ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia Bolz-Weber is the most famous ELCA pastor on the planet. ELCA members, pastors and bishops are starstruck around her. She is an author and speaker who claims she is orthodox. Truthfully, she is anything but. Exposing the ELCA has written a good number of blogs about Rev. Bolz-Weber (see here) detailing how she views the Bible, stands against Scripture, encourages sin, believes that all people will be saved and constantly uses foul language. Below, quotes from Nadia, are a representation of larger themes of her leadership and ministry: - "I confess that I am a Christo-centric universalist. What that means to me is that, whatever God was accomplishing, especially on the cross, that Christological event, was for the restoration and redemption and reconciliation of all things and all people and all Creation – everyone. Whatever God was getting done there, that is for everyone. How God manages to play that out through other religions, other symbol systems, I will never understand. I have to allow for the idea that God is actually nimble enough and powerful enough and creative enough to do that.” See here - http://religionandpolitics.org/2015/07/28/for-all-the-sinners-and-saints-an-interview-with-nadia-bolz-weber/ - “. . . Preaching hopefully in some way is the word of God, speaking is not. So I thought, I wonder, we can look at Paul that way. You know like sometimes he was just going off on his snotty opinions, he has some authority to speak on it but that’s not necessarily the Word of God.” from https://www.pulpitfiction.com/archive/2017/02/24/thursday-night-special-8-nadia-bolz-weber - "The Bible’s not clear about shit!" from http://outinjersey.net/nadia-bolz-weber-does-ministry-differently/ - “I had never stopped believing in God, not really. But I did have to go hang out with His aunt for awhile. She is called the goddess. My first experience with Wicca . . .” from her book Pastrix - “The goddess we spoke of never felt to me like a substitute for God but simply another aspect of the divine, like God's aunt or something. When I tell other Christians of my time with the goddess I think they expect me to characterize it as a period in my life when I was misguided and that now thankfully I have come back to both Jesus and my senses. But it's not like that. I can't imagine that the God of the universe is limited to our ideas of God. I can't image that God doesn't reveal Godself in countless ways outside of the simple system of Christianity. And in a way I need a god who is bigger and more nimble and more mysterious than what I could understand or contrive.” from her book Pastrix - “Jesus gathered with some real f**k-ups, held up bread and said take and eat . . .” - Bolz-Weber's book Pastrix, in the section “Fall 2005” - "And just to be clear: The cross is not about God as divine child abuser sadly sending his little boy off to be killed because we were bad and well, somebody had to pay." from http://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/948520-sermon-on-the-cross-christ-the-king-sunday - “oh my god, nobody believes every line of the creed.” from video https://vimeo.com/73913123 - “We should never be more loyal to an idea or an interpretation of a Bible verse than we are to people...” from https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/02/02/bolz-weber-calls-for-new-christian-ethic/ - So what happened was, I get divorced, like the most amicable divorce you can imagine. No lawyers, no acrimony. It was great, right, it was like actually really lovely. But I get together with my boyfriend and start having sex and it was like 'holy shit,' I was like, it felt like an exfoliation of my whole spirit. I'm like 'This is so good for my brain chemistry, and my body, and my heart. And I’m like fuck man, why in the world would the Church say ‘Don’t do this?’ Like I could tell it was what I needed, and it was so good." http://www.thekevingarcia.com/making-sex-shameless-with-nadia-bolz-weber/ (Starting at 22:20) - “. . . I think that there is a really insipid message to girls when you use the exclusive male pronoun for God . . . So whenever you sort of attribute a human characteristic to God, that some people have and some people don't, it becomes problematic.” from video https://vimeo.com/73913123 - “And sometimes we’d wonder just what God was up to in this religiously plural world. Perhaps — here’s a specifically Christian way of putting it — our learning from our neighbors of other faiths might just be giving us glimpses into dimensions of Christ’s lordship, and the saving activity of God the Trinity, that we hadn’t been expecting.” see here http://www.thelutheran.org/article/article.cfm?article_id=11762 - “I had this weird realization about Paul, the apostle Paul . . . There's stuff in Paul's letters that is like so incredibly beautiful its like you almost tear up reading it, right? At where you're like that is the Gospel. Like when he is good he is unbeatable, right? When he is bad he is wretched. Right? So in Paul's letters its like at one point he is just going off about his opinions about on how you should do church and what this person should do and don't do that and this isn't okay and blah blah blah and then he speaks theologically and it's like beautiful, right? From http://www.pulpitfiction.us/show-notes/thursday-night-special-8-nadia-bolz-weber - Talking about her children Rev. Bolz-Weber says, “We are not the kind of family that does a lot of like family devotionals. We don't pray together as a family. We don't do this faith stuff in our home. You know why? My kids are around it all the time. And so I just feel they need a break at home, you know. So I know it's a big deal to like build faith in home; we don't do that." See video https://vimeo.com/73913123 - " I refused to pick the low-hanging 'Moral Outrage Fruit' of Liberals and Conservatives about porn. Now, there are issues of justice and exploitation within the porn industry, no question, but it doesn’t mean consumption of pornography should be shamed. There is ethically sourced porn." from http://outinjersey.net/nadia-bolz-weber-does-ministry-differently/ - "...they are completely repressed, and we have single, grown-assed adults who don’t have, who are not flourishing in their sexual lives because the church says they shouldn’t." http://www.thekevingarcia.com/making-sex-shameless-with-nadia-bolz-weber/ (Starting at 22:20) - "…Literally, I flipped somebody off in traffic ‘cuz I was late for my yoga class today. So that’s like, I’m not kidding, I just f*ckin’ gave them the, I was like f*ck you, they cut me off, and I sped around, I did the whole thing, you know I did the whole thing and I was driving to yoga . . .and I’m like why in the world is someone like me on the cover of a Spirituality and Health magazine.” http://www.thekevingarcia.com/making-sex-shameless-with-nadia-bolz-weber/ (Starting at 13:15) - "I remember I got to go inside the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and I stepped in and I just started weeping. I just immediately, because just generations of faithful from all these different traditions have focused their prayer in this one space and its palpable.” (6:15) https://www.newstoryfestival.com/news-views/2018/12/12/nadia-bolz-weber-on-the-new-story-festival-podcast - "To be uninhibited sexually, in some ways, if it is not like a pathetical thing. Can be a sign of spiritual growth.” (42:50) “I also want people…to have sexual flourishing, whatever that looks like for them.” https://www.newstoryfestival.com/news-views/2018/12/12/nadia-bolz-weber-on-the-new-story-festival-podcast - "I want people to have better sex.” (42:00) https://www.newstoryfestival.com/news-views/2018/12/12/nadia-bolz-weber-on-the-new-story-festival-podcast |
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