Sadly, the ELCA has rejected Jesus' own way of referring to God as Father. They must "know better" than Him. This is not just a one time thing. It has been happening for awhile. See a few instances of that here. (click and scroll down)
The ELCA wrote this prayer in their publication, Bread for the Day and yesterday they posted the prayer on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Facebook page. (See here or below) Radical ELCA seminarian Elle Dowd claims to be the author of this "Mother God" prayer, that the ELCA chose to use in their devotional book and on their official Facebook page. Why is ELCA leadership using her as a source for the denomination's prayers/material? See more about the author here.
A post last week by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is extremely disturbing. The ELCA official Facebook page published a post wishing people a "blessed Ramadan." This is encouraging a teaching and religion that is opposed to Christian beliefs. Kindness and love are Christian tenets, but the ELCA's belief in universalism, that all people are saved, has taken them to a place where they bless the practice of false religions and encourage people participating in them.
Even more disturbing, in the same Facebook post, is the statement made by the ELCA: "This month commemorating the revelation of the Qur’an is a month of intense spiritual rejuvenation, devotion, and reflection" (italics mine). "Revelation," according to, is defined as "the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world." The ELCA, by their own words, is saying that the Qur'an has divine origins, that it was given and disclosed by God! The Qur'an was written long after the New Testament and clearly states that Jesus is not the son of God. This reality, among other examples of the Qur'an not being a Christian resource, reveals a toxic sentiment by the ELCA that is opposed to orthodox teaching. It is heretical and evil of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to post that the Qur'an is a revelation, from God. God's Word in Galatians 1:6-7 tells us "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ." How far the ELCA has fallen. They twist, distort and deny God's Word but lift up a different religion's writings as being from God. It is time to leave this denomination that has left the Truth. ELCA Living Lutheran magazine: Everyone is saved, helping Lutheran camps be pro-LGBTQIA+, and more4/24/2020 (The following article is from Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Living Lutheran, the national magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran, regularly promotes a liberal viewpoint and the April 2020 edition is no exception.
Another article highlights that a grant has been given to ELCA Lutheran camps to help them be more welcoming "to people who identify as LGBTQIA+." The Bible teaches homosexual behavior is sin, but the article does not mention that. Another article is written by a young woman who left her evangelical upbringing and joined the ELCA. She writes "When I left my evangelical roots and began to find a home in the ELCA, I realized there were many faithful Christians who hadn't interpreted being "in the world but not of it" to mean shunning R-rated movies." She now watches R-rated movies and says "I met up with truth in young adult fiction and R-rated movies..." Since 2009, the ELCA has ordained practicing homosexuals and Living Lutheran often highlights homosexual pastors. In this edition, Pastor Joe Larson, "the first openly LGBTQ+ pastor called by an ELCA congregation of North Dakota" talks about sharing worship space with a Jewish synagogue. "We see the Spirit of God moving among us." He said he and the rabbi share a similar vision of what a faith community is meant to be. "We are working together on shared values." My response is this. Christians are indeed to love and respect people of other religions, but how can Christians have a "similar vision of faith community" with religions which reject Jesus as Lord and Savior? This is more evidence of Universalism in the ELCA. This past summer a delegate to the ELCA's national assembly tried to amend an inter-religious resolution by affirming that Jesus is the only way of salvation. He was voted down by 97 percent. Much as the ELCA claims to love diversity and inclusion, in its national magazine conservative viewpoints are rarely heard. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock --- (Three different articles in the April 2020 ELCA magazine spoke of "LGBTQ+" or "LGBTQIA+." Link to the Living Lutheran April 2020 magazine here.)
This is the state of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Its leadership has given in to the world and turned its back on the Truth, on Scripture and on God Himself. They model and teach that sinful behavior should be embraced and are encouraging behaviors that are inspired by the enemy and are harmful to people.
A couple months ago Southeastern Synod ELCA bishop Kevin Strickland, a practicing gay man, presided over the ordination of queer ELCA pastor Dawn Bennett. Rev. Bennett, a devoted LGBT advocate, was surrounded by many ELCA pastors. At the service, drag queens were actively involved in the ordination service, and this was celebrated. In ELCA Bishop Strickland's opening statement, he proclaimed to those gathered,
"... let this service, let this table, be an opportunity of inclusive grace for you. For you are welcome in this space and you are welcomed by God for just the way you are and for who you are, because of whose you are." (15:56 minute mark. See below)
He continued, "So Dawn, look around. This might just be, no this is, a glimpse of what the kingdom of God is like." How can anyone justify being part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America? The church is not of Christ. For the sake of yourself and your family, view the pictures below and then either insist that your congregation exit the ELCA or make a choice to leave your congregation that has bound their members to this denomination. Rev. Dawn Bennett ends this video below saying "...don't take no s#@t from nobody!" (modifications to spelling in this statement were made by Exposing the ELCA.)
(The following article is from Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here. Additional information added by Exposing the ELCA after the article.)
The below is from Pastor Dawn Bennett of a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America called "The Table" in Nashville where "we celebrate and embrace your gender, presentation, expression and sexual orientation." She writes: "Listen Beloved, God loves you! As you are, who you are and where you are in your faith walk.... Did you know you are CREATED? And HOLY? And BEAUTIFUL? And WORTHY? Did you know it’s not what you do but who you are that makes you SO valuable? If you have not been told that you are a beautifully, wonderfully, expertly, and purposefully made child of “God” and that you are worthy and whole JUST AS YOU ARE (today and every day up till today), let’s talk. Really, I have latte money. ... After a few decades of lay ministry and a whole ‘lotta baggage from traditional church, I went in search of a more holistic and realistic way to experience “God”....I’m really quite approachable and fun loving, until someone says Jesus doesn’t love me…or you (LIES! LIES! LIES!). I use she/her pronouns and identify as cisgender and queer, which for me is comfortable... I am an ordained pastor to the Ministry of Word & Sacrament in the (ELCA) Lutheran Church." (see here) Her website also states: "When you’re told you’re not “saved” it’s a lie. And when you’re told you’re not good enough, you’re not clean enough, you’re not loved, this too is a lie. Beloved, you are worthy, and loved just as you are. Believe it." (see here) My response. Whatever happened to sin? Whatever happened to the word "repentance"? It is nowhere to be found in the above. Are we to tell sinners they are "worthy"? No one is worthy, we all deserve eternal Hell for our sins. Does God love sinners? Yes, hallelujah, which is all of us. But God loves us too much to leave us that way and He offers forgiveness of sins and new life to those who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. But, again, repentance is nowhere to be found in this church's website, just "love, love, love" and "radical hospitality". Before the ELCA voted to ordain practicing homosexuals in 2009, this pastor's bishop could have disciplined her for promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. Today, her bishop is Kevin Strickland, himself a homosexual man with a "husband" and his Southeastern ELCA Synod website proudly displays a cross with a rainbow symbol. This is the world of the ELCA. If you are still an ELCA member, time to take your money, time and talents and join a more Biblical denomination. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
The ELCA's Pennsylvania Synod is promoting "LBGTQ-friendly" books to read to your children. The Facebook post takes you to an article that lists 17 LGBTQ-friendly books. They are stories about "transgender" children, a controversial gay rights leader, supportive books about children whose parents are gay, a child at a parent's gay wedding, a book that talks about "gender fluidity for children and encourages them to explore their identities," a story about a "prince falling in love with a knight" and many same-sex love stories.
The ELCA is trying to influence you and your family. Here they are targeting children with their view on homosexuality, gender fluidity and transgenderism. Why are you a part of a wayward denomination that preaches lifestyles that go against God's will for people?
Rev. Tom Brock addressed the situation this way -
(The following video and article is from Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Below is a half hour TV show we did on the most recent false teachings in liberal, mainline denominations. It is hard to believe things have sunk so low, but such is the result of abandoning God’s Word and following the world. 500 years ago Martin Luther wrote this hymn: Lord keep a steadfast in Thy word, Curb those who by deceit or sword, Would wrest the kingdom from Thy Son, And bring to not all He hath done. May the Lord have mercy on His Church, Pastor Tom Brock |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11