Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber is the face of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). She is a beloved pastor/author in the denomination who speaks at some of the ELCA's largest gatherings, including this summer's National Youth Gathering that brought in over 31,000 high school students. (See the end of this article)
No word yet if Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber and her ELCA brethren will be dancing around the golden object at its unveiling. (Exodus 32:19) What is this about? This is about sex. This is about being sexual. Nadia does not like God's directive for sex to be between one man and one woman, who are married and does not think it should be confined only to marriage. Rev. Bolz-Weber's new book website says her book "offers a full-blown overhaul of our harmful and antiquated ideas about sex, gender, and our bodies." (See here) The Huffington Post article quotes Pastor Bolz-Weber saying, “This thing about women that the church has tried to hide and control and that is a canvas on which other people can write their own righteousness ― it’s actually ours...This part of me is mine and I get to determine what is good for it and if it’s beautiful and how I use it in the world.” (see here) If you think this is a joke, it is not. And Nadia Bolz-Weber is actually making a golden vagina sculpture.
(See here)
In return for people sending ELCA pastor Bolz-Weber their purity rings, they will be sent an "impurity" ring and a "Certificate of Impurity" as seen below.
Nadia Bolz-Weber has said and done a lot of heretical things in the past (see here and here). For example, in 2017, Nadia Bolz-Weber signed the "Naked and Unashamed" statement that rejects marriage as the only place for sexual intercourse. (See here) And more recently, she spoke of her support for viewing "ethically sourced porn." (See here)
How can this be allowed in a "Christian" denomination? It can not. The ELCA has placed feeling and belief above that of God and His Word. This is what happens when a church rejects, twists and ignores much of Scripture. It will only get worse.
The same principles and theology of ELCA professors who taught Nadia, are and have been teaching most pastors of the ELCA. Warn people about the apostasy of the ELCA. If you are attending an ELCA church, get out and find a Bible-believing and God-honoring denomination. -- As you can see below, not only is Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber the brightest star in the ELCA, she is the face of the ELCA, and the defacto theological leader of the denomination. She is sought out by ELCA leadership. Rev. Bolz-Weber's Facebook page has 196,105 "likes" and 212,283 people follow her. On Twitter, she has over 71,000 followers. Nadia Bolz-Weber's influence is wide and deep.
Here is a picture of Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber sitting with the leader of the ELCA, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.
This picture shows Nadia with former ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson.
The ELCA chose Rev. Bolz-Weber to speak to the the youth at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. And also at the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering. Then there is a video created by an ELCA synod about Rev. Bolz-Weber and her church.
ELCA bishops want to be around Nadia Bolz-Weber. The picture below shows Nadia with the Bishop of the Gulf Coast Synod, ELCA.
Next, Rev. Bolz-Weber is pictured along with the bishop of the ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod. Finally, we have Rev. Dr. R. Guy Erwin, bishop of the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with Rev. Bolz-Weber. Finally, here is an ELCA church hosting Rev. Bolz-Weber's book tour.
Information About ELCA Pastor Arrested for 'Suspicion of Possession of Child Pornography'11/27/2018
Rev. Steven P. Sabin was, up until a week ago, the pastor at Christ Church Lutheran in San Francisco, CA. (See below and here) In 1998, ELCA Rev. Steven P. Sabin was “removed from the ELCA clergy roster for being in a committed, same-sex relationship while serving as pastor at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Ames, Iowa.” In 2010, Rev. Steven P. Sabin was "welcomed back" into the ELCA and to the ELCA clergy roster. This happened because of the ELCA's 2009 decision allowing practicing homosexuals to be pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. When reinstated, Rev. Sabin said, "For two decades, many have been grieved and alienated by the ELCA's exclusion of gay and lesbian pastors blessed with loving spouses. I hope and pray that they can, like me, lay aside the hurts and take hope from the gracious power of God to renew and direct the church into evermore faithful and effective proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope that this will be the beginning of a new period of evangelical outreach for the ELCA aided by our new witness to the forgiveness and grace of God truly being for all people...Like the psalmist, I can only observe with awe and gratitude: 'This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.'" (see here) Pastor Sabin served as one of the primary ordaining clergy in the ELCA's first ordination of a transgender pastor. See video below. Also participating in that ordination is the pastor of the ELCA's goddess worshiping church, herchurch.
Pay attention to the people lifted up by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, those on whom they shine a spot light -- like the vile-speaking and sin-preaching people the ELCA placed in front of 31,000 youth this summer. (see here, here, here,
here, here, here and here) or the people living out sinful lifestyles whom the ELCA advocacy featured this summer. (see here) Please note who is writing articles for the ELCA's magazine and the people they feature in ELCA publications. They are not orthodox, conservative, or Bible-believing Lutherans. This week Pastor El-Yateem was featured in the ELCA's official magazine Living Lutheran (see here and below).
- He is quoted in a New York newspaper saying, “I support BDS. And I will say this publicly, I say it to everyone.” (See here) BDS is a Palestinian origination movement aimed at encouraging Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. In a moment of truth-telling, El-Yateem announced, "My church the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and I support the BDS."
(Radical Linda Sarsour, who is a friend of Rev. El-Yateem as you will see in pictures below, commented on Rev. El-Yateem's post saying BDS is "a non violent means of protest protected by the US constitution." See here and read about Linda Sarsour here)
The BDS movement is anti-Semitism in action. This movement has no place in the Christian church, yet we have the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America supporting this movement (see here for further confirmation). Add to that Rev. Khader El-Yateem, also a high-ranking ELCA leader, is an outspoken advocate of BDS. - Last year, Rev. El-Yateem offered housing to Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) staff when the United States spoke of closing the PLO mission in the nation's capital. (see here) If you are not aware, the PLO has a long history of terrorism against Israelis. (See here)
Here are some of other anti-Israel social media posts by Rev. El-Yateem. Two years ago, the ELCA pastor shared this post, a radical message to and about both Israel and the United States.
Below is what Pastor El-Yateem believes and thinks. History says otherwise. In the following Facebook post, ELCA leader Khader El-Yateem says, "the Israeli soldiers have no respect for human life or law." Notice the rocks being thrown at the soldiers in the video he shared. Below, the ELCA pastor expresses delight with President Obama's betrayal of Israel. Next Khader El-Yateem shows his displeasure with a new Israeli law allowing BDS advocates to be banned from Israel. He could and should be one of those banned from ever going to the Jewish state. Did you know Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Rev. Khader El-Yateem is a socialist? - While running for a political office a few years ago, ELCA pastor El-Yateem said, "I want to be Trump’s worst nightmare.” That is recorded in an article about Rev. El-Yateem titled (see here) Meet the Socialist Who Hopes to Become New York’s First Arab-American Elected Official. The article goes on to say, "It was these progressive credentials that inspired the New York chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to endorse El-Yateem and marshal its fervent base to volunteer on his behalf week after week, day after day. As of early September, the DSA reported that 'nearly 300' of its volunteers have participated in the El-Yateem campaign, including knocking on over 15,000 doors. And, while El-Yateem admits that some Democrats are unsure about the term 'socialism,' he is proud of the endorsement and unabashed about his socialism. 'Jesus was a socialist!' he laughs, referencing his vocation as a pastor."
ELCA Rev. Khader El-Yateem radicalism runs deep in many other areas too. Below are some of his social media posts. - Rev. El-Yateem retweeted a post saying "Abolish profit. Abolish prisons. Abolish cash bail. Abolish borders. #AbolishICE." - And here the ELCA pastor takes a knee with Linda Sarsour to #StandWithKap.
- ELCA pastor El-Yateem must be pretty close with Sarsour, here he says "#IMarchWithLinda." - So moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is against Jesus, but Palestinians claiming the Jewish capital as their own is not? - ELCA leader El-Yateem is honored to have an abortion advocating organization's endorsement. And he adds "Women's health is non-negotiable."
- This ELCA leaders stands with LGBTQ community and displays some fine name-calling skills.
- And again, happy pride and #LoveIsLove posted by the ELCA leader.
This is the leader being lifted up by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Last weekend a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Ebenezer Lutheran Church, (also known as "herchurch") in San Francisco, CA, held their 2018 Goddess Harvest Festival.
At the Goddess Harvest Festival one could take a "Goddess Painting Class." Below is how the ELCA church described the class: "Join Jennifer and Katie for an afternoon encountering the Divine through painting! This fun, no-talent-required class will guide you from start to finish in creating your own sacred icon of the Divine Feminine. This class we will honor the Goddess of Willendorf, the Neolithic Great Mother." (see here) The ELCA church's website gives additional information about their monthly "Goddess Painting" class which is captured below. Every month they paint a different goddess. The list is:
"2018 Goddesses:
January: Cerridwen, Celtic goddess of the cauldron of transformation February: Wakahiru-Me, Japanese goddess of the morning sun March: Butterfly Maiden, Native American Spring goddess April: Hina, Hawaiian Moon goddess May: Hathor, Ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and beauty June: Tree Goddess July: Minoan Snake Goddess August: Mami Wata, African ocean goddess September: Arianrhod, Welsh/Celtic goddess of weaving cosmic time October: Hecate, Greek goddess of the crossroads of life and death November: *second Sunday of the month* Willendorf, Neolithic Mother goddess December: Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas" (see here)
Note, herchurch calls this "encountering the Divine through painting." This is not a Christian activity. In fact, it is in direct opposition to God's First Commandment which says "And God spoke all these words: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.'" - Exodus 20:1-3. It is hard be believe, but herchurch, which has a long disturbing history (see here) is in good standing with the ELCA. The ELCA is complicit in this evil practice. Here are some other activities that took place at the Goddess Harvest Festival: - Spirit Voices Of Light/Totem Animal Allies Mask Making "Join explore connection with totem animal allies through a Shamanic journeying and mask making process. For this workshop, Deborah will lead participants using the combination of Shamanic journeying with the creation of a mask for each person. Participants will leave at the end of the workshop with a mask pulled from their face. Space is limited to 10 participants." - Make your own Goddess Totem "You are invited to make a small goddess figure using polymer clay, which hardens by baking. You will be amazed at how easy it is to create these personal totems to take home! All supplies provided. Take yours home to bake or pick it up Sunday, baked for you." - Liturgy of the Divine Feminine "Honoring and raising up the Divine Feminine in the cosmos, community and ourselves. All are welcome. (ELCA) Pastor Stacy Boorn" - Tai Chi Chih "In this easy, gentle movement class, participants will engage in moving meditation to enliven them with the natural flow of energy known as chi. Tai Chi Chih’s 19 movements and one pose promote health, well-being and longevity." (See here) If you are an ELCA member, you should ask yourself why you part of a denomination that allows this. Rev. Tom Brock shared his thoughts on Facebook about the "Goddess Harvest Festival," which you can read below: (The following article was written many months ago by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Yesterday I followed "Church rummage sale" signs, not quite knowing where I was going. First, I arrived at a United Church of Christ congregation in Minneapolis. The gay pride rainbow symbols were prevalent outside and inside the church. Most of the people running the sale were elderly. I noticed a younger man dressed as a woman. I picked up an informational brochure on the church and found the heresy one has come to expect from the UCC. First, there is an Adult Sunday School class based on "The Phoenix Affirmations". These are 12 affirmations put together by progressive Christians, the first of which says they are "Walking fully in the path of Jesus without denying the legitimacy of other paths that God may provide for humanity." In other words, Jesus is our path but He is not the only path. That, of course, is not "walking fully" in the path of Jesus since it denies His words in John 14:6 of being the only way. On Saturdays the church hosts the GLBTQAIP peer support group. I know what Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Allies are, I don't know what the I and P stand for (letters keep get added). On Saturday night the church hosts "Slutwalk Minneapolis", whatever that is. On Sunday one can join the "Sunday Spirit Circle" to "deepen connections to spirit and community...we will lean into the natural rhythms of the seasons with meditation, art, ceremony..." On Tuesday is a group for transgender individuals. There is also a group called BS that offers Bible study, though I didn't appreciate it being referred to as "BS". I followed another rummage sale sign and ended up at an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation in Minneapolis. I noticed at their book sale table there were a number of homosexual themed books with titles such as "Lesbian Ethics". It turns out the senior pastor is a homosexual man with a "husband" and son. The pastor has been a leader in various pro-homosexual groups and is the founder of a teen camp that helps youth accept their homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism. I'll say it again, this isn't my grandma's Lutheran Church. It used to be that the United Church of Christ was more liberal than the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This is still somewhat true. For instance, one can now deny the Trinity and the deity of Christ and be a pastor in the UCC, whereas the ELCA still requires belief in the Trinity. On moral issues like abortion and homosexuality, however, it is hard to find any difference between the UCC and ELCA. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) is a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). A couple weeks ago, Masters of Divinity student Elle Dowd preached during worship in the school's Augustana Chapel (listen to it here or read it here).
Elle Dowd didn't want us to miss it, as she contacted me a number of times wanting me to read her sermon (and write about, no doubt). The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago certainly thought highly of it as well, because they promoted it on their Facebook page and linked to the full audio of the sermon.
(Go see the seminary Facebook post here)
Here is Elle Dowd's second tweet seeking my attention:
Below is the type of teaching and preaching future ELCA pastors are digesting (and it has been like this for years). Lowlights of the sermon:
You can read more about this ELCA seminary student here. ELCA pastor Lura Groen responded to my tweeting this article:
And this from ELCA pastor John Sipf:
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11