People who encourage sin are in grave danger of God’s judgment.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves.” Luke 17:1-3 The ELCA leadership should take the warning in Luke 17 seriously. They are encouraging people who struggle with same-sex attraction to live in sin. (True love would help people to turn from sin.) The same is true for those people, who know the truth about what the ELCA is doing and they support it. You are an accomplice to the crime of “causing people to stumble.” Please open your eyes and seek the Lord. Trust the book He gave us, the book that taught Christians everything we know about our Triune God. Turn from the harmful ways of man. Turn from anti-Biblical teachings. Turn from the lies of the enemy. Stop listening to people and pastors who have been deceived themselves, who place their thoughts above the thoughts of God. Listen to Jesus’ warning. Don’t be part of “causing people to stumble . . . watch yourselves.”
I expect to be sending Exposing the ELCA's newsletter in the next week. For those that have signed up for the newsletter, keep a look out for it. If you would like to receive the quarterly newsletter, you can find the sign up form on the right side of this page. (if you are reading this on facebook go to this page to sign up.)
Two ELCA synods, the Western Iowa Synod and the Southeastern Iowa Synod, have decided to co-sponsor, what has all the indications of, an anti-Israeli conference October 14-15, 2011. (see here) Interestingly enough, the conference that the ELCA “Christian” synods are co-sponsoring includes a Muslim prayer service. (read here) The conference is called “US Policy in Palestine-Israel: Engaging Faith Communities in Pursuit of a Just Peace.” When I look at the program for the conference, maybe it is just me, but I don’t think this gathering is all that interested in making sure Israel gets a “just peace.” Notice some of the topics they will cover: - Challenging US Military Aid to Israel - Divesting from Israeli Occupation - Palestinian Christians & the Kairos document (read about the Kairos document here) - Debunking Myths About Islam - Muslim Contributions to Knowledge - Peace by Piece - Organizing Within the Churches - Fair Trade – Canaan - Ethical Travel to Palestine - Inside Gaza Today - Christian Zionism - Organizing on Campuses - Youth travels in Palestine One of the scheduled workshops is titled “BDS - MN Break the Bonds.” (see here) I looked up “BDS” and found a description on the organization's website outlining who they are and what they are about. It said, “(t)he global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005, and is coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), established in 2007.” (see here) A few other things I noted about this conference: - Phyllis Bennis, a keynote speaker, was a founder and remains on the steering committee of the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation. - The speakers seem to be Americans and Muslims who have the same political/Middle East view point. - It is worth taking a look at who the other conference co-sponsors are. (see here) - The conference information pages use bias language and Palestinian talking points which are decidedly intended to put the Palestinian cause and positions in the best possible light while at the same time vilifying the Israelis. (see here) If these people want to hold a conference, they certainly have every right to do so, but why are these two Evangelical Lutheran Church in America synods supporting a Muslim prayer service and an Israeli-bashing symposium? Do you as ELCA members want your denomination to be associated with this kind of thing? So in an effort to set the record straight on the quest for peace in the Middle East, please watch this six minute video. Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the Peace Process Here is an interesting article about an organization called Greater Cleveland Congregations, "Have Alinsky Political Operatives Infiltrated Cleveland’s Christian, Jewish & Muslim Faith Communities?" (read here)
At least three ELCA entities are involved in this group: - ELCA North East Ohio Synod - ELCA Gift of God - Hope Lutheran Church (read here) We all know there are a plethora of disturbing beliefs, teachings and agendas that are causing ELCA members and churches to consider leaving the denomination. The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly’s decision to “unsin” homosexuality is one of them.
When ELCA church members discuss the assembly decision, you often hear the comment, “It won’t affect us,” as a reason to stay in the ELCA. This is a false statement, but I find it interesting. Where in the Bible does it say we are only to care about what affects us? When did Jesus say, “Do not look out for the needs of your neighbor, it’s all about you?” He doesn’t. The ELCA’s decision to defy the Bible affects every member, Christian, future member and any person who has heard about the ELCA’s decision. Every member must decide if they will adopt the ELCA’s position as their own; will they compromise their view of scripture, and will they be led by a denomination which teaches this? Because of the ELCA’s precedent and promotion of this teaching, every Christian must know and explain why they do or do not adhere to this belief. Current or future ELCA members will learn from the ELCA synods, publications, study materials, colleges, pastors, etc. that homosexual sex is “good.” Pastors who believe the Biblical view on homosexuality will not address the subject or if they do they likely will face discipline for not supporting the ELCA’s position. Additionally, a seed has been planted in the hearts of those that have heard of the ELCA’s decision, that the Bible is not right and homosexual relations are a gift from God. What great damage the ELCA has done! What destruction they have brought upon people with same-sex attractions. I know this sounds harsh but the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has done a detestable and evil thing. What our denomination did does affect us. All Christians should care that some of their sons, daughters, friends, relatives and brothers and sisters in Christ are being led into bondage and false teaching. If you believe that to be a true statement, then out of love for Jesus and for people suffering in sin, pray for them and the ELCA. Out of love, tell people what the ELCA is doing. Stop supporting this denomination. Flee. Your presence in the ELCA gives them greater voice and resources to preach their non-Biblical world view. And one other thing, it will affect you. In ancient times there were evil, demonically inspired people who would sacrifice their newborn babies to false gods. It was a fairly common practice, and I ask myself, “How could anyone do this?”
In the United States, from 1973 to 2008 over 53,310,000 unborn babies have been killed (aborted). (see here) We cut up, suffocate and burn our own children! We are just as bad, if not worse than those people of ancient past. How does this happen in a land of so many Christians? I think the answer is found toward the end of a speech given by a young boy named Anthony Irsik. Irsik said, “I would like to leave a thought with you from Dr. Bernard Nathanson. Dr. Nathanson was one of the founders of the abortion movement. He helped provide 75,000 abortions, one of them being his very own child. He later became a pro-life movement leader. Nathanson explained to the public how he got abortion legislation passed. ‘We knew that the biggest obstacle in our way was not going to be the government or the media or academia. We knew we had those and could easily get those on our side. The biggest obstacle was going to be the church … (Abortionists) never would have gotten away with what (they) did had (churches) been united, purposeful and strong.’” (read here) The Christian church needs to stand together to protect the right to life of the unborn. And if you are a member of a church or denomination which actively promotes and aids the killing of unborn children, you need to stand against them, stop supporting them and get out from their authority. (see a run down of denominations’ positions on abortion here) As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America you should know where your church stands on abortion. You should find out if the ELCA is one of those churches that has made it possible for over 53 million babies to be slaughtered. Check out this Exposing the ELCA page to find out more about the ELCA’s position on abortion. It is apparent to me that the ELCA has blood on their hands. Over the last two years we have exposed a widely held belief by leadership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that Adam and Eve are a myth. (see here and here) Just a few days ago, the Director of the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, Dr. David Lose, said, “Did Adam and Eve exist? No.” (read here) I have personally been told by the Academic Dean of an ELCA seminary that “not one professor in any ELCA seminary believes that Adam and Eve were real people.”
In a recent blog, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. talks about the importance of believing what God’s Word says about Adam and the truth that he was the first historical human being. Dr. Mohler, Jr. says, “(T)he denial of a historical Adam means not only the rejection of a clear biblical teaching, but also the denial of the biblical doctrine of the Fall, leading to a very different way of telling the story of the Bible and the meaning of the Gospel.” (read the whole blog here). Think about this, the Bible, Old and New Testament, speaks of Adam at least twenty-one times. Scripture always speaks about Adam being a historical, actual individual. Yet the ELCA leadership teaches and believes that Adam and Eve are a myth. The fact of the matter is that the ELCA leadership likes to deny historical accounts and Biblical teaching throughout Scripture. There is a great deal of documentation of the ELCA leadership questioning the virgin birth, Christ’s resurrection, the creation account, salvation in Christ alone for those that believe, historic Biblical accounts, the reality of hell and if the Bible is true (and those are just a few of the examples). When we look at the evidence, it is easy to see that the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America does not believe much of what is written in the Bible! What results from a view that holds such an arbitrary view of the Bible? A dying church which un-sins sin, doesn’t evangelize, disregards the law, denies God’s eternal covenant with the Jews, supports abortions, preaches a social gospel as opposed to the “Good News,” rejects using male terms for God, and decides for themselves what is truth. I pray that the ELCA will repent of its ways, but until then, perhaps it is time to find a church that believes what God says. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11