"I'd like to see picket lines at clinics which provide abortion procedures made illegal, defined as an act of terrorism and as such no longer defensible under the right to free speech as set out in the 1st Amendment."
"Let's face it: Roe v. Wade is not going to be reversed. Frankly, it shouldn't be". (see here) These are the words of ELCA pastor Scott Johnson. Rev. Johnson was elected bishop, a few days ago, by the Nebraska Synod. A man who thinks prolife demonstrators at abortion clinics are committing acts of terrorism. Think about that for a minute. This is from the man Nebraska ELCA voters chose to lead them. The newly elected ELCA bishop has a long history of public support for abortion. Here is some of what he has been saying and posting on his social media:
In the post below Pastor Johnson tweeted his joy at people donating to abortion provider Planned Parenthood in the name of pro-life Vice-President Mike Pence.
Where does Bishop-elect Scott Johnson stand on other topics, you ask?
Johnson is a one of the new boisterous, woke pastors that have been taking over the ELCA in the last decade.
Is the Bishop-elect friends with some of these ELCA pastors, many of whom this ministry has highlighted? I'm not sure but Bishop-elect Johnson wrote a book review of a book by Pastor Lenny Duncan saying:
"I'll echo the blurb from Nadia Bolz-Weber from the front cover: "I dare you to read this book." I particularly dare you to do so if you're a white, straight, American male in the ELCA. You need to sit down, read, and listen. You need to know that your privilege is real, that there are things you don't encounter simply because your skin color and your sexual preference fall a certain way." (See here)
And it wasn't surprising to see Bishop-elect Scott Johnson was "following" many of them: Bishop-elect Johnson has a recommended blogs section on his website that includes Nadia Bolz-Weber's and Clint Schnekloth's blogs. (See here, on the right hand side.)
In April, 2022 the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the ELCA held a middle school youth retreat. (See here) Jonah Davis, a queer transgender individual (see here), spoke to the youth at the ELCA retreat as the keynote speaker. Exposing the ELCA received the following report about this retreat: "This event though the link may seem innocent enough. But the first activity during the camp, the kids were asked for their pronouns. All references to God the father were changed to God the Parent. And they had a transman, a woman pretending to be a man speak to the children. But only partially about his coming out story and how he was hurt by people he loved when he came out as trans." "I was especially uncomfortable with the changing of scripture from John 15. Removing any mention of God the Father and replacing "father" with "parent." A pastor even mentioned the Holy Trinity as "the parent, the sibling, and the holy spirit." It is truly disturbing to see how far they will go to destroy the Lutheran Church from within with their new woke religion." Indoctrinating the youth with beliefs that contradict what God tells us in the Bible is a ploy of Satan. Please do not send your children to anything involving the ELCA.
Pam Rocker is the LGBTQ+ Theologian in Residence for the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA. In a Facebook post she writes:
"I support any kid in expressing who they are through whatever affirms them, whether it's through clothes, medication, or surgery. I believe that withholding these supports from them is cruel and criminal." (See below) Then in a retweet of a Facebook post Pam Rocker confirms her support of a statement that says "This is indeed part of my queer agenda: To expose children as early as possible to all the possibilities of their beautiful becoming. To leave no doubt that whichever way their love blossoms and their gender blossoms and their body unfurls, they will be protected, cherished, celebrated, loved." (also see below) The two ELCA synod posts below show Pam Rocker being placed in leadership positions. Next are some additional FB posts by Pam Rocker which reveal some of what kind of person she is, what is important to her and what her beliefs are: Rev. Emily Scott is the pastor at Dreams and Visions. (see here) it is a newer church plant of the ELCA's Delaware-Maryland Synod. (Rev. Scott once speak at an ELCA National Youth Gathering.)
The church website says "Worship is Queering and spirit-led, invites truth-telling and gratitude, and moves us toward God’s dream of justice." (See the second picture below) Elsewhere on the church homepage it says "we seek to be a place where..." "False binaries are left behind" and 'Queerness is holy." See below. On the church "about" page they write: "The ELCA is a denomination that supports the lives and ministries of LGBTQ people and, does incredible work with refugees and immigrants. The local expression of our denomination called the Delaware-Maryland Synod. Bishop Bill Gohl, Dr. Amsalu Geleta, and the Synod Council have all worked together so that Dreams and Visions might come into being" Money going to the ELCA is helping pay for this kind of church and teaching. 'National Day of Mourning' on Thanksgiving is on ELCA Synod's 'Notable events and observances'11/24/2021 The ELCA's Grand Canyon Synod has a page on their website titled "Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: November 21, 2021."
On this page, under "Other notable events and observances" was the listing "National Day of Mourning (November 25th)." See here or below. "The National Day of Mourning began in 1970 as a form of protest to the 350th anniversary celebration of the arrival of the Pilgrims." (See here) Also listed is "Transgender Day of Rememberance (November 20th)."
The ELCA post and video below does not say that people should turn from sexual sin, instead it says "God loves you just the way you are" implying that God approves of their sexual desires and sins.
Jesus called people to "follow" Him. He also directed people to "go and sin no more." The ELCA does not do that. By rejecting God's Truth, the ELCA harms people struggling with sin. See video below or here.
The ELCA's South-Central Synod of Wisconsin has a new "Assistant to the Bishop for Generosity." Rev. Peter Beeson, formally Rev. Rose Beeson (see here), is joining the synod staff.
This is the third known transgender person to be placed in a leadership position in the ELCA this year. The Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA elected transgender pastor Megan Rohrer bishop of their synod in May, 2021 (see here) and the East Central Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA installed pastor Asher O'Callaghan as associate to the bishop, also in May . (See here) Theological liberals control the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you believe God's Word, it is time to get out of this denomination. Last week a transgender person was elected to be bishop of an ELCA synod. This week a transgender person was installed as an associate to the bishop of an ELCA synod. This happened in two different synods of the ELCA.
(See below or here) (Read about new transgender ELCA bishop here) I have to believe that the people remaining in the ELCA do not really care what God says in His Word.
On May 8, 2021, the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA elected transgender pastor Megan Rohrer bishop of their synod.
Thrilled with the news, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America issued a press release with posts on their website, Facebook page and their magazine Living Lutheran announcing the historic action of the ELCA's "first openly transgender bishop..." (See below) The news has been picked up by many national news outlets including this one from NPR. The ELCA mocks God. They mock God's Word. They lead others astray and they twist the Truth. The ELCA:
I can no longer have any respect for anyone who remains in the ELCA. That includes churches that remain too, from the very smallest to the biggest (the ELCA's Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines and Nazareth Lutheran in Cedar Falls, to name a few). Shame on you for staying in a denomination that is not faithful to Scripture but is leading people into sin and away from Jesus. Your participation is your shame and you have no excuse. You can not justify being part of this evil, faith-destroying denomination. (See the new release the ELCA published where they brag "Rohrer is the first transgender bishop in the ELCA" here)
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Oregon Synod has joined with ELCA Head Bishop Elizabeth Eaton to promote the acceptance of transgenderism. To see Bishop Caesar perform a "marriage" of two homosexual men, click here: https://youtu.be/KKTZBExjWqk I will say once again, this is not my grandma's Lutheran church. Neither is it the church of Martin Luther. And it is certainly not a church based on the Bible. It has become the church of "anything goes." In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock I guess we should not be surprised that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, by way of the Metro D.C. Synod and their Synod Council Interim Vice President, produced a devotional video with a Buddhist/Hindu statue sitting in the background. Let me be clear to ELCA leadership and anyone who doesn't know God's Word very well. Buddhism is a false religion. Hinduism is a false religion. God says this in Exodus 20:2-3, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me." I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols. - Isaiah 42:8 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 Help Exposing the ELCA raise $75,000, an amount many ELCA pastors make in one year. Gifts can be given by credit card, or PayPal at www.paypal.com/paypalme/exposingtheelca. If you'd like to give by check send me a message (here) for more information.
God's Word is the authority, not man, not liberal denominations. Teaching things that go against God's Word is not a "loving" position. It is instead very harmful to listeners and people that indulge in actions because of the ELCA's false teaching.
An ELCA Synod has called a transgender pastor to be their Associate to the Bishop with the title of "Director of Transitions and Discernment."
Rev. Tom Brock writes: I am not making this up: ELCA bishop believes “Holy Spirit at work” as transgender pastor becomes “Director for Transitions…” In a previous post I wrote about Anne Edison-Albright, newly elected bishop for the East Central Wisconsin Synod of the Evangelical Church in America. She was a campus pastor at Luther College who marched in gay pride parades. Now as bishop she has brought on board a transgender “man” (a woman who presents herself as a man) as “Associate to the Bishop, Director for Transitions and Discernment” for helping congregations in transition. The bishop believes this is the Holy Spirit’s work, “I write to share news of the Holy Spirit at work…” Transgender Pastor Asher O’Callaghan is “married” to another woman ELCA pastor. In a bizarre analogy, O’Callagan believes she will be good for congregations in transition since she has gone through sexual transition herself to become a man. Asher writes: “As a transgender pastor, I am intimately acquainted with transition. In fact, it was my own gender transition that first sparked my passion for these tumultuous times. Transitions are holy ground…I began to sense a call to ordained ministry in this church during my gender transition. Letting go of who I had been paved the way for who I would become. Similarly, it has been a joy to experience congregations finding new identity and direction during times of leadership transition.” The bishop then offered this strange prayer for her new associate (and reminds us of her preferred pronouns): “God of thin spaces and in-between times, we give thanks for your Holy Spirit’s creative and disruptive work in our lives and in our synod. Bless Pastor Amy and Pastor Asher in this time of hellos and goodbyes… Bishop Anne Edison-Albright she/her/hers”” I have written many articles on heresy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America but the above is perhaps the strangest. To believe that your sexual transition will be good for congregations in transition is beyond bizarre. And for a bishop to claim this is the work of the Holy Spirit approaches blasphemy. If you are an ELCA member in Wisconsin, do you want your offering dollars to pay the salaries of the above bishop and director? Time to find a new, more biblical denomination. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (See here) American society has been moving away from Christianity quickly and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is following that lead. The most extreme and liberal beliefs of our world are parroted in the ELCA. See the documentation below and read the article from the ELCA's East Central Synod of Wisconsin. The ELCA Synod article says: "Pastor Asher writes: 'As a transgender pastor, I am intimately acquainted with transition.'" (See here)
Bill Tesch is excited, as you can read in the below post about Kevin L. Strickland, an openly homosexual man (married to a man), becoming bishop of Southeastern Synod, ELCA. Calling the Holy Spirit "her." Below Rev. Bill Tesch writes about NOT being elected as bishop of the ELCA's South Dakota Synod saying "I had thought I might be called, but the Holy Spirit, in her typically messy way, has revealed that I am not." What about false religions? Politics? Check out the following by the ELCA bishop:
Kristen Kuempel is the Bishop of the Northwest Intermountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In a Twitter exposition Bishop Kuempel explains what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is about, saying, "There is a church in America working to address poverty, racism, systemic racism, reproductive health, full-inclusion of LGBTQIA+, hunger, & more."
In subsequent tweets Bishop Kuempel uses the F word and mentions Franklin Graham saying "I rebuke him." It is truly scary to see what kind of people the ELCA is elevating into highest echelon of leadership. (read more about ELCA Bishop Kristen Kuempel here)
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11