The ELCA church's Facebook post gives you a little more information about the pageant.
I probably do not need to explain to you how this is blasphemous, a mockery of Christ's birth and an encouragement of sinful and harmful living.
Dreams and Visions is a newly formed ELCA church run by well-known ELCA pastor, Emily Scott, who was a main stage speaker at the ELCA’s 2015 National Youth Gathering. The church formed in conjunction with the ELCA's Delaware-Maryland Synod. The synod was mentioned in the Queer Christmas Pageant 'Thank You' section. (See here)
Dreams and Visions' website explains the church's beginnings and vision saying, "Our Bishop Bill Gohl (as well as his predecessor) had dreamed of a new spiritual community taking root in Lauraville. Emily Scott, now our pastor, dreamed of a congregation that was fresh, joyful, and justice oriented, where LGBTQ+ folks were part of the DNA of the community. It turned out God shared that dream, and brought together Emily, the Delaware-Maryland Synod, and bunch of leaders, supporters, and congregants to imagine something new together."
The church website goes on to say "The ELCA is a denomination that supports the lives and ministries of LGBTQ people and, does incredible work with refugees and immigrants. The local expression of our denomination called the Delaware-Maryland Synod. Bishop Bill Gohl, Dr. Amsalu Geleta, and the Synod Council have all worked together so that Dreams and Visions might come into being!" (see here)
If you have any doubt that God is calling you to leave the ELCA, continue reading and then reread this article. The ELCA has abandoned God, Truth, Love and God's Word. You have no excuse to remain in this apostate denomination.
(See here)
"The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program is for congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, and other Lutheran organizations. Lutheran communities that publicly welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people by having a statement affirming this welcome by specifically saying either, 'LGBT' or 'people of all sexual orientations and gender identities' in their statement, are accepted onto the Reconciling in Christ list..." (See here) He and many others want to force ELCA churches to declare LGBT lifestyles and sexual relations "good." That is what "welcome" means in the ELCA and RIC. Additionally, the pastoral student posted these tweets calling a video which views homosexuality from the Biblical perspective as "anti LGBT" and trying to put pressure on Youtube and Google for letting them post a video about their beliefs.
If you click on the "Oct. 14, 2018" link on the tweet you will see all the additional news outlets Andrew tweeted about this.
You can also see the above post here.
The second post is a tweeted video of ELCA pastor Jason Chesnut giving the middle figure (x2) to you. This is a pastor ordained by the ELCA who is paid by offering dollars, money intended for God and His Work.
And for good measure.
Do you think God approves of a man, dressed in drag, "singing" a provocative song in a chapel, on the chancel, next to the altar? Well, that is exactly what happened recently at an ELCA seminary chapel, a school charged with raising up pastors who will be shepherds to ELCA members. The school is Luther Seminary, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in St. Paul, MN.
Luther Seminary is the largest pastor-producing seminary in the ELCA.
Below is Anders Nelson, the seminary student who was allowed to give this drag performance, who will soon be ordained in the ELCA, and his Facebook posts about the event.
Why is this allowed? It is because the ELCA has turned its back on God's Word. They walk in opposition to it. The liberal elites in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have taken over the synods, churchwide offices in Chicago, colleges and seminaries. They are producing clones of themselves: people who think, act, speak, and believe as they do. This is a problem. And when it happens in seminaries, the problem is exacerbated. Students become pastors who disseminate throughout the United States to lead and preach to congregations, passing on to them what they were taught. This is a past, present and future problem, and it is getting worse every year.
The Southwest California Synod of the ELCA sent out an email today titled, "Two ways to support migrants and refugees." In the email is a picture of a young boy peering through a wire fence. The ELCA synod is promoting a "Sunday Of Solidarity with Refugee Families!" event.
Later in the email the Southwest California Synod tells of another event where "100 faith leaders from all over the country will take part in a nonviolent direct action the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego, California. The event will kick off a week of actions in communities across the U.S., demanding an end to border militarization and calling for humane immigration policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people." While churches who love Jesus and His Word seek to bring people to Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is at work, funded by members' offering dollars, trying to implement their liberal extreme views on society. If you disagree with that which the ELCA advocates, why are you funding them? Find a church that uses your money to do things that God actually tells us to do. (The following article was written two years ago by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
In the early 70s, I attended the University of Texas at Austin and taught my first Sunday school class at a Lutheran church near the campus. I have fond memories of this church so decided to attend this morning's worship service since I have been in Texas for a conference. The below pictures say it all. One is greeted by a large banner proclaiming they are LGBT friendly. Their website explains they "marry" homosexual couples. I needed to use the restroom before the service and found the below sign on the door. I was confused and not sure whether to go in so I found another bathroom, but it had the same confusing sign. I am guessing the signs were altered to make them "transgender friendly" bathrooms. I used the restroom and was grateful no one was inside. The bathroom had multiple stalls so I am not sure how they are handling this. I can't imagine an elderly woman feeling comfortable with this, I sure wasn't. The worship service was what one expects from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, de-sexed liturgy and de-sexed hymns to avoid calling God "He." The visiting preacher said in his sermon that sometimes "God lets Her hair down." The total number in attendance including the preacher, the vicar, and the organist, was 10. Then I took a walk around my old University of Texas campus. The next two pictures are from the liberal United Methodist campus church. Notice how rebellious the sermon series sounds. The last picture of the cross surrounded by the gay rainbow is from the University Baptist Church, which was kicked out of the Southern Baptist denomination and joined the more liberal American Baptist Church. All in all, a sad day. How the Church has fallen. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock (See Pastor Brock's Facebook post here.) |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11