This past month I've been praying about new opportunities to reach more people with the truth about the non-Biblical teaching, beliefs and policies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and I've come up with a few new strategies. One idea, after our recent achievement of exceeding 1 million page views, is to pursue greater promotion of the website in order to make it more visible -- allowing more to know about and be resourced by this ministry.
Would you pray for Exposing the ELCA and prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry to make this and other initiatives possible? If you are willing to give, gifts can be made by credit card, click "donate" on this page or by check. Just contact me on this page (click here) to request a mailing address.
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The following was posted on Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church, Montoursville, PA's facebook page:
"Results of this mornings congregational meeting. On resolution 1 to leave the ELCA: 77 yes, 11 no. More than two thirds (87%) of voting members present voting yes, the motion is ADOPTED. On resolution 2 to accept NALC constitution and join: 77 yes, 11 no. A majority of ballots cast voting yes. The motion is ADOPTED. The required letters will go to the Upper Susquehanna Synod of the ELCA and to the NALC to make the change official." (see here) Additionally, this was reported on the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) facebook page: “Thank you for your prayers! Bethany Lutheran, Montoursville held its second vote yesterday to disaffiliate with the ELCA and affiliate with the NALC. The vote was in the affirmative to make the transition. God's blessings.” (see here) The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook (here) and twitter (here.)
The ELCA's official website has an "Ask the Pastor" blog where people can ask ELCA pastors a question. The most recent is called "Eternal Life for Everyone?" The question is whether the ELCA will line up with the heresy of universalism (that everyone is saved, whether one believes in Christ or not). In part, here is how Pastor Monica answered: ...there are many who seek to bring salvation to people by way of threatening eternal damnation. It’s a fear tactic. ...God does not destroy the earth while saving a select few. This is not the God who sent his only Son not to condemn but to save. Again not just a few – but the whole world! ...Will we be judged? Yes. Where will we spend eternity? I trust the God of love who first loved us in Christ Jesus. So, catch that, the whole world goes to heaven according to her. Here in part is Pastor's David's response to the same question: ...The question is whether only the righteous will be resurrected, or will both the righteous and the wicked be resurrected at Christ’s return? And on that question, many very intelligent and faithful people (much smarter than I) have written at length and disagreed....At the end of the day, the answer resides in God’s control and not in mine. My trust is in God’s grace, and my hope is in the resurrected Jesus Christ. I will let myself be satisfied with the mystery, and know that all will be clear when God makes it so. So, one pastor says all will be saved, the other says says it is a mystery. The Bible teaches differently. There will definitely be a resurrection of the just and unjust. The Old Testament teaches this (Daniel 12:2) as does Jesus Himself (John 5:29). And the verses where Jesus talks about the reality of Hell are numerous (see, for instance, Matthew 25:46 where Jesus talks about eternal punishment). And, yes, faith is Christ is necessary for salvation (Acts 16:31, Romans 3:26). Is it any wonder that the number of missionaries in the ELCA has gone down since its founding in 1988? If everyone is saved, lets bring the missionaries home. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock Thank you to all the readers of and visitors of Exposing the ELCA's Facebook and Twitter pages for “liking,” re-tweeting, emailing and sharing with those you know the information on our website! began its ministry mid-December 2009, and by the end of summer 2014, the website reached one million pageviews. As of April 30, 2015, we have 1,154,758 pageviews. God's work continues! The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook (here) and twitter (here.)
A few years ago, Gustavus Adolphus College, a church-related school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, became infamous when a student secretly videotaped the vile sex skits to which Freshmen were subjected to help them become open to various “sexualities” (google “Gustavus Adolphus Freshman orientation” on Youtube and you will get some very upsetting skits). I was told Gustavus lost a huge donation over the issue. I was having an Easter meal today with a student attending Gustavus who said he is involved with the upcoming Spring play. I asked what the play was. He looked down “I don’t want to tell you.” I asked again and again he refused. So I googled it. This past Fall Gustavus put on “Angels in America, A Gay Fantasia…” But here is what is happening this Spring (from the Gustavus website): “In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play”. “In the Next Room is a true novelty: a sex comedy designed not for sniggering teenage boys — or grown men who wish they were still sniggering teenage boys — but for adults with open hearts and minds." The New York Times According to Wikipedia, the play is about how sexually frustrated women learn to achieve orgasm. A few years ago, a Buddhist service was held at the large, beautiful Christ Chapel at Gustavus during which an offering to Buddha was placed on the Christian altar. Also a few years ago a Christian band, which had been approved, was performing an open air concert for the students. When one of the band members gave his testimony on how God saved him out of homosexual behavior, the school stopped the concert and apology was made for the “hate speech.” If you are thinking of sending your student to Gustavus, please think again. And if you are thinking of donating money, please find a good Christian mission instead. Nevertheless, He is risen! We celebrate today that Jesus is alive and well and will have final say over all the evil that people perpetuate in His name. In Him, Pastor Tom Brock |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11