June is Pride month and every year the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) displays their support and encouragement of LGBT+ ideology and lifestyles. With very little effort I found the posts below, coming from all segments of the ELCA. I did not come across any segment of the denomination stating the Biblical position on homosexuality, that it is a sin.
This is Edina Community Lutheran Church, an ELCA Church in Edina, MN. In the video below the congregation is confessing the Sparkle Creed:
The congregation was celebrating Pride Sunday.
During the children's message (starting at 6:00): - the children were given props and dress up clothes to help them celebrate. - the children were told Jesus says "'I love you just the way you are.' And sometimes we like to celebrate that." This is obviously gay pride related and that is confirmed by the children being told they can take their clothes/props and have their picture taken by the rainbow flag after the service.
At the beginning of the service the pastor acknowledged they worship on the traditional, ancestral and contemporary lands of the Dakota nation. And how they were complicit in injustices done to native people.
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) In yet another gay pride video produced by a bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the below bishop regrets the “harm” done by prior ELCA teaching that homosexual behavior is wrong. That teaching changed in 2009 (not 2012 as the bishop states) when the ELCA supposedly became enlightened and compassionate and started ordaining practicing homosexuals and performing gay weddings. I myself personally struggle with same-sex attraction but I abstain for the sake of Christ and my soul. I can tell you that the below video is not loving. It is not loving to condone a behavior that will exclude people from God’s Kingdom for eternity. The bishop needs to follow the Bible’s teaching in I Corinthians 6:9-11 and stop kowtowing to the culture. Back in 2009 when the ELCA approved homosexual behavior, conservatives were assured that their viewpoint would also be honored in the ELCA. I know of not one ELCA bishop who publicly upholds the traditional, biblical point of view. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock An ELCA pastor is publicly stating that he is going to preach "against" the Word of God at his church service. The only surprise here is that he is admitting it.
ELCA pastor Clint Schnekloth writes, "this Sunday I plan to preach AGAINST the text. I do so in solidarity with the millions around the world who have been the targets of this non-reciprocal and colonial discipling." The Biblical text for Rev. Schnekloth's "speech" is from Matthew 28:16-20. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Living Lutheran magazine, the official magazine of the liberal Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has once again produced a glowing pro-transgender article. If you read it below, you’ll notice the good guys are those who believe “God made me transgender” and the bad guys are those who disagree with the LGBT movement. This, even though the ELCA claims to allow both conservative and liberal views on the subject. But you will never read a conservative viewpoint on LGBT matters in Living Lutheran, it has been banned. In the article’s last paragraph, you will see that the good guys are also those who support abortion rights, Roe v. Wade, and “gender affirming care“ for youth (which often means allowing hormone blockers and sex change operations on children). Most Americans are opposed to this destructive surgery on minors, but you can read Living Lutheran’s support of “gender affirming care” for youth below. In addition, the ELCA tragically pays for hormone blockers for children in its national healthcare plan, which is funded by offering dollars. May we always believe what Jesus taught: “He who made them in the beginning made them male and female” (Matthew 19:4). Jesus didn’t add “and bisexual and homosexual and transgender and two spirit and…”. And Jesus had very serious things to say about those who harm children (Luke 17:2). Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (Read the ELCA article in Living Lutheran here) What does the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America believe about the Bible? We can tell by what they say, by what they promote, by what they deny, by what they preach. (I document this throughout this website) This month the ELCA's magazine, Living Lutheran, published an article titled "The Story Behind the Story: Finding Greater Truths Behind Bible Tales". (Read here) As you read this article you will see the ELCA cast doubt on the Bible's account of historical events such as the Biblical six-day creation account, the miraculous parting the Red Sea, David fighting and killing Goliath, and Jesus walking on water. Here are some quotes from the ELCA article: - (Talking about the Biblical creation account and other culture's creation stories) "I can appreciate the beauty and poetry of these mythical details without taking them literally— and still worship the glorious Force that created the universe in ways I still don’t understand." - "Many ancient civilizations had flood stories similar to the Genesis story of Noah’s ark, but that doesn’t take away from the core message: God loves us and will not let us be extinguished. God’s word, God’s promise of protection, can be trusted. So in a profound way that story is true." - "Even the dramatic encounter between the little shepherd boy David and the giant Philistine Goliath may be misunderstood, says author Malcolm Gladwell. If it did actually occur..." - "Jesus turning water into wine and walking on the sea? Modern physicists hoping to prove or disprove the first story have written scholarly papers breaking down the chemical elements of both wine and H2O. Critics of the second posit that Jesus might have been treading on a thin sheet of ice. To me both miracles beautifully symbolize Jesus’ care for us, however they came to be." - "What Bible stories do you question? Which have strained credulity and even been stumbling blocks to belief? Why not let go of a desire to force these old, old stories into a rigid mold they may never have been meant to fit?" Pastor Tom Brock writes this about the ELCA article, "But in Living Lutheran magazine, a person’s subjective opinion about what may or may not have happened in the Bible trumps the Bible’s claim to historical accuracy." (See here) The Dean of Students and professor at an ELCA seminary told me personally that not one ELCA seminary professor believes Adam and Eve were real people.
When the ELCA chose this article for publication, they validated it. This is a teaching that is embraced by the denomination. Denial of the Truth of God's Word is the root of the the problem, the source of evil, that has made the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America what it is today. It is a faux Christian church that embraces evil, that cast doubt on what God says, much like Satan did in Scripture. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11