2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly happens in a couple weeks. On the docket:
"Proposals (known as memorials) from the ELCA's 65 synods that address social justice issues and matters relating to the structure of the ELCA, including greenhouse gas reduction; gun violence; LGBTQIA+ welcome; pastoral counseling as a result of changes to Roe v. Wade; the land back movement; ELCA governance restructure; specialized ministries and on leave from call status; and review and revision of the ELCA social statement Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust, adopted by the 2009 Churchwide Assembly." ttps://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8163
Guns. They are a hot topic of conversation and debate these days. The ELCA Conference of Bishops jumped into the fray with a news release stating their support of the gun focused March for Our Lives. The Bishop’s statement was clear:
“The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in solidarity with our children and youth…offer our support, partnership and prayers for the March for Our Lives, its satellite city events, and our children and youth who are leading us forward as peacemakers.” (see here) The ELCA's presiding bishop and 62 synod bishops signed the statement. The March for Our Lives calls for - "A law to ban the sale of assault weapons..." - "Prohibiting the sale of high-capacity magazines..." - "Closing the loophole in our background check law that allows dangerous people...(to) buy guns online or at gun shows." (see here) Some of you may agree with that stance, some of you may not. I present this information for those ELCA members who disagree with the March for Our Lives' demands. They have a right to know what their denomination is supporting. An recent email by ELCA Advocacy gives further details of what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America wants to happen regarding guns, at least for the time being: "We have resolved as a church to work for the passage and strict enforcement of laws that control the manufacture and sale of weapons not used for hunting and sport, or for use other than law enforcement and military purposes." (See here) Below are some more gun related thoughts of ELCA leaders and entities, - ELCA Pastor Sue Seiffert writes this about the NRA, - The tweet below is from the ELCA's Southeastern Minnesota Synod,
- Clergy and faith leaders in Oklahoma, including 5 from the ELCA, signed a letter that said, "we raise our voices again today, to call once more for change and to make the moral claim that our dedication to guns and to violence is, in religious terms, idolatry. We appear to be willing to sacrifice even our own children to this warped ideology, wrapped in the second amendment as if it were Holy Scripture." These "Christian" pastors even say prayers are "...meaningless if they do not change us and our actions." Seriously? They should be defrocked if they think prayers are meaningless. (see here) - WELCA wades into the gun debate, - The Rocky Mountain Synod posted this on their Facebook page, - And here is Rocky Mountain Synod ELCA Bishop Jim Gonia marching,
- Finally, ELCA Advocacy and the ELCA's Metro D.C. synod will participate in the March For Our Lives - The ELCA is Just an Extreme Social Policy and Political Organization that Cloaks Itself in Religion12/19/2017 God's Word in Matthew 4:17 tells us that Jesus preached the message, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” You will not hear ELCA leadership preach repentance of sin (unless it has to do with "Global Warming" or lack of being inclusive). They must believe Jesus was naive to think that people needed to repent or that hell awaited those that reject Christ as their Savior. Instead ELCA leaders succumbed to Satan's directives and are preaching their liberal social and political policies. Here are some examples: - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America stands against the Congressional tax cut being voted on this month. They are spewing leftist propaganda saying it is a bill that "benefits corporations and the wealthy over lower and middle-income families." (See here and below.) - Today the ELCA's Metropolitan New York Synod shared a post from a pro-LGBT organization about the case of the Christian baker from Colorado who was sued by two gay men because the baker would not use his artistic talents to make them a wedding cake. The article features an ELCA pastor condemning the Christian baker's claim of religious freedom (see here and below). In the case of gay men vs. a Bible-believing Christian, it is not a surprise with whom the ELCA synod is siding. - Next is an article co-written by ELCA bishop William Gohl Jr. of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA. It condemns "current immigration policies" of the United States and says the "repeal of DACA would be morally reprehensible." He even says, "If we are to truly live out our faith, then we must...advocate that those who (are in the United States)...through DACA be allowed to stay." (See here) - Gun regulations and laws are a favorite topic of many ELCA leaders. Here is some of what ELCA bishop Steven L. Ullestad of the Northeastern Iowa Synod is using to fill up his Facebook page: (See here) - News from the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has them adopting the Israel-inspired (anti-Israel) investment screen that was passed at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2016. (read the summer blog here) They also “declined the request for the ELCA to declare itself a sanctuary denomination, yet supported the spirit of the sanctuary movement by encouraging congregations to serve and support the protection of migrants in their communities.” (see here) - Finally, I will end this with what is truly one of the most morally reprehensible positions held in the ELCA, the support of abortion. After someone posted this abortion-supporting article on an ELCA Clergy Facebook page, some challenged the thought. Then ELCA pastor Russell L. Meyer wrote the comment below:
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11