This is what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has become. It does not resemble Christianity. It does not resemble Christ. The people and churches that continue to support this denomination and continue to be in the ELCA have some answering to do. The ELCA is leading people into sin. They stand for their own beliefs, not for God's instructions.
Choose this day whom you will serve. You can not serve God and the ELCA.
When Columbus Day rolls around each year, you can count on one thing: the ELCA will be denouncing it. So it was, yesterday, when Women of the ELCA (WELCA) published an article by an author whom WELCA says "...makes an argument for changing the name Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day in every state." (See here or below)
It seems the ELCA's Northwest Washington Synod would like to rename Columbus Day to "Native American Day." (See below) If you would like to read a couple of healthy perspectives on the realities of the day and the man who is remembered and celebrated on Columbus Day, check out these articles: - Christopher Columbus: A Sinner With A Heart for Frontier Missions - Columbus was Awesome - Indigenous Peoples Day vs Columbus Day Below is the WELCA article being shared by the ELCA's Northern Great Lakes Synod: From a soon-to-be ELCA pastor: And from an ELCA pastor:
Women of the ELCA (WELCA) tweeted a link to a video where God is referred to as "She." The video was made by the theologically liberal "Sojourners." The video is called "My God is ---------." Seven seconds into the video a woman says, "She breaks through stained glass ceilings and brings down walls." The video shows about a dozen people completing the statement "My God is..." (See additional examples of the ELCA referring to God using female terms here and here)
Jesus spoke to God calling him "Father." One needs to ask why the ELCA is going against Jesus' own words. Based on all the ways the ELCA defies Scripture, some would say the ELCA wants a god after their own making. Other statements in the WELCA shared video include, "My God was a refugee, was an immigrant, and wasn't white," and "My God doesn't care if I don't speak English." The video laced with manipulative statements that hold to the ELCA's and Sojourners social justice beliefs like, "My God heals without worrying about insurance." This is what the Women of the ELCA is putting forth and sharing on Twitter for all who will listen. Here is the video. Below is a picture of the video WELCA shared speaking about God as a woman. And here is a link to the Women of the ELCA's tweet. The ELCA has a responsibility to know who they hire and pay to work for the denomination. As a claimed "Christian" denomination it is not acceptable to have people employed (paid by ELCA members financial gifts to the denomination) who are involved in other religious practices that go against Christian belief.
Inez Torres Davis is a lady who “retired as the core racial justice/anti-racism trainer of Women of the ELCA (WELCA) after 20 years. She is also rostered Word & Service lay professional of the ELCA…and she sits on the ELCA’s Theological Discernment table.” She is also a blog writer for WELCA. In a recent article by Inez Torres Davis, that was posted by a Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago webpage, we find out that she is a "Reiki master." (see here) I didn't know what a Reiki master was so I looked it up and found: "Although Reiki claims to be an 'ancient healing practice that Buddha (and Jesus) used,' all records of it were lost. It was allegedly rediscovered by Mikao Usui, a Zen Buddhist monk, in the mid-1800s 'during a psychic experience.' Additionally, it is claimed that details about lost aspects of the practice have 'been revealed through channeling.' Channeling is the New Age term for mediumship and involves contact with, and usually possession by, 'spirit guides.'...a second-degree Reiki practitioner 'learns about spirit guides and how to contact and use them in healing sessions.'... third degree Reiki masters give 'complete control of healing sessions to their spirit guides.' Healing sessions appear to be based on the use of 'life-energy' (i.e. ki, chi, or prana), which is sent from the practitioner into the patient’s body. The greatest concern would seem to be the identity of the 'spirit guides.' Since they are typically contacted in ways expressly forbidden in Scripture, and since they advocate unbiblical ideas and practices, it is honestly quite difficult to view them as anything other than the biblical demons." “Reiki is antithetical to biblical Christianity. Channeling is a way of communicating with spirits to obtain information not otherwise accessible. It is denounced in the Bible as sorcery, mediumship, and spiritism (Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9-14…).” (see here) This is wicked, evil, dangerous stuff and the ELCA has employed someone who considers herself a "Reiki master." They have placed her in leadership positions and given her the opportunity to influence hundreds of thousands of members through her writing and the positions she has held. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is responsible to qualify leaders for service in the denomination. Given this example and the multitude of questionable ELCA leaders I've highlighted over the years (and the ELCA's terrible record on Biblical Truth,) the ELCA should not be trusted for finding Godly, Bible-believing pastors to lead congregations and ministries. See more Exposing the ELCA articles about Inez Torres Davis here.
The ELCA has jumped aboard the "trans" train and is going full steam ahead. ELCA publications are publishing articles "normalizing" transgenderism. ELCA leaders are making public calls to allow transgender individuals in the bathroom, locker room and shower of their choosing. The denomination ordains persons who desire to be the opposite sex of which they were born. ELCA seminaries indoctrinate their students in the cause. The denomination's health coverage pays for transgender surgery. (Check out these links to see many of the trans-happenings in the ELCA - here and scroll down this page) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is turning into the Trans Lutheran Church in America.
Here are the newest examples: - Rev. Kirby Unti is bishop of the Northwestern Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He wrote an opinion piece for the Seattle Times titled "Maintaining transgender rights aligns with my Christian faith." (see here) And below Bishop Unti is publicly calling to keep the WA state rule requiring businesses to grant bathroom and locker room access on the basis of gender identity.
- Here the ELCA website Living Lutheran has an article titled "Bathroom brouhaha" where the author argues for transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice. (see here)
- WELCA is recommending “30 books about 'mighty women' published in 2015." One of the books is “Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family." This is a transgender feel good story. WELCA's link provides this synopsis of the book: "The twin boys that Wayne and Kelly Maines adopted could not have been more different: Jonas loved trucks, sports, and other 'boyish' pursuits, while Wyatt sought out princess dolls and dress-up clothes. By the time the twins were toddlers, Wyatt was insisting he was a girl. In the process of coming to understand Nicole, their daughter, the Maines faced conflict both within and outside the family. It meant rewriting the script at home and the rules at school and in a community that was suddenly forced to confront its prejudices. This inspiring story of a transgirl who stood up for the right to be herself — and the family and friends who stood by her — sheds a new, very personal light on one of the great cultural debate of our time.” (see WELCA Facebook post here) - A recent edition of the ELCA’s The Lutheran has a nice story about a pastor finding out she has Jewish grandparents. Tucked in at the end of the story is this line, “Three rambunctious little boys come in with their parent, who is fine with them calling her 'Dad' even though she is now a woman.” The ELCA is trying to normalize sinful, deviant behavior. (see here) - The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (ELCA) posting a transaffirmative blog saying "In recent years the glorious dynamism of the trans community has been poignantly visible in virtually every media and even – in the case of the next writer – in the halls of LSTC. So please read and enjoy the following reflection upon transgender identity and pay close attention to River’s heartfelt tutorial on trans-identity and respect." (see here) - St. Olaf College, an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America school proudly posting about their class of 2009 transgender student.
- This St. Paul, MN ELCA church writes on their website “Gloria Dei is pleased to offer the blessing of Jesus Christ to couples of all sexual orientations and gender identities.” (see here)
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) went on Twitter and Facebook this week claiming the Son of God made errors.
God's Word says, “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth" (1 Peter 2:22), but these ELCA leaders foolishly think they know better. If this isn't proof enough that the ELCA has a false view of Scripture and God Himself, I don't know what it will take to convince you.
(Update: It looks like WELCA deleted the tweet I originally posted. It was the same as above except it included this comment "Today is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost. Jesus corrected his errors; how will you do the same?" They have not remove this comment from Pinterest yet, you can see it here or I have taken a screenshot of it and posted at the end of this article).
This teaching is widely taught in the ELCA and widely accepted by ELCA leadership. Just a few days ago ELCA Pastor Cindy Muse of Calvary Lutheran Church, West Chester, PA begins this video asking, "Was Jesus a racist?" Please view this video. Later, after claiming she is "Shocked" by Jesus' words she says "Jesus just uttered a racial slur." Here is a blog from a couple months ago with two more ELCA leaders (a seminary professor and a pastor) making similar claims. published a post by ELCA pastor Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD, on this same topic and he writes “Jesus is being rude and dismissive to the woman he encounters. That is the simplest and, I believe, best explanation.” (see here)
-- WELCA's Pinterest post - Posted on the internet by a Lutheran pastor -
I'm looking for resources on the dangers of inter-faith dialogue that can help me explain at a basic level to my parishioners why it is not bigoted or unloving to say on the basis of scripture that faith in Christ Jesus is the one and only way to salvation. This month I teach all the women's circles in my congregation and once again I'm dismayed at the ELCA women's study. This first month is about the conversion of Paul and focuses on an analysis of the human experience of conversion, lifting up examples of other faith conversions, Jewish, Buddhist, Islam with the implication that these are all legitimate paths to God. The author compares the influence of Paul and Augustine and their influence on the Christian church with a middle ages Muslim named al-Ghazali who "influenced Islam and helped Muslims relate to God both intellectually and emotionally." She goes on to give another example of "a person who grew up Lutheran was taught that only Christians are "saved" joins a Jewish-Christian weekly Bible study and comes to appreciate the worth of other paths to God, while remaining a loyal Lutheran." My first impulse is to rave and rant but I know the best course is to teach them out of error. Any suggestions? Please pray for me:-) The following is from Lutheran CORE's April, 2014 newsletter. The article is titled "ELCA Witness: Synod assemblies" by Pastor Cori Johnson - “At the NGLS synod assembly in 2013, a resolution came forward asking for study of the book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America by Barbara Ehrenreich. The synod council recommended the resolution for adoption. The book was twelve years old at the time, and the author is an avowed atheist! Ehrenreich was the keynote speaker at the 2005 WELCA Triennial Convention in San Antonio, Texas, where she talked about her atheism during her keynote address. Many women walked out. The Director of Justice for Women of the ELCA (WELCA), Inez Torres Davis, doesn't like abstinence education. In a WELCA blog posted on their website she states, “there has been no evidence that abstinence-only sex education is effective for much of anything but making girls feel badly about themselves.” The studies show that she is wrong (see here).
Then, in complete disregard for what God has said, Inez Torres Davis writes: “I have no quarrel with the idea we should encourage our children to abstain from sexual activity until they reach a certain age or marriage. . .” Notice she says abstain “until they reach a certain age.” Really? Is that what the ELCA is teaching? Sex before marriage is okay? It wouldn't surprise me since the ELCA is fine with homosexual couples engaging in sex. Question: when was the last time you heard an ELCA leader say it is a sin for non-married individuals to be sexually active? Inez Torres Davis goes on to say, “that is how I raised my two daughters. They also received good sex education in their public school. But, I did not teach them that their remaining virgins would define their worth as a young woman. I did not teach them that keeping their virginity was more important than using their heads as well as their hearts.” Inez Torres Davis ends with this, “I believe we should all just say no! We should all just say no to abstinence-only sex education as it does nothing to protect the health of youth. On the contrary, it attacks the mental health of our youth and sends an oppressive message to both young women and men. Just say no!” (see here) In other words, WELCA is telling people, and at the very least endorsing the message, to “just say no” to God and His teaching. God says: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 - For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; Here are two more blogs by Exposing the ELCA featuring Inez Torres Davis (here and here). This report is from someone I know very well. I few weeks ago, this person visited a small ELCA church in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. The female pastor brought the children forward for the children's sermon. The message for that Sunday was about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At least twice, the pastor mentioned to the children that they could call God, “Mother God.” The person visiting the church was very surprised upon hearing the pastor say this so the person listened intently and heard the pastor say it again a couple minutes later.
What kind of denomination is this that tells children that they can call God “Mother?” That is not a Biblical name of God! This happened in a small, middle of America ELCA church. If it can happen there, it can and will happen in your church sooner or later. Inez Torres Davis, the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) Director for Justice, is a regular writer for WELCA's website. She made this statement in her latest contribution to that website: “I pray to discover Sofia’s guidance so that I may identify and then take actions that carry God’s promises.” (see here) I don't know how Inez Davis defines “Sofia,” whether it is some gnostic, feminist feminizing of God or if it is the pagan deity. But neither is right and it should be rejected by Bible-believing Christians. ----- The ELCA's North Carolina Synod had this announcement in their latest e-newsletter: LGBT Couples Retreat--Saturday, May 11 (see here) This is the ELCA. And Bible-believing members are having it forced upon them. ----- The ELCA's Southwest California Synod recently wrote this on their Facebook page:
Notice “partner.” ----- The ELCA 1991 Social Statement on the Death Penalty declared “we oppose the death penalty.” (see here) The ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod is publicly advocating the repeal of the death penalty. Their March e-newsletter said this: Abolition Sunday - Focusing on Repealing the Death Penalty (See here)
So the ELCA believes the Bible is supportive of homosexual relations and abortions but is against the death penalty? They must be living in a Bizzaro World where right is wrong, up is down and wisdom is foolishness. The television mini-series, The Bible has been a ratings winner for the History Channel (over 12 million people watching the final show) and has been the talk of media outlets, twitter and the general population. Franklin Graham said, "This mini-series will cause many people to take an interest in the Bible that otherwise might not have." How awesome is that? God's Word portrayed on television drawing people to Himself!
But in typical ELCA fashion, the ELCA-wide group, Women of the ELCA (WELCA) does not like the high impact mini-series, The Bible, which is no surprise based on the way the denomination seems to view the actual Bible. The other day I come across a post on Facebook by WELCA (April 1st) pointing to a blog on their website blasting the show. The post said, “Today's blogger takes a critical look at the History Channel's series 'The Bible.' Popular, yes? Accurate, no.” Then WELCA provided a link to their article (see the WELCA facebook page here) So what was the WELCA blogger's problem that caused her to claim, “The mini-series 'The Bible' retold one of the most heinous lies”? Reading the article we find that the blogger doesn't like the skin color of some of the actors. That's right. The blogger admits, “I only watched the first episode” but then says, “I didn’t need to see any more after the blonde Noah spoke with something between a Welsh and Scottish accent. That was enough because watching that first installment was like witnessing a reckless April Fool’s Day joke.” She continues, “I don’t need to watch White producers and actors stretch an old lie into the future” and “We are not supposed to lie.” Going into a full-on rant she says, “Jesus was not White. Noah was not White. Adam was not White. No one in ancient biblical times was White. And there were only a few 'Gentiles' in the New Testament and they were not Northern European Gentiles. Wake up!” (see here) Really!! Does this author know the skin color of Adam? (if she even believes in a historical Adam, that is) Does she know what Noah and Jesus looked like? Does it matter? I find it interesting that Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America says the people associated with the mini-series are perpetuating lies (and I reject that claim) while WELCA itself is part of a denomination that believes the Bible is filled with lies. Are you involved with Women of the ELCA? Did you know that this organization is a vocal supporter of homosexuality? If not, prepare to be stunned. Last week, Women of the ELCA posted a comment on its Facebook page which associates Christ's arrest and crucifixion to gay rights. The comment said:
“Many of you know Mary Button for the resources she's written for Women of the ELCA or articles for Cafe. You also might remember art that Mary created last year during Lent that she shared widely. Mary's done it again, creating Stations of the Cross that depict the struggle of the LGBT community in the 20th and 21st centuries. Mary offers this art for your Lenten journey.” (here is Women of the ELCA's facebook page. You will have to scroll down the page to find the comment). The outright support shown by Women of the ELCA for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) lifestyle included a link to the offensive LGBT Stations of the Cross artwork. (see artwork here) Next to the piece, “Station 9: Jesus falls the third time” the artist writes: “1978: Former Supervisor Dan White assassinates openly gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone. Milk was the first openly gay politician to be elected to public office in California.” Associating Christ sacrifice and redemptive work with any human being, not to mention Harvey Milk, is disgraceful. Harvey Milk at age 33 had a sexual relationship with a 16 year old boy, yet Women of the ELCA is promoting this. (see here) For “Station 11: Crucifixion,” the artist compares the Romans crucifying Christ to psychologists helping those with same-sex attraction to change their desires. On “Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross,” the artist places these words on her painting, "How many transgenders have (to) die before you get involv(ed)." Under “Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross” the artist associates it with what she calls “homophobic legislative.” For “Station 14: Jesus is laid in the tomb” the artist writes “Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller found the It Gets Better Project.” (read about Dan Savage here) Really!?!? The ELCA has stooped to this? Christ is no advocate for gay rights. Christ is an advocate for all people, including gay people, seeking repentance for their sin and to follow him. The ELCA leadership has been very vocal over the last three years, telling every member who disagreed with the ELCA endorsement of homosexuality that they would not be affected by it. That is a lie that served their own cause. ELCA synods, ELCA churchwide, ELCA leadership, ELCA publications, ELCA seminaries, ELCA colleges, ELCA Youth Gatherings and Women of the ELCA proclaim and publicize their support of homosexuality. Looking at ELCA churches, some of them perform gay weddings and support civil unions, some do not talk about the issue (their silence equates to acceptance), but relatively few ELCA churches continue to uphold God's Word on the issue; that it is a sin for which people need to repent. Homosexual approval and support rules the denomination. ELCA members are bombarded with it and those members are placing themselves and their children in a position of compromise by staying in ELCA. The March for Life was held today in Washington D.C. “March for Life is an annual pro-life rally protesting abortion . . . (which takes place) on or around the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion in the case Roe v. Wade.” (see here) It is the talk of the town on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Facebook page (see here). They even posted a picture of Rev. John Bradosky, Bishop of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and LCMS President Harrison as they participated in the March. (see here)
For an event that had national Lutheran leaders participating, one would think the largest Lutheran denomination would find it newsworthy enough to send their leader, or at least address it; wouldn't you? I haven't seen any pictures or reports of ELCA leaders attending the March, and nothing was even said about it on the ELCA's official website or its Facebook page. NOTHING. Not only that, this week as Christian denominations, organizations and individuals spoke, wrote and posted about the 40th anniversary of the legalization of abortion (Roe vs. Wade) on Facebook the ELCA and Women of the ELCA (WELCA) posted nothing. However, two days later something of such significance was taking place that WELCA had to address it. What was it you ask? National Handwriting Day. (see here – scroll down the page) 55 million unborn children have been killed in the last 40 years in the United States and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America doesn't even address the evil tragedy. That's because the evil tragedy of abortion is considered “good” in the ELCA. (see here) Women of the ELCA (WELCA), in a recent blog, made the claim that they are “Advocating for girls’ rights everywhere.” (read here)
Their claim is simply not true. What about girls who are in the womb? Women of the ELCA is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and this denomination certainly does not advocate for the life of unborn girls. They advocate for the destruction of unborn girls and boys. (see here) It is time every ELCA and WELCA member recognizes what their denomination supports and what they themselves are supporting by being members of the denomination. So my question to you is this: is God calling you to stand up for the rights of the innocent, the unborn children? Is God calling you to let your brothers and sisters in Christ know the radical pro-abortion position of the ELCA? Here are two resources (fliers/posters) that I encourage you to print off and share with others. 1) The ELCA and Abortion: THE FACTS and 2) Dear ELCA Members: You have the right to know! |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11