Trinity Lutheran Church in Lansdale, PA, is hosting Mikah Meyer, a gay man, who will be conducting a concert and presentation about his "coming out." Trinity Lutheran is an ELCA church and would like to have "A strong youth presence for the upcoming Mikah Meyer* concert" (See here). They are seeking 7th through 12th graders to usher for the event.
"Trinity is hosting 'Travel Beyond Convention', a cabaret style one-man show featuring Mikah Meyer, an inspiring young man and countertenor. Facebook invitation is here Mikah will be singing at both the 8:30 and 10:30 service on Sunday, April 7th. In Social Hall, beginning at 9:30 Trinity Youth will have a special opportunity to meet Mikah and hear about his faith journey. Mikah is a gay Christian whose story about coming out is integrated with his stories of exploring creation on his quest to visit all National Park Sites. Mikah’s message includes his experience of knowing God’s love for him through his struggles. While this message is important for all us to hear, it’s especially important for the younger people in our community who may be dealing with their own struggles."
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) I got a phone call today from a father in Colorado whose son was considering attending Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, a college affiliated with the liberal Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He stumbled across my website in which I criticize ELCA colleges for promoting the LGBT movement and liberal theology (teachings such as universalism, the belief that all people will be saved regardless of faith in Christ). The father, given that Gustavus calls itself a Christian college, assumed it holds to Christian values. Then he watched the below video of the sex skits for incoming Gustavus students. The video is from years ago, but to my knowledge, nothing has changed. I was told years ago that Gustavus lost a huge financial gift because of these videos (you can view more of them on youtube, just google "Gustavus Adolphus Freshman Orientation"). The father told me he talked today with a member of Gustavus' admission staff about his concerns and eventually the staffer said "Well, I think this conservation is over." The father now has no desire to send his son to Gustavus, even though his son is being offered a scholarship. If you are considering sending your son or daughter to Gustavus Adolphus, St. Olaf College, Augsburg College, Luther College, Wartburg College, or Concordia Moorhead, I would think again. The heresy in ELCA colleges has been going on for years. Even way back in the 1970's I remember one of my high school friends went off to Concordia Moorhead and came back home denying the resurrection of Christ because of one of her professors. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
Looking at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Facebook's page the other day, I found myself reading Facebook reviews that were written about the denomination.
The low ratings and reviews the ELCA is receiving give additional insight into what people are seeing and experiencing with regard to the ELCA. Those writing the reviews are warning the leadership and members of the dangers they see, which is commendable. The reviews below are from this page.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a partner to LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service). (See here) Recently, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah was appointed the President and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
ELCA Synod Bishop Michael Rinehart is the LIRS board chairman is quoted as saying, “Krish is exactly the kind of once-in-a-generation leader LIRS needs right now...In the wake of unprecedented challenges to U.S. refugee resettlement and immigration policy, the LIRS mission — to protect, embrace, and empower those we serve — is more crucial now than ever.” A lot of ELCA money goes to LIRS. Let's learn a little about Krish O'Mara Vignarajah. She is Hindu and is married to a Catholic. In 2016, they had a Hindu wedding ceremony and a Christian ceremony. (see here) She worked as a senior advisor under Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry before becoming Policy Director for First Lady Michelle Obama. (See here)
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah was a Democratic candidate for governor of Maryland in 2018.
The Baltimore Sun newspaper, during the campaign season, said "Vignarajah has many big promises for Maryland spelled out in more than 100 pages of text and nearly 14,000 words on her website: universal pre-kindergarten, free college tuition at community colleges and historically black colleges and universities, more reproductive health centers, paid leave for new parents, expanded use of renewable energy sources and a massive increase in school construction funding." (Read here)
Also on Krish Vignarajah's campaign website is a tab that addresses issues that are important to the candidate. One of those issues was "LGBTQ," where Vignarajah says "My Administration Will Make Maryland The Most Welcoming And Anti-Discriminatory State In The Union."
The website's LGBTQ page then listing "Priorities" where we find the following:
(See here)
Below are a couple of Facebook posts by Krishanti Vignarajah. She seems like the perfect fit for a partner of the ELCA. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and speaker at the ELCA Youth Gathering, has stated publicly that she enjoys having sex outside of marriage with her boyfriend. She signed a statement by a group of ELCA leaders called “Naked and Unashamed” which wants to overthrow the old 1990 ELCA rules that said pastors should not have sex outside of marriage. The ELCA bishops are presently working on a new set of standards for ELCA clergy to reflect the fact that the ELCA now ordains practicing homosexuals. The bishops state:: “We express our profound grief and deep regret for the times when Vision and Expectations (the 1990 rules) has been misused to single out, marginalize, and block people seeking to be leaders in this church when their peers were not always held to the same vision and expectations. This has caused considerable pain that has disproportionately been borne by those who have been historically marginalized or excluded from leadership in the church because of their gender, sexuality, race, or status. We apologize to those whose treatment under this document has made them feel targeted and less than the beloved children of God that they are.” I think this means, in part, that the bishops feel bad for not supporting practicing homosexual pastors and their partners in the past. That all changed in 2009 when the ELCA voted to allow non-celibate homosexual pastors. The proposed new statement reads that “Those who serve as (ELCA) pastors and deacons reflect a variety of sexual orientations and diverse gender identities…the greatest sexual intimacies should be matched with marriage. Pastors and deacons, as public witnesses to this church’s respect for marriage, are therefore to live in accordance with the understanding that deepening degrees of sexual intimacy are aligned with deepening levels of commitment to one another and the relationship. Such relationships are to be exclusive, monogamous, consensual, and in the ELCA, require marriage before cohabitation for those serving as pastors and deacons.” Thus, in this new statement, cohabitation (living together) is forbidden for ELCA pastors. I believe this means that a homosexual pastor living with a partner in a sexual relationship now needs to get “married”. This is tragic. What if the homosexual pastor gets “married” and then later comes to realize that homosexual behavior is sin? But now the pastor has been saddled with a “marriage” at the insistence of the bishops of the Church. This is the strange new world of the ELCA. And what about a heterosexual pastor like Bolz-Weber who engages in sex with her boyfriend, presumably in a “loving, monogamous relationship”? Since only cohabitation is explicitly forbidden by the proposed statement, is she allowed to continue to be sexually active and face no discipline? The statement is in its rough draft form and hopefully the language will eventually make it clear that both cohabitation and fornication are forbidden. But we shall see. I believe the greatest error of the statement is telling homosexual pastors they must “marry” their sexual partners. Back in 2009 the ELCA agreed that the conservative view regarding homosexual behavior would be honored alongside the liberal view. Where is the conservative view being honored in the ELCA today? What if an ELCA bishop were to say “I hold to the conservative view and I refuse to ordain a practising homosexual”? Would such a bishop be allowed in the ELCA? You can read the entire proposed new statement in the link below at the very bottom. And I hope it will make you consider leaving the ELCA if you are still a member. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock PS If you want to read what ELCA Pastor Bolz-Weber said in a podcast about how great sex is with her boyfriend, I have edited out her foul language below. As you read it, keep in mind she is an ELCA pastor in good standing with the denomination and spoke to 31,000 ELCA teens last summer: Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber: “But I get together with my boyfriend and start having sex and it was like 'holy s___,’ I was like, it felt like an exfoliation of my whole spirit. I'm like 'This is so good for my brain chemistry, and my body, and my heart. And I’m like f___ man, why in the world would the Church say ‘Don’t do this?’ Like I could tell it was what I needed, and it was so good.” For new proposed standards for ELCA pastors: --
The Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA posted on Facebook a quote by noted liberal theologian Marcus Borg. The quote, below, says what one believes is not important for salvation. Of course, this is false. The Bible tells us, many times, that belief in Christ is needed for salvation. (See Romans 10:9-10 and Acts 16:31)
The Christian church should be helping people believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's presiding bishop thinks all will go to heaven, and universal salvation is widely accepted in the denomination. I fear, for all listening to them, who will wind up in hell.
Madeline Burbank is a Master of Divinity student at the ELCA's Luther Seminary. Below is an announcement she made on her Facebook page about her education choice and the motivation behind it. Madeline Burbank does not mention telling people about Jesus and His free gift of salvation. It is about "Effective relief efforts, lifelong service, environmental stewardship, anti-racism, immigrant and refugee support, intersectional feminism, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, interfaith dialogue, sex positivity, and improving education..."
Everyone should be frightened about the pastors the ELCA is and has ordained. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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September 2024
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11