The following is a comment that was posted on a previous Exposing the ELCA blog from a student at St. Olaf College, an ELCA school. It is truly a disturbing account of what the students are being taught and is a warning to all Bible believing parents considering sending their students to an ELCA college.
Hello everyone. As a St Olaf student and full Christian Bible believer, I have found that St Olaf has increasing hatred towards me and what I believe. We are taught in our "religion" classes that Christians are hateful, hypocritical, sexist, and racist. We are taught that Christian beliefs were responsible for the Holocaust and the extermination of Native Americans. They tell us that much of the Bible is fiction; in particular, they teach that Ezekiel and Paul were mentally insane, Exodus never happened, and Matthew, Mark, and John never actually were followers of Jesus. It's incredible that this college still says it is a "Christian" college. The hatred I've received from students because of my beliefs is more than I've ever had before. Please pray that the actions of this college will come to light. Thanks, Anonymous St. Olaf Student
“Hallelujah, We've been found A child is born To save us now Jesus Hallelujah light has come A Savior who will set us free A Promise for those who believe” By Pastor Tom Brock of Please follow/like Pastor Brock on Facebook by going here and twitter users here.
Rev. Megan Rohrer is a pastor in the ELCA Lutheran Church who identifies as butch, dyke, queer, and transgender. Rev. Rohrer is the first openly transgender pastor in the Lutheran church. She recently wrote for Living Lutheran, the ELCA's official blog, about a trip with her "wife" to South America. She writes: In Peru, our stay has been wonderful. One hotel owner, after learning we had the same last name, insisted we ...switch from two twin beds to a king-sized one. While there are some countries where you can still be killed for being LGBT, in others it is only our racism that convinces us that the residents couldn't be as progressive as we are... For one of the strangest interviews you'll ever read, see the "Butch in the Clergy" article below about whether Rohrer's congregation calls her "she", "he", or both. This sad, sexual confusion, which Jesus desires to heal, is now given space and, thereby, affirmation on the ELCA website (you will find about 35 of Rohrer's postings at the ELCA blog there). Once again, please pray that many will leave the ELCA for a more Biblical denomination which does not celebrate sin. Pastor Tom Brock - See more at Do you support the release of suspected terrorists? Are you concerned for their safety? Like it or not the answer is “yes” if you are a member of the ELCA.
The following is an “Advocacy Action Alert” from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. - “A message of thanks to Uruguay for opening its doors to Guantanamo detainees On Sunday, December 7, six detainees who had been held for 12 years at Guantanamo Bay were resettled as refugees in Uruguay. These Syrian, Tunisian, and Palestinian men were detained but never charged. Their release has taken multiple years, but due to the kindness of the Uruguayan government, they are finally in a safe place. In taking seriously the moral imperative to welcome the stranger -- something that the United States has been unwilling to do with Guantanamo detainees who pose no threat to national security nor to the communities to which they would be resettled -- the Uruguayan government has displayed leadership and is a positive example to the U.S. and the rest of the international community. Uruguay’s actions are to be commended. Lutherans, whose collective commitment to welcoming the stranger is evident in both our teaching and practice, are especially grateful to the Uruguayan government for opening its doors to these individuals. We continue to pray for the closure of Guantanamo Bay and the resettlement of detainees who have the right for release. We also give praise to all countries that decide to show courage and leadership as Uruguay has done.” (see here) Somehow I doubt these ELCA leaders would act on their (warped) commitment “to welcome the stranger” by giving these suspected terrorists shelter in their own homes. ELCA Churchwide staff held a demonstration/die-in last week at the ELCA headquarters in Chicago. A die-in is a protest where participants simulate being dead. Here is how the ELCA explains what happened: “Waves of protests over racial injustice blanketed the nation this week, and the ELCA churchwide staff joined that effort by gathering in front of the churchwide office in Chicago today for a prayer vigil/peaceful demonstration. Lying on the grass as a way to bring attention to homicides committed by police officers, participants called out dozens of names of people killed by police 'as a result of the color of their skin,' said a vigil organizer. #ELCA4Justice.” Posted by ELCA publication The Lutheran on facebook. (see here) One person at the ELCA Churchwide die-in is seen holding her hands in the air similar to the “hands up, don't shoot” pose that arose from the Ferguson Missouri case and protests, as you can see here. Post by The Lutheran. Everyone who supports police officers should be offended by these words and actions. That's not all. Here are some more actions/statements the ELCA has made originating from the Michael Brown issue: - This from the ELCA Advocacy Network: "A message to the ELCA Advocacy Network on the decision that there will be no indictment in the shooting of Michael Brown Today we are saddened. Sad that Michael Brown is dead and his family is grieving, that the deaths of young black males by police still happen too often in our communities, and that a rite of passage in young black lives is to learn survival skills for negotiating being out and about in the world and encountering law enforcement. We are also sad that police will be painted by the same broad brush, and that our justice system has left us and our neighbors wondering about its fairness.” (see here) - This from the ELCA's Pacific Lutheran University facebook page: “Today in Red Square, PLU students, staff and faculty are staging a day of silent observation out of respect for those lost to racialized violence. All are welcome to attend to honor those voices we have lost. #PLUforJustice #FergusonDecision” - The ELCA Presiding Bishop posted a video message about the recent events here. - Because of the recent events the ELCA's Presiding Bishop, as well as a number of ELCA synods are is calling on ELCA members to wear black to church next Sunday (see here and here). - Pictures from a die-in during Eucharist at the ELCA's Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. (see below or here) Exposing the ELCA received the following statement yesterday:
Martin Luther Church, Johnson, Nebraska is NO LONGER an ELCA church having passed the second vote December 7th, 2014. There were 136 voting members present, 91 votes were needed to pass. The vote results were 93 YES votes, 40 NO votes, 3 abstains (which count as NO votes per ELCA rules) giving a percentage of 68.4%. In the same ballot vote the congregation voted to be affiliated with both the NALC and LCMC. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! There are few ELCA pastors that believe the Biblical account of creation (see here). Recently a discussion took place on a facebook page for ELCA clergy that began with an ELCA pastor writing this -
“After teaching introduction to the OT for a group of laypersons in our synod, I was disappointed that one of the ten persons blasted everything I taught about Genesis for her final paper and presentation. It took courage, I think, for her to make her presentation, but she basically said that, if you believe in any form of evolution or if you believe someone other than Moses wrote Genesis or if you believe that the days of Genesis 1 are not literal 24-hour days, you're a godless pagan who goes against scientific principles and sound reasoning. I'm still astonished... and a bit disappointed.” The comments that followed were revealing:
Exposing the ELCA's latest poll asked readers to respond to this statement: “ELCA colleges are Christian and help grow the faith of their students.” The result of this widely circulated poll (563 shares on facebook) were:
57.43% (228 votes) answered “False” 42.57% (169 votes) answered “True” Total Votes: 397 |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11