(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Last week the United Methodist Church went against Scripture and 2000 years of Christian teaching and voted that homosexual behavior is now acceptable. Henceforth the United Methodists will have practicing homosexual pastors and perform gay “weddings”.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America did the same thing back in 2009. What was the response yesterday of Elizabeth Eaton, head bishop of the ELCA, to the Methodist heresy? She is overjoyed: “The ELCA rejoices and gives thanks to God for the opportunity to proclaim together (with United Methodists), from this point forward, that Christian teaching is for all people and that the gifts of all are welcome and needed to serve Christ's church. In unity, The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton”. (See here) Wait. For 2000 years, Christian teaching has not been for all people? All people, regardless of their sin, have always been invited to repent of sin and put their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Eaton’s words show the arrogance of religious liberals who believe they are more enlightened and compassionate than all the Christians who have come before us. In truth, by affirming sin, the ELCA and United Methodists are not loving people. They are, as an old Lutheran pastor told me years ago, “nice-ing people right into Hell” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
The North Carolina Synod of the ELCA sent out their newsletter March 5, 2019. It reveals a lot about the synod and where it stands on LGBTQ issues. One section of the synod newsletter announced Reconciling Sexuality Week, which will be held at the ELCA's Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS). See below. Additionally, the North Carolina synod shared an article titled, "In this to the end," which speaks to the recent vote by the Methodist Church on gay marriage. The synod email reprinted part of the article which states, "'We're in this to the end,' sang LGBTQ United Methodists and their allies. They prayed. They hugged. They pulled out more chairs as people packed a worship service hosted by the LGBTQ-affirming Love Your Neighbor Coalition on Wednesday morning (Feb. 27) in a meeting room at the Holiday Inn, a day after a three-year-long push to make their church more inclusive had been blocked. Many at the worship service committed to staying in a denomination that voted Tuesday (Feb. 26) to reiterate language in the Book of Discipline, its rulebook, saying LGBTQ people could not marry or be ordained in its churches." See here The synod also gave this invitation, "Join us for Theology on Tap weekend" for a "weekend of craft brews."
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) A few weeks ago after the United Methodist Church voted against ordaining practicing homosexual pastors and against performing gay "weddings", the main chapel speaker at Luther Seminary shared he was "heart-broken" because Jesus calls us to "dismantle heterosexism." A few days ago, Luther Seminary brought in another pastor, a Methodist, who talked about his anger and suffering caused because of the Methodists' rejection of homosexuality (see video below at minute 8:52). It appears from Luther's chapel services that it is now assumed that almost all are on board with homosexuality and transgenderism. Luther chapel has observed National Coming Out Day and also the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Luther chapel has had homosexual and transgender preachers. To my knowledge Luther chapel has never had one speaker who preached that homosexual behavior is sinful, even though that is the teaching of Scripture (see my article "What does the Bible say about homosexuality?" at pastorsstudy.org). Back in 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to start ordaining practicing homosexuals. Prior to the vote, conservatives were assured that if the pro-gay resolution went through, their voice would be still be honored and heard along with the more liberal view. Where is the traditional viewpoint heard today in ELCA institutions? Why are seminary students only given the liberal point of view? Why won't the national ELCA magazine "Living Lutheran" allow the conservative viewpoint on homosexuality? Why did the ELCA bishops recently recommend that homosexual clergy must marry their partners? Whatever happened to allowing the traditional, Biblical view in the ELCA? I think the liberal take-over of the ELCA is pretty much complete. Yes, individual pastors and congregations might still hold a conservative view, but good luck finding that view in the ELCA's hierarchy, media, colleges, and seminaries. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Luther Seminary is a seminary of the ELCA. They have had homosexual and transgender preachers at Luther chapel but to my knowledge since 2009 they have not had one preacher uphold the traditional viewpoint on homosexuality. So much for “diversity and inclusivity” at Luther. Today Luther’s seminary pastor, Reverend Justin Lind-Ayers, preached a seminary chapel sermon stating that he was heartbroken over the Methodists’ rejection of homosexuality. If you want to hear a heretical use of Jesus to promote homosexuality, start at minute 20 in the below video. Three of the lowlights of his sermon: “I have heard the voice of Jesus emboldening the defiant acts of justice”. Lind-Ayers believes “the voice of Jesus” is calling us to “dismantle heterosexism”. Lind-Ayers praises the “amazing God-given gifts of the LGBTQIA community.” I am sad and angry that my alma mater, Luther Seminary, has become captive to the spirit of the age instead of captive to the Holy Spirit. I am sad they have embraced the world and not the Word. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11