What is newsworthy according to the ELCA? Apparently, the situation of the Boy Scouts being criticized over homosexual scout masters. The August 2014 edition of The Lutheran states, “Attorney General Eric Holder said the Boy Scouts of America’s continuing ban on gay adult leaders perpetuates 'the worst kind of stereotypes. It’s a relic of an age of prejudice and insufficient understanding.' Speaking June 10 to Lambda Legal, an advocacy group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, Holder referred to the group’s work a decade ago to challenge the termination of a gay assistant scoutmaster. He said 'too many organizations, policies and practices that discriminate against LGBT individuals remain persistent concerns.'” (see here)
The ELCA is supposed to respect all members views on homosexuality, according to the ELCA's 2009 resolution in regard to this issue, yet they continue to encourage and justify homosexuality while they vilify people and groups which do not hold their anti-Biblical view.
It's human nature. When somebody, an organization or political party one supports, does something vile, people tend to ignore it or justify it. But when somebody, organization or political party one does not support, does something wrong, condemnation comes quickly.
That is true with Christian denominations and federations too. It's plain to see when you look at the words and actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran World Federation. They must really admire the Palestinians, and moreover, really dislike the Jews (Israel). Since the beginning of the year, and increasingly more in the month of July, thousands of rockets have been shot at civilian populations from the Palestinians in Gaza into Israel. Not surprisingly, there has not been a word of condemnation said in regard to this by the ELCA and LWF. Three Israeli teens were recently kidnapped and murdered by the Palestinians and still no condemnation from these two Christian bodies. But look what happens when Israel finally decided to take action against the constant rocket attacks against their citizens. Immediately both the ELCA and the LWF write letters/press releases calling for a ceasefire, an end to the hostility. (see here and here) It is only when Israel defends itself that the liberal Lutherans start shouting to end the fighting. The ELCA and LWF are showing their true colors. One has to really not like a country or a nationality to be silent when that group is being attacked, but then immediately calls for the hostilities to stop once the nation begins to defend itself. If you would like more evidence documenting the ELCA and LWF's adversarial actions and position concerning Israel see http://www.exposingtheelca.com/on-israel.html "Destruction of the embryo in the mother's womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder. A great many different motives may lead to an action of this kind; indeed in cases where it is an act of despair, performed in circumstances of extreme human or economic destitution and misery, the guilt may often lie rather with the community than with the individual. . . . All these considerations must no doubt have a quite decisive influence on our personal and pastoral attitude towards the person concerned, but they cannot in any way alter the fact of murder." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from his book Ethics (New York; Macmillan, 1965) 175-6.
Learn about Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's pro-abortion policy and position here. If you are Lutheran, you have probably heard of Lutheran Social Services (LSS). In fact, your church may support Lutheran Social Services. Many orthodox, conservative Lutheran churches as well as liberal, non-Biblical Lutheran churches financially fund them.
Lutheran Services in America (LSA) says it is an “alliance of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, (and) The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod" and these two denominations are "active in LSA's governance, provide grant support, designate staff liaisons to LSA, and collaborate programmatically with LSA.” (read here) Lutheran Social Services operates in many states and are member organizations of LSA. (read here) With that said, you need to know what you and/or your church may be supporting.
I suggest each of us ask our pastor and church council if our church or denomination supports or cooperates with Lutheran Social Services. If they do, share this blog with them. By Pastor Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. Facebook users can follow Pastor Brock by going here and twitter users here.
The Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod of the ELCA has met for its yearly assembly. They invited Jason and DeMarco, a singing duo who are also a homosexual couple, to sing to their teenagers. From the synod's website: "(Jason and Demarco) have also been a part of the Human Rights Campaign star-studded benefit two-pack CD album celebrating marriage equality, Love Rocks, alongside artists such as Christina Aguilera, Pink, and The Dixie Chicks. Jason and deMarco will be performing a Friday night concert at the Mission Assembly for area Youth Groups and all Assembly attendees." (see link http://ntnl.org/2014-mission-assembly-samaria/samaria-keynotes/) When the ELCA decided to endorse homosexual behavior in 2009, there was talk of respecting everyone's "bound conscience" and honoring a diversity of viewpoints. So--next year for balance--how about the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod inviting someone from the Restored Hope Network to give a conservative, Biblical view on homosexuality? Sadly, highly doubtful that will ever happen. That the ELCA is targeting youth with their pro-homosexual message is especially tragic (Matthew 18:6). I must say it again, time to leave the ELCA and join a more Biblical denomination. Pastor Tom P.S. If you know someone who struggles with homosexuality and needs help, go to restoredhopenetwork.org and hit the "find help" map. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11