Are you involved with Women of the ELCA? Did you know that this organization is a vocal supporter of homosexuality? If not, prepare to be stunned. Last week, Women of the ELCA posted a comment on its Facebook page which associates Christ's arrest and crucifixion to gay rights. The comment said:
“Many of you know Mary Button for the resources she's written for Women of the ELCA or articles for Cafe. You also might remember art that Mary created last year during Lent that she shared widely. Mary's done it again, creating Stations of the Cross that depict the struggle of the LGBT community in the 20th and 21st centuries. Mary offers this art for your Lenten journey.” (here is Women of the ELCA's facebook page. You will have to scroll down the page to find the comment). The outright support shown by Women of the ELCA for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) lifestyle included a link to the offensive LGBT Stations of the Cross artwork. (see artwork here) Next to the piece, “Station 9: Jesus falls the third time” the artist writes: “1978: Former Supervisor Dan White assassinates openly gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone. Milk was the first openly gay politician to be elected to public office in California.” Associating Christ sacrifice and redemptive work with any human being, not to mention Harvey Milk, is disgraceful. Harvey Milk at age 33 had a sexual relationship with a 16 year old boy, yet Women of the ELCA is promoting this. (see here) For “Station 11: Crucifixion,” the artist compares the Romans crucifying Christ to psychologists helping those with same-sex attraction to change their desires. On “Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross,” the artist places these words on her painting, "How many transgenders have (to) die before you get involv(ed)." Under “Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross” the artist associates it with what she calls “homophobic legislative.” For “Station 14: Jesus is laid in the tomb” the artist writes “Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller found the It Gets Better Project.” (read about Dan Savage here) Really!?!? The ELCA has stooped to this? Christ is no advocate for gay rights. Christ is an advocate for all people, including gay people, seeking repentance for their sin and to follow him. The ELCA leadership has been very vocal over the last three years, telling every member who disagreed with the ELCA endorsement of homosexuality that they would not be affected by it. That is a lie that served their own cause. ELCA synods, ELCA churchwide, ELCA leadership, ELCA publications, ELCA seminaries, ELCA colleges, ELCA Youth Gatherings and Women of the ELCA proclaim and publicize their support of homosexuality. Looking at ELCA churches, some of them perform gay weddings and support civil unions, some do not talk about the issue (their silence equates to acceptance), but relatively few ELCA churches continue to uphold God's Word on the issue; that it is a sin for which people need to repent. Homosexual approval and support rules the denomination. ELCA members are bombarded with it and those members are placing themselves and their children in a position of compromise by staying in ELCA.
3/6/2013 03:01:44 am
ELCA leaders are nothing if not credulous. They're still kissing up to foul-mouthed Bully in Chief Dan Savage, of whom columnist Brent Bozell rightly noted: "This man not only hates Christians, he despises Christianity itself." [ ]
3/6/2013 08:13:42 am
The Evangelican Lutheran Church of America and it's affiliate The Evangelican Lutheran Church of Canada have for some time now been telling congregation members that the efforts to accept gays would not affect them.
3/7/2013 10:05:52 am
Well, I am an ELCA pastor and continue to speak out and write on issues of biblical faithfulness. And I know many others who do the same. The best faithful teaching and preaching happens locally in congregations. God does get His Word out, and it will not return unto Him empty, without accomplishing its intended purpose. Just because people have given up on trying to change the ELCA by political action, it does not follow that they are silent or unfaithful. Who knows what the Almighty is doing quietly in thousands of places?
3/7/2013 01:53:09 pm
Thank you for your efforts to uphold tenets of the Christian faith in the face of their wholesale abandonment by so many ELCA leaders. Do you have a website where we may read articles or blog posts you've written (and hopefully sent to bishops and other leaders)?
3/8/2013 02:33:05 am
I very much respect what you (Dan), Didaskalos and others are saying. Even though this is probably none of my business, I will say: At the beginning of the 16th century, just like at the beginning of the 21st century, the Church was in a big, big mess. In fact, the Church is always in some sort of mess. Luther tried to reform it. Some people urged him to leave the Church; some people urged him to stay in it. Just like now. We all know the history. 3/8/2013 12:26:17 pm Also in Connections magazine. My public statement of confessional resistance from 2009 is online in several places. Also I wrote several articles for Forum Letter including the report on Milwaukee CWA. For starters.
Janet Muldoon
3/8/2013 05:47:35 am
Who said, "if you are not welcome in a place, dust off your shoes and leave"?
3/10/2013 06:33:36 am
Jesus in the Gospels.
3/9/2013 09:02:20 am
Here's the bottom-line problem, Kathy: the ELCA has become an agent of unrighteousness.
3/10/2013 05:53:33 am
I completely agree with you, Didaskalos, and what the others are saying. When I saw the "art" depicting the Stations of the Cross, I became physically sick. Again, I agree with Didaskalos: "The stakes are too high for those the ELCA is leading away from God's kingdom."
3/10/2013 07:09:58 am
it can only happen in and through faith in Christ. Christ has been raised from the dead and death no longer has dominion over him. United life together is solely in Christ's Body and officially at least in my reading, both Lutherans and Roman Catholics confess and teach this. But for us to "see" it, remember Jesus' words to St. Thomas: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe," Kathy, regarding the question in your final paragraph; I don't think it is a matter of personal interpretation of scripture. I believe it is a matter of allowing scripture to interpret itself and for us to inwardly digest that Word. We live in the eschaton (the time of the gentiles-the time of the Church-the end times-the time between Christ's incarnation and His second advent), when there will be great apostasy and an increase of evil in the world. So, for the Christian Church, the Una Sancta, the One Holy and Apostolic Church, which is the Body of Christ on Earth, wherever it is found in the faith of believers, will undergo persecutions and torments unrivaled in the world until Christ Jesus returns. And therein is our rescue--Jesus Christ the victorious one over sin, death, and the devil. We can hang on to that, as scripture encourages us to do. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11