(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
The below article is tragic. Instead of helping young people with same-sex attraction and gender confusion see the light, they are helping them get comfortable in the darkness. If you or someone you know has same-sex attraction, go to restoredhopenetwork.org and you will see a list of ministries around the country that help people with same-sex attraction deal with it in a Biblical way. But you won’t see any of these groups highlighted by the ELCA, because Living Lutheran bans this view in its magazine. I should know, I am part of a such a group called “One by One” which inquired about buying advertising space and were not allowed because, we were told, our view is not congruent with more recent decisions of the ELCA. This in spite of the fact that the 2009 ELCA decision on homosexuality assured conservatives that their viewpoint would also be allowed in the denomination. But it is not allowed in the ELCA’s national magazine. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (See article here.)
Below is an example of the constant message the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is putting out in their publications and social media pages.
This post comes from a child (who claims to be transgender.) ELCA head bishop sides with homosexuals, not Catholic adoption agency, in Supreme Court case7/12/2021 (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
The Supreme Court this month unanimously ruled that a Catholic adoption agency in Philadelphia receiving government funding should not be forced to violate its beliefs by giving children to homosexual couples. Elizabeth Eaton is head bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She recently did a gay pride video to celebrate pride month and now has come out with a statement regarding the Supreme Court decision: "The ELCA stands with our LGBTQIA+ siblings in Christ...affirming (their) vocation..as parents and foster parents." It is tragic that the ELCA has decided to side with practicing homosexuals and not the Catholic Church, which is simply trying to live the faith it has practiced for 2000 years. God invented the family. It takes a father and a mother to create a child. It is sad that the ELCA leadership apparently thinks it knows better than God on how to design the human family. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock https://www.elca.org/-and-Events/8111
You should not be surprised to see lots rainbow colored gay pride messages in June, which many have branded "Gay Pride Month," but sadly, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of its biggest promoters.
Everywhere you look you will find ELCA pastors, ELCA seminaries, ELCA schools, ELCA synods, ELCA headquarters, ELCA publications, ELCA social media and ELCA churches proudly proclaiming their gay pride. It seems to be there main mission as a church to declare what God calls sin, to be "good." Below are just a few of the many ELCA entities celebrating and encouraging sin. The ELCA's magazine Living Lutheran posted the following and have an article discussing LGBT+ books and resources, many of them for or about youth. (see article here). Then they posted this. . . From the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA:
Two from the ELCA's Virginia Synod:
Here are two transgender persons talking about the ELCA in a Pride video produced by the Southeastern Synod: The Rock Mountain Synod of the ELCA posted this:
Here is ELCA's Carthage College's profile picture for June:
Former ELCA Bishop, Claire Burkat, now retired-Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA has these on her Facebook page: Newly elected lesbian ELCA bishop Brenda Bos of the Southwest California Synod says:
Bishop Patricia Davenport of the ELCA's Southeastern Pennsyvania Synod posted:
Newly elected ELCA bishop of the Allegheny Synod, Paula Schmitt doubbled up on "pride:" On the ELCA's Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago's FB page we find this pride message: From the newly elected bishop of Upstate NY Synod, Lee Miller II: (see more from him here and here) Popular heretic and ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber posted: Below is ELCA pastor Jason R. Churchill: ELCA pastor Roger Dykstra and his church makes gay pride month posts:
Then there is this from Leslie Welton O'Callaghan, Assistance to the Bishop in the ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod:
Bisexual ELCA personality, Elle Dowd chimes in her thoughts: Rev. Lenny Duncan, an ELCA pastor who is gay, posted: Rev. Kathleen Hesterberg Armstrong writes: From ELCA pastor Mark Staniz: And a pride post from Rev. Ellen Cutting Schoepf: Rev. Marin Otto Zimmann, who writes for the ELCA publication Living Lutheran and works at ELCA seminary United Lutheran, has this as his Facebook profile picture: From ELCA pastor Danny Phelps: ELCA pastor Carmine A. Pernini - ELCA pastor Amy M. Janssen: A Facebook profile picture from ELCA Rev. Micah Krey: Likewise from Rev. Sarah Crance Stobie: Another pride frame on ELCA pastor Kimberly Sturtz's picture: Something similar from Rev. Johnene Cunningham:
Rev. Jane Johnson too:
ELCA pastor Bre Roberts had posted a pride picture in June and made the post below in March: Below is by trans ELCA pastor Nicole Garcia: More pride from ELCA pastor Christine Higueria-Street: Another pride frame, this time from pastor Melissa Johnson Bills: (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Below is a glowing article from the website of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America about the denomination's recently elected first transgender bishop. This may be the first transgender bishop of any denomination anywhere as the ELCA leads the way in embracing new sexualities. The ELCA has also had two practicing homosexual bishops, one of which retired as bishop and is now an ELCA seminary president. If you read the below article you will notice the transgender bishop is not referred to as "she" but as "they." This is the bizarre, new world of a denomination that has abandoned biblical sexuality and has embraced a secular world-view. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (See article here) |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11