It is #GivingTuesday today. The ELCA is out in full force asking for money. They preach against Scripture, make anti-Semitic policies, are accepting of goddess worship and do not seek lost souls to bring them to salvation. But they still bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Exposing the ELCA is here telling all who will listen what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is doing. Major ministries, who once did the same are no more. If you appreciate this work that God has called Exposing the ELCA to do, help us stand up to the multi million dollar wayward denomination with your gift (see here). Thank you!
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a dying denomination. People have been leaving in droves. In 1989, the ELCA had 5,251,534 baptized members. At the end of 2015, the ELCA had 3,668,034 baptized members. (see here) Members who actually go to their churches number much less than that. A new study, "Theology Matters: Comparing the Traits of Growing and Declining Mainline Protestant Church Attendees and Clergy," seems to confirm my belief, and that of countless other Bible-believing Lutherans, as to the reasons for the downfall of the ELCA. The study’s lead researcher, David Haskell, reports that growing churches "held more firmly to the traditional beliefs of Christianity and were more diligent in things like prayer and Bible reading," compared to churches where membership is in decline. Additionally, Mr. Haskell states that “conservative believers, relying on a fairly literal interpretation of scripture, are 'sure' that those who are not converted to Christianity will miss their chance for eternal life. Because they are profoundly convinced of (the) life-saving, life-altering benefits that only their faith can provide. They are motivated by emotions of compassion and concern to recruit family, friends, and acquaintances into their faith and into their church." (read here) Most ELCA congregations, their pastors and upcoming ELCA seminarians are in accord with the liberal stand on Scripture and Bible-twisting theology that the ELCA champions. (I provide proof of this throughout this website.) Below is a different survey from Pew Research Center showing how infrequently Mainline Lutherans (ELCA) read scripture. Over half of the respondents said they “seldom/never” read the Bible. (see here) The next chart shows that only 17% of Mainline Lutherans (ELCA) say Holy Scripture should be taken literally. Thirty-two percent say Holy Scripture is “not the Word of God,” and 10% say "other/don't know." (see here)
The ELCA has a Bible problem. When you teach and treat Scripture the way of the ELCA, it is not a surprise that people who know differently will leave congregations, and a pastor will be left with people who hold Scripture in low regard, all thanks to the ELCA pastors' poor teaching. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's strong pro-abortion position can be seen in their policies, actions, non-actions and by what their leadership says. I'd like to share with you what ELCA leaders are saying on their social media pages about Planned Parenthood and abortion: ELCA Campus Pastor Casey Kloehn wrote a blog called "Abortion, actually." In it she writes: "I am already tired of fighting against those who have spent my entire life (as well as the decade before my birth) trying to undo the protections that decision provides." "I'm tired of feigning apology for where I stand." "I'm tired of men who have systematically threatened, oppressed, and injured women (for decades, centuries, millennia) through legislation, regulation, and theology." "...women who have had abortions do not need your forgiveness." "I stand with Planned Parenthood." "Women should have safe access to abortion on demand." "Even if Planned Parenthood was first and foremost an abortion provider, I would stand with them. I stand with every woman who is considering, has considered, will consider, is choosing, has chosen, or will choose abortion. Not in spite of my education, not in spite of my Christianity but--straight up--because of those privileges and commitments, I stand with women. I stand with Planned Parenthood." ELCA Pastor Scott Alan Johnson, Story City, IA wrote this in his blog: "I'd like to see picket lines at clinics which provide abortion procedures made illegal, defined as an act of terrorism and as such no longer defensible under the right to free speech as set out in the 1st Amendment." "Let's face it: Roe v. Wade is not going to be reversed. Frankly, it shouldn't be". (see here) Recently Pastor Johnson tweeted his joy at people donating to abortion provider Planned Parenthood in the name of the strong pro-life Vice-President elect Mike Pence. See below. ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod and she tweeted this last week: ELCA pastor Robert Franek, from Illinois retweeted the following from NARAL Pro-Choice America: Rozella Haydée White is the former Director for Young Adult Ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Days ago she tweeted this: Early this year Pastor Tom Brock wrote a blog titled "An ELCA leader supports Planned Parenthood" (see here) where he writes: "Inez Torres Davis is the Director of Justice for Women of the ELCA (WELCA). On her Facebook page she has a photo that says 'I stand with Planned Parenthood.' These are difficult days to stand with the nation's largest abortion provider, given the grisley facts that came out in the news about what they do with aborted baby parts. But sadly, this ELCA leader stands with them, and the ELCA continues to pay for abortion." The ELCA has long been a supporter of abortion. (see here and scroll down the page here) And as Pastor Brock mentioned, the ELCA even pays for abortion, for any reason, in their employee health care insurance. Today I've shown you vocal pro-abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood ELCA leaders shouting their support for Planned Parenthood. Is there any wonder Pew Research found that 65% of Mainline Lutherans (ELCA) say abortion should be legal in all/most cases. ELCA leaders have a profound influence on your thoughts and beliefs. That is a big danger in sitting under their teaching. (see Pew Research study here)
Many leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are showing their true colors. For years I've been documenting the anger and dislike they have for conservative, Bible-believing people, including ELCA members. Taking it to a whole new degree, the election of Donald Trump has them unhinged. They are exploding in vile, demonic-like hate. Be aware that there is vulgarity below. Here is some of what I am seeing.
- Lenny Duncan, who is a Vicar at an ELCA Church and Candidate for Ordination to the office of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, recently wrote a blog that included this picture on the right. In Mr. Duncan's blog he writes, "More than half of America has spoken, and it was what I have come to expect. They have sided with hatred." "If you are a leader in the church, or in a movement of liberation, our fight has just begun. If you are complicit in this travesty, may God have mercy on your soul." (see here) ELCA pastor Rev. Kwame L Pitts wrote this: ELCA Rev. John P Willmann posted: ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson, who is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod, has been very angry and vocal about the election. See her comment below and you can see more from her at her twitter account here. ELCA pastor Alex Darling-Raabe had this to say to someone on FB who said they voted for Mr. Trump: In a different thread on an ELCA Clergy page Alex Darling-Raabe writes: Francisco Herrera, a Ph. D student at the ELCA's LSTC and their "Diversity Blog Manager" posts this hate-filled diatribe: Then there is this from ELCA pastor Robert Franek, who if you see what he is tweeting is is a liberal fanatic (over 160 tweets and retweets in a 24 hour period this week):
Next is a comment by Sherianne Molzahn Caldwell. See her bio on the Northwest Washington Synod website here, (page 3): Ian McConnell, a candidate for ordination in the ELCA says:
The most popular pastor in the ELCA says:
Listen to what they are saying...many of the comments rail on people who voted for Donald Trump. I doubt they would be doing the same if Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders won the election. Even if you do not like Donald Trump, the behavior of these ELCA leaders is ugly, evil and disgusting. They are poor representatives of Jesus Christ. This is the second in a series of blogs Exposing the ELCA will post sharing findings from Pew Research Center. This Pew Research Center survey questioned "Lutherans in the Mainline Tradition." I believe the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is the only Lutheran denomination considered to be in the mainline tradition. There are two charts below. Firstly, people in the ELCA were asked "who they look to...most for guidance on right and wrong." When almost 75% of ELCA members do not identify their religion, or better said "God's Word," as the source for knowing right and wrong, it is obvious that their denomination has failed them. That failure is because the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been teaching against the truth of Scripture in word and deed since its inception. (see the Pew Research poll here) In the second chart posted here, people in the ELCA were asked about their belief in absolute standards for right and wrong. (see here)
Again we see the lack of Biblical literacy, knowledge and reverance of ELCA members, due, for the most part, to a low regard for Scripture and its truth being preached in their ELCA congregations. Seventy percent of those surveyed said that "right or wrong depends on the situation." No wonder the ELCA supports the killing of unborn children, celebrates homosexuality, ordains transsexuals, makes antisemitic policies, allows goddess worship, rewrites the Bible to their way of thinking and does not instruct their missionaries to lead people to Christ. Many of the people and pastors do not know the Bible, have decided it has little authority in their lives or have turned their backs on it. It's time to find a Bible-believing church to attend, my friends. Lets take a look at the failure of ELCA leadership and pastors to teach Scriptural truth to their congregations and see how liberal teaching in the church could be affecting the church members beliefs. This is the first in a series of blogs Exposing the ELCA will post sharing the Pew Research Center's findings. God's Word is clear that there is a hell. But only a little over half of Mainline Lutherans believe in it. This is an indictment of the ELCA leadership. Congregants need to understand the danger of sitting under Bible-denying spiritual leaders.
This Pew Research Center survey questioned "Lutherans in the Mainline Tradition." I believe the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is the only Lutheran denomination considered to be in the Mainline Tradition. Here is a link to this survey. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11