Aided by pro-Palestinian propaganda, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) continues it's advocacy for actions that hurt Israel and that aid the terrorists in Gaza. The ELCA's spiel, posted below, states the number of Palestinian people killed in Gaza. Those numbers come from Hamas' Health Ministry. PUSH FOR CEASEFIRE BETWEEN ISRAEL & HAMAS CONTINUES: ELCA advocacy continues to urge Congress and the Administration to: (1) Publicly call for a ceasefire to prevent the further loss of life; (2) Prioritize the protection of all civilians, including by urgently securing the entrance of humanitarian aid into Gaza and working to secure the release of hostages; and (3) Urge all parties to fully respect international humanitarian law. Over 27,000 Palestinian people have been killed in Gaza since the start of the war, of which approximately 70% are women and children, and 1.9 million have been displaced from their homes (approximately 85% of the population). As of Jan. 29, 69 U.S. legislators have voiced calls for a ceasefire. ELCA is calling on senators to co-sponsor Senator Van Hollen amendment, which requires that “weapons received by any country under the [request be] used in accordance with U.S. law, international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict.” The measure also requires the president to report to Congress on the matter and, according to the press release, to strengthen “current law that prohibits U.S. security assistance to any country that prevents or restricts U.S. humanitarian assistance to those in need.” Why It Matters to the ELCA Freed by the transformative life of Christ, the ELCA is committed to accompaniment, advocacy and awareness-raising with our partners in the Holy Land and in the United States. Sumud, an Arabic word meaning “steadfastness” used to describe this ministry and work since Oct. 2023 ELCA announcement, connects ELCA members to our companions in the Holy Land and seeks to follow the guidance, support the leadership and amplify the voices of our Palestinian partners. Together with our Lutheran companions, we accompany Palestinians and Israelis, and many other Jews, Christians and Muslims, in working to establish the justice required for peace. What’s Next In January, the Senate tabled Senator Bernie Sanders’ effort to curb military aid to Israel during Israel-Hamas war, but “the roll call vote begins to reveal the depth of unease among U.S. lawmakers over Israel’s prosecution of the war against Hamas…In all, 11 senators joined Sanders in the procedural vote, mostly Democrats from across the party’s spectrum, while 72 opposed.” A number of senators were unable to travel in time for the vote in D.C. due to winter weather storms. The future of the resolution is unclear, but Sanders has vowed to continue to advocate oversight from Congress. (See here)
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Many years ago, Elim Lutheran Church near my house in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, had a wonderful, Biblical pastor. He was willing to stand against the pro-homosexual movement that was being promoted by our bishop and others in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He eventually retired. Another pastor came and slowly but surely the church became more liberal. I remember a woman from that church calling me, upset that they wouldn’t allow the Christian men’s movement Promise Keepers into the church because one of the pastors said it was sexist. Today if you go to Elim’s website, you will see that the current pastor and all of the staff members list their preferred pronouns (see the “he/him” pastor below). The director of Elim’s children, youth and family ministries is a “they, them” who is studying “queer theology.” This is the danger of staying in a liberal denomination and I have seen it over again. A new pastor comes along, and slowly influences the congregation to accept the heretical beliefs of the ELCA. This is why I encourage every congregation to leave the ELCA and join a more Biblical branch of Lutheranism. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock Screenshots are from the church website. See here. The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Earlier this year, Luther Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America hired a gay theologian. He recently preached at Luther Seminary chapel (see sermon below) about the Parable of the 10 Virgins. Instead of preaching the true meaning of Jesus’ parable, that we must be ready for Christ’s return or we will be shut out, he instead preached about the oppression of those who have been shut out, thus turning the parable on its ear. As an example of oppression, he told the story of homosexuals who were denied Holy Communion by a Roman Catholic priest and so started their own church (minute 14 below). At one point, the preacher referred to the “Kin-dom of God” instead of the “Kingdom of God”. In recent years “Kingdom“ is considered too sexist since it refers to God as a male King, so a new word, “Kin-dom”, has been invented. Sometimes traditional Lutherans from Africa come to Luther Seminary to be trained as pastors and are aghast at what they find. Recently, a Lutheran from Ethiopia told me how the Mekane Yesus Lutheran denomination there, the largest Lutheran denomination in the world, has cut off ties with the ELCA because of its embracing of the LGBT movement. How far the ELCA has drifted from what the Bible teaches, “…homosexuals…will not inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). It reminds me of what an old Lutheran pastor said many years ago when some Lutheran bishops started to promote the acceptance of homosexual behavior, “We are nicing people right into Hell.“ In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock PS. And how tragic that yesterday the Pope authorized Catholic priests to perform blessings for same-sex couples. It seems everybody is caving. But Christians, let us follow Scripture though the whole world be against us. (See link to video of service here, on Tom Brock's Facebook page)
An article in the ELCA magazine Living Lutheran and posted on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Facebook page claims God's empowerment in the LGBTQ 'movement.' The article states:
"We call this an LGBTQ 'movement' and that image is apt. None of us are ever there at 'the beginning' of the movement, since the beginning is when God spoke the heavens and earth into being. We only enter this movement because of Christ’s redemption. Empowered by the Spirit, we move this movement along with our words and our actions, and eventually we pass it along to the next generation." (See here) The ELCA continues to push its liberal, anti-Biblical, LGBTQ views on its membership and two of the ways they do so is through their publications and social media. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11