ELCA Exposed News on Transgenders and Drag Queens
Transgender pastor (ELCA) compares treatment of 'marginalized' Nashville shooter to Jesus being crucified
. . ."Some folks have tried to focus on eradicating trans people as a solution, because they have been waiting, just waiting for an opportunity such as this. They've been waiting for a reason, any reason to stoke their hatred," Louwagie said. . .
More news about this:
- Trans “preacher” comparing the crucifixion of Jesus to the Nashville shooter
- Trans-identified pastor compares the betrayal of Jesus to treatment of Nashville shooter
- A ‘transgender’ minister analogizes the Nashville shooter to Christ
- Micah Louwagie compares plight of trans community to Jesus
- Pastor claims trans community is persecuted like Jesus after shooting at Christian school
Speak and Act for Trans Lives (on ELCA website)
. . .It is clear what we believe as a church. In light of the above directives, we must advocate against: gender affirming healthcare bans, transgender athlete bans, curriculum and book bans, bathroom bans, bills disguised as parental rights efforts that jeopardize the health, safety, and humanity of LGBTQ+ young people. . .
ELCA Youth Bible Study Indoctrinates on LGBTQ+
(Aimed at your kids. On the ELCA website)
. . .The attack on the rights of trans individuals, mainly youth and young adults, is fueled by bias and misinformation. Many states have introduced bills to restrict gender-affirming medical care for youth. These laws and social commentary have real life affects for our siblings. We know what we can do to counteract this. We can believe people when they tell us who they are, standing together to make sure that all of God’s people receive the the support, encouragement and hope they need to thrive. . .
Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God's Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children (2023)
. . .The debate around transgender children rages, making it more important than ever for people of faith to understand Gods call to love and affirm young people in who God created them to be. . .
Thankful for a more trans* friendly church
. . .Actions taken by the ELCA in the past year have demonstrated that it is a church seeking to welcome the gifts of transgender people and ministry leaders. . .
Who are America’s Transgender Clergy?
. . .The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) implicitly recognized transgender persons in 2009 in their social statement on human sexuality. . .
ELCA trans bishop resigns following allegations of racism, disciplinary process
. . .Rohrer’s announcement came about the same time that ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, head of the mainline Protestant denomination, announced that a disciplinary process would be initiated against Rohrer. . .
Transgender Lutheran bishop resigns over racism allegations
. . .In a letter to the synod Saturday, Rohrer said they were resigning because of “the constant misinformation, bullying and harassment” they experienced after the synod voted to remove the pastor of Mision Latina Luterana on Dec. 12. . .
Transgender pastor claims bias, sues Lutheran denomination
. . .Rohrer accuses the denomination of discriminating against him for being transgender and deliberately misgendering him and creating a “hostile work environment.” He is seeking monetary damages. . .
‘You Touch Me and Set Me on Fire’: Student Performs in Drag in ELCA’s Luther Seminary Chapel
. . .A student at Luther Seminary in Minnesota, which is stated to be the largest seminary of the apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), recently performed in drag in the Olson Campus Center chapel as part of the annual “Lip Sync Battle” held at the location. . .
Transgender Latina makes history as Evangelical Lutheran pastor
. . .the first known transgender Latina to serve as a pastor within the 4 million-strong Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .
Boulder County Pastor Becomes Lutheran Denomination’s First Transgender Clergy Member of Color
. . .Garcia, a transgender Latina woman who turns 60 next month, at a Saturday ceremony at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church in Louisville took advantage of the ELCA’s 2009 decision to allow transgender people and people in same-sex relationships into its pastoral ranks. . .
ELCA Church Call Committee Wants to Call Trans Associate Pastor
. . .I am a transman and use he/him/his pronouns. . .(2022)
ELCA head calls for resignation of denomination's first trans-identified bishop
. . .The head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has called for the resignation of the liberal mainline denomination's first trans-identified bishop amid allegations of racism and other issues. . .
First transgender Lutheran bishop gets council backing against resignation nudge
. . .transgender bishop at the center of a racially tinged spat received the backing of the church district’s council Tuesday in the face of the denomination’s presiding bishop’s resignation demand. . .
More Information on the ELCA and Transgenders
Blogs and articles from the our blog page that deal with 'Transgender' people, issues and policies in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
My faith journey: A welcoming church for a transgender woman
(from ELCA's Living Lutheran magazine). . .I am a transgender woman. I’m also a person of faith—an active member of and leader in my ELCA congregation. I’m sure the Lord guided my journey toward becoming a woman, an activist and an author. . .
Lutheran pastor, father of 'trans kid' says 'transphobia is a sin, trans people are divine'
. . .The pastor’s wife, Jamie Bruesehoff, shared the photograph of her husband’s message on her Facebook account, with a statement declaring that “not only is transphobia a sin, but transgender people are whole and holy.” . .
Church (ELCA) Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour
. . .Party with your favorite drag queens at this Halloween fundraiser for Drag Queen Story Hour! . .
'Why can't I be a girl at school?' A Mount Horeb family's private journey becomes a public education about transgenderism
. . .“I don’t understand transgender itself, but I do have a wonderful family with a wonderful little girl who has blossomed since she acknowledged to everybody that she is a little girl,” said the Rev. Kelli Fisher of Perry Lutheran Church ELCA. . .
Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades
. . .She was prayed over and blessed by an assemblage of theologically aligned ELCA ordained ministers, rejoicing as they laid hands. . .
A Few More Queerly Lutheran Sinner/Saints
. . .weeks ago “We Talk. We Listen.” featured a post by River Needham on transgender identity and the distinct issues their community faces. We are now continuing this discussion on Christianity and queerness with a post by Rev. Megan Rohrer. . .
'A Great Celebration' for Transgender ELCA Pastor
. . .pictures contained in this Facebook post by the ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod has at least 2 other transgender persons pictured, one being ELCA pastor Megan Rohrer and the other, seminary student Nicole Garcia. Also included in the pictures are controversial ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber and ELCA bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod. . .
Transgender pastor at Colorado church is preaching from a pulpit she once would have been banned from
. . .Garcia found the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America before they decided to allow transgender people and people in same-sex relationships to become pastors. . .
ELCA Church Has Study on Merits of Transgenderism
. . .“Our transgender and Christian forum today was crowded and incredible. Lots to ponder, including the comparison between being born again and transitioning, and in general how much transition is tied into Christian faith. Amazing morning!” . .
Miami Springs Now Has Florida's First Transgender Lutheran Pastor
. . .the pastor announced to the attendees of Grace Lutheran Church in Miami Springs that she is a transgender woman. . .
Letter to the Editor: We Oppose Anti-Transgender Legislation in Idaho
. . .state legislatures across the nation are introducing a torrent of anti-transgender measures aimed at limiting the rights of transgender individuals, particularly gender-affirming care. . .
As seminaries welcome openly transgender students, church lags behind
. . .Last year, Luther Seminary invited Hartke, who has written a book on transgender Christians, to return to campus as a guest speaker in chapel. “I got to preach on the story of Jesus raising Lazarus, the idea of coming out and being unbound. And there was a really good reaction to that,”. . .
Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) Ordains Trans Pastor
Some Christians who have long been members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), have watched in horror as their denomination has fallen to the schemes of Satan. Some have left in disgust. But for others, the Left-leaning progressive theology suits them fine, as long as there’s only the fun parts of the Bible to contend with. . .
‘Trans People Are Divine’: Lutheran Pastor Says ‘Transphobia Is A Sin’ On Facebook
. . .Chris Bruesehoff can be seen inside his church holding a sign stating “Transphobia is a Sin,” while his wife captioned the post “trans people are divine.” . .
Huge Yikes! Lutheran Church Hosts Drag Queen Prayer Time For Children
. . . A drag queen took the pulpit, spoke to the congregation, then left the pulpit and invited children to sit at his feet as he read a book about joy. . .
Transgender Day of Remembrance Service held at St. James
. . ."It meant a lot to me that my congregation would help out with the service," he said. "It shows that my congregation loves me and accepts me for who God created me as.". .
An Open Letter to (ELCA) Pastor Christopher Bruesehoff
. . .In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. . .
100 Louisiana clergy call anti-transgender bill ‘cynical and frivolous’
. . .The bill prohibits transgender girls and women from competing in girl’s and women’s athletic competitions. . .
Cross Dressing for Jesus
. . .It’s hard to believe that a seminary professor can claim that cross dressing is a godly thing to do. Maybe Mr. Lose’s next article will be “Doing Heroin for the Gospel” or “Aborting Babies for the Gospel.”. .
ELCA posts list of things you should know when hosted their transgender Bishop
. . .When the Bishop is visiting your place of Worship, please provide a single stall bathroom or family restroom for the Bishop and Dominique. As many places of worship may not have these accommodations permanently built, we recommend putting an “all gender” sign up one of the bathroom signs to create an inclusive space during the Bishop’s visit. . .
Press Release: Bishop Rohrer Travel to South Dakota
. . .Bishop Rohrer will preach at the Augustana's Chapel of Reconciliation service, then spend the afternoon speaking with undergraduate religion classes and meeting with the university's Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) group. Wednesday will include time speaking with introductory religion classes at Augustana, before spending the afternoon with Bishop Constanze Hagmaier, Bishop of the South Dakota Synod. . .
Some Christian leaders say it's an 'abomination' to use the Bible to cause harm with anti-trans laws
. . ."The language in many of these bills attacks the humanity of trans and nonbinary people, often erasing the dignity that should be afforded to everyone," Eaton said. . .
My Gender, So Far… – Rev. Andrew Tobias Nelson - (ELCA Seminary Publicizing Transgenderism)
. . .from the halls of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago to Holden Village to his call in New York state, Andrew is extravagant with his energy, sincerity, and enormous heart. Since coming out as trans a little over one year ago – barely one year into his first call – Andrew has spoken openly and playfully about everything that he’s been going through. . .
Are Trans Non-Binary Clergy The Church’s Future?
. . .Everything was about advanced cultural progressivism (what we now call wokeism), but nobody had the slightest interest in class, except to think of him as problematic for not speaking their language. If his description of his ELCA seminary is accurate, then a church that is producing seminary graduates that are radically alienated in their beliefs, language, and habits of mind from the people they will be ordained to serve is not a church with a future. . .
N.C. Synod of Lutherans calls for repeal of House Bill 2
. . .Representing more than 200 Lutheran churches in the state, the N.C. synod meeting in Charlotte passed a resolution that also said HB2 discriminates against the LGBT community. . .
ELCA Pastor Raising His Son as a Transgender Girl
. . .My husband, Rev. Christopher Bruesehoff, was one of nearly 2,000 faith leaders to sign an amicus brief supporting Gavin Grimm and the rights of all transgender students, standing in solidarity with the trans community. . .
Pastor and Wife Allowed Transgender Child to Transition at Age 2: 'It's Who God Created Her to Be'
. . .Chris Bruesehoff, a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and his wife Jamie recently told The Daily Mail that their son, Ben, is now their daughter, Rebekah. Now 10, Rebekah has been transitioning from a male to female since the age of two. . .
Pastor and Wife Let Son Identify as Girl Since Age 2, Prepping Him for Puberty Blockers
. . .They could have concluded that their son’s suffering was the sign of a psychological problem. Instead, the pastor and his wife have embraced his gender confusion. Their church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), which embraces homosexual behavior. . .
Pastor’s Wife Celebrates Transgender Child’s Puberty Blockers, Paid by Church Insurance
. . .Jamie then goes on to explain how the costs were covered: “and I’m extra thankful and proud to say that the insurance covering this procedure for my transgender daughter is provided to my husband through his employer… the church.” . .
‘Openly Queer’ Pastor’s Wife Celebrates Transgender Daughter’s Puberty Blockers
. . .After years of watching the transgender movement advance, Van Meter has concluded transgender activists want to keep buried the serious mental health issues within their community and have even influenced 18 state legislatures to pass laws making it illegal for therapists to explore with their child patients the reasons why they may be uncomfortable with their biological sex. . .
(ELCA) Minister’s Wife Celebrates Trans Child, 12, Getting Puberty-Blocking Implant, Making PEOPLE Magazine
. . .Bruesehoff closed out the post by bashing President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers for seemingly preventing and trying to prevent transgender procedures on minors, which she claims is tantamount to stopping “life-saving care.” . .
Church Drag Queen Bingo. A Tweet by Another Keynote Speaker at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering
Children at this church, the church of vastly popular Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastor/author Nadia Bolz-Weber, celebrate the season with a Drag Queen. What a wicked world and denomination. . .
Drag Performance in Luther Seminary's Chapel
Suggestive song and dance by man dressed as a woman is indicative of what is happening and being taught at this ELCA seminary.
'Drag Me to Church'? South Carolina Church Sponsors Drag Queen Event with a 'Unique Style of Worship'
. . .The announcement says the drag show is "about church, faith and God's inclusive love." . .
ELCA College Holds Annual Drag Show
. . ."The show brings in professional drag queens and kings from around the state of Iowa and also features students, faculty, and staff performers.". .
ELCA Pastor Doesn't Like Transgender Bill that Tells People to Use Bathroom of Their Biological Sex - (Scroll Down to "The Most Important Religious Virtue" - Also read the comment section)
. . .The ridiculousness of this bill is beyond comprehension for a party that claims to want to keep government out of the lives of individuals. . .
A conversation with Vica-Etta Henrietta Steel: Celebrating Pride Month and LGBTQIA+ Lutherans (2024)
. . .Loving God, our mother, I pray for love, for defiant love, for love that does not demand, for love that will not be stopped. I pray for love that is not sensible. Love that stays up for hours, talking and listening and being and truly hearing. Love that is so queer in all the gender-ful queerness of God. . .
Transgender pastor makes history as he's ordained in Lutheran church (2022)
. . .Jonah Davis, 37, in a white robe, was surrounded Sunday by pastors holding pride flags or wearing pride colors on their stoles as they walked into the sanctuary. . .
Soldotna church to host LGBTQ story time for kids, after library drag show cancelled
. . .The parish is part of the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which is considered a strong ally of radical LGBTQ activist groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, because it promotes LGBTQ youth summer camps and sex education that affirms LGBTQ sexuality. ELCA churches also ordain LGBTQ clergy and celebrate gay “marriages.” . .
ELCA church has "Transition Closet" and CA Public School Bypasses Parents with 'Transition Closet' for Teens Who Want to Cross-Dress in Class - two links
. . .The Transition Closet is a free closet for people going through all types of transitions. We try to offer all sizes of masculine, feminine, and gender neutral clothing. . .
Is This Still Christianity?
. . .At what point, though, does a religious expression cease to be Christian altogether? Consider the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” Communion service at the ELCA’s Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, on November 15. . .
A House for Fruitbombs and Saints
. . .His partner is a hair stylist who moonlights as the drag queen Fruitbomb...
One of Fruitbomb’s performances, a lip-sync of Radiohead’s “No Surprises” – in which the drag queen enacts staged abortions. . .
One of Fruitbomb’s performances, a lip-sync of Radiohead’s “No Surprises” – in which the drag queen enacts staged abortions. . .
Perspective: Pronouns and abundant life
(from the ELCA's online magazine) . . .Many congregations looking to embody an evangelizing celebration of their LGBTQIA+ leaders, members, visitors and neighbors more actively have more actively turned their attention to pronouns. . .
6th Annual Wartburg College Drag Show
. . .ELCA affiliated Wartburg college in Waverly, Iowa is at it again. The 6th Annual Drag Show will be held on Saturday, March 26 Neumann Auditorium. (see here) "This year's theme is 'We Are Who We Are', celebrating everyone being themselves and enjoying life to the fullest!" . .
Drag Shows at Lutheran College
. . .students at Thiel College recently had their chance to participate in the ever-popular drag show during Thiel College’s gay “pride week.” Thiel College, an ELCA school, promoted the drag show, along with other pride week activities, on their Facebook page. . .
Nadia's Church and a Drag Queen
Is that what the ELCA has become? The church of Nadia Bolz-Weber, the most beloved pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has an "Epiphany Pageant & Wizards Ball" that is hosted by a drag queen? . .
Transgender Passé, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy
. . .An increasing number of individuals who identify as “gender non-binary” have emerged among the clerical ranks in mainline Protestant denominations. . .
Drag Me to Church Video
First openly transgender Lutheran bishop to visit Nevada congregations
. . .they. . .
AT THE CAPITOL: Faith leaders rally against transgender bathroom bills
. . .gathered on the Capitol steps Tuesday morning to denounce the transgender bathroom bills as attacks by radical religious politicians, blasphemous and a manifestation of hatred. . .
Lutheran Church Hosts Drag Queen Sunday Service to ‘Reflect on Joy’
Outrage: Drag Queen gives sermon to children at Chicago Lutheran church. . .A seminarian at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago led children in a service last Sunday dressed in drag “to reflect on a joy that overflows so abundantly,” the church announced on Facebook. . .
Additional news articles about this:
- 'Disturbing': Church Hosts 'Drag Queen Prayer Time' For Kids During Sunday Service
- Outrage: Drag Queen gives sermon to children at Chicago Lutheran church
- Lutheran pastor dresses in drag to lead worship service with children
- Lutheran church offers drag queen prayer time to children
- Lutheran Church in Chicago Hosts Drag Queen Prayer for Children – Video
A weight lifted, a leader realized (current issue of ELCA magazine highlights transgender)
. . ., in a church filled with family, friends and more than 30 of my colleagues, I was ordained to the ministry of word and sacrament. . .
Transgender man brings his story to Carlisle church
. . .His goal is to educate others about the transgender experience. . .
First openly transgender pastor called to guide Lutheran church in North Dakota
. . .Louwagie was chosen to serve St. Mark's in a unanimous congregational vote, making him the first openly transgender pastor of a North Dakota parish that's part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .
The ELCA Lutheran Church Dies, Generations Radio
. . .THE ELCA puts an 11-year-old transgendered boy in front of 31,000 Lutheran youth, to explain how the church is a place where everybody can be themselves. That’s a dead church, but what does an alive church look like? What does life look like in a dead world? We analyze a hyper liberal ELCA sermon and find some comparisons with dying conservative churches. What do the dead and dying conservative churches have in common with the dead liberal churches? . .
Coming Out in Religion: Trans Lutheran Shares 'God's Exuberant Love'
. . .Leo Bancroft belongs to one of the most accepting mainline Christian denominations, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .
Two ELCA related articles on Transgender Day - here and here
. . .This was the second vigil held at the church. Last year, Jon Rundquist, a trans-identifying seminary student with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, approached Fiscus about having an ecumenical service in honor of the day. . .
‘The church was where I was meant to be’
. . .She felt called to church work early on, but the church was a difficult place for her to be; Breddin was assigned male at birth and lived in that identity for much of her life. She is transgender. . .
Lutheran LGBT ministry suspends ELCA's first trans-identified bishop over alleged 'racist' actions
. . .the ELM board claimed that Rohrer was suspended due to “an existing pattern of behavior” that put the bishop at odds with “ELM’s Mission, Vision, and Values … specifically as it pertains to being an anti-racist organization.” . .
Drag by candlelight: Atlanta church’s Pride celebration overcomes power outage
The lights went out at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Sunday night, just minutes before the Drag Me to Church event, featuring performances by nine local drag queens and co-hosted by the Atlanta Pride Committee. . .
House for All Sinners and Saints Hosts the First Epiphany Pageant and Three Wizards Ball (ELCA church)
Denver's alternative church House for All Sinners and Saints feted Epiphany with an all-ages Christmas pageant, costume ball and rockin' rave . . .
‘Fresno’s Drag Festival: This Is Me!’ Set for Saturday (at an ELCA church)
. . .Saturday’s event, which is family-friendly, will have food vendors, a local fashion designer, and a runway show, according to the Facebook page. . .
ELCA College Course Concludes with Professor and Students Drag Show
. . .Muhlenberg College posted article entitled, “This class is a drag — and students love it,” it says this about the course, “The students in ‘Of Kings and Queens’ have spent the first three-quarters of the semester reading, writing and analyzing, discussing the politics of gender and sexuality, and coming to understand drag as a cultural phenomenon. . .
ELCA Seminary Professor Prays to Mary: More Teachings From Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney
. . .Rev. Dr. Gafney calls herself a “drag-inspired theological dominatrix.” (see here) And in a sermon given at her seminary chapel she declared, “I love drag queens. I love the way they make me think about gender, its construction and its performance. Drag queens like RuPaul, Sharon Needles and Latrice Royale are some of my favorite critical gender theorists and theologians.”. .
DC’s Iconic Lutheran Church of the Reformation Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship
. . .According to a source on social media, the children were seen gathered around in a circle around a drag queen who was presenting to them. . .
Promoting Sin in the ELCA
. . .Grace Lutheran representatives - men in skirts.
- Grace Lutheran pastor and men in skirts.
- Grace Lutheran participant in drag. . .
- Grace Lutheran pastor and men in skirts.
- Grace Lutheran participant in drag. . .
National transgender speaker tours Capital City
. . .Ellie will give second Human is Human presentation at Fellowship Hall of St. Stephen Lutheran Church at 2198 N. Meridian Road. . .
Somewhere Between Broken and Empty (by non-binary ELCA pastor)
(this non-binary ELCA pastor is an advocate in the ELCA. And received votes to be the synod bishop.) . . .a resolution I submitted demanded the removal of binary gender requirements for Synod events and committees. . .
More Information on the ELCA and Transgenderism
Articles from Exposing the ELCA's blog on the ELCA and transgenderism.
Words of Martin Luther - Living as Husband and Wife
In the first part we shall consider which persons may enter into marriage with one another. In order to proceed aright let us direct our attention to Genesis 1 [:27], “So God created man . . . male and female he created them.” From this passage we may be assured that God divided mankind into two classes, namely, male and female, or a he and a she. This was so pleasing to him that he himself called it a good creation [Gen. 1:31]. Therefore, each one of us must have the kind of body God has created for us. I cannot make myself a woman, nor can you make yourself a man; we do not have that power. But we are exactly as he created us: I a man and you a woman. Moreover, he wills to have his excellent handiwork honored as his divine creation, and not despised. The man is not to despise or scoff at the woman or her body, nor the woman the man. But each should honor the other’s image and body as a divine and good creation that is well‑pleasing unto God himself.