ELCA Exposed News on Israel and on Supporters of Israel
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's policies, actions, rhetoric, position and view towards Israel. Toward the bottom of this page you will find articles showing how the ELCA views supporters of Israel.
ELCA Leader Outlines the Steps Her Denomination Has Taken Against IsraelThe Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recently was interviewed on a Pro-Hezbollah TV station (see article here) and during the interview she outline the different actions the ELCA has taken to hurt the Israeli democracy and the Jewish people. . .
ELCA presiding bishop issues statement on Israel-Hamas war (2023). . .We must also call a thing a thing. The power exerted against all Palestinian people — through the occupation, the expansion of settlements and the escalating violence — must be called out as a root cause of what we are witnessing. . .
She Should Have Kept Her Mouth Shut. . .Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton eventually produced a statement that is stunning in its moral perversity. . .
Response to ELCA Presiding Bishop's Statement on Israel (2023). . .I will call a thing a thing by categorically rejecting this. The root cause of slaughtering innocent people, raping women, beheading babies, and burning people to death is the coldness of the human heart. It is SIN that causes us to dehumanize the Other, to objectify them and not look at their face and eyes when killing them mercilessly. . .
ELCA Sponsors ‘Prayer Vigil: Ceasefire Now!’ (2023). . .noted that “the speakers and sponsoring organizations are in agreement calling for a bilateral ceasefire, . .
Anti-Semitism Reigns in the ELCA:
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Letter to the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Bishop of the ELCA: The Passing of Two Anti-Israel Resolutions at the August New Orleans Assembly
(very well written and worth reading). . .My goal in this letter is two-fold. One, to respond specifically to resolutions regarding actions against Israel that passed in our August assembly, and two, to go beyond the assembly itself, to address matters of the heart, and some serious speculation as to our pattern of singling out Israel in our resolutions. . .
17 Christian groups ask Biden to change US policy in Holy Land: Restore funding to Palestinian Authority, allow BDS advocacy
(Our Jew hate needs some action steps). . .In September, the White House oversaw a diplomatic agreement being signed between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain known as the Abraham Accords. . . (See additional article here)
ELCA presiding bishop responds to decision to move U.S. Embassy in Israel
(ELCA Presiding Bishop Statement Against Moving U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem)
Lutherans (ELCA) Ask US to Subsidize Terror-Supporting Palestinian Authority (2019)
. . .For all their talking about promoting peace in the Holy Land, mainline Protestants keep doing two things: They make it harder for Israel to defend itself from murderous attacks like the one that killed Rina Shnerb on August 23, and they keep making it easier for Palestinians to get away with perpetrating these attacks.
That's what the ELCA is supporting. . .
That's what the ELCA is supporting. . .
Lutheran Peacemakers Use Passive Voice to Give Hamas a Pass, Demonize Israel
. . .The overall effect of Christian peacemaking rhetoric is to give license to Palestinian violence while blunting Israel’s ability to protect the lives of its citizens. . .
Anti-Israel Christian Left Sees ‘New Opportunities’ in Congress, Administration
. . .Harrison spoke less about Congress and instead focused on the Biden Administration’s policies towards Israel and Palestine. He stated, “The question before us is: ‘How can I make President Biden do the right thing?’” meaning, support BDS and the additional advocacy goals of UMKR, MFSA, and other Christian Left voices on Israel and Palestine. “We need to remember that policy on Israel and Palestine is made in the White House.” . .
Choosing simplistic solutions for complex problems
". . .All of these are absent from the recent decision by the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) to divest from companies 'profiting from, or complicit in, human rights violations arising from the [Israeli] occupation. . . '"
Lutheran Church to US Government: Stop Aid if Israel Continues Building Settlements
. . .It passed a separate resolution giving a nod to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling for “a human rights-based investment screen for its social responsibility fund”, which essentially meant divestment from Israel. . .
Wiesenthal Center Denounces Anti-Israel Resolutions by Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (2019)
. . .“ELCA shouldn’t be criticizing Israel about alleged mistreatment of Palestinian children but rather Hamas’ children as cannon fodder for its terrorist attacks on sovereign Israeli territory,” Rabbi Cooper said. “The Palestinian Authority has the cash to pay Augusta Victoria the $41 million it owes but chooses instead to divert $300 million for its ‘pay-to-slay’ program paying terrorists who succeeded in murdering and injuring innocent Israelis. . .
Lutherans Denounce Israel, Just in Time for Christmas
Led by a Palestinian Lutheran bishop, 16 Palestinians Christians have blasted Israel in a new declaration that the 4.9 million Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is obligingly disseminating. . .
Sabeel Conference Links U.S. and Israel to “Genocidal Theologies”
. . .Speakers framed their critiques in terms of radical feminist and liberationist theologies that reinterpret the Christian and Jewish Scriptures. They disputed not only the policies of the U.S. and Israel, but also the right of those two to exist as legitimate nation-states. . .
Jewish Uproar Over ELCA's Attack On Israel
. . .The letter, signed by 15 Christian leaders, including representatives from the National Council of Churches and a number of mainline Protestant denominations, provoked angry and articulate responses from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), and the Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Rabbis (RA). . .
US Jews cancel talks with Protestants over Israel
. . .Major American Jewish organizations said Wednesday they have cancelled talks with liberal Protestant leaders after the churches sought an investigation of U.S. military aid to Israel. . .
Churches Finally React to Jewish Groups on Anti-Israel Aid Stance
. . .the letter sent before Thanksgiving expresses no regret over their original October 5 appeal to the U.S. Congress questioning whether U.S. military aid to Israel violates U.S. law. . .
BDS Movement: We Can Boycott Israel, but You Can't Boycott U
. . .We believe similarly that all BDS participants are aiding, albeit through indirect and lawful (non-material) means, terrorists who intend to destroy Israel, and that an organization that aids the enemy should be treated as an enemy through whatever nonviolent and lawful means (Combating BDS Act, boycotts, and Form 13909) are available. . .
Does ELCA have a Jewish problem?
. . .At the moment that much of the world is trying to free itself from hatreds of the past, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) seems intent on bringing them back. . .
Partners in Crime
The Islamic Society of North American (ISNA) is an organization linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror financing trial ever held. If you go to the ISNA website, you will find a very interesting list called the Partners of ISNA. Here is a partial list of church Partners: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .
Many Articles on Israel and the ELCA from the Exposing the ELCA Blog
Many articles on the ELCA's policies, actions, views, etc. concerning Israel.
What a Surprise: World Council of Churches Condemns Israel (ELCA is a member)
. . . The WCC has an odd idea of what constitutes “innocence.” The people in question were armed with iron bars, baseball bats, knives and at least two guns. They started beating on Israeli soldiers, who came with no intention of hurting anyone, before their feet touched the deck. They threw at least one soldier overboard, which at the very least counts as attempted murder. . .
Fences and a "Just Peace"
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America makes a stand against Israel's security fence and in favor of a "just peace." (Never mind Palestinian terrorism.)
Bishop Eaton joins more than 140 global Christian leaders in call for Gaza cease-fire (2024)
. . .call for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, urge the U.S. and other world powers to halt additional arms sales to Israel, and make clear that Israel, the U.S. and all countries must abide by Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. . .
Evangelical Lutheran Church Sides with BDS Narrative, Calls to Cease U.S. Aid to Israel
. . .With the US State department accusing the Palestinian Authority of anti-Semitism and German universities declaring the BDS movement anti-Semitic, on the opposite end of the spectrum is the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s embracing of the BDS movement’s narrative and subsequent recent call to stop American funds going to Israel. . .
Protestant Missionaries: The Palestinians Are Like Jesus and Israel Is Like the Romans
That ELCA webpage touts a fraudulent series of four maps purporting to show Palestinian losses and Israeli gains since 1946. . . These maps (which are commonly promoted by anti-Israel activists) utterly distort the history of the region by conflating several categories of "having land" (individual ownership, various forms of political control, etc.), by completely ignoring the historical context of Arab losses and by simply lying.
The Lutheran Deceives Its Flock in Anti-Israel "Wall" Account
The magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is spreading extreme misinformation among its members about Israel's security fence while the church is urging them to vote on anti-Israel resolutions. CAMERA sent the following letter requesting correction of 12 factual errors that appeared in a strikingly distorted and inflammatory article entitled "The Wall" published in the May 2005 edition of The Lutheran, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). A much-abbreviated form of the letter was printed in the September edition of the publication and is appended here below the full original. . .
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Mainline Protestant
. . .The outrage and sanctimony of these and other mainline churches are directed toward the Jews and their state first – and, hypocritically enough, last. . .
Lutherans Back Anti-Israel Resolutions
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has approved two resolutions advanced by anti-Israel activists including a push to end all U.S. aid to the Jewish state until the “military occupation of Palestinian land” ceases. . .
The World Council of Churches’ war against Zion
. . .What is the most offensive part in the WCC liturgy, is that for two thousand years, Christianity has showed extreme Jew-hatred based on Christian theology. Nevertheless, the WCC considered it necessary to publish a morally questionable and politically naïve liturgy, which singles out Israel with no mentions of the Palestinian society’s well-documented anti-Semitism and hate speech, not to speak of terrorism. This if anything is international and institutionalized spiritual violence coated with Christ. . .
Israelis Not Invited
The conference and subsequent coverage of the event by the ELCA News Service is troubling on a number of levels. First, the lack of Israeli speakers at the conference was no mere oversight, but was the consequence of an explicit decision on the part of conference organizers to not invite Israelis—even though Germans on both sides of the Berlin Wall and the residents on both sides of the Mexican-American border were present at the conference. . .
Church Groups Push for Divided Jerusalem
. . .CMEP has promoted a “shared Jerusalem” campaign since 1996, placing a full-page ad in the New York Times that year signed by several denominational officials. The group also released resources including worship and study materials urging this policy to congregations. . .
AJC Disheartened by UCC, Disciples of Christ and ELCA Embrace of Palestinian Document Delegitimizing Israel
. . .charges Israel with “ethnic cleansing,” “geo-cide [sic] of Palestinians,” and “crimes against humanity. . .”
Exploiting Lent to Attack Israel
(The ELCA is a member of the CMEP)
For most Christians, Lent is a season of penitence and devotion in remembrance of the events leading to Christ’s crucifixion. For Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), Lent is an organizing tool for rallying U.S. Christians against Israel.
CMEP is releasing a series of Lenten devotionals, culminating with the current Holy Week, that supporters are urged to disseminate to their local churches. Each devotional has an explicit or implicit critique of modern Israel or message of solidarity with Palestinians. . .
For most Christians, Lent is a season of penitence and devotion in remembrance of the events leading to Christ’s crucifixion. For Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), Lent is an organizing tool for rallying U.S. Christians against Israel.
CMEP is releasing a series of Lenten devotionals, culminating with the current Holy Week, that supporters are urged to disseminate to their local churches. Each devotional has an explicit or implicit critique of modern Israel or message of solidarity with Palestinians. . .
Sad: Church Coalition Targets Israel in Letter to President Obama
(The ELCA signed this letter)
Declaring they "fully support your goal of ending the occupation [by Israel] that began in 1967," liberal religious leaders are urging President Obama to facilitate peace in a region "torn by walls and weapons. . ."
Declaring they "fully support your goal of ending the occupation [by Israel] that began in 1967," liberal religious leaders are urging President Obama to facilitate peace in a region "torn by walls and weapons. . ."
Divestment: Coming to a Denomination Near You
. . . The fact remains: democratic Israel extends far more rights to its Arab and non-Jewish population than any Muslim nation accords Jews or Christians. . .
This is peacemaking?
. . .The alerts do not ask the Palestinian Authority to stop funding terrorism and pay its debts to Augusta Victoria. Instead ELCA speaks euphemistically about the PA’s “inability” to pay its debts. The PA can pay the money it owes to Augusta Victoria, but has chosen to reward terrorists instead. . .
Mainline American Christian "Peacemakers" Against Israel
. . . Augsburg Fortress Press, publishing house of the ELCA, published two books during the Second Intifada alleging that Israel's decision to send troops into the West Bank in 2002 was motivated merely by a desire to dominate the Palestinians and not by the need to stop the campaign of suicide attacks that began in 2001. For example, one of the books - Bethlehem Besieged by Mitri Raheb, pastor of a Lutheran church in Bethlehem - provides the following context for Operation Defensive Shield, which began on 2 April 2002:
There was no reason to invade "our little town" with hundreds of military tanks and armored vehicles, accompanied by Apache helicopters. The excuse Israel used for invading Bethlehem was a suicide bombing that took place on March 29 in Jerusalem by a young Palestinian from Deheishe refugee camp near Bethlehem. The blast killed Ayat al-Akhras and two Israeli people and injured two dozen more. The decision to invade, however, was made weeks before. Before the suicide bombing had taken place, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon had already launched his military offensive, called "Operation Defensive Shield," and Israeli forces were already rolling into Ramallah and had besieged Palestinian President Yasir Arafat in his headquarters. Three days later, they were in Bethlehem and in front of our house.[54] Raheb's chronology leaves out some important facts, most notably the 27 March 2002 suicide bombing that killed thirty Israelis and injured 140 more during a Passover celebration at the Park Hotel in Netanya. Raheb also fails to report that during March and the first two days of April 2002, more than eighty Israelis (mostly civilians) were killed by Palestinian suicide attacks and more than thirty-five civilians were killed by gunfire. Any honest description of Operation Defensive Shield would include this information. But Raheb ignores it, acknowledging only one suicide attack and portraying it as an "excuse" for the invasion.
Given Raheb's ideological commitments, it is no surprise he would author such a distorted text. What is surprising, however, is that a respectable publishing house would package and distribute it. . .
There was no reason to invade "our little town" with hundreds of military tanks and armored vehicles, accompanied by Apache helicopters. The excuse Israel used for invading Bethlehem was a suicide bombing that took place on March 29 in Jerusalem by a young Palestinian from Deheishe refugee camp near Bethlehem. The blast killed Ayat al-Akhras and two Israeli people and injured two dozen more. The decision to invade, however, was made weeks before. Before the suicide bombing had taken place, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon had already launched his military offensive, called "Operation Defensive Shield," and Israeli forces were already rolling into Ramallah and had besieged Palestinian President Yasir Arafat in his headquarters. Three days later, they were in Bethlehem and in front of our house.[54] Raheb's chronology leaves out some important facts, most notably the 27 March 2002 suicide bombing that killed thirty Israelis and injured 140 more during a Passover celebration at the Park Hotel in Netanya. Raheb also fails to report that during March and the first two days of April 2002, more than eighty Israelis (mostly civilians) were killed by Palestinian suicide attacks and more than thirty-five civilians were killed by gunfire. Any honest description of Operation Defensive Shield would include this information. But Raheb ignores it, acknowledging only one suicide attack and portraying it as an "excuse" for the invasion.
Given Raheb's ideological commitments, it is no surprise he would author such a distorted text. What is surprising, however, is that a respectable publishing house would package and distribute it. . .
Facing Lutheranism's Crisis of Authority
(Note: All statements about Israel/Jews from the article are below)
(Carl) "Braaten described the ELCA approach to authority as deficient in three 'Gnostic' ways, deficiencies that played a big role in the passage of last summer's ELCA social statement on sexuality.
Deficiency 1: Like the ancient Gnostics, the ELCA is antinomian—it rejects the law of God.
Deficiency 2: Like the ancient Gnostics, the ELCA claims a higher knowledge—higher than anything available from an external Word of God. Gnostics trusted instead in enlightenment from within, which is where they locate God. So do those guiding ELCA's decisions, said Braaten.
Deficiency 3: Like the ancient Gnostics, ELCA leaders sneer at the idea that we can look to a book as our authority—especially a book written by Jews. Antinomianism and anti-Semitism are always found together, said Braaten."
(Carl) "Braaten described the ELCA approach to authority as deficient in three 'Gnostic' ways, deficiencies that played a big role in the passage of last summer's ELCA social statement on sexuality.
Deficiency 1: Like the ancient Gnostics, the ELCA is antinomian—it rejects the law of God.
Deficiency 2: Like the ancient Gnostics, the ELCA claims a higher knowledge—higher than anything available from an external Word of God. Gnostics trusted instead in enlightenment from within, which is where they locate God. So do those guiding ELCA's decisions, said Braaten.
Deficiency 3: Like the ancient Gnostics, ELCA leaders sneer at the idea that we can look to a book as our authority—especially a book written by Jews. Antinomianism and anti-Semitism are always found together, said Braaten."
Head Of Lutheran Denomination Blames Israel For Hamas Attack (2023)
. . .they’re suggesting Israel is to blame for the horror that has befallen them. . .
Rockefeller Brothers Fund finances key groups behind anti-Israel church divestment efforts
. . .In recent years it’s been a visible presence at nearly every U.S. mainline church general convention, assembly, and synod where it helps its church allies to promote distorted anti-Israel resolutions that solely blame Israel for the continuation of the conflict while virtually ignoring or trivializing Palestinian rejectionism, incitement to violence, glorification of terrorism, and the fact that Israelis live under constant threats. . .
Palestinian Democrat (ELCA Pastor) Running for NYC Council Announces ‘100 Percent’ Support for BDS
. . .“I support BDS. And I will say this publicly, I say it to everyone. It is an issue of justice. It is a nonviolent resistance against the Israeli occupation of Palestine,” the Democrat said. “So am I supporting BDS? 100 percent. . .
What Lies Behind the Anti-Israel Position of Some Mainline Churches in America?
. . .I believe that these institutions, led by the WCC have been captured by dhimmified Christians from the Middle East. This is not the first time this has happened. During the Cold War, the World Council of Churches was captured by the Russian Orthodox Church which said you may not criticize the Soviet Union, you may not condemn the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. . .
Everything I Learned about the Redirection of Financial Support, I learned from the ELCA
. . .When I attended the 2007 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Chicago, I noted how the church endorsed this same strategy, by calling on the ELCA to use economic pressure and redirection of investments as a means to influence political policy in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. . .
Mainline churches silent on massacre of Fogel family
It is now nearly six days since five members of the Fogel family of Itamar were slaughtered by 'Palestinian' terrorists, and the reaction from the five 'mainline churches' that always rush to attack Israel is... Silence...
Islamic Pogrom Against Christians in the Holy Land
. . .ELCA and LWF leaders pontificate regularly on Middle East politics. But they are silent as Muslim extremists drive Christians out of the Holy Land. . .
The Mysterious Power of Anti-Zionism
. . .There is only one wall, however, that has ever been condemned by the International Court of Justice as a violation of international law: the barrier Israel is building to defend itself against terrorism. There is only one wall that has been condemned by the Evangelic Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). On August 13, 2005, the national assembly of the ELCA voted 228 to 289 to adopt a resolution entitled “Peace Not Walls: Stand for Justice in the Holy Land.”. . .
Bethlehem to Host Church Conference Which Demonizes Israel
(The ELCA is a member of the World Council of Churches. - linked article has information on the some of the actions, documents and positions the World Council of Churches has taken/hold concerning the democratic country of Israel)
Steves’s Video Reveals Mainline Peacemaking’s Hubristic Voyeurism
. . .Steves is after all a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which gave the world the inimitable “Peace Not Walls” campaign. This campaign sets up Israel’s security barrier, a concrete act of Jewish self-defense, in opposition to the cause of “peace.” “Peace Not Walls” doesn’t hold the Palestinians to account for their violence against Israel, but that’s not the point of either Lutheran peace activism or of Steves’s “coverage” of the Holy Land. . .
The pointless fight over divestment
. . .Why are some Protestant church leaders so intent to single out Israel for financial punishment and public condemnation while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is slaughtering his own citizens?. . .
Salvation and Palestinian Propaganda
. . .The bishops' Middle East sojourn is part of the Lutherans' "Churchwide Strategy for Engagement in Israel and Palestine." In the parlance of left-leaning mainline church groups, "engagement" in the Middle East always means browbeating Israel and defending Palestinian political goals. . .
Lutherans and Mighty Fortresses (2006)
. . .are Lutheran NGO's also working among young Palestinians to counteract anti-Semitism, hatred, intolerance and radical Islam? It is doubtful. . .
Lutheran Bishop Responds Angrily to CAMERA Letter
Instead of offering a comprehensive description of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Bishop Payne offers an extended litany of alleged Israeli misdeeds, and hardly a word of criticism of the moral and strategic errors made by Palestinian leaders – which have had a substantial impact on Israeli public opinion. And yet, despite all this, Bishop Payne is on ELCA's Middle East “ready desk” and put forth as a trusted and reliable source of information and context about the Arab-Israeli conflict. . .
To Counter Christian anti-Israelism, It's Time to go Local
. . .The letter, signed by 15 Christian leaders, including representatives from the National Council of Churches and a number of mainline Protestant denominations, provoked angry and articulate responses from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), and the Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Rabbis (RA). The JCPA was spot-on when it said the letter represents an escalation in anti-Israel activity. . .
Lutheran Bishop Gets it Wrong About Barrier, Hospital, Tourism (2009)
. . .in some instances, church leaders and peace activists broadcast misinformation (which almost invariably cuts against Israel) about the conflict to their denominations upon their return from the region.
One particularly egregious example of this phenomenon is Rev. Margaret Payne’s March 19, 2009 appearance on Interfaith Voices. . .
One particularly egregious example of this phenomenon is Rev. Margaret Payne’s March 19, 2009 appearance on Interfaith Voices. . .
Rev. Barnhart Radio Interview Discussing ELCA, Israel
. . .Discussion includes ELCA leaders placing wreath at tomb of known terrorist Yasser Arafat, replacement theology and more. . .
“BDS”: What does the ELCA say?
. . .The issues of boycotts, divestment and sanctions in relation to the Israel-Palestine situation have become more prominent in news reports and discussions in recent years. The following summary seeks to outline what the ELCA has said about or undertaken in relation to those topics, sometimes generically, in recent years. . .
"ELCA speaks copiously on a host of issues, about which Christians of good will and intelligence generally disagree. Its pattern of support corresponds with the policies of the Democratic Party, but departs even from that liberal pattern on issues regarding Israel. It has a program called Peace Not Walls that outrageously lectures the Israelis on how they should defend themselves from suicide bombers. (Lutherans of all people should be quiet about these matters given their ambiguous history with the Jews.) Further, the ELCA’s Presiding Bishop Hanson joined other liberal Protestants in asking Congress to scrutinize Israel military practices and consider withholding military aid from them." - Robert Benne
American Jewish Committee won’t join Lutherans in asking US to pay Palestinian debts
. . .the PA “has perfected a policy of deliberately using aid for improper purposes and then getting more aid, in this case from the U.S. government, for its unpaid basic necessities, such as its hospital bills.”
In view of the fact that the PA provides some $10 million monthly to imprisoned terrorists, and $15 million monthly to terrorists’ families, “it has become morally revolting for organizations to continue to be duped by the PA as the American Jewish Committee previously was,” Weiss aid. . .
In view of the fact that the PA provides some $10 million monthly to imprisoned terrorists, and $15 million monthly to terrorists’ families, “it has become morally revolting for organizations to continue to be duped by the PA as the American Jewish Committee previously was,” Weiss aid. . .
Pro-Israel Christian Group Condemns Mainline Protestants' Statement Defending Palestinians
. . .he believed the statement was "one more banal mainly mainline Protestant rehash of decades old talking points against Israel that doesn't admit threats against Israel or self-destructive policies by Palestinians.". .
ELCA presiding bishop calls for end to incursions onto Palestinian land, demolition of Palestinian property
. . .in expressing in the strongest possible terms our outrage over the resumption of construction of the separation wall in the Cremisan Valley in the West Bank,” wrote Eaton . . .
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - and its Stance on Israel
(2019) . . .Perpetuating Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Israelism. . .
Presbyterian voice
. . .A study conducted a decade ago by the Institute on Religion and Democracy found that 37 percent of the statements made by mainline Protestant churches on human rights abuses between 2000 and 2003 focused on Israel. No other country came in for such frequent criticism, though the US was a close second with 32%. China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia were not critiqued at all. . .
Congress to Host Anti-Israel Forum, Sparking Outrage on Hill
. . .Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about Thursday's event—which is being sponsored by a network of anti-Israel activists and boycott supporters tied to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and other Christian groups known for their anti-Israel activism—said that the event seeks to spread anti-Israel propaganda aimed at undermining the Jewish state. . .
EAPPI: The World Council of Churches’ Training Camp for Anti-Israel Advocacy
. . .In the US, EAs are selected to participate in EAPPI through EAPPI-US. In partnership with Church World Service, EAPPI-US is supported by US national churches including Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church, United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Church. . .
American Lutheran (ELCA Pastor) In Jerusalem Affirms that IDF Soldiers Are “Stormtroopers,” Backtracks
. . .It is laudable that Rev. Smith “clarified” her apparent affirmation of a description of Israeli soldiers as “stormtroopers.” It is regrettable that it took a challenge from an expert on Christian-Jewish relations to make it happen. Israeli police officers should be able to protect Jews in their homeland without being called Nazis. But that's what happened. . .
Palestinian Christian Group Asks WCC to Engage in Lawfare Against Critics
. . .For the past few decades, Palestinian Christians, particularly those located in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, have worked assiduously to encourage their co-religionists in the West to regard Israel and its supporters as enemies of peace and human rights in the Middle East. They have also worked to whitewash the impact of Islamism and jihadism on life in the region. . .
Bad Church Advice on Hamas (2023)
. . .The statements from the above cited church prelates have lamented the “violence” without strongly distinguishing between the intolerable aggressor, Hamas, and the nation state that wishes to live in peace. A terror group devoted to destruction cannot be seriously negotiated with or lived alongside. Hamas has been tolerated for newly two decades with hopes of its eventual moderation, hopes that have proved tragically vain. . .
Pastor Lauds Liberation Theology by Bashing Atonement
. . .Contextualizing his lecture, Pastor Raheb began by comparing the Jewish government to Saddam Hussein’s authoritarian dictatorship in Iraq. He accused Israel of using religious texts to secure domestic sovereignty and feign legitimacy in the international community. He then proceeded to label fellow Christians as “Zionists” who were “sent” by the Jews to defend their state under the pretext of horrifically misguided eschatology while they callously ignore the plight of the Palestinian people. . .
Local Bishop speaks on a cease-fire plea for the conflict in the Middle-East (2024)
. . .The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Bishops of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan and the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin have sent out a plea request for a cease-fire for the conflict in the Middle-East. . .
A Nasty George Floyd Take
. . .I thought I had seen it all when it comes to politicizing George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, but this is a new and particularly contemptible one: Floyd’s death was Israel’s fault. That is, according to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). . .
Evangelical Lutheran Church Blames George Floyd’s Murder on Israel
. . .Eaton joined 26 other U.S. Christian leaders in a letter to Congress asking it “to wield its power of the purse and not allow any United States funds provided to Israel until the “occupation” ended. . .
The World Council of Churches and Jew-Hate
. . .The stated goal of the EAPPI observers, according to the WCC, is to “offer protective presence and witness…monitoring and reporting human right abuses…standing with local peace and human rights groups…and advocacy (for Arab-Palestinians).” Naturally, this is a one-sided enterprise and pseudo “human rights” effort. It looks the other way on Arab-Palestinian terror, gross violations of human rights, hate propaganda, and anti-Semitism taught in Arab-Palestinian schools and mosques by the official Hamas and Palestinian Authority school systems. . .
American Palestinians open homes to PLO delegation amid threat to close US office (ELCA Pastor offers in this article spewing Palestinian propaganda)
. . .Khader El-Yateem, pastor of the Salam Arabic Lutheran Church and a Palestinian community leader in Brooklyn, made the accommodation offer to Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian delegation in the US. . .
BDS compromises Christian theology
. . .The BDS movement aims to discourage foreign investment and corporate involvement in Israel, isolate the Jewish state diplomatically, and undermine Israel’s legitimacy in the international arena. . .
Can the Lutheran Church in America Shun Its Antisemitic Roots?
. . .Rather than making belated attempts to right wrongs, the ELCA prefers to perpetuate its traditional antisemitism, hypocrisy and misguided “concern” for those whose agenda is the destruction of Israel. . .
Churches & Anti-Israel Boycotts
. . . the plain fact is BDS has not helped one Palestinian for one moment of one day. Today Palestinians are further away from statehood than they were in 2004. BDS undermines the possibility of peace, since it demands the “right of return” of Palestinian refugees—code for the destruction of the Jewish state. . .
Band-aids don’t work
. . .Unfortunately, large swathes of various Christian denominations now subscribe to campaigns for the elimination of Israel and the demonization of its Jewish citizens. . .
The Left Lines Up With the Terrorists
. . .The Presbyterian Church USA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and American Friends Service Committee also deserve to be ostracized, shunned, and boycotted for supporting BDS and therefore (indirectly) Palestinian abuse of not only Jews, but also Arab Christians, women, and LGBT people. . .
Prince Ghazi meets with Evangelical Lutheran delegation from US
. . .During the meeting, talks addressed Jordan's efforts, led by His Majesty, to protect Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and to combat any attempt to change the historical and legal status quo in the holy city. . .
The Episcopal Church joins ecumenical partners in addressing human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
. . .The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church, the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ have all previously taken similar actions. . .
More Articles About The ELCA's 2016 Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Votes/New Policies
UN Special Envoy condemns Lutheran church's demands to Israel
The Lutheran Church Attacks Israel, Again
Anti-BDS activists decry Lutherans’ ‘obsession’ with Israel (Exposing the ELCA mentioned in Jpost :)
WATCH Lutheran Church in America Stands against Israel (watch the video)
My Place at the Table
ELCA’s Detrimental Obsession with Israel
Evangelical Lutheran Church Calls to Stop U.S. Aid to Israel
Black Lives Matter and the endless war against the Jews
Luther's Anti-Semitism Back to Life
Christians, Jews Band Together to Fight BDS
The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Hal Lindsey Reports on the ELCA and their anti-Israel actions (below video - go to 8 minute mark)
More anti-Israel propaganda and advocacy from the ELCA (dated 2018 and after)
- Bishop Eaton Issues Message on the War in Gaza (2024)
- In New Letter, 140+ Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, Halt of Arms Sales to Israel (2024)
- PC(USA) Joins Faith Letter Calling on US to Hold Israel Accountable for Human Rights Violations (2024)
- (The ELCA writes) President Biden: Restore UNRWA Funding (2024)
- ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza (2024)
- Aid agencies, church leaders write to PM calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza (2023)
- Joint open letter on transfer of 155mm artillery shells to Israel (2023)
- Bishop Eaton statement concerning Jenin incursions (2023)
- "Christian" Denominations, Church-Based Groups Urge Joe Biden to Stop Military Assistance to Israel (2023)
- ELCA opposes designation of Palestinian human rights groups as terrorist organizations (2022)
- Latest ELCA Effort to Harm Israel (Sept. 2021)
- ELCA Continues Agenda Calling Jesus A Palestinian (April 2021)
- Tell Congress: The United States should not contribute to or benefit from increased militarization in the Middle East! (Nov. 2020)
- ELCA presiding bishop responds to annexation statement (June, 2020)
- Amplifying the Message in Word and Deed: Liberation not Annexation (June, 2020)
- (The ELCA and LWF Use Covid-19 to Campaign for Measures the Would Impair Israel) COVID-19: Churches in U.S. call for end to Middle East sanctions
- ELCA advocacy says, "Tell Congress: Oppose the Trump administration’s plan for the future of Palestine and Israel!" (Feb. 2020)
- Presiding bishop statement on Israeli civilian settlements (Nov. 2019)
- Presiding Bishop, faith leaders deliver letter to House members in support of Palestinian children (Nov. 2019)
- ELCA's Advocacy "Take action to voice your opposition to U.S. legitimization of Israeli settlements"
- Letter on UNRWA and bilateral funding to West Bank and Gaza (April 2019)
- Tell Congress: 70 years of suffering is enough! Stop the lethal Israeli response to Gaza protests, hold Israel accountable, and support human rights for all. (May 2018)
- Sacred ground, deadly violence: Reflections on Gaza (May 2018) Latest ELCA Effort to Harm Israel
- Latest McCollum bill attempts to regulate aid to Israel (2022)
- In New Letter, 140+ Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, Halt of Arms Sales to Israel (2024)
- PC(USA) Joins Faith Letter Calling on US to Hold Israel Accountable for Human Rights Violations (2024)
- (The ELCA writes) President Biden: Restore UNRWA Funding (2024)
- ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza (2024)
- Aid agencies, church leaders write to PM calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza (2023)
- Joint open letter on transfer of 155mm artillery shells to Israel (2023)
- Bishop Eaton statement concerning Jenin incursions (2023)
- "Christian" Denominations, Church-Based Groups Urge Joe Biden to Stop Military Assistance to Israel (2023)
- ELCA opposes designation of Palestinian human rights groups as terrorist organizations (2022)
- Latest ELCA Effort to Harm Israel (Sept. 2021)
- ELCA Continues Agenda Calling Jesus A Palestinian (April 2021)
- Tell Congress: The United States should not contribute to or benefit from increased militarization in the Middle East! (Nov. 2020)
- ELCA presiding bishop responds to annexation statement (June, 2020)
- Amplifying the Message in Word and Deed: Liberation not Annexation (June, 2020)
- (The ELCA and LWF Use Covid-19 to Campaign for Measures the Would Impair Israel) COVID-19: Churches in U.S. call for end to Middle East sanctions
- ELCA advocacy says, "Tell Congress: Oppose the Trump administration’s plan for the future of Palestine and Israel!" (Feb. 2020)
- Presiding bishop statement on Israeli civilian settlements (Nov. 2019)
- Presiding Bishop, faith leaders deliver letter to House members in support of Palestinian children (Nov. 2019)
- ELCA's Advocacy "Take action to voice your opposition to U.S. legitimization of Israeli settlements"
- Letter on UNRWA and bilateral funding to West Bank and Gaza (April 2019)
- Tell Congress: 70 years of suffering is enough! Stop the lethal Israeli response to Gaza protests, hold Israel accountable, and support human rights for all. (May 2018)
- Sacred ground, deadly violence: Reflections on Gaza (May 2018) Latest ELCA Effort to Harm Israel
- Latest McCollum bill attempts to regulate aid to Israel (2022)
Update on Human Rights screening at Portico Benefit (ELCA) (Against Israel)
. . .Portico’s approach will focus on disputed or occupied territories, including among others, those territories in the Israel/Palestine region. Portico hopes to implement human rights screening in the first half of 2019. . .
ELCA Lutherans Curse Israel
. . .This is the danger of REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY which the ELCA has embraced. . .
Church Leaders Condemn Israel, but not Syria, Showing Clear Double Standard
. . .And unlike the letter to the Obama Administration about Syria, this letter includes a long bill of particulars to support an indictment against Israel. An appendix accompanying the letter accuses Israel of killing civilians, using tear gas to “suppress political protest,” the use of white phosphorous and flechette shells against civilian targets, and of restricting Palestinian movement. . .
The ELCA View on Supporters of Israel
Christian Zionists: The Real Terrorists (ELCA is a member of NCC)
. . .The National Council of Churches (NCC), which will never specifically criticize any radical Islamist movements no matter how murderous, has found itself concerned about Christian Zionists in America. In fact, according to the NCC, Christian Zionist support for Israel is the main stumbling block to tranquility in the Middle East. . .
King Abdullah and the Lutherans
What is it about religious leaders who parachute into the Middle East, then think they can become power brokers to effect some kind of Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement? And while they are at it, trash villians like "Christian Zionists" and home-grown evangelicals? . .
ELCA Attacking Christians as Anti-Semitic
. . .The ELCA's website highlights Rev. Munib Younan's, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem, thoughts on the matter. He says, "I hereby declare that (the belief of Christians who support Israel) is not only a sick theology but it is a heresy. . ." That's not all, the Bishop goes on to say this about these Christians, ". . . they are actually anti-Semitic." This is all promoted on our ELCA's official website. . .
New LWF President
". . .And to Christian Zionists we say, you are not welcomed here. Don’t come to our country to dupe and mislead people with your money and poisoned ideology. . ."
A Spreading Sickness
. . .Joining the condemnation of Israel is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Their early January fact-finding trip compared Israel to the Nazis. President of the Lutheran World Federation, Mark Hanson, also pushed for a propaganda campaign against Christians who stand by Israel. In partnership with other liberal churches, Hanson is leading the effort to demonize Christian friends of Israel. . .
World Council of Churches Feeds the Monster
. . .The entire WCC club embraces “replacement theology”—the Methodists, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), the Anglicans (Church of England), the Presbyterian(USA) Church, United Church of Canada, United Church of Christ, and the Church of Scotland to name a handful of the most vitriolic offenders. . .
St. Olaf Students Want a Supporter of Israel Removed From a School Advisory Board - Exposed Blog
. . .“We demand the removal of Arne Christenson from the Advisory Board of The Institute for Freedom & Community. Given Mr. Christenson’s political views and values as a Christian Zionist, St. Olaf College risks his influence upon the speakers brought to the school, the educational offerings, faculty development workshops, and scholarships sanctioned by the Institute through financial means.". .