Quotes Exposing the ELCA
"The ELCA isn’t just trying to preach the old gospel with a new bishop. It’s a new religion...It’s a new religion that is trying to inhabit the space of traditional Christianity, trying to claim the titles, to claim ownership of the buildings, and to take ownership of the institutions while representing a religion that is at virtually every point contradictory to biblical Christianity,...The gospel of Jesus Christ in biblical terms is left far behind."
"When I speak of the gospel, I’m speaking of the good news that God saves sinners through the atonement accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ, this comes to those who repent. That’s a very different message than what is being preached by the ELCA," By redefining sin the denomination "redefines the saving work of Christ." - Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. "It is my prayer, and it should also be our prayer, that every single ELCA member may decide to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. It is my prayer, and it should also be our prayer, that every single ELCA member would protest the 2009 CWA decision -and would decide to uphold the Scriptures as the infallible rule of faith and conduct." - Pastor Eddy F. Perez
"Basically, the ELCA has moved down the road to rejecting Holy Scripture. The ELCA is becoming a social club instead of a church." - Rev. Iovine, St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church (The bone of contention is not) "strictly about sexuality, but a fundamental view of Scripture. Either the Bible is the final authority or it is not." - Rev. Walter Kallestad, senior pastor of Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Ariz |
"We censure the doctrines of men not because men have spoken them, but because they are lies and blasphemies against Scriptures. And the Scriptures, although they too are written by men, are neither of men nor from men but from God. Now since Scriptures and the doctrines of men are contrary one to the other, the one must lie and the other be true" – Martin Luther (LW 35: 153).
I’m not a Lutheran, but it grieves me to see any church taking steps that are against the teachings of the Word of God. The Evangelical Lutheran Church installed their first transgender bishop in San Francisco this week. The media says that this bishop is a biological female, has a wife and children, and wants to be referred to using the pronouns they or he. The bishop was one of seven LGBTQ pastors accepted by the progressive Evangelical Lutheran Church in 2010 after it first allowed ordination of pastors in same-sex relationships. I would say there are many Lutherans who are greatly disappointed in this direction. This is rebellion against God and His Word and His standards—it is sin. God created us and loves us and defines what sin is, not us. The Bible says, “He created them male and female...” (Genesis 5:2). Pray that this denomination will turn back to faithfulness to God’s Word. - Franklin Graham.
When asked, “are you leaving or are you staying?” leaders and members should simply reply WE ARE STANDING on the authority of Scripture. - Pastor Bill Bohline, Hosanna Lutheran Lakeville, MN (pdf)
"It is impossible to imagine ... how [Martin Luther] would have reacted to a church endorsing homosexual practices. It's off the charts." - Robert Gagnon, New Testament scholar at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
"It bothers me when our church sends in premium payments for health benefits for church employees, knowing that part of that is going to pay for somebody's elective abortion. To me that's reason enough to leave right there, no matter what happens down in Orlando in August." - Pastor Tim White, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
I’m not a Lutheran, but it grieves me to see any church taking steps that are against the teachings of the Word of God. The Evangelical Lutheran Church installed their first transgender bishop in San Francisco this week. The media says that this bishop is a biological female, has a wife and children, and wants to be referred to using the pronouns they or he. The bishop was one of seven LGBTQ pastors accepted by the progressive Evangelical Lutheran Church in 2010 after it first allowed ordination of pastors in same-sex relationships. I would say there are many Lutherans who are greatly disappointed in this direction. This is rebellion against God and His Word and His standards—it is sin. God created us and loves us and defines what sin is, not us. The Bible says, “He created them male and female...” (Genesis 5:2). Pray that this denomination will turn back to faithfulness to God’s Word. - Franklin Graham.
When asked, “are you leaving or are you staying?” leaders and members should simply reply WE ARE STANDING on the authority of Scripture. - Pastor Bill Bohline, Hosanna Lutheran Lakeville, MN (pdf)
"It is impossible to imagine ... how [Martin Luther] would have reacted to a church endorsing homosexual practices. It's off the charts." - Robert Gagnon, New Testament scholar at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
"It bothers me when our church sends in premium payments for health benefits for church employees, knowing that part of that is going to pay for somebody's elective abortion. To me that's reason enough to leave right there, no matter what happens down in Orlando in August." - Pastor Tim White, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Radio host, Rev. Todd Wilken: “Is apostasy too strong a word to describe what we’ve watched over the last — better part — of the decade that culminates this afternoon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America?”
Rev. Harrison: “No, it is apostasy. There’s no way around it. It gives me great pain to say that, but there’s no other word for it.” - Rev. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The topic was the ELCA’s 2009 decisions on approving homosexuality. (listen here at the 9:16 mark)
Rev. Harrison: “No, it is apostasy. There’s no way around it. It gives me great pain to say that, but there’s no other word for it.” - Rev. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The topic was the ELCA’s 2009 decisions on approving homosexuality. (listen here at the 9:16 mark)
"ELCT has refused to recognize the decision to allow same-sex marriages because it is against the Holy Bible. It is in direct contravention of God's word, which has not changed . . .It's time Africa preached to the rest of the world and remind them of God's word because it seems they have forgotten what the Bible says. . . We should be independent so that they don't use their money and wealth to threaten us … we should leave them with their money and stick to the word of God. . . We strongly affirm our decision taken in Lund in 2007 that 'marriage is holy, ordained by God and is a relationship between a man and woman.' Therefore, the majority of African member churches say "NO" to homosexual acts and regard it to be sinful. . . Further to this affirmation of our position on this matter, we are extremely disturbed and deeply regret the recent developments taking place in some member churches of the communion who have taken unilateral decision on same-sex marriages, disregarding the strong sentiments expressed by other members of the communion. This unilateral action has negatively impacted our life together as a communion, something which could have been avoided." - Rev. Alex G. Malasusa, ELCT presiding bishop
“Then comes the devil, inciting and provoking in all directions, but especially agitating matters that concern both the conscience and spiritual affairs, namely, to induce us to despise and disregard both the Word and works of God to tear us away from faith, hope, love and bring us into misbelief, false security, and obduracy, or, on the other hand, to despair, denial of God, blasphemy, and innumerable other shocking things. These are indeed snares and nets, yea, real fiery darts which are shot most venomously into the heart, not by flesh and blood, but by the devil.” - Martin Luther (in his Large Catechism teaching regarding the Sixth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer)
“Doctrine directs us and shows us the way to heaven…we can be saved without love….but not without pure doctrine….The devil would dearly love to corrupt and overthrow our doctrine; that is why he attacks us so cleverly with this specious argument about not offending love and the harmony among churches.” - Martin Luther (Luther’s Works 27:41-42)
“In fact, when the issue of marriage and sexual boundaries was brought to Jesus, he affirmed the Old Testament law established by God at the creation of the first human beings when he said, ‘Haven’t you read the Scriptures? They record that from the beginning “God made them male and female and this explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united as one.”’ Clearly, then, here we have a mandate from God, established at the beginning of creation, affirmed by Jesus in the Gospels, and Paul in the epistles: God created the gift of sex to be shared within the boundaries of a marriage between a man and woman. . .
Repentant sinners acknowledge their sinful behavior, seek forgiveness, and do not claim by words or actions that their behavior is God blessed and therefore something that should continue. On the other hand, pastors involved in same gender sexual relationships are involved in ongoing, and therefore unrepentant, sin,” he said. “By words or actions, they embrace their sinful behavior and claim to know better than God when it comes to defining sexual boundaries. At that point, they are no longer qualified to serve as pastors.” - Rev. Mike Housholder, senior pastor at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines
"When a church that uses the name “Lutheran” can not even get the Great Commission right, this is an important opportunity truly to consider just where the theological direction the ELCA has headed ultimately leads." - Rev. Paul T. McCain, Publisher at Concordia Publishing House and also Executive Director of the Editorial Division
The great difference between doctrine and life is obvious, even as the difference between heaven and earth. Life may be unclean, sinful, and inconsistent; but doctrine must be pure, holy, sound, unchanging ... not a tittle or letter may be omitted, however much life may fail to meet the requirements of doctrine. This is so because doctrine is God's Word, and God's truth alone, whereas life is partly our own doing.... God will have patience with man's moral failings and imperfections and forgive them. But He cannot, will not, and shall not tolerate a man's altering or abolishing doctrine itself. For doctrine involves His exalted, divine Majesty itself. In the sphere of doctrine, therefore, forgiveness and patience are out of order. - Martin Luther (What Luther Says: A Practical In-Home Anthology for the Active Christian, comp. Ewald M. Plass, {St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1994}, 417.)
"The fact that human beings, representing the church of God, in 2009 can be so gullible, as to swallow this nonsense that has only been invented in the last 20 years by the gay lobby, in order to torture the people of faith. In order to take over the denominations. They said they were going to do this. They said they were going to rewrite scripture. And they said they were going to take over the institutions. They are doing it. Only because the alleged people of God are stupid and gullible." - Jan Mickelson, radio host, WHO (Audio)
"I conclude that there is no evidence based on the text of Scripture which permits or mandates the change as stated in the new policy adopted at the assembly. The action rather was unconstitutional and violated a part of the Confession of Faith. On that basis, the appropriate question is whether the ELCA is still without question a faithful and confessing church. I conclude that the ELCA has placed itself in a precarious position. Can I recognize my membership as authentic and God-serving in the fullest and truest sense?" - Dr. James R. Crumley, Jr.
"To dismiss the passages of the Bible concerning homosexuality as irrelevant is beyond my understanding and appears to me to negate the authority of the Scriptures."
- Dr. James R. Crumley, Jr.
"Since ELCA formed in 1988, the total amount of international missionaries decreased by 62 percent, but staff for ministries increased by 16 percent. " Adjusted to inflation, money sent to global missions has fallen by 52 percent," - Violet Nelson, Singsaas Lutheran Church Secretary
“It is the duty both of preachers and of hearers first of all and above all things to see to it that they have a clear and sure evidence that their doctrine is really the true word of God, revealed from heaven to the holy, original fathers, the prophets and apostles, and confirmed and commanded to be taught by Christ Himself. For we should by no means ever let doctrine be manhandled according to the pleasure and fancy of the individual who adapts it to human reason and understanding. Nor should we let men toy with Scripture, juggle the Word of God, and make it submit to being explained, twisted, stretched, and revised to suit people or to achieve peace and union; for then there could be no secure or stable foundation on which consciences might rely.” - Martin Luther (What Luther Says, Vol. III, par. 4770, p. 1475 and Words From Luther, Absolute Loyalty to the Word [From a sermon on 1 Peter 4]).
. . .Those who are sitting in the ELCA church, waiting it out and hoping that things will change, while staying silent must come out, taking a stand for all that the Bible teaches. What we communicate when we remain a part of an apostate church is that we do not take the Bible seriously, and that we do not fear God. While unity in the Body of Christ is important, it is equally important that we are unified in truth. . . - Juan Chisham
"God wants our conscience to be certain and sure that it is pleasing to Him. This cannot be done if the conscience is led by its own feelings, but only if it relies on the Word of God." - Martin Luther
"The world maintains, as do many people who do not understand,
that we should not fight so hard about an article and thus trample on Christian love; rather, although we disagree on one small point, if we agree on everything else, we should give in and overlook the difference in order to preserve brotherly and Christian unity and fellowship.
No, my dear man, do not commend peace and unity to me when thereby God's Word is lost...The Word was given unto us for eternal life and not to further outward peace and harmony... Therefore, do not talk to me about love and friendship if that means breaking with the Word or the faith, for the Gospel does not say love brings eternal life, God's grace, and all heavenly treasures, but instead 'the Word'" - Luther’s comments on 2 Cor 13:8; WA 34/II:387
"Anywhere there is an inconsistency between biblical teaching and church belief/practice, it is the church that must change, not the biblical teaching. This is the case in the ELCA today. There is now a gap between the consistent teaching of Scripture, and the voted on belief/practice of the ELCA in regard to human sexuality. One conviction I have is that the church can vote on anything that God has not already voted on. If God has already voted, we have no business voting." - Rev. Nathan Hoff
". . .the heinous conduct of the people of Sodom ” as “extraordinary, inasmuch as they departed from the natural passion and longing of the male for the female, which is implanted into nature by God, and desired what is altogether contrary to nature. Whence comes this perversity? Undoubtedly from Satan, who after people have once turned away from the fear of God, so powerfully suppresses nature that he blots out the natural desire and stirs up a desire that is contrary to nature." - Martin Luther (Luther’s Works, Vol. 3, 255)
"How sad that the ELCA no longer affirms the timeless Christian understanding of marriage. Instead it is touting secular psycho-babble about "fulfilling" and "nurturing" relationships. How will the church's young people interpret this tacit approval of at least some non-marital sex?
"In embracing moral relativism, the ELCA assembly has disregarded the Bible, the views of its own members, and the pleas of Lutherans in Africa and Asia. It has left the mainstream of U.S. and global Christianity, instead following other shrinking denominations like the Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ towards internal division, accelerating membership loss, and cultural irrelevance." - The Institute on Religion and Democracy President Mark Tooley
"In the arrogance of our soul, it's presumption to think that we in the 21st century can see Jesus more clearly than the apostles did in the 1st." - Pastor Larry DeBruyn
False teachings are always around us. Our task is to make certain they do not take hold among us. - Albert Mohler
A rejection of the Bible's authority on an issue such as homosexuality is a theological problem - not merely a moral controversy. No church can remain divided on this question, and no faithful believer should remain in a church that refuses to be bound to God's Word. - Albert Mohler - (Should I Stay or Should I Go? September 2009, Tabletalk, p. 21)
"ELCT has refused to recognize the decision to allow same-sex marriages because it is against the Holy Bible. It is in direct contravention of God's word, which has not changed . . .It's time Africa preached to the rest of the world and remind them of God's word because it seems they have forgotten what the Bible says. . . We should be independent so that they don't use their money and wealth to threaten us … we should leave them with their money and stick to the word of God. . . We strongly affirm our decision taken in Lund in 2007 that 'marriage is holy, ordained by God and is a relationship between a man and woman.' Therefore, the majority of African member churches say "NO" to homosexual acts and regard it to be sinful. . . Further to this affirmation of our position on this matter, we are extremely disturbed and deeply regret the recent developments taking place in some member churches of the communion who have taken unilateral decision on same-sex marriages, disregarding the strong sentiments expressed by other members of the communion. This unilateral action has negatively impacted our life together as a communion, something which could have been avoided." - Rev. Alex G. Malasusa, ELCT presiding bishop (Tanzania)
"For people here it was a matter of biblical authority and interpretation of the Bible as God’s word . . . The growing liberalism in the ELCA is ultimately a deal breaker." - Rev. Tim Hauge
"Just a reminder that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is already in full communion with another body that has congregations with dual membership in the Unitarian-Universalist Association." - Rev. Wayne Kofink
“Liturgical changes will be the window through which the wolf will enter the evangelical fold.” - Matthias Flacius (sixteenth-century reformer)
“Over against all the statements of the fathers and of all men, yes, over against words of angels and devils, I place the scriptures”
- Martin Luther - A review of Luther and the Bible, by Willem Jan Kooiman, translated by John Schmidt (Muhlenberg Press. 1961 p. 80)
“I have learned to ascribe the honor of infallibility only to those books that are accepted as canonical. I am profoundly convinced that none of these writers have erred” - Martin Luther - A review of Luther and the Bible, by Willem Jan Kooiman, translated by John Schmidt (Muhlenberg Press. 1961 p. 78)
"Like the ancient Gnostics, ELCA leaders sneer at the idea that we can look to a book as our authority—especially a book written by Jews. Antinomianism and anti-Semitism are always found together, said (Carl) Braaten." (read here)
". . . Here then we have these two, the faith and the Gospel, that these and nothing else are to be preached throughout Christendom. Let us now see who are to be the preachers and who the learners. The preachers are to be angels, that is, God's messengers, who are to lead a heavenly life, are to be constantly engaged with God's Word that they under no circumstances preach the doctrines of men. It is a most incongruous thing thing to be God's messenger and not to further God's message. Angelus means a messenger, and Luke calls him God's messenger (Angelus Domini). The message also is of more importance than the messenger's life. If he leads a wicked life, he only injures himself, but if he brings a false message in the place of God's message, he leads astray and injures every one that hears him, and causes idolatry among the people in that they accept lies for the truth, honor men instead of God. . . "
"There is no more terrible plague, misfortune or cause for distress upon earth than a preacher who does not preach God's Word; of whom, alas, the world today is full, and yet they think they are pious and do good when indeed their whole work is nothing but murdering souls, blaspheming God and setting up idolatry, so that it would be much better for them if they were robbers, murderers, and the worst scoundrels, for then they would know that they are doing wickedly. But now they go along under spiritual names and show . . . and are at the same time ravening wolves in sheeps' clothing, and it would be well if no one ever heard their preaching." - Christmas Day Sermon [Sermons of Martin Luther, Volume 1: Sermons on Gospel Texts for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany]
We find it very sad that the ELCA, with such a large worldwide presence, a presence that could have and should have stood for what is true, proper and chaste, a force that could have stood firm for Biblical truths, guarding and guiding the flock entrusted into their care has turned their denomination into a mockery and a sham, now being nothing more than whitewashed graves- pure on the outside, but inside full of dead men's bones. It would be more fitting if the ELCA stood for The Evangelical Liberal Church in America and dropped the name Lutheran, which the ELCA is no longer, in the eyes of this Lutheran ecclesiastical body. . . - Whereas, the worldly attacks against sound Biblical Doctrines, and Christianity in general is so intense today, even destroying whole denominations and ripping apart the church at its very core, the world must not succeed in its attack against Biblical Doctrines, and the Church MUST remain firm against all attempts by Satan and his minions to mislead even the elect. The ELCA has again, failed miserably in guarding the flock entrusted into her care by so blatantly ignoring the sound principles as laid out in Scripture. - The Council of Bishops, Administration, Executive Officers and laity of The Lutheran Orthodox Church incorporated.
"If (Jesus) had called God ‘the Mother’ or ‘the Great Spirit’ or any number of other things, we would no doubt be obligated to that. But he didn’t...." - Gerhard O. Forde, “Naming the One Who is Above Us”
"If a church were to let itself be pushed to the point where it ceased to treat homosexual activity as a departure from the biblical norm, and recognized homosexual unions as a personal partnership of love equivalent to marriage, such a church would stand no longer on biblical ground but against the unequivocal witness of Scripture. A church that took this step would cease to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church." - Wolfhart Pannenberg
"The ELCA wants to respect the 'bound consciences' of both sides in this debate, but in our opinion it cannot do this without having a different understanding of the authority of Scripture than that held by the LCMS. The Missouri Synod regards consciences bound to positions that contradict the simple and plain meaning of Scripture as erring consciences in need of confession and absolution." - Rev. Samuel H. Nafzger
[W]herever there is a Christian congregation in possession of the gospel, it not only has the right and power but also the duty—on pain of losing the salvation of its souls and in accordance with the promise made to Christ in baptism—to avoid, to flee, to depose and to withdraw from the authority that our bishops, abbots, monasteries, religious foundations, and the like are now exercising. For it is clearly evident that they teach and rule contrary to God and his word. - Martin Luther (LW 39, 308)
"In our own country, we have seen the devastating consequences of this compromising view of Lutheranism in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It is in full communion fellowship with the most notoriously liberal of one of the most outrageously liberal protestant churches in the world, the United Church of Christ. The UCC does not even insist that its member pastors confess their believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity! And, most recently, we have witnessed the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America scuttling even the most basic Biblical teaching concerning human sexuality, gender, family, and marriage, all in the name of love, understanding and progress, so-called. Lord, have mercy!" - Rev. Paul T. McCain
". . .(I)t's actually those that are tolerating the serial, unrepentant, sexual immorality, that are consigning the individual to hell." - Dr. Robert Gagnon
"(S)ervice without the Word is ambiguous, just as the Word without service is misleading. In mission, service and Word are inseparable. Only then is relationship real and full." - Paul Martinson
"But to return to our point: They must themselves admit, whether they like it or not, that the church of Christ neither lies nor deceives... Therefore the holy church cannot and may not lie or suffer false doctrine, but must teach nothing except what is holy and true, that is, God's word alone; and where it teaches a lie it is idolatrous and the whore-church of the devil" – Martin Luther (LW 41:214).
"My belief is that homosexuality is wrong. It is especially wrong if Churches support gay clergy in the pulpit. This would be a sign of apostasy which Paul warns against. If we accept homosexuality in the Church, we would be in open rebellion against God and His Word. If so, it is not prudent and it is not biblical for us to be in fellowship with these groups." - Bishop W. H. Nicholson - Anchorage Moravian Church
If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself. - Augustine
If the devil were wise enough and would stand by in silence and let the Gospel be preached, he would suffer less harm. For when there is no battle for the Gospel it rusts and it finds no cause and no occasion to show its vigor and power. Therefore, nothing better can befall the Gospel than that the world should fight it with force and cunning. - Martin Luther
"As a former ELCA pastor I can tell you that you can believe anything and still be an ELCA pastor in good standing." Pr. William P. Terjesen
"We can't decide what is sin and what isn't sin. When the church can vote sin out, then Christ died for nothing. . .If you're relying on a council of bishops to tell you that you're not sinful anymore, rather than relying on Christ, you're not a Christian church anymore. If I said lying or stealing was no longer a sin, that raises huge red flags. Where's the authority of Scripture? What did Christ die for if we can just declare that we're no longer sinful?" - Pr. Sean Tyler
Here lies the boundary of a Christian church that knows itself to be bound by the authority of Scripture. Those who urge the church to change the norm of its teaching on this matter must know that they are promoting schism. If a church were to let itself be pushed to the point where it ceased to treat homosexual activity as a departure from the biblical norm, and recognized homosexual unions as a personal partnership of love equivalent to marriage, such a church would stand no longer on biblical ground but against the unequivocal witness of Scripture. A church that took this step would cease to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. - Wolfhart Pannenberg
"We have the Bible and all of the Bible. We are accountable to it all, and it is all true, trustworthy, authoritative, sufficient, and, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, clear in its message." - Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
When a denomination makes sin and apostasy part of its official doctrine and practice, Christians have an obligation to oppose it and, where necessary, depart from it. - Rev David R. Barnhart
"Gradually, Bible schools and seminaries filled with unscrupulous -- and unsaved -- individuals, denigrated the Scriptures, mocked the supernatural, and attempted to instill doubt and not faith in all who dared enter their classrooms. The creeds, which the Apostles and countless believers throughout the church age had given their lives for, were unceremoniously ridiculed.
As the Bible was denounced, denial became the norm and heresy replaced truth as liberalism appealed to the flesh and corrupted all who embraced it. Within a relatively short period of time ideals, science, and human reasoning systematically replaced the Bible and began to poison the minds of future ministers, teachers, and countless lay people. All of this took place but not without a formidable fight." - Eric Barger
“The Bible is unambiguous on the subject of homosexuality. . .It doesn’t take a skilled theologian to understand what the Bible is saying: It’s a sin. It’s forgivable, but it’s a sin.” - Rev. Keith Nash
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"As I ponder this divisive issue, there are certain things I ask myself. Do I believe in Jesus Christ as the only son of God and whose authority has dominion over all the earth? Do I believe that the blood Jesus shed was for my redemption and a promise of everlasting life? If I believe these things, how is it that I believe? The answer is first in the Word of God, that is the Holy Bible. In Luther’s writings the Bible is referenced as the final authority, not to be interpreted by man to meet personal agendas. The answers also come in my personal relationship with Christ. The key word in the above sentence is personal. That personal relationship along with the Word bring me to my decision. The new agenda of the ELCA is diametrically opposed to where the Spirit leads me. " - ELCA member
“Now if someone tells you: "The church and the bishops have resolved this or that," make this reply: "Good and well! But I, in turn, want to ask you now: How did they arrive at their decision? Were they inspired by their own zeal or by the Holy Spirit?" ... Before accepting what they teach we must run quickly to the touchstone and see whether they are in agreement with what Christ says" - Martin Luther (LW 22: 265).
"Once you cross the Rubicon of adjusting your exegesis to your life and/or the culture and claiming that there are many ways to interpret what is clear in Scripture, you are moving into the dark wooded area of subjectivity. The statement, 'That is your interpretation,' is code for ambivalence. Changing the science of interpretation always results in disaster for both leader and the church. Staying tethered to the gospel of Jesus Christ is the safest and best place to stand." - Dan Dumas
“Then comes the devil, inciting and provoking in all directions, but especially agitating matters that concern both the conscience and spiritual affairs, namely, to induce us to despise and disregard both the Word and works of God to tear us away from faith, hope, love and bring us into misbelief, false security, and obduracy, or, on the other hand, to despair, denial of God, blasphemy, and innumerable other shocking things. These are indeed snares and nets, yea, real fiery darts which are shot most venomously into the heart, not by flesh and blood, but by the devil.” - Martin Luther (in his Large Catechism teaching regarding the Sixth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer)
“Doctrine directs us and shows us the way to heaven…we can be saved without love….but not without pure doctrine….The devil would dearly love to corrupt and overthrow our doctrine; that is why he attacks us so cleverly with this specious argument about not offending love and the harmony among churches.” - Martin Luther (Luther’s Works 27:41-42)
“In fact, when the issue of marriage and sexual boundaries was brought to Jesus, he affirmed the Old Testament law established by God at the creation of the first human beings when he said, ‘Haven’t you read the Scriptures? They record that from the beginning “God made them male and female and this explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united as one.”’ Clearly, then, here we have a mandate from God, established at the beginning of creation, affirmed by Jesus in the Gospels, and Paul in the epistles: God created the gift of sex to be shared within the boundaries of a marriage between a man and woman. . .
Repentant sinners acknowledge their sinful behavior, seek forgiveness, and do not claim by words or actions that their behavior is God blessed and therefore something that should continue. On the other hand, pastors involved in same gender sexual relationships are involved in ongoing, and therefore unrepentant, sin,” he said. “By words or actions, they embrace their sinful behavior and claim to know better than God when it comes to defining sexual boundaries. At that point, they are no longer qualified to serve as pastors.” - Rev. Mike Housholder, senior pastor at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines
"When a church that uses the name “Lutheran” can not even get the Great Commission right, this is an important opportunity truly to consider just where the theological direction the ELCA has headed ultimately leads." - Rev. Paul T. McCain, Publisher at Concordia Publishing House and also Executive Director of the Editorial Division
The great difference between doctrine and life is obvious, even as the difference between heaven and earth. Life may be unclean, sinful, and inconsistent; but doctrine must be pure, holy, sound, unchanging ... not a tittle or letter may be omitted, however much life may fail to meet the requirements of doctrine. This is so because doctrine is God's Word, and God's truth alone, whereas life is partly our own doing.... God will have patience with man's moral failings and imperfections and forgive them. But He cannot, will not, and shall not tolerate a man's altering or abolishing doctrine itself. For doctrine involves His exalted, divine Majesty itself. In the sphere of doctrine, therefore, forgiveness and patience are out of order. - Martin Luther (What Luther Says: A Practical In-Home Anthology for the Active Christian, comp. Ewald M. Plass, {St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1994}, 417.)
"The fact that human beings, representing the church of God, in 2009 can be so gullible, as to swallow this nonsense that has only been invented in the last 20 years by the gay lobby, in order to torture the people of faith. In order to take over the denominations. They said they were going to do this. They said they were going to rewrite scripture. And they said they were going to take over the institutions. They are doing it. Only because the alleged people of God are stupid and gullible." - Jan Mickelson, radio host, WHO (Audio)
"I conclude that there is no evidence based on the text of Scripture which permits or mandates the change as stated in the new policy adopted at the assembly. The action rather was unconstitutional and violated a part of the Confession of Faith. On that basis, the appropriate question is whether the ELCA is still without question a faithful and confessing church. I conclude that the ELCA has placed itself in a precarious position. Can I recognize my membership as authentic and God-serving in the fullest and truest sense?" - Dr. James R. Crumley, Jr.
"To dismiss the passages of the Bible concerning homosexuality as irrelevant is beyond my understanding and appears to me to negate the authority of the Scriptures."
- Dr. James R. Crumley, Jr.
"Since ELCA formed in 1988, the total amount of international missionaries decreased by 62 percent, but staff for ministries increased by 16 percent. " Adjusted to inflation, money sent to global missions has fallen by 52 percent," - Violet Nelson, Singsaas Lutheran Church Secretary
“It is the duty both of preachers and of hearers first of all and above all things to see to it that they have a clear and sure evidence that their doctrine is really the true word of God, revealed from heaven to the holy, original fathers, the prophets and apostles, and confirmed and commanded to be taught by Christ Himself. For we should by no means ever let doctrine be manhandled according to the pleasure and fancy of the individual who adapts it to human reason and understanding. Nor should we let men toy with Scripture, juggle the Word of God, and make it submit to being explained, twisted, stretched, and revised to suit people or to achieve peace and union; for then there could be no secure or stable foundation on which consciences might rely.” - Martin Luther (What Luther Says, Vol. III, par. 4770, p. 1475 and Words From Luther, Absolute Loyalty to the Word [From a sermon on 1 Peter 4]).
. . .Those who are sitting in the ELCA church, waiting it out and hoping that things will change, while staying silent must come out, taking a stand for all that the Bible teaches. What we communicate when we remain a part of an apostate church is that we do not take the Bible seriously, and that we do not fear God. While unity in the Body of Christ is important, it is equally important that we are unified in truth. . . - Juan Chisham
"God wants our conscience to be certain and sure that it is pleasing to Him. This cannot be done if the conscience is led by its own feelings, but only if it relies on the Word of God." - Martin Luther
"The world maintains, as do many people who do not understand,
that we should not fight so hard about an article and thus trample on Christian love; rather, although we disagree on one small point, if we agree on everything else, we should give in and overlook the difference in order to preserve brotherly and Christian unity and fellowship.
No, my dear man, do not commend peace and unity to me when thereby God's Word is lost...The Word was given unto us for eternal life and not to further outward peace and harmony... Therefore, do not talk to me about love and friendship if that means breaking with the Word or the faith, for the Gospel does not say love brings eternal life, God's grace, and all heavenly treasures, but instead 'the Word'" - Luther’s comments on 2 Cor 13:8; WA 34/II:387
"Anywhere there is an inconsistency between biblical teaching and church belief/practice, it is the church that must change, not the biblical teaching. This is the case in the ELCA today. There is now a gap between the consistent teaching of Scripture, and the voted on belief/practice of the ELCA in regard to human sexuality. One conviction I have is that the church can vote on anything that God has not already voted on. If God has already voted, we have no business voting." - Rev. Nathan Hoff
". . .the heinous conduct of the people of Sodom ” as “extraordinary, inasmuch as they departed from the natural passion and longing of the male for the female, which is implanted into nature by God, and desired what is altogether contrary to nature. Whence comes this perversity? Undoubtedly from Satan, who after people have once turned away from the fear of God, so powerfully suppresses nature that he blots out the natural desire and stirs up a desire that is contrary to nature." - Martin Luther (Luther’s Works, Vol. 3, 255)
"How sad that the ELCA no longer affirms the timeless Christian understanding of marriage. Instead it is touting secular psycho-babble about "fulfilling" and "nurturing" relationships. How will the church's young people interpret this tacit approval of at least some non-marital sex?
"In embracing moral relativism, the ELCA assembly has disregarded the Bible, the views of its own members, and the pleas of Lutherans in Africa and Asia. It has left the mainstream of U.S. and global Christianity, instead following other shrinking denominations like the Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ towards internal division, accelerating membership loss, and cultural irrelevance." - The Institute on Religion and Democracy President Mark Tooley
"In the arrogance of our soul, it's presumption to think that we in the 21st century can see Jesus more clearly than the apostles did in the 1st." - Pastor Larry DeBruyn
False teachings are always around us. Our task is to make certain they do not take hold among us. - Albert Mohler
A rejection of the Bible's authority on an issue such as homosexuality is a theological problem - not merely a moral controversy. No church can remain divided on this question, and no faithful believer should remain in a church that refuses to be bound to God's Word. - Albert Mohler - (Should I Stay or Should I Go? September 2009, Tabletalk, p. 21)
"ELCT has refused to recognize the decision to allow same-sex marriages because it is against the Holy Bible. It is in direct contravention of God's word, which has not changed . . .It's time Africa preached to the rest of the world and remind them of God's word because it seems they have forgotten what the Bible says. . . We should be independent so that they don't use their money and wealth to threaten us … we should leave them with their money and stick to the word of God. . . We strongly affirm our decision taken in Lund in 2007 that 'marriage is holy, ordained by God and is a relationship between a man and woman.' Therefore, the majority of African member churches say "NO" to homosexual acts and regard it to be sinful. . . Further to this affirmation of our position on this matter, we are extremely disturbed and deeply regret the recent developments taking place in some member churches of the communion who have taken unilateral decision on same-sex marriages, disregarding the strong sentiments expressed by other members of the communion. This unilateral action has negatively impacted our life together as a communion, something which could have been avoided." - Rev. Alex G. Malasusa, ELCT presiding bishop (Tanzania)
"For people here it was a matter of biblical authority and interpretation of the Bible as God’s word . . . The growing liberalism in the ELCA is ultimately a deal breaker." - Rev. Tim Hauge
"Just a reminder that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is already in full communion with another body that has congregations with dual membership in the Unitarian-Universalist Association." - Rev. Wayne Kofink
“Liturgical changes will be the window through which the wolf will enter the evangelical fold.” - Matthias Flacius (sixteenth-century reformer)
“Over against all the statements of the fathers and of all men, yes, over against words of angels and devils, I place the scriptures”
- Martin Luther - A review of Luther and the Bible, by Willem Jan Kooiman, translated by John Schmidt (Muhlenberg Press. 1961 p. 80)
“I have learned to ascribe the honor of infallibility only to those books that are accepted as canonical. I am profoundly convinced that none of these writers have erred” - Martin Luther - A review of Luther and the Bible, by Willem Jan Kooiman, translated by John Schmidt (Muhlenberg Press. 1961 p. 78)
"Like the ancient Gnostics, ELCA leaders sneer at the idea that we can look to a book as our authority—especially a book written by Jews. Antinomianism and anti-Semitism are always found together, said (Carl) Braaten." (read here)
". . . Here then we have these two, the faith and the Gospel, that these and nothing else are to be preached throughout Christendom. Let us now see who are to be the preachers and who the learners. The preachers are to be angels, that is, God's messengers, who are to lead a heavenly life, are to be constantly engaged with God's Word that they under no circumstances preach the doctrines of men. It is a most incongruous thing thing to be God's messenger and not to further God's message. Angelus means a messenger, and Luke calls him God's messenger (Angelus Domini). The message also is of more importance than the messenger's life. If he leads a wicked life, he only injures himself, but if he brings a false message in the place of God's message, he leads astray and injures every one that hears him, and causes idolatry among the people in that they accept lies for the truth, honor men instead of God. . . "
"There is no more terrible plague, misfortune or cause for distress upon earth than a preacher who does not preach God's Word; of whom, alas, the world today is full, and yet they think they are pious and do good when indeed their whole work is nothing but murdering souls, blaspheming God and setting up idolatry, so that it would be much better for them if they were robbers, murderers, and the worst scoundrels, for then they would know that they are doing wickedly. But now they go along under spiritual names and show . . . and are at the same time ravening wolves in sheeps' clothing, and it would be well if no one ever heard their preaching." - Christmas Day Sermon [Sermons of Martin Luther, Volume 1: Sermons on Gospel Texts for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany]
We find it very sad that the ELCA, with such a large worldwide presence, a presence that could have and should have stood for what is true, proper and chaste, a force that could have stood firm for Biblical truths, guarding and guiding the flock entrusted into their care has turned their denomination into a mockery and a sham, now being nothing more than whitewashed graves- pure on the outside, but inside full of dead men's bones. It would be more fitting if the ELCA stood for The Evangelical Liberal Church in America and dropped the name Lutheran, which the ELCA is no longer, in the eyes of this Lutheran ecclesiastical body. . . - Whereas, the worldly attacks against sound Biblical Doctrines, and Christianity in general is so intense today, even destroying whole denominations and ripping apart the church at its very core, the world must not succeed in its attack against Biblical Doctrines, and the Church MUST remain firm against all attempts by Satan and his minions to mislead even the elect. The ELCA has again, failed miserably in guarding the flock entrusted into her care by so blatantly ignoring the sound principles as laid out in Scripture. - The Council of Bishops, Administration, Executive Officers and laity of The Lutheran Orthodox Church incorporated.
"If (Jesus) had called God ‘the Mother’ or ‘the Great Spirit’ or any number of other things, we would no doubt be obligated to that. But he didn’t...." - Gerhard O. Forde, “Naming the One Who is Above Us”
"If a church were to let itself be pushed to the point where it ceased to treat homosexual activity as a departure from the biblical norm, and recognized homosexual unions as a personal partnership of love equivalent to marriage, such a church would stand no longer on biblical ground but against the unequivocal witness of Scripture. A church that took this step would cease to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church." - Wolfhart Pannenberg
"The ELCA wants to respect the 'bound consciences' of both sides in this debate, but in our opinion it cannot do this without having a different understanding of the authority of Scripture than that held by the LCMS. The Missouri Synod regards consciences bound to positions that contradict the simple and plain meaning of Scripture as erring consciences in need of confession and absolution." - Rev. Samuel H. Nafzger
[W]herever there is a Christian congregation in possession of the gospel, it not only has the right and power but also the duty—on pain of losing the salvation of its souls and in accordance with the promise made to Christ in baptism—to avoid, to flee, to depose and to withdraw from the authority that our bishops, abbots, monasteries, religious foundations, and the like are now exercising. For it is clearly evident that they teach and rule contrary to God and his word. - Martin Luther (LW 39, 308)
"In our own country, we have seen the devastating consequences of this compromising view of Lutheranism in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It is in full communion fellowship with the most notoriously liberal of one of the most outrageously liberal protestant churches in the world, the United Church of Christ. The UCC does not even insist that its member pastors confess their believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity! And, most recently, we have witnessed the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America scuttling even the most basic Biblical teaching concerning human sexuality, gender, family, and marriage, all in the name of love, understanding and progress, so-called. Lord, have mercy!" - Rev. Paul T. McCain
". . .(I)t's actually those that are tolerating the serial, unrepentant, sexual immorality, that are consigning the individual to hell." - Dr. Robert Gagnon
"(S)ervice without the Word is ambiguous, just as the Word without service is misleading. In mission, service and Word are inseparable. Only then is relationship real and full." - Paul Martinson
"But to return to our point: They must themselves admit, whether they like it or not, that the church of Christ neither lies nor deceives... Therefore the holy church cannot and may not lie or suffer false doctrine, but must teach nothing except what is holy and true, that is, God's word alone; and where it teaches a lie it is idolatrous and the whore-church of the devil" – Martin Luther (LW 41:214).
"My belief is that homosexuality is wrong. It is especially wrong if Churches support gay clergy in the pulpit. This would be a sign of apostasy which Paul warns against. If we accept homosexuality in the Church, we would be in open rebellion against God and His Word. If so, it is not prudent and it is not biblical for us to be in fellowship with these groups." - Bishop W. H. Nicholson - Anchorage Moravian Church
If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself. - Augustine
If the devil were wise enough and would stand by in silence and let the Gospel be preached, he would suffer less harm. For when there is no battle for the Gospel it rusts and it finds no cause and no occasion to show its vigor and power. Therefore, nothing better can befall the Gospel than that the world should fight it with force and cunning. - Martin Luther
"As a former ELCA pastor I can tell you that you can believe anything and still be an ELCA pastor in good standing." Pr. William P. Terjesen
"We can't decide what is sin and what isn't sin. When the church can vote sin out, then Christ died for nothing. . .If you're relying on a council of bishops to tell you that you're not sinful anymore, rather than relying on Christ, you're not a Christian church anymore. If I said lying or stealing was no longer a sin, that raises huge red flags. Where's the authority of Scripture? What did Christ die for if we can just declare that we're no longer sinful?" - Pr. Sean Tyler
Here lies the boundary of a Christian church that knows itself to be bound by the authority of Scripture. Those who urge the church to change the norm of its teaching on this matter must know that they are promoting schism. If a church were to let itself be pushed to the point where it ceased to treat homosexual activity as a departure from the biblical norm, and recognized homosexual unions as a personal partnership of love equivalent to marriage, such a church would stand no longer on biblical ground but against the unequivocal witness of Scripture. A church that took this step would cease to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. - Wolfhart Pannenberg
"We have the Bible and all of the Bible. We are accountable to it all, and it is all true, trustworthy, authoritative, sufficient, and, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, clear in its message." - Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
When a denomination makes sin and apostasy part of its official doctrine and practice, Christians have an obligation to oppose it and, where necessary, depart from it. - Rev David R. Barnhart
"Gradually, Bible schools and seminaries filled with unscrupulous -- and unsaved -- individuals, denigrated the Scriptures, mocked the supernatural, and attempted to instill doubt and not faith in all who dared enter their classrooms. The creeds, which the Apostles and countless believers throughout the church age had given their lives for, were unceremoniously ridiculed.
As the Bible was denounced, denial became the norm and heresy replaced truth as liberalism appealed to the flesh and corrupted all who embraced it. Within a relatively short period of time ideals, science, and human reasoning systematically replaced the Bible and began to poison the minds of future ministers, teachers, and countless lay people. All of this took place but not without a formidable fight." - Eric Barger
“The Bible is unambiguous on the subject of homosexuality. . .It doesn’t take a skilled theologian to understand what the Bible is saying: It’s a sin. It’s forgivable, but it’s a sin.” - Rev. Keith Nash
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"As I ponder this divisive issue, there are certain things I ask myself. Do I believe in Jesus Christ as the only son of God and whose authority has dominion over all the earth? Do I believe that the blood Jesus shed was for my redemption and a promise of everlasting life? If I believe these things, how is it that I believe? The answer is first in the Word of God, that is the Holy Bible. In Luther’s writings the Bible is referenced as the final authority, not to be interpreted by man to meet personal agendas. The answers also come in my personal relationship with Christ. The key word in the above sentence is personal. That personal relationship along with the Word bring me to my decision. The new agenda of the ELCA is diametrically opposed to where the Spirit leads me. " - ELCA member
“Now if someone tells you: "The church and the bishops have resolved this or that," make this reply: "Good and well! But I, in turn, want to ask you now: How did they arrive at their decision? Were they inspired by their own zeal or by the Holy Spirit?" ... Before accepting what they teach we must run quickly to the touchstone and see whether they are in agreement with what Christ says" - Martin Luther (LW 22: 265).
"Once you cross the Rubicon of adjusting your exegesis to your life and/or the culture and claiming that there are many ways to interpret what is clear in Scripture, you are moving into the dark wooded area of subjectivity. The statement, 'That is your interpretation,' is code for ambivalence. Changing the science of interpretation always results in disaster for both leader and the church. Staying tethered to the gospel of Jesus Christ is the safest and best place to stand." - Dan Dumas
"...my frank personal opinion and pastoral advice to you is that the ELCA is not a good church for any Christian family. As a denomination, they have for a long period of time moved away from Scriptural truth. Of course, within every denomination, you may have individual local churches and their pastors that have remained faithful. But when one supports a local ELCA, they are also supporting the work of the broader denomination in its unbiblical practices." - The Rev. Larry A. Peters
"As I understand him, Carl (Braaten) retired from teaching at the Lutheran School of Theology essentially because he found that, as the years went on and his own convictions intensified, he could find vanishingly fewer students who took theology seriously as something that was not to be trifled with, had eternal consequences, and for which bad theologians put their own souls and the souls of those they influence at risk." - S. M. Hutchens