The Financial State of the ELCA
Articles detailing the ELCA's current financial situation and the decline of financial support to the denomination.
Official Financial Documents from the ELCAClick the "Financial Reports" tab on the above link to find current and past fiscal year reports from the ELCA. Goes back to 2009.
ELCA Church Council considers new mission funding approach and moreThe Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) took action on proposals designed to examine and explore new opportunities to fund the mission of this church. The council also considered proposals on the formation of a single ELCA lay roster and more when it met here April 9-12, 2015. . .
ELCA Top Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Net Worth, Income, Salary.... . .Per Year: $ 400,000. . .
2020 ELCA FinancialsDown again.
ELCA Desperate for MoneyThe ELCA launched a five-year fundraising campaign February, 2014 called "Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA." The goal of this fundraising effort by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is to raise $198 million. . .
ELCA Financial Problems Continue. . .The Delaware-Maryland Synod Council met on January 12, 2013...Faced with a decrease in mission support of $138,000 over last year, the Council voted to cap 2013 expenses at 90% for all budget items that are not fixed. . .
ELCA Seminary (LSTC) Selling Buildings and Property (2022). . .The slow death of the apostate denomination rolls on. . .
From the 2012 ELCA Conference of Bishops. . . We also are told that ELCA treasurer, Rev. Linda Norman, announced “Financial contributions from congregations for the work of synods and the churchwide organization in the form of Mission Support for the first. . .
ELCA grapples with financial crunch. . . Bishop Marcus Lohrmann said in a report to the synod Friday and in an interview with The Blade this week that the synod's budget has been shrinking for years and has reached the point where drastic changes, not just temporary fixes, are necessary. . .
Walking Away From Biblical Truth Has Its Costs, ELCA Flagship Seminary In Financial Trouble
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s largest seminary, Luther Seminary in Minnesota, sent shockwaves through the denomination with the recent admittance that they are facing extreme financial difficulties. . .
The Supply of and Demand for Clergy in the ELCA: Report of the ELCA Research and Evaluation
. . .The report explores data regarding baptized members, congregations, and pastors in the ELCA between 2005 and 2014. . .
Bailey Ave church to be reduced to rubble
. . .“They’re a bunch of thieves, and I don’t think I’m slandering them,” Linins said of the synod. “But they took what wasn’t theirs.” . .
ELCA News Briefs
Financial trouble in the liberal Saint Paul Area Synod. Synod Bishop Peter Rogness reports, “after sailing through the first ten months of fiscal 2011 (Feb. 1 to Jan. 31) a healthy four percent ahead of the previous year, we encountered a poor December and January and. . .
ELCA Financials for the First Six Months of 2017
. . .Revenue totaled $30.0 million for the six-month period comparedwith $32.0 million the previous year, a
decrease of $2.0 million or approximately 6.3 percent. . .
decrease of $2.0 million or approximately 6.3 percent. . .
ELCA Financial Report for third quarter 2016
. . .Revenue totaled 46.1 million for the nine-month period compared with $46.7 million the previous year, a decrease of $0.6 million or 1.3 percent. In addition, $2.8 million in support was released from restriction or designation during the period. Total revenue and support for the nine-month period of $48.9 million was favorable to the budget by $2.2 million and unfavorable to the prior year by $1.4 million. . .
ELCA Fiscal Year 2015 Mission Support
Synodical Remittances for the period ending January 31, 2016
ELCA Fiscal Year 2015 Third Quarter Report
2015 Operation Results Summary for the Nine Months Ending October 31, 2015
Elca fiscal year 2015 - Second Quarter Report
2015 Operating Results Summary for the Six Months Ending July 31, 2015
Current Operation Funds Summary of Revenue and Expenses - ELCA
ELCA Fiscal Year 2014 3rd Quarter Financial Reports
. . .Revenue totaled $46.9 million for the nine-month period compared with $50.4 million the previous year, a decrease of $3.5 million or 6.9 percent. . .
Endowment Records
. . .Records of America’s mainline Protestant denominations. . .
Building sales fund synod - Bishop’s Quarterly Report – 4th Quarter (2023)
. . .our property in Pasadena, the former Messiah Lutheran Church has sold, and the property in Chatsworth, the former Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church is in escrow. We rejoice in the possibilities these building sales afford us for future ministry. We are still reaping the benefits of the sales of a property in Van Nuys and North Hollywood, and fund many ministries with our endowment which came from the sale of First Lutheran in Los Angeles over a decade ago. . .
Two Lutheran seminaries to close and reopen as new school
. . .Two Lutheran seminaries in Pennsylvania are planning to close and launch together a new school of theology in 2017 with hopes of slashing costs and reversing years of declining enrollments. . .
Living Lutheran magazine will print its final issue in December 2023
. . .As many of you probably know, the cost of printing a magazine—including paper, ink and postage prices—has steadily increased, especially during the pandemic, making it difficult to financially support a print edition. . .
Another Seminary Faces Financial (and Accreditation) Woes
. . .Higher Learning Commission has placed Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago on probation, citing financial troubles that threaten to undermine its educational programs. . .
(See the letters here and here)
(See the letters here and here)
A Northern Michigan University Closes Doors For Good After 100 Years (2023)
. . .The school, (Finlandia University), affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, had more than 600 students during its peak years and recently had less than 400. This year's graduating class was just 100 students.
Concordia to cut 9 majors to balance budget; job cuts possible (ELCA college)
Under financial stress, Concordia College said Friday it plans to discontinue nine majors and one concentration, including several languages. . .
Liberal Arts Minus Liberal Arts Professors
. . .the college (Wartburg) has pointed to declining enrollment and a $3.7 million budget gap as a reason for the cuts. Graham Garner, a Wartburg spokesman, said the college has seen a decline in enrollment for each of the last five years, from just over 1,800 students in 2011 to about 1,537 today. . .
Financial Challenges, Great Signs of Life Greet Organization
. . .With 66 percent of fiscal year 2016 complete (WELCA), regular offerings, Thankofferings, designated gifts, special offerings and SWO convention offerings have fallen almost $1 million below budgeted projections.In 2015, the organization realized a $243,840 deficit. . .
HealthPartners buys land for clinic in St. Paul
. . .Luther Seminary is selling the 4.5-acre plot as part of a final agreement announced earlier this week. The land is located across the street from the current clinic at 2500 Como Av. . .
Capital University, Trinity Lutheran Seminary Announce Intent to Reunite
. . .At separate meetings held this month, the boards of Capital and Trinity approved a resolution expressing their mutual commitment to pursue reunion. . .
Luther Seminary to sell 15 acres of buildings, land
. . .“We are very concerned about the cost of higher education and people going into ministry with large levels of debt,” Morrow said. Student debt has hindered the number of people going into the ministry, . .
Luther Seminary and Foundation consolidated balance sheets, June 30, 2016 and 2015 (p. 4)
. . .Luther Seminary’s Annual Report numbers are also available at . .
PLU and Friends of 88.5 finalize sale of KPLU
. . .In a sale approved earlier this month by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the station and its assets were purchased for $8 million. . .
(ELCA) Seminary status check (2017)
. . .In response, ELCA schools have begun a massive effort to reorient almost everything about themselves to fit seminary education to the needs of today’s church. Two seminaries are merging. One is relocating, largely to save money. Others are uniting their work with ELCA colleges. Degree programs are being altered and curriculum revised. . .
Layoffs at ELCA Trinity Lutheran Seminary
. . .We will be saying goodbye to some wonderful people who have given so much to Trinity. . .
(WELCA) Board cuts budget, extends executive director term
. . .Women of the ELCA executive board...eliminated two staff positions...At the end of September, with the new budget year beginning February 1, 2018, revenue is at $1,275,085 ($1,222,014 below fiscal year projections), according to Executive Board Treasurer Anna Sarver. Expenses at $1,778,374 were at 57% of the budget ($3,093,318) with four months left in the fiscal year. . .
Funding triennial convention is a challenge
. . .To cover the costs of the Tenth Triennial Convention (2017), the board voted to approve the use of $571,410 from the New Ministries Fund, which has a balance of $1,090,000. . .
An Irony at Luther Seminary
. . .The necessary condition for the possibility of a context of free and open dialogue and criticism of capitalism among students and professors at Luther Seminary is the existence itself of capitalism, an economic system apparently capable of providing the requisite funds for the discussion there to occur.