Grace Lutheran Church Council President and its Pastors respond regarding the issues surrounding their congregation and the ELCA. "A message from Anne Carter, Rev. Rolf Nestingan, and Rev. David Irgens." (New Update: from Dean Kallenbach) Friends, The former members of Grace Lutheran Church in Eau Claire, who have had their voting status removed by action of the Northwest Wisconsin Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supported by a ruling by Polk County Circuit Court Judge Molly GaleWyrick on Tuesday, gathered for worship this morning in the Stokes and Mundt Funeral Home in Altoona. 386 individuals in attendance at the service. Following the communion services, children went to Sunday School while the adults had coffee before moving to a question-and-answer session and then a business meeting. In that meeting, the former Grace members in attendance voted unanimously to form a new congregation. Saving Grace Lutheran will be an affiliate of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), a centrist, congregation-based Lutheran church body which recognizes Scripture as the sole source and norm of faith and life. The church council that had been representing the members at Grace Lutheran Church was appointed as the council of Saving Grace for at least the next year when there will be a new constitution and elections. A constitution committee was appointed, as ws a relocation/property committee to find a semi-permanent place to worship. According to Saving Grace President Anne Carter, the congregation needs a good space, a good kitchen and plenty of parking. Pastors Rolf Nestingen and David Irgens were asked if they were willing to serve the congregation. Both pastors agreed, and their response was greeted with a standing ovation. The business staff -- formerly of Grace Lutheran -- will continue to work with Saving Grace on a part-time basis to start, according to Anne . According to the Saving Grace LCMC Facebook page, "Saving Grace Lutheran was formed after the ELCA closed the doors of Grace Lutheran Church, removing the congregation and staff until further notice. There is where Saving Grace was born in the heart of Eau Claire. Saving Grace church's mission is to make Jesus Christ known to others and to serve the people; in the heart of Eau Claire with a heart for the world as well as to serve our brothers and sisters in other countries." The Facebook page lists the address of the new congregation as 800 Wisconsin St, Building D2 420K, Box 65 in Eau Claire (54703). The congregation phone number is listed as 715-797-1020. I understand a news release regarding the new congregation is being developed, and I'll share that when I see it. In related news, Grace Lutheran Church has had a long-standing television ministry. In anticipation of the many questions viewers would have based on the court decision this past week, leadership of what was formerly Grace Lutheran Church and is now Saving Grace Lutheran recorded a video that aired this morning on WQOW-TV 18 at 6 a.m.. That video -- nearly one-half hour in length -- is available on You Tube, and may be seen here: As I understand it (thought I wasn't in town to see it), the Grace Lutheran broadcast for this Sunday (the normal 10:30 a.m. broadcast) was a recording of a choral presentation from several years ago. Finally, according to the Grace Lutheran Church website, no Sunday service was held at the church today. According to the web site, "During this time of transition, the Grace Lutheran Church building on 202 West Grand Avenue will be closed. During transition, Grace ELCA will worship at First Lutheran..." No reason was given why the new leadership of Grace Lutheran Church chose to worship in a different building.
Inez Torres Davis, the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) Director for Justice, is a regular writer for WELCA's website. She made this statement in her latest contribution to that website: “I pray to discover Sofia’s guidance so that I may identify and then take actions that carry God’s promises.” (see here) I don't know how Inez Davis defines “Sofia,” whether it is some gnostic, feminist feminizing of God or if it is the pagan deity. But neither is right and it should be rejected by Bible-believing Christians. ----- The ELCA's North Carolina Synod had this announcement in their latest e-newsletter: LGBT Couples Retreat--Saturday, May 11 (see here) This is the ELCA. And Bible-believing members are having it forced upon them. ----- The ELCA's Southwest California Synod recently wrote this on their Facebook page:
Notice “partner.” ----- The ELCA 1991 Social Statement on the Death Penalty declared “we oppose the death penalty.” (see here) The ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod is publicly advocating the repeal of the death penalty. Their March e-newsletter said this: Abolition Sunday - Focusing on Repealing the Death Penalty (See here)
So the ELCA believes the Bible is supportive of homosexual relations and abortions but is against the death penalty? They must be living in a Bizzaro World where right is wrong, up is down and wisdom is foolishness. Here are two news reports about the situation
- Church members forced to hand over keys to members who left years ago - Judge rules Eau Claire church congregation to hand over keys, removing membership The following report is from Dean Kallenbach - Tonight, I attended a meeting at my congregation, Faith Lutheran Mission Church, called by the now disenfranchised members of Grace Lutheran Church of Eau Claire. The sanctuary normally seats about 100 people comfortably. 230 people jammed the pews and extra chairs set up in the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall (which had a closed circuit TV signal). The meeting lasted two hours. Pastor David Irgens opened with some words from 2 Corinthians 1, and reminded the congregation that they have done nothing of which to be ashamed -- they have simply proclaimed the power of Jesus Christ's salvation for all who believe. After singing "Crown Him with Many Crowns," Anne Carter, who has served as Grace's president, shared details with those assembled about the judge's decision on Tuesday which I have detailed in previous emails. Essentially, the judge decided that the 67 current and former members who left Grace to form a new congregation called Amazing Grace are now the only legitimate members of Grace Lutheran Church, relegating the 767 active members who did NOT abandon the church to "associate" status, meaning they have no voting rights, cannot serve on the council nor hold any elected position. After considering civil disobedience after being ordered to turn the keys of the building over to a representative of Amazing Grace, Anne and custodian Cindy Meyer -- at the advice of their attorney and under the threat of a contempt of court citation -- surrendered the keys this morning. An attorney with the ELCA Synod Office then instructed staff to take their personal belongings and leave the building (though they were not told what their employment status is). Some volunteers cleaned out the office Pastor Rolf Nestingen, who is visiting family in Arizona. Pastor David Irgens, whose office had a large collection of books and other materials, got some help -- but the Amazing Grace contingent sent a police officer in to monitor the activity and try to hurry them up. The Amazing Grace people eventually came into the building in the afternoon, and restricted access to the building. Anne said that an attorney for the Northwest Wisconsin Synod of the ELCA was in the church directing the evacuation of the staff. Many immediate questions remain, including what happens to organizations like the Boys Scouts, Ham Radio Club, Alcoholics Anonymous, and the Grace Food Pantry? As pointed out in an earlier note, the emergency stay filed yesterday in an effort to keep possession of the assets and management of staff with the original Grace Lutheran group was denied in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. However, attorney Jay Heit did file a stay with the appelate court today in an effort to return building management to the duly elected council and regular members. A decision on whether that stay is granted will come in two-to-three weeks. The group plans to appeal the overall ruling on the grounds that the judge made several legal errors. Anne said that if the congregation doesn't not proceed with an appeal, non-profits and churches throughout the country will fall victim to courts that will turns the assets of one corporation over to another corporation. There was discussion about starting a new church in the meantime to continue to worship together. Much discussion was held on how that might come about. While no final decision was made on the form and possible affiliation of the new church, it was decided that the congregation would meet for worship Sunday morning at the chapel of the Stokes-Mundt Funeral Home in neighboring Altoona. The choir will meet for rehearsal before the 9 a.m. service, with Sunday School planned at 10. Afterward, the group will meet again to discuss further the formation of a new church organization. The now-ousted Grace church council plans to meet next week Tuesday at Faith Lutheran Mission Church to begin to execute whatever plans are developed from the meeting on Sunday. Meanwhile, congregation leaders are looking into possibilities for office space. Marian Spoolhoff, President of the Grace Lutheran Foundation, was told by Deb Sands, who claims to be the new council president of Grace Lutheran Church, that the meeting of the board today was being postponed until tomorrow, and that the annual meeting of the foundation was being called off. The Grace Lutheran Foundation has holdings of $26 million in real estate, and $3 million in bonds. The foundation employs 600 people, and provides Christian-based adult day services, elderly-care facilities, skilled nursing care, assisted living programs, retirement housing and daycare throughout the Chippewa Valley. Several members of the congregation were concerned that the new leadership of Grace -- the Amazing Grace council -- will have access to their personal giving records. Another mentioned that her son planned to be married in the church in August -- what happens now? While no formal action was taken to form a new congregation, there was general agreement that if and when that happens, the council that led the now disenfranchised members at Grace should be the council for the new church. Two nominations for a new name were made -- "Grace Lutheran Church in Absentia" and "People of Grace." After more than two hours of conversation and information, the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, and a time of food and fellowship hosted by the Faith Lutheran Mission Church congregation. (From Dean Kallenbach)
Friends, This morning, on advice of their attorneys, the leadership of Grace Lutheran Church followed yesterday's order by Circuit Court Judge Molly GaleWyrick and turned over the keys of the congregation to a representative of the attorney of the break-away group Amazing Grace at 11:27 this morning. The congregation was originally planning to withhold the keys, even at the risk of jail, but their attorney Jay Heit advised that it would risk multiple contempt charges, and only delayed the inevitable. By turning over the keys, the duly-elected Grace leadership no longer faces risk of jail. A group of two dozen people or so worked this morning to assemble a newsletter -- Pastor Irgens finished writing his comments at 4 a.m. today. I'll share those comments later in a separate email when time permits. Members of the news media interviewed Pastor Irgens and Jay Heit, the attorney representing Grace (as opposed to the breakaway group). Some things overheard from those interviews: Attorney Heit said "As of right now, we're out, they're in, with "they" referring to the 67 people represented by Amazing Grace. "We gave those keys away, and someday, we hope to get them back." Both Heit and Pastor Irgens said Grace plans to file an appeal with the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Pastor Irgens said "The (ELCA Northwest) Synod Council has no right to determine who is a member of Grace Lutheran Church. Membership can only be decided by the Grace Lutheran Church constitution." All of the members who did not join the breakaway group Amazing Grace are now considered to be associate members. Pastor Irgens estimated that number to be 1,700 people. Pastor Irgens called the judge's decision "an affront to the judicial system." Pastor Irgens pointed out that, despite the two-year court fight, Grace Lutheran has continued to grow in serving its mission and is financially sound. He said Grace's position has been one of standing by the Gospel. "Do we believe Jesus Christ is just a symbol as the social statements (of the ELCA) say, or do we believe that he is the person and son of God? Times are changing. If the ELCA can seize property and give it to a schismatic group, they can do anything." The individuals who have now been displaced as members of Grace Lutheran Church by the judge's ruling plan a meeting tonight at Faith Lutheran Mission Church in Eau Claire to decide next steps. More tonight.... (From Dean Kallenbach)
Friends, Earlier today I reported on the final decision by Polk County Circuit Judge Molly GaleWyrick that went against Grace Lutheran Church in Eau Claire related to the months-long lawsuit it has been fighting against a faction of the congregation that broke away after Grace elected to join Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) while still affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I have talked to several people today, and offer this as a fleshing out of the story. Anyone with better information -- please share it and I will append and correct as need be. As background, the judge in March ruled that the ELCA Synod Council's decision regarding Grace should stand in place . That decision would return the break-away members to full standing (something the congregation had already done), force the congregation to drop its affiliation with LCMC, and declare any members who insisted on remaining with LCMC to be declared associate (non-voting) members. However, after that decision, the outgoing bishop of the Northwest Wisconsin Synod of the ELCA, Duane Pederson, removed Grace's two pastors -- Rolf Nestingen and David Irgens -- from the ELCA roster of pastors. A week later, the Synod Council "clarified" its earlier stance by essentially declaring that anyone who remained a member of Grace Lutheran Church while it was dual rostered should be considered in favor of the dual rostering, and thus lose their own voting rights, and that the duly elected church council must step down. Grace took the position that these new provisions overstepped the bounds of the judge's March ruling. Today was the final hearing in the case, and the judge essentiallty ruled that the Synod Council may make any decision it desires in the case of Grace. She ruled that the leaderhip of Grace Lutheran Church must turn over the church's assets and governance to the breakaway group, and that the keys must be turned over by 5 p.m. today. Grace's attorney requested a stay of the decision while the congregation appealed the case to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, but the judge could not allow it. She told the courtroom that she could see no irreversable harm in turning the congregation over to the breakaway group. She also said that Grace leadership had been disingenuous and disrespectful of the Synod Council through the proceedings. The attorneys for Grace filed a motion for an emergency stay with the Court of Appeals, but that was rejected as well. That doesn't prevent the congregation from appealing the case, but it means that the circuit judge's order will be fulfilled until such an appeal is decided. Late this afternoon, a large group of Grace members and supporters from other congregations gathered in the church parlors. They have decided against turning the keys over to the breakaway group, despite the judge's ruling. Cindy Meyer, the church custodian who possesses the keys, is staying in the church building claiming sanctuary, and is prepared to go to jail if the sherrif is sent to retrieve the keys. They prayed and sang and made protest signs and ordered in pizza. Several members of the media were on hand to interview the Grace leaders and wait for the arrest. As of a few minutes ago, that arrest had not happened. One prominent sign outside the church reads "Our Janitor will Go to Jail for Jesus." As more details come available, and media reports begin to surface, I will share more. (From Dean Kallenbach)
Friends, This afternoon in Polk County Circuit Court in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, Judge Molly GaleWyrick ruled that the Synod Council's recent ruling that the duly elected council of Grace Lutheran Church must turn over leadership of the church to the group that left the congregation to form the Amazing Grace congregation. The judge ordered them to turn the keys over by 5 p.m. this afternoon. I will share further details and comments from the elected Grace leadership when it becomes available. Dean Last month transgender ELCA pastor Megan Rohrer wrote an article that was posted on the ELCA website, Living Lutheran. It was also promoted by the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA on Facebook. The article contained some troubling statements that go against Scriptural Truth.
Statement number one: In universalistic fashion the author stated (and was quoted by the Southeastern Synod Facebook page) "You don’t have to be Lutheran to believe that all children are worthy of food, but it is beautifully Lutheran to see all people as children of God." (see here) Note the line, “it is beautifully Lutheran to see all people as children of God.” Boy that sounds nice. . . but the fact of the matter is it's utterly and completely false. That belief has its basis in universalism, an un-Biblical teaching, prevalent within the ELCA, that all people are saved and going to heaven. (read more about the ELCA and universalism here) God's Word tells us who the children of God are and who are not. - This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister. - 1 John 3:10 - Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - John 1:12 - Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” - John 8:42-47 As you can see Scripture clearly tell us that some people are not children of God. But that is hard for liberal ELCA leaders to accept because it goes against their universal non-Biblical salvation theology. Statement number 2: Remembering that the author thinks all people are children of God, he/she writes: “I hope these words will remind you that the God who named and claimed you, loves you more than there are grains of sand in the world and despite all the flaps and folds you may see when you look in the mirror, God declares that you are good.” Yet Jesus tells us in Mark 10:18 “No one is good—except God alone." The Bible also says: - “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.” “The poison of vipers is on their lips.” “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” - Romans 3:11-18 - If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! - Matthew 7:11 No one but God is good. People need to receive and believe in Christ to become “children of God.” (John 1:12) When was the last time you heard that in the ELCA? An Exposing the ELCA poll presented its readers with this statement, "It is okay for ELCA leadership to reject Christ's Virgin Birth."
The results of the poll were: 75 people answered "True" (16.34%). 384 people answered "False" (83.66%). There were a total of 459 people who voted. Bethel Lutheran Church in Holdrege, Nebraska held two successful votes to leave the ELCA in 2010. The Nebraska Synod Council voted 11-1 to deny the congregation's wishes. (read more about that here) Now Bethel is being sued. (please hold them in your prayers) The statement below is from Bethel's Pastor Jamie Strickler: Tomorrow April 18th between 1-2 pm Bethel will be in court defending our religious freedom and our belief in the authority of Holy Scripture. 31 plantiffs are suing Bethel on behalf of the ELCA Nebraska Synod to over turn the decision of a 75% majority vote of the congregation to leave the ELCA. If you are unaware of what has been happening with Grace Lutheran Church in Eau Claire, WI read this article for some background information. This article also reports on a new development. The article is titled "Synod Council: Grace leaders no longer eligible to serve." (The following report came from Dean Kallenbach but I am not sure who wrote the first paragraph.) Here is the response by the President of Grace Lutheran Church -- Anne Carter -- to the Synod Council's interpretation that the Council of the congregation needs to be removed. While this is addressed to her congregation, I am sharing it with her permission and awareness to keep you all in the loop, and to keep prayers coming on this matter. Here is another statement by Grace Lutheran's council president from Sunday. Good Morning, People scoff when conservative Lutherans point to goddess worship happening in the ELCA. The scoffers either do not believe it or think it is very isolated. They are wrong. (see here)
Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney is Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, an ELCA Seminary. She is an ordained Episcopal priest who teaches the future leaders and pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (see her school bio here) In a Dr. Gafney blog dated February 11, 2013 the seminary professor compiled some questions she would like to ask the prophet Elijah. She said: “When you killed the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal but not the four hundred prophets of Asherah was it because you really didn’t mind a little goddess worship on the side? Are we feminists right in saying that Asherah was just the Canaanite articulation of the Holy Spirit and not really another God?” (see here) First, Dr. Gafney doesn't know if the prophets of Asherah were spared by Elijah that day or if they were even present at the referred to gathering. We do know that 1 Kings 19:1 says Elijah “had killed all the prophets with the sword.” So it seems more likely that they were killed with the prophets of Baal if they were there. Secondly, and the reason for my blog, did you hear professor Gafney reveal that she believes: Asherah is the Holy Spirit, not another god? This is completely false. Yet that is what she publicly proclaims. I can not believe the ELCA would allow a professor who thinks this way to teach their future leaders. The Bible says this about Asherah:
So, if it's wrong (and it is) why isn't the ELCA leadership stopping it and why are they letting people who believe it be instructors in their seminaries? Professors at Wartburg Theological Seminary (ELCA) are known to promote and teach universalism. Dr. Duane Priebe, Professor of Systematic Theology at Wartburg wrote this in the first printing of the Augsburg Fortress Lutheran Study Bible, “Jesus includes in salvation people who do not believe in him or ever know about him (5:3-10; 25:31-45).” page 1658. Wartburg professor Dr. David J. Lull, Professor of New Testament, published an article where he said, "Jesus did not have to die as a condition of God’s forgiveness of sins. Mark knew that Jesus knew that God had always forgiven the sins of 'many/all,' and that God would keep on forgiving their sins." (see here)
Today we will look at and quote from a sermon given at Wartburg Theological Seminary, in the chapel, by Rev. Dr. Craig Nessan. Dr. Nessan is the Academic Dean and Professor of Contextual Theology at the ELCA seminary. On February 27, 2013, during Dr. Nessan's sermon, he went into a strange diatribe on salvation, saying that some people think they know who will be saved. At one point Dr. Nessan, in my view, seemed to be mocking God with a number of statements including this, “God knows who deserves to live and who deserves to die.” This was Dr. Nessan's way of setting up his view of salvation for those listening (future ELCA pastors). The scripture readings for Dr. Nessan's sermon came from Luke 13:22-31 and 2 Chronicles 20:1-20, to which he called the later “texts of terror.” Luke 13:29 says, “People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.” From this verse Dr. Nessan switches to the 2 Chronicles passage concerning the country of Judah and tells the students that the people to the east, west, north and south are the Ammonites, Philistines, Syrians, and Moabites. This was another step in Dr. Nessan's leading his listeners in his universalist way of thinking, by associating these peoples, who worship false-gods, with those who would inherit salvation. Completing his plan, teaching and leading the seminarians toward universalism, Dr. Nessan refers to Luke 13:24 where Jesus says, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door . . .” and Dr. Nessan concludes, “It makes me wonder, what is the shape of that narrow door? Who gets in if the narrow door is shaped like the cross? Who gets in if its shaped like the 'loaf?' Who gets in if its shaped like the 'cup?' Who gets in when it is given and shed for you, to the east? And given and shed for you to the west? And given and shed for you to the north and to you to the south? Given and shed for all for the forgiveness of sins?” (listen here) Dr. Nessan failed to proclaim and uphold God's Truth revealed in Scripture. He taught heresy to future pastors and untold lives will be adversely affected because of this. God clearly tells us his plan for salvation and how one is saved. John 3:36 says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.” John 1:12 tells us, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (Also see Romans 10:9-10, Romans 3:21, John 8:24.) God tells us we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), and it is not Dr. Nessan's dangerous false-doctrine of universalism. After hearing the sermon, one seminarian on Facebook said, “Chapel at WTS messed me all up today. I think that is a good thing.” Responding to the seminarian's comment, an ELCA pastor said tellingly, "Jesus Christ is present in . . . religions." The television mini-series, The Bible has been a ratings winner for the History Channel (over 12 million people watching the final show) and has been the talk of media outlets, twitter and the general population. Franklin Graham said, "This mini-series will cause many people to take an interest in the Bible that otherwise might not have." How awesome is that? God's Word portrayed on television drawing people to Himself!
But in typical ELCA fashion, the ELCA-wide group, Women of the ELCA (WELCA) does not like the high impact mini-series, The Bible, which is no surprise based on the way the denomination seems to view the actual Bible. The other day I come across a post on Facebook by WELCA (April 1st) pointing to a blog on their website blasting the show. The post said, “Today's blogger takes a critical look at the History Channel's series 'The Bible.' Popular, yes? Accurate, no.” Then WELCA provided a link to their article (see the WELCA facebook page here) So what was the WELCA blogger's problem that caused her to claim, “The mini-series 'The Bible' retold one of the most heinous lies”? Reading the article we find that the blogger doesn't like the skin color of some of the actors. That's right. The blogger admits, “I only watched the first episode” but then says, “I didn’t need to see any more after the blonde Noah spoke with something between a Welsh and Scottish accent. That was enough because watching that first installment was like witnessing a reckless April Fool’s Day joke.” She continues, “I don’t need to watch White producers and actors stretch an old lie into the future” and “We are not supposed to lie.” Going into a full-on rant she says, “Jesus was not White. Noah was not White. Adam was not White. No one in ancient biblical times was White. And there were only a few 'Gentiles' in the New Testament and they were not Northern European Gentiles. Wake up!” (see here) Really!! Does this author know the skin color of Adam? (if she even believes in a historical Adam, that is) Does she know what Noah and Jesus looked like? Does it matter? I find it interesting that Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America says the people associated with the mini-series are perpetuating lies (and I reject that claim) while WELCA itself is part of a denomination that believes the Bible is filled with lies. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11