Do you think God approves of a man, dressed in drag, "singing" a provocative song in a chapel, on the chancel, next to the altar? Well, that is exactly what happened recently at an ELCA seminary chapel, a school charged with raising up pastors who will be shepherds to ELCA members. The school is Luther Seminary, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in St. Paul, MN.
Luther Seminary is the largest pastor-producing seminary in the ELCA.
Below is Anders Nelson, the seminary student who was allowed to give this drag performance, who will soon be ordained in the ELCA, and his Facebook posts about the event.
Why is this allowed? It is because the ELCA has turned its back on God's Word. They walk in opposition to it. The liberal elites in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have taken over the synods, churchwide offices in Chicago, colleges and seminaries. They are producing clones of themselves: people who think, act, speak, and believe as they do. This is a problem. And when it happens in seminaries, the problem is exacerbated. Students become pastors who disseminate throughout the United States to lead and preach to congregations, passing on to them what they were taught. This is a past, present and future problem, and it is getting worse every year.
Patricia Bratt
12/14/2018 09:34:18 am
It appears that the E.L.C.A. is doing their best to create a religion far from the teachings of Martin Lutheran or the Bible. This is very sad to see and very Antichrist for sure.
K Smith
12/29/2018 08:34:19 am
L Case this is not Lutheranism. It isn't even Christian. But I would urge you not to write off Lutheran, Confessional Lutheran Fellowship on Facebook, and you will find real Lutherans 12/16/2018 08:03:28 am
SHOCKED!!! Is this a DFL Seminary? Has Luther become a cemetery for what once was a seminary? With Sem Relations fund raising, How does Lurher dare ask us to send money to support the evil of those being recruited and trained to be “pastors”??? No more shame? No more standards? —- Praying for the church’s return to the Bible Nd to real faith, a 90 year old grad from 1955
George in Texas
12/18/2018 08:27:30 am
I have removed myself from the ELCA roster and now attend a biblically based LCMS congregation. Flee the ELCA before it is too late.
12/14/2018 12:53:44 pm
Their striving to please the world and cravings for the fleeting pleasures of sin have sent the ELCA in search of increasingly godless nadirs.
12/14/2018 09:36:23 pm
All part of the ongoing slippery slope begun by the contemporary church movement that continues to disrespect the things of God.
Jo Stephanos
12/14/2018 02:59:33 pm
The ungodly behavior of the ELCA is shocking beyond comprehension. Just when you think they have reached the lowest level of blatant blasphemy, they prove you wrong. Thank you for continuing your efforts to bring their un-Christian activities to light.
12/14/2018 06:10:27 pm
From Texas....incredible how far the ELCA has fallen!!
12/14/2018 07:18:03 pm
12/14/2018 07:35:48 pm
A fake voice from a fake woman in a fake school of a fake denomination. A vulgar and sinful mockery of men, women, Christians, sacred space, and clergy. Young men and women wasting time, talents, and treasure on such trash!
Nnachebe Daniel
12/16/2018 12:35:26 am
Like prophesied in the Bible,many are falling off from the truth.They have chosen darkness rather than Light.God,s word declares,come out from amongst them.Also, let all(myself inclusive) who thinks he is standing beware.Let us meditate on Psalm 1v1to3 regularly. Blest is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly,nor stands in the place/midst of sinners nor to sit in their midst (pretending to be aloof,).We need to meditate daily on God,s words.Only constant meditation and obedience to God,s Words can save us from the deceitfulness of sin and satan
Dianne Gardner
12/15/2018 08:18:05 am
I am so glad my church decided to leave the ELCA
Mary Milby
12/15/2018 07:06:15 pm
This is so sad. The serpent is still speaking, mocking, lying and deceiving. The penalty is eternal death, just as it was in the beginning. This debauchery is only "fun" for a short time, because all people are progressing toward death in a few years, then the judgement. I feel sorry for these people when they have to face the Lord at their judgement. The horror is they are not satisfied to engage each other, they are making disciples of the whole culture, especially young children being groomed for their perverted lunacy. It would be better for them to have a millstone hung around their neck and be thrown into the sea. God takes no pleasure in anyone's death, but He will wipe out all sin and wickedness, sooner rather than later.
12/17/2018 03:32:12 pm
The fact that this happened in Minnesota does not surprise me at all.
Jo Stephanos
12/18/2018 10:52:28 pm
Why does this not surprise you that it happened in Minnesota?
B Davis
12/27/2018 11:24:16 pm
This is a pathetic use of faith. The fact that a strip tease dance was held in the sanctuary, while attendees in the pews are laughing is disgusting. Didn’t Jesus throw out the money changers in the sacred settings? I’m leaving the ELCA!
12/28/2018 11:39:03 pm
Totally disgusting!!
12/30/2018 12:18:24 pm
I left the ELCA ministry 19 years ago because they were leaving the Church. Here is proof that this place has left Chritianity altogether. So glad I joined the LCMS to serve as a pastor.
Dan Ring
1/1/2019 03:42:58 pm
Jo/Ann Ward
1/2/2019 11:12:39 am
Just awful!!!
Dave stempson
1/7/2019 10:36:17 am
I saw this coming years ago. Left ELCA for the LCMS and now know after witnessing this abomination that our leaving was a God thing. It is too bad the ELCA Sunday attenders don’t pay attention to what the church is doing and the depths to which it has fallen. Yes ELCA the Bible is the word of God and there is a real devil. Too bad you have lost that belief as this video so abundantly proves.
I left the ‘church’ corporations when I was researching a different subject and came across evidence that we were still observing pagan festivals! Jesus hates Nicolaitins. The followers of Nicholas believed that one could follow Jesus and still participate in the polytheistic festivals to false gods. So, I gave up Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. And, I left the false teachers!
Jack Richards
1/22/2019 03:46:31 pm
I believe this pairs with the Drag Nativity presented by the ELCA outlet in Baltimore. Lord, hasten the day when this seminary and its denomination close its shop of heresies and horrors.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11