ELCA Exposed News on Goddess Worship, Mother god, and Gender Neutral Language
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ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod promotes 'Goddess' conference (little over half way down page)
The ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod promoted a “Goddess” conference in one of its official publications. . . “Keynote speaker will be Carol Christ, Ph.D. who is the author of the widely reprinted essay, ‘Why Women Need the Goddess,’ which has awakened us to the Sacred Feminine and introduced many to the rebirth of the ancient religion of the Goddess,” the synod newsletter reported. . .
And Now for Something Completely Different?: Gay Lutheran Bishop Presides at Revisionist Worship Service
. . .Consideration of whether the Festival Worship drafters and others would seek to de-gender the entire Bible prompted Erwin to ask “how important is it to have it a particular way.” Concerning Jesus in particular, Erwin considered it a “good question” on whether understanding Jesus as male was significant. Jesus came “presumably as male” for Erwin, yet he did not expect to have “completely understood” Jesus’ long-discussed dual God-man nature “this side of the Kingdom.”. .
Worship of "Goddess" in the ELCA and Led by Synod Council Leader
. . .Rev. Jeff Johnson, recently elected to the Sierra Pacific Synod Council, and his church University Lutheran Chapel (ELCA) in Berkeley, CA are conducting a monthly "Goddess Rosary" service. . .
ELCA 'Star,' Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, Believes & Teaches Wiccan Goddess is Another 'Aspect' of Christian God
. . .“The goddess we spoke of never felt to me like a substitute for God but simply another aspect of the divine, like God's aunt or something. . ."
The ELCA's Masculine Deity Word Evasion - Witness Stone Blog
. . .As most of you know, the ELCA is notorious for avoiding the use of masculine words for God. The God Pause devotion for January 8, 2016, gives us another painful example of their masculine deity word evasion. . .
ELCA Seminarians Not Allowed to Call God "Father"
". . .When I was studying at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (1998-2002), we were not permitted in most classes or in chapel services to speak of God as 'Father' or refer to Him with the pronoun 'Him. . .'"
The March of “Sophia” By Lee Duigon
. . .Christians, he said, should be alert to (goddess worship) “warning signs” that neo-paganism may be seeping into their own congregations.
“It always starts with arguments concerning the Bible’s language about God,” he said. “Once you start substituting for Biblical language, the whole revelation comes into question. . .”
“It always starts with arguments concerning the Bible’s language about God,” he said. “Once you start substituting for Biblical language, the whole revelation comes into question. . .”
ELCA and 'Mother' God
". . .ELCA publishing house is recommending a prayer addressing God as 'Mother' in worship materials for Sunday, Dec. 27 (2009). . ."
Liberal Lutherans Doubling Down
. . .the bishops were referring to the Holy Spirit, whom Scripture and the universal church call “He.” Alternative pronouns are usually confined to some quarters of Western liberal Protestantism and associated with 1990s-era feminist theology, not classical orthodoxy. So are these new bishops rejecting or minimizing orthodoxy in favor of more liberal Protestantism? . .
Just Stay Ahead of the Wind
. . .the ELCA’s newest batch of six female “bishops” discuss their goddess, whom they apparently keep locked up in the basement. . .
Critique on How Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) Claims to Renew Worship
. . .Lutheran worship ought to reflect Lutheran theology and our rich Lutheran heritage, which is what we bring to the ecumenical table. . .
ELCA / ELCiC Celebrate New Hymnal (ELW)
. . .The hymnal is "progressive," that is, it reflects the causes that characterize "progressive" agendas, including but not limited to the following: Feminism. . .Pacifism. . .Works-Righteousness. . .
. . .A few years ago the Powers-That-Be produced a new service book and hymnal. . . Our liturgy has an optional order for confession and forgiveness, something we have always had. It begins as have all our liturgies with an invocation: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of theHoly Spirit.” However, there is an alternative to these words: “Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, who forgives all our sins, whose mercy endures forever.”
Slick Magic - “Diversity” is Trump in the ELCA’s Opening the Book of Faith
. . .The ELCA goes the way of “diversity.” Their agenda is to promote a GLBT agenda, particular political causes, feminist God language, etc. -- under the guise of listening to “the whole church.”
What a slick trick -- watch them use all the Lutheran lingo -- page after page -- so you don’t really notice the sleight of hand as these claims are all gutted by asserting “diversity” and “the whole church.”
What a slick trick -- watch them use all the Lutheran lingo -- page after page -- so you don’t really notice the sleight of hand as these claims are all gutted by asserting “diversity” and “the whole church.”
The Silver Goddess
“. . . One of the bishops once said, concerning a pastor who questioned all
this revisionism, 'Your pastor values truth; I value unity.' So for the
sake of unity, there’s a willful ignorance, and a lot of denial. Among
the ELCA leadership, there’s a great deal of loyalty to the
denomination as an institution. So the leaders won’t confront any of
this stuff — prayers to spirits of the dead, prayers to Sophia, and so
on. Some of it goes on at synod assemblies. . ."
Known Pagan goddess is Actually Holy Spirit Claims ELCA Seminary Professor
". . .Are we feminists right in saying that Asherah was just the Canaanite articulation of the Holy Spirit and not really another God? . .”
The Earth is Not Your Mother
God is not your Mother either. But the ELCA wants you to call God: “Mother.”
The ELCA’s Book of Faith Lenten Journey is on the Lord’s Prayer. Surprise, surprise – in the ELCA praying to “Our Father” is nice but limiting. . .
The ELCA’s Book of Faith Lenten Journey is on the Lord’s Prayer. Surprise, surprise – in the ELCA praying to “Our Father” is nice but limiting. . .
Heresy Abounds at ELCA Funded Conference
. . . the ELCA helped fund a Re-Imagining God Conference. . ."Many basic doctrines essential to the Christian faith were repudiated at (the conference), often in an atmosphere of disrespect. These include the doctrine of God, the deity of Christ, His atoning death, the sinfulness of humanity, the Genesis account of creation, the authority of Scriptures, and the biblical understanding of human sexuality. "
Changing God's Proper Revealed Name - Mark C. Chavez
Making Idols of Canaanite goddess: Is that Still Okay ELCA Leadership?
“. . Pastor Stacy reminded
us of some of the discounted feminine images of God in the Old
Testament—probably none of which were the products of female
imaginations—and invited us to form our own images in clay of Asherah,
the mother goddess of the Canaanites familiar to early Jewish
inhabitants of Canaan. . ."
Idolatry in the ELCA: Christ Sophia Mass
. . . At the 2:33 minute mark of the video you can view the
singing of Silent Night, but notice the changing of the words, they sing
“Christ Sophia is born, Christ Sophia is born. . .”
Worshiping Other Gods in the ELCA
". . . Congregation: Beloved Mother of wisdom, you are black and beautiful.
ELCA Pastor Stacy Boorn: She is Queen and virgin, women onto herself. She is in violets, she is rising up. She is Mother, Mother of all, Mother of all that is. . . "
ELCA Pastor Stacy Boorn: She is Queen and virgin, women onto herself. She is in violets, she is rising up. She is Mother, Mother of all, Mother of all that is. . . "
That Purple Church Near Twin Peaks Is San Francisco’s Temple of the Divine Feminine
. . .People began calling it “herchurch,” even as it’s still recognized as a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the name hadn’t legally changed. At a time when accusations of satanic influence have permeated many American institutions, a house of worship with such a nontraditional theological outlook is no exception. . .
Pagan goddess worship stars at Christian church: You won't believe how far famous denomination goes
. . . Other events at the conference include a chanting workshop with another Isis priestess, Katie Kethcum, "inclusive" hymns, sacred walks, sacred drums, sacred dance and Kundalini Yoga mantras, which the church says "are composed of basic phonetic sounds common to all languages and have been used to invoke the presence of the Divine for centuries. . ."
Official Lutheran Church Practices Goddess Worship: Shamanic Journeying, Crystals, And A Sacred Dance To Ishtar
. . .A church holding membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the country, worships God almost exclusively as a woman. The church, Ebenezer Lutheran in San Francisco, also participates in rituals to honor ancient goddesses. . .
Is God Still Father?
. . .I received an Advent devotional booklet published jointly by Luther Seminary and Pacific Lutheran Seminary. Not once, in 28 days worth of readings, is God every referred to as Father. I guess I don't have to tell you that the personal pronouns He and His are never used to refer to God either. . .
"Lutheran" Goddess Worship - (Happening in the ELCA)
. . .the spirit of a church body can be discerned not only by what it teaches, but also by what it allows.
No End in Sight
. . .A search of the Internet will show that events featuring goddess worship, witchcraft, and non-Christian worship practices may be found in churches representing every mainline Protestant denomination in America. . .Dr. Morton Smith of the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary said false teaching — especially feminist theology — is destroying the mainline churches in America. . .
Inclusive Language Excludes God
. . .I had occasion recently to peruse in more depth the ELCA hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship and found the most distressing part of it was the awkward wordings assigned to mask how we formerly addressed God . . .
The ongoing Reformation of language for God
(2022 - ELCA continues, in this article, to life up Mary Streufert, who exhibited pictures of Jesus as a female - See
https://www.exposingtheelca.com/apps/search?q=Streufert ). . . people told me how much they ached for language for God that includes masculine, feminine and neutral language and images. People have shared their anger, their tears, their shock and their delight with me. It was time to answer them. . .
https://www.exposingtheelca.com/apps/search?q=Streufert ). . . people told me how much they ached for language for God that includes masculine, feminine and neutral language and images. People have shared their anger, their tears, their shock and their delight with me. It was time to answer them. . .
My Conversion to the Lutheran Feminist Faith
. . .At ELCA, we even have our own feminist version of the Lord’s Prayer, which goes something like this: . .
ELCA Pastor: 'Gender-Neutral Hymnal Concession to Culture' (2005)
. . ."At base, what needs to be asked is not can we be somehow inclusive in our language, but rather, when we do alter our language, are we altering our theology and our basic values - and I think that is what's happening," he says.". .
Catching up on my reading. . .
. . .So, in essence, The Lutheran is telling us that Hebrews has it wrong and Jesus' word and works are not God's ultimate revelation to us, once for all to save us, but merely one in a myriad of evolving shapes, names, and images. Boy does that make you feel good! . .
Rank heresy in the ELCA
. . .The ELCA condemns itself by not ejecting this pagan temple from the denomination. . .
ELCA Posts "Mothering God..."
. . .They have an agenda. . .
Our Mother Who Art in Heaven?
. . .For decades now, I have watched minor deviations creep into churches or denominations or movements, only to watch them follow the inevitable trajectory into major heresy. . .
3 Ways That Calling God 'Mother' Transforms Us (written by an ELCA pastor)
. . .If we called God mother, we could better recognize that the ways God shapes and guides us are not primarily through words. . .
River of Hope Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Hutchinson, MN has prayer to Mother, Father (page 13)
. . .Come swiftly Mother, Father, come. . .
“Mother God”and the ELCA—Is God a “She”? (Includes a video segment)
. . .“God is spirit” (John 4:24), and so he doesn’t have a body or a gender in the sense that we, as humans made in God’s image, do. However, throughout Scripture, God consistently refers to himself as our “Father”—not our mother—and uses the pronoun “he,” not “she.” . .
ELCA criticized for praying to "Mother God" on social media
. . .The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the country, is facing criticism for posting a prayer to "Mother God" on its social media pages, flouting several thousand years of tradition in which God is addressed in male form. . .