Israel agenda. (See here) Here is an excellent response to an article about the two anti-Israel ELCA resolutions: “How does one distinguish between the ELCA’s actions as being anti-Semitic as opposed to merely anti-Israel? Well, because in presenting and arguing the proposed boycott the major proponent, an organization called Isaiah 58, characterized the history of Israel’s presence in the Middle East as nothing but a land grab. They characterized the history of Israeli-Palestinian relations as nothing but apartheid. They said nothing about why Israel came to exist, i.e. the Holocaust; they said nothing about the fact that Israel has had to defend against four wars from hostile Arab neighbors; they said nothing about the constant threat of terrorism that plagues Israel on a daily basis. They invited no one to speak to the Israeli side of the issue. From an ELCA standpoint, Jewish Lives Don’t Matter. When an organization cherry picks facts in order to support a position of discrimination as the ELCA did in this case, goes out of its way to not hear any evidence or meaningful argument which doesn’t support its agenda; when an organization fails to consider that the BDS movement undoes 50 years of engagement between Lutherans and Jews; and when an organization fails to realize the…BDS movement serves as a justification for hate crimes against Jews everywhere from Portland and Los Angeles to Brussels and Marseilles; that probably qualifies the organization’s actions as unambiguously anti-Semitic.” (See comment section here) Exposing the ELCA has compiled an enormous amount of information about the ELCA and their harmful work against the Jewish State. (See here and scroll down here) As you look through these links you will find that the ELCA continually takes the Palestinian position on the conflict, uses the Palestinian talking points, calls for Israel to divide Jerusalem and never condemns the Palestinians for their violence, terrorism and hatred toward Israel. From Portico Benefit Services, the ELCA’s largest institutional investor we learn that “New SIF Investment Creates Jobs and Housing in the Holy Land.” No, they are not investing in Israel, they are investing in Palestine. (See here) |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11