“I believe the World Council of Churches has distinguished itself as one of the greatest tools used by Satan to water down, confuse and dilute the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world.” - Hal Lindsey Please check out this video about the World Council of Churches (which the ELCA is a member of), Christians against Israel and interpretation of scripture. See video
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has immersed itself, and promoted involvement of its members, in interfaith relations. A search of “interfaith” on elca.org confirms this. (see here) But when you look at all the interfaith work the ELCA is so heavily involved with, very little is about sharing the Good News of what Christ has done and the gift of eternal life that is available for those that believe. That is a huge problem and ELCA members should be asking themselves why this is so.
The ELCA’s May/June 2011 edition of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics focuses on helping to “inform and inspire encounters with our multi-religious neighbors.” In one article the Journal’s Associate Editor, Victor Thasiah, tells of one of his experiences. “Shortly after getting to know some young Muslim men from Malindi while traveling in Kenya in 2009, they invited me to join them for prayer — to observe and participate as I wished. Outside of the mosque, after removing my shoes, they welcomed me to wash my hands, feet, face, ears, and mouth — to purify myself from the evil I had thought, done, seen, heard, and spoken. On my knees . . .I cupped water with my hands to cover my ears. . .” The story ends with Victor saying, “I can say that one day in Nairobi I was baptized by a Muslim.” (read here) In 2010 during an ELCA “Sharing the Gospel” event, the conference welcomed Muslim and Buddhist prayers and those in attendance were invited to participate with them if they wished. (read here) The ELCA failing to tell people of other religions about salvation in Christ for those that believe is bad enough. But as the examples above show the ELCA seems to be moving toward the acceptance of prayers and worship to gods other than the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (see here and here for more examples) What is going on in our denomination? Would Jesus participate in a prayer and cutting ceremony with the prophets of Baal? In Scripture God told His people to remove the temples and alters of other gods in the land of Israel, not to worship with these false religions. Solomon’s sin was that he worshipped the false gods of his wives. Yet the ELCA invites this. When you combine the universalism teaching that is going on in the ELCA (teaching that all people will go to heaven - see more here) with the “Interfaithism” preached by this denomination, it is easy to see why the ELCA is not actively sharing the good news of forgiveness of sin and salvation in Christ for those that believe. (John 3:16) It is also easy to see how the ELCA will fall in line, lock, stock and barrel, with the end times one world government that the Bible talks about. Pray that the ELCA repents of its ways. The ELCA continues to show that promoting their political positions is a major priority. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America just posted on their website and sent out an email asking readers to "Call Your Representative Today to Vote NO on the 'Cut, Cap and Balance Act.'" (see here)
Here is another example of the ELCA using their resources and displaying their true focus -- pushing a political agenda. Remember that when you give to the ELCA, your money that is intended as a tithe and gift to God is really going to promote the ideology of the Democratic party, the ELCA's social justice causes and progressive policies. When you throw in the fact that the ELCA is seemingly indifferent to making disciples for Christ and bringing the lost to the salvation offered by Jesus (to all those who believe), I wonder if God finds your gifts and tithes acceptable. David Lose, The Marbury E. Anderson Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, recently spoke on a podcast entitled, “What is the Bible?”
During the podcast he said this about the Bible, “(i)t is this collection of stuff, all kinds of stuff from all over the place that have been passed down and put together and sometimes edited and changed . . .” (listen here) Prof. Lose is stating a standard teaching theory in the ELCA called Redaction Criticism. “Redaction Criticism of the Bible is the theory that different copyists and commentators of the early biblical writings embellished and altered the biblical texts throughout early Jewish and Christian history to make them appear more miraculous, inspirational, and legitimate. An example of redaction theory would be the claim that Old Testament prophecies were modified by redactors after the fact to make them appear as miraculous prophecies. Redaction criticism reduces the quality of the biblical record, casts strong doubt on its inspiration, and implies that the Bible is not trustworthy as a historical document." (read here) And one wonders how the ELCA can make policies and take positions that are completely contrary to what God tells us in scripture? It's because many leaders in the ELCA have very little regard for it. Read more about Redaction Criticism and the ELCA here. Read more about David Lose from Exposing the ELCA here. In the 2011 issue of The Lutheran we learn this interesting fact.
“In 2005, the Dover, Pa., school board went to federal court over a conflict about their order to teach ‘intelligent design’ in biology classrooms. Members of the seminary (ELCA’s Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg) faculty were engaged in the controversy, opposing the curriculum.” (see here) So ELCA faculty members, who teach future pastors the Bible, actively oppose a “theory” of God’s involvement in the forming of this world from being taught in high schools? People who teach in ELCA seminaries should listen to the words of Jesus, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” John 18:16 |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11