(The following two articles were written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and twitter - here.)
Erin Strybis is an associate editor for Living Lutheran. She is an "avid yogi" and a member of an ELCA church in Chicago. She writes at the ELCA website: "The closest I’ve felt to God, as of late, was not in church. It was on my yoga mat last Wednesday." (see here) There is a Lutheran Church in the Twin Cities that advertisers yoga classes on a sign on its front lawn. I went to the church's website and saw a picture of a yogi in a seated position. You would have thought it was a page from a Hindu website. This is what got the ancient Jews in trouble. They kept worshiping Jehovah God, but added other pagan spiritual practices. In the end God judged them by bringing in the Babylonians. You cannot worship God and Baal. I recently visited a Missouri Synod Lutheran congregation (the Missouri Synod is much more conservative than the ELCA). Even this congregation was advertising a "Christian yoga" class led by one of the members. I wrote the pastor an email sharing my concern but got not reply. I am reminded of the song from Oklahoma "I'm just a girl who can't say 'No'". Sadly, pagan practices are making their way into Christian churches because some pastors do not have the backbone to say "No" to parishioners who may mean well but are deceived. May each of us this day keep the First Commandment: to worship no other gods than the one true God. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock pastorsstudy.org -- The Lutheran magazine promotes yoga In the latest edition of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's official magazine, we are encouraged to do yoga. Yoga is a Hindu practice that has to do with becoming one with the Ultimate. It has nothing to do with Christianity, but that doesn't keep the ELCA magazine from promoting it. "Syncretism" is the belief that one should take aspects of all religions and mix them together. This is precisely what got the Old Testament Jews in trouble when they tried to worship Yahweh alongside Baal and Ashtorah. You can read the whole sad story below. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock Pastorsstudy.org http://www.thelutheran.org/article/article.cfm?article_id=12931
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Rev. Kristin Johnston Largen preached a sermon titled "’Queer’ Jesus--a Sermon.” (read here) She also posted it on her blog, which she says she usually does not do, because she is so "passionate about the subject matter and...want to share it." Rev. Largen is the Interim Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the ELCA's Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, (see here)
Rev. Kristin Johnston Largen makes it clear at the beginning of her sermon that she is a big supporter of LGBT people who embrace their sin saying, “The seminary just received our certification as a ‘Reconciling in Christ’ seminary, which means that we are explicitly and publicly welcoming to all people, especially those in the LGBTQ community. It's an exciting decision for us…” and “I believe people should be able to name for themselves what they want to be called; and wear what they want—pants and skirts alike.” Rev. Largen then turns her attention to calling Jesus “Queer” based on her expanded idea of what queer is. (you can read that for yourself in her blog) Here is some of what the ELCA seminary professor says in her sermon - - “the very incarnation was ‘queer’—“ - “And, when you think about 'queer' this way, you know who else was pretty queer? Jesus!” - “That’s one reason why I like this language of a ‘queer’ Jesus—it’s a disruptive, shocking word for the church, and sometimes I think that’s exactly what we need to see Jesus anew, and to appreciate afresh who he is, and what his life continues to mean for us today—and for the whole world.” Rev. Largen is blaspheming our Lord and Savior. She is being purposefully provocative. She knows full well what “Queer” means to most people, a sexual attraction to someone of the same sex. And even though she adds to that definition, the desired result of this sermon is to normalize sexual perversion and draw attention to herself because she called Jesus "queer." This is the type of person teaching in ELCA seminaries. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and twitter - here.)
Elizabeth Eaton, head bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has written a letter to Muslim Americans standing in solidarity with them, sorrowing for any discrimination they might be experiencing. Much of the letter we can agree with. However, there's not a hint that she hopes Muslims will come to saving faith in Christ. There is not a mention in the letter of sorrowing for what radical Islam has done in America and overseas with shootings and beheadings. You can read the story at ELCA.org under "news releases". In this great season of Christmas, may we be very verbal that we want to see all people of all religions come to repentance and saving faith in Jesus our Lord. In Him, Pastor Tom Brock Pastorsstudy.org Bethel Lutheran Church is a rural congregation a few miles west of Scarville, Iowa. It is in an area of North Iowa that the locals know as Vinje. A place that is too small to be considered a town but everyone treats it like one anyway. Vinje is a quaint little place (see here) comprised of Bethel Lutheran Church, a cemetery, a few houses and well-frequented restaurant/bar where people gather to shoot the breeze and play summer league volleyball.
On September 29, 2015, Bethel Lutheran Church made this announcement of Facebook: “The vote on Sunday passed unanimously (as it did the first time in January too) to sever Bethel Lutheran Church's association with the ELCA. This decision is based on multiple reasons including financial and scriptural just to name a few. Bethel also voted on Sunday to affiliate with the LCMC which is Lutheran Congregations In Mission For Christ. We will continue to seek another parish to work with on funding a full-time minister position, and keep moving forward! Onward and upward with the support of the congregation members, their friends and family, and the community! Blessings to all! Oh - and don't forget - church on Sunday at 10 am. Certainly Pastor will have an inspiring sermon. He always does :)” (see here) Bethel Lutheran Church joins the growing list of 57+ LCMC churches in Iowa. I praise God for the faithful and God-honoring decision the people of Bethel made. Please join me in prayer for the congregation as they seek to proclaim Christ in Vinje and beyond. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and twitter - here.)
Alicia Vargas, a seminary professor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has written an article on the Lord's Prayer. She writes we can "expand" the Lord's Prayer to include God "the Mother". She writes: "Today, when both fatherly and motherly roles are lifted up as social patterns of responsibility and authority for their family in many parts of the world, we can expand the image for the addressee of this prayer to 'Our Father/Our Mother.'" Is this not sinful arrogance to say that we in the position to correct Jesus Christ's model prayer? No, we do not know more than Jesus Christ. We are not in the position of correcting or "expanding" His prayer. Pastor Tom Brock Pastorsstudy.org (see The Lutheran article here) |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11