God is Sin and Jesus is a Bigot: Teachings of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia4/27/2014 The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) is an ELCA seminary that is charged with the responsibility of teaching and preparing the future leaders and pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bible-believing Christians should be outraged at what is being taught at LTSP.
Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney is an associate professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at LTSP, and she has some very non-Biblical and heretical thoughts and teachings which she imparts to her students. Dr. Wil Gafney writes - “Jesus said to a woman kneeling at his feet begging for help for her child, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” Did Jesus just call that woman a b----? I know this is Jesus and we’ve been trained to read him and hear him religiously, more than religiously, divinely, incarnationally. But where I come from you cannot call a child a dog without calling her mama a dog and you cannot call a woman a dog without calling her a b----.” “And I’m standing up to Jesus, talking to and about women like me using language like that.” “Apparently even Jesus needed a little help” “How human, how divine is your Jesus? Is he human enough to be bigoted and biased? Or does your preconceived notion of the divinity of Jesus mean that whatever he said was holy.” This ELCA seminary teacher is posing the thought that not everything the Son of God said was right, true and holy. At the same time she is presenting to future ELCA pastors that Jesus was bigoted and biased. (read here) An additional quote from the seminary professor is this, ''The image of God is old, young, strong, weak, pregnant, infertile, nursing, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, straight and crooked, saint and sinner.” (read here) Let's be clear: there is no sin in God. Sin is not an element of God's nature, yet this ELCA professor is stating that it is. She is saying God is a sinner, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered. Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) but our sinful ways are not part of God.
Last week, Holy Week, the Metropolitan New York Synod embarked on an effort to encourage people on social media (see April 18th post here) to visit an exhibit called “Stations Of The Cross: The Struggle For LGBT Equality.” The exhibit was held at St. John's Lutheran Church (ELCA) in New York City. This exhibit, that ties Christ's arrest and crucifixion to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights (LGBT), was promoted last year by Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (WELCA) In a blog I wrote last year (see here) I describe some of the artwork and the artist's descriptions -
The artist's last painting is called “Station 15: Resurrection of Christ.” Here she paints our resurrected Lord and Savior along with two homosexuals, passionately kissing. (see exhibit here)
Why is this acceptable? "Celebrating Queerness" and "Jesus Isn't Enough": Another Sad Walk Through Luther Seminary4/17/2014 By Pastor Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. Facebook users can follow Pastor Brock by going here and twitter users here.
I took another walk today through my alma mater, the ELCA's Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota (for my first sad walk see my Facebook posting from October 8, 2013). Four posters were up promoting a retreat for "Lutheran rostered leaders, seminarians, and candidates who publicly identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangender, or questioning." One participant called it "a celebration of so many points of queerness in my life." Another said "I get to be myself unapologetically and enthusiastically." Another poster promoted an event to be held at Hamline University entitled "Becoming Buddhist When Jesus Isn't Enough: A Third Wave Womanist Negotiation of Race, Gender, and Religion." Keep in mind that posters cannot go up at Luther without the approval of the seminary. One wonders why Luther's administration would allow such a blasphemous poster. I happened to bump into a friend of mine on Luther's staff. He told me he is retiring years early from Luther. He explained that after the ELCA's 2009 decision to ordain practicing homosexuals, financial giving to Luther has gone way down. Attendance is also down. I couldn't help but think of Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one shows, that will he also reap." Please pray that many, many will leave the ELCA. In Christ, Pastor Tom (4/15/14) “False,” “dangerous” and “heretical” are words that describe the teachings of the Jesus Seminar. Those are also words that describe many of the teachings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. So it will come as no surprise to many of you to learn that the Northwestern Minnesota ELCA Synod is promoting a conference by the Jesus Seminar. (see here) The seminar will be hosted this month by the ELCA's Christus Rex Lutheran Campus Ministry Center at the University of North Dakota.
A writer from the Institute on Religion & Democracy attended a recent Jesus Seminar gathering and reports of the heretical utterings made by the seminar speaker:
The Jesus Seminar is teaching “doctrines of demons” and the ELCA is accountable for encouraging people to sit under this teaching. ELCA Lobbies U.S. Gov't to Pay the Palestinian National Authority's Bill to ELCA's Federation4/8/2014 Thirty-two ELCA bishops went to Washington D.C. to lobby the U.S. Congress. What was on their agenda? They are attempting to get U.S. taxpayers to pay the Palestinian National Authority's bills to Augusta Victoria Hospital which is owned and operated by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a member of the Lutheran World Federation and helps fund the organization. So in essence, the ELCA wants the United States to pay them for the Palestinian Authority's bills. The Palestinian Authority owes over 18 million Euros ($25,000,000 U.S.) to the East Jerusalem hospital. The ELCA press release reports -
“Bishops will request that members of Congress urge the U.S. Agency for International Development to designate a portion of its bilateral support to the Palestinian National Authority to paying its debt to Augusta Victoria Hospital. The hospital is a program of The Lutheran World Federation, a global communion of 142 churches representing more than 70 million Christians in 79 countries. The ELCA is the communion's only member church from the United States.” For other policies for which the ELCA was advocating, read here. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11