ELCA Exposed News on "Radical Hospitality" and Prophecy
"Radical Hospitality: The ELCA and Holy Communion
SO THE ELCA WANTS TO HAVE ANOTHER "CONVERSATION" and "The Truth about 'Radical Hospitality'"“Radical hospitality” is the catchphrase given to movements among mainline American Protestants to invite, as a matter of principle, unbaptized persons to the holy Supper. It is already practiced in some ELCA congregations and is reported to be a topic of conversation among the ELCA Conference of Bishops this fall. . .
Petition: Speaking the Truth about "Radical Hospitality". . .he ELCA is embarking on another "conversation." The Summer 2014 issue of Seeds for the Parish (not yet on-line, but now appearing the snailboxes of congregations and their leaders) includes Table and font: Who is welcome? An invitation to join the conversation. . .
More "Table and Font". . ."An invitation to study The Use of Means of Grace." Since that was adopted by the ELCA in 1997, one might initially imagine there could not possibly be anything of controversy here. . .
Lutheran CORE Pastoral Letter Regarding “Radical Hospitality” in the ELCA. . .In response to the ELCA’s request for feedback on this issue, I urge you to join with us in opposing the practice of inviting the unbaptized to Christ’s table. . .
Radical Hospitality. . .Ecumenical agreements, the “interpretation” of the abortion statement to permit the health plan to cover all abortions, social statements that strike many as one-sided, press releases that identify the Gospel with the positions of one political party, uncritical championing of the Palestinian cause against Israel, and of course the 2009 sexuality decisions, all contributed to a massive membership decline and the disengagement of many members and pastors from anything outside their local congregation. . .
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Radically Rooted: A commentary on the ELCA’s “Radical Hospitality” initiative (Page 4,5)
Perhaps you have been hearing the term “radical hospitality” lately. For those not initiated into this newspeak, it means inviting the unbaptized and those of any faith conviction whatsoever who may be present at a Eucharistic gathering to receive Holy Communion. . .
As I See It: Radical Intimacy at the Lord’s Table
. . .Should the unthinkable happen, and the practice of radical hospitality is recommended to the churchwide assembly, and should such a practice be adopted by the highest authority in this Church (the churchwide assembly), the ELCA should be prepared for the next wave of exiting pastors and congregations. This issue is not a matter of church policy, like who can be ordained. We’re talking here about a gospel ordinance and our stewardship of it. . .
Multispiritual: Adoration of the Sacrament/Communing the Unbaptized
. . .ELCAers asked him to recommend “a spiritual practice to ELCA members to help us grow in our faith lives.”
He answered: “Start where people are, not where you think they should be….And, if they are interested in contemplative prayer or adoration of the sacrament, encourage them to explore this devotion which will help them grow.”. .
He answered: “Start where people are, not where you think they should be….And, if they are interested in contemplative prayer or adoration of the sacrament, encourage them to explore this devotion which will help them grow.”. .
ELCA Finds Meaning in Demeaning Scripture
. . .An example of redaction theory would be the claim that Old Testament prophecies were modified by redactors after the fact to make them appear as miraculous prophecies. . .
Evangelicals and Catholics Together and the Rejection of End-Time, Bible-Believing Christians. (and) Understanding the Times
If you haven’t already noticed, anti-Christian sentiment is growing toward those who believe in a biblical last days/Book of Revelation scenario prior to Christ’s return. A 2005 article titled “Lutheran leader calls for an ecumenical council to address growing biblical fundamentalism” should help convince you. The article shows not only this growing resentment towards Bible-believing Christians but also the interspiritual path this change in attitude is taking. . .