Important Websites and Past Exposing the ELCA Newletters
Below are websites and blogs that are helpful and informative concerning the ELCA. Under the heading "other recommended websites" I have included websites that are personal favorites.
The Liberal Lutheran Church Today
This website is here to provide you with information, documents, articles, letters, blogs, etc. all dealing with the increasingly troubling, non-Scriptural teachings, policies, beliefs, actions and non-actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Lutheran Congregational Support Network
The way the ELCA operates in relation to congregations has gradually shifted. This has happened through changes in ELCA governing documents and the way those changes have been applied.
WordAlone Ministries
. . .Emerging from a decade of effort to bring a major Lutheran denomination back to its Biblical and Confessional roots, WordAlone is transforming into a service organization to support the development of confessional Lutheranism in North America. . .
Call To Faithfulness
Call to Faithfulness is a renewing movement of congregations, pastors, and laity committed to Biblical and confessional Lutheran orthodoxy. . . As a renewing movement, Call to Faithfulness commits itself to faithful adherence to the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions by congregations and pastors. . .
This website is here to provide you with information, documents, articles, letters, blogs, etc. all dealing with the increasingly troubling, non-Scriptural teachings, policies, beliefs, actions and non-actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Lutheran Congregational Support Network
The way the ELCA operates in relation to congregations has gradually shifted. This has happened through changes in ELCA governing documents and the way those changes have been applied.
WordAlone Ministries
. . .Emerging from a decade of effort to bring a major Lutheran denomination back to its Biblical and Confessional roots, WordAlone is transforming into a service organization to support the development of confessional Lutheranism in North America. . .
Call To Faithfulness
Call to Faithfulness is a renewing movement of congregations, pastors, and laity committed to Biblical and confessional Lutheran orthodoxy. . . As a renewing movement, Call to Faithfulness commits itself to faithful adherence to the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions by congregations and pastors. . .
Lighthouse Covenant
. . .If you affirm the following, you are welcome to partner with us. . .(this is now a defunct organization/group. Their website and Facebook page no longer exist. Many churches signed and voted on their five point covenant. Not a fan of how they describe themselves as "progressive evangelicals."
Nadia Bolz-Weber: Quotes, Tweets and More
Exposing the heresy and non Biblical ways of Nadia Bolz-Weber
Other Recommended Websites
Lutherans for Life (LFL)
Equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life.
The website has a lot of great artwork and illustrations.
Restored Hope Network
A "membership governed network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. We proclaim that Jesus Christ has life-changing power for all who submit to Christ as Lord; we also seek to equip His church to impart that transformation."