The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a partner to LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service). (See here) Recently, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah was appointed the President and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
ELCA Synod Bishop Michael Rinehart is the LIRS board chairman is quoted as saying, “Krish is exactly the kind of once-in-a-generation leader LIRS needs right now...In the wake of unprecedented challenges to U.S. refugee resettlement and immigration policy, the LIRS mission — to protect, embrace, and empower those we serve — is more crucial now than ever.” A lot of ELCA money goes to LIRS. Let's learn a little about Krish O'Mara Vignarajah. She is Hindu and is married to a Catholic. In 2016, they had a Hindu wedding ceremony and a Christian ceremony. (see here) She worked as a senior advisor under Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry before becoming Policy Director for First Lady Michelle Obama. (See here)
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah was a Democratic candidate for governor of Maryland in 2018.
The Baltimore Sun newspaper, during the campaign season, said "Vignarajah has many big promises for Maryland spelled out in more than 100 pages of text and nearly 14,000 words on her website: universal pre-kindergarten, free college tuition at community colleges and historically black colleges and universities, more reproductive health centers, paid leave for new parents, expanded use of renewable energy sources and a massive increase in school construction funding." (Read here)
Also on Krish Vignarajah's campaign website is a tab that addresses issues that are important to the candidate. One of those issues was "LGBTQ," where Vignarajah says "My Administration Will Make Maryland The Most Welcoming And Anti-Discriminatory State In The Union."
The website's LGBTQ page then listing "Priorities" where we find the following:
(See here)
Below are a couple of Facebook posts by Krishanti Vignarajah. She seems like the perfect fit for a partner of the ELCA.
Madeline Burbank is a Master of Divinity student at the ELCA's Luther Seminary. Below is an announcement she made on her Facebook page about her education choice and the motivation behind it. Madeline Burbank does not mention telling people about Jesus and His free gift of salvation. It is about "Effective relief efforts, lifelong service, environmental stewardship, anti-racism, immigrant and refugee support, intersectional feminism, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, interfaith dialogue, sex positivity, and improving education..."
Everyone should be frightened about the pastors the ELCA is and has ordained. The Southwest California Synod of the ELCA sent out an email today titled, "Two ways to support migrants and refugees." In the email is a picture of a young boy peering through a wire fence. The ELCA synod is promoting a "Sunday Of Solidarity with Refugee Families!" event.
Later in the email the Southwest California Synod tells of another event where "100 faith leaders from all over the country will take part in a nonviolent direct action the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego, California. The event will kick off a week of actions in communities across the U.S., demanding an end to border militarization and calling for humane immigration policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people." While churches who love Jesus and His Word seek to bring people to Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is at work, funded by members' offering dollars, trying to implement their liberal extreme views on society. If you disagree with that which the ELCA advocates, why are you funding them? Find a church that uses your money to do things that God actually tells us to do. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
If you go to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Advocacy blog ( you will get posting after posting of politics from the left of center. Here is how the ELCA's Rev. Dustin G. Wright of Messiah Lutheran Church in Schenectady, New York describes Jesus: "Jesus was a refugee, a day laborer, after all, lynched in the manner of a political revolutionary by one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known specifically because he sought to challenge and change that system. While he talked about getting into heaven, for sure, this world, not the next, was the focus of his ministry....Jesus was a poor man. How then could followers of the Way of this poor revolutionary become identified with policing folks’ bedrooms but not saying much of anything about the systemic sins of poverty, racism, militarism and ecological devastation? The “moral narrative” of this country, influenced in part by a false, ahistoric and heretical brand of Christian Nationalism that has almost nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, has quite simply become distorted." Wow, who is doing the distorting here? Jesus mainly focused on this world and "sought to challenge and change" Rome? Jesus told Pilate “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world" (John 18:36). And I can't recall Jesus saying anything about "militarism and ecological devastation". The ELCA claims to be a church based on diversity and inclusivity, a "big tent" where people of all views are welcome. But go to and take a look at the ELCA advocacy blog, see if you find any evidence that, say, unborn children should not be aborted or that Christians should promote traditional marriage. No, you won't find that in the ELCA (the ELCA pays for abortion for any reason in its healthcare plan and the ELCA now allows for homosexual "weddings"). Instead of diversity from ELCA headquarters, you will overwhelmingly get one point of view: liberal politics. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock A letter written to the President of the United States, as reported in the article "More than 750 Faith Leaders and Faith Organizations Decry Low Refugee Arrivals" included the supporting signature of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The ELCA and the other signators want the United States to resettle “at least 75,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2019” (see here). This is a great cost to the United States and its citizens, which is something the ELCA should realize when one reads the following article, by Ann Corcoran, who reports that the ELCA's Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is "95% funded by you—the taxpayers of America!" She reports that in 2014, LIRS received $55,341,275 in federal grants. (See here) This seems self-serving. Wanting more refugees, one would think, means more tax money would be coming to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. That is just one of the problems I see with this. We have exposed the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering’s extremely disturbing speakers (see here and here). Today I’d like to tell you about some of the activities, or as they have termed it, “Interactive Learning,” the ELCA has assembled to “educate” those attending the gathering, which takes place June 27 – July 1. The ELCA describes "Interactive Learning" as "A 'Holy Playground' of sorts, that invites Gathering participants to encounter God through a variety of learning styles and sensory experiences. All 30,000 participants have a dedicated day in the three day program rotation to experience the extensive offerings inside the over 700,000 square feet Interactive Learning space.” (see here) The “Interactive Learning” takes place in dozens of stations/booths/activity areas and you should be concerned over who the ELCA has decided will speak to and instruct your children, as well as the content that will be communicated. One option the ELCA offers attendees is hosted by the ELCA church of the extremely troubling, ELCA youth gathering keynote speaker, Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber. The description provided is ridiculous: “What I wish I’d known: Lessons on spirituality and sexuality Take a break in a relaxing space and ask anonymous questions about sexuality. Participate in learning activities on consent, healthy relationships, birth-control methods, anatomy, boundaries, sexuality and spirituality. We are not teaching a particular values system about sexuality. Rather, this is answering questions with medically accurate information and helping youth determine how they form their values regarding sexuality.” This group answering students questions is described in the ELCA materials: “HFASS Denver - House for All Sinners and Saints (HFASS) is a group of folks figuring out how to be a liturgical, Christo- centric, social justice-oriented, queer inclusive, incarnational, contemplative, irreverent, ancient-future church with a progressive but deeply rooted theological imagination. We are here to explore healthy and life-giving connections between spirituality and sexuality and answer teens' questions about sexuality.” (page 20) Another “Interactive Learning” activity is hosted by an LGBT advocacy group, Reconciling Works. The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering Guide Book tells us about it: “God adores you! Come and be part of sharing the news that God adores you just the way you are! Join in the affirmation and celebration of the diversity of people. Learn how to extend welcome and inclusion to LGBTQIA+ people in your congregation! ReconcilingWorks - An independent Lutheran nonprofit that works for the full welcome, inclusion and celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQIA+) people in the Lutheran church. It is our vision that the church is a place where LGBTQ people and their families can worship and thrive, bringing all their God-given gifts to mission and ministry for the world.” (page 27) The radical group #decolonizeLutheranism is interacting with the youth at their "Interactive Learning" activity: “Bracelets of fortune: Identity and intersectionality in Scripture and beyond.” Here the youth will learn the following: “Scripture talks about how personal characteristics precious to us (e.g. gender, age, race, dis/ability) are often despised by others. What’s more, some of these characteristics overlap, making us even more beautiful and vulnerable. Explore the lives of Bible characters and find how these crisscrossing identities impact us and those around us. Here is the description of the group leading this session: “#decolonizeLutheranism - We are a group of Lutherans across the spectrum of race and ethnicities, ages, gender expressions, sexualities and abilities who have been moved by the Holy Spirit to make our communities more welcoming of the diversity in them – be those communities individual congregations or neighborhoods, cities and nations.” (page 27) Other “Interactive Learning” experiences for the students include “Refugee integration obstacle course” and “People on the move: A migrant and refugee experience.” And finally, why not indoctrinate the youth against the Jewish-state? At the falsely titled booth/experience “Peace with justice in the Holy Land” the 30,000 young people will learn: “What does life under military occupation look like? What is peace with justice? Hear from Palestinian youth from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, learn about the conflict in Israel and Palestine, and learn how you can help make a change happen.” It is put on by the ELCA, as a part of their “Peace Not Walls” campaign. (page 26) Wild. Sad. Concerning. These young people are impressionable. Pray for God to move in the hearts of all who attend that they may discern truth from lies and stand up against falsehoods so that they may boldly follow the Lord Jesus in the face of false teaching and deception. Here is a link to the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering Guide Book where you can read all the details referenced above.
This year the ELCA's Southwest California Synod voted to become a 'Sanctuary synod.' The Synod describes what that means saying "the congregations of our Synod will commit to pray for immigrants and refugees among us and will strive to be places of radical welcome, refuge, and protection” and "that we will work to protect the dignity, safety, and basic human needs of all immigrants and refugees among us, even by resisting policies that seek to turn away and harm the stranger.” (see here)
They are not the only Evangelical Lutheran Church in Amercia synod to become a "Sanctuary Synod." The ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly passed “Amended Resolution 2017-2 Regarding Sanctuary Synod.” In the Resolution we find that the Sierra Pacific Synod "pledges to resist by advocacy, protest, and nonparticipation those policy proposals that target and seek to deport millions of undocumented immigrants..." (see here)
Last year the ELCA Oregon Synod announced "Oregon Lutherans Declare themselves a Sanctuary Church." The synod writes, "This past weekend official representatives of the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to make their church the first 'Sanctuary Synod' in the nation. This action encourages each of the 115 ELCA congregations and ministries throughout the state to 'become Sanctuary churches ready to protect refugees and undocumented sisters and brothers from arrest and deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.' (see here)
The ELCA's New England Synod voted this year to become a "Sanctuary Synod." (see here)
The Central States Synod of the ELCA is looking at becoming a "Sanctuary Synod" and will likely make a decision on it next year. (see here) I have no doubt many others will follow. ELCA Synods and ELCA churches declaring themselves to be places of sanctuary to illegal immigrants need to look carefully at what that means because they could very well be braking the law. ELCA Bishop Rick Jaech of the Southwestern Washington Synod warns his Synod " country today, including the United States, provides legal permission for a church to deny entrance to a legal authority looking for someone who is suspected of having committed an illegal act. Therefore, a congregation that is considering whether to give shelter to a person who is at risk of deportation should first consult with an attorney to research all of the specific legal considerations." (see here)
Mike Housholder is the senior pastor of the ELCA’s largest church, Lutheran Church of Hope, in West Des Moines, Iowa. Last week Lutheran Church of Hope hosted the ELCA’s Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly where Pastor Housholder was one of five sponsors of a resolution which seeks to bring more refugees into the United States. Here are the main parts of Housholder’s resolution:
“RESOLVED that the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly of the ELCA, encourage its bishop, pastors, and congregations to engage in a process of education, conversation, and prayerful discernment regarding the ongoing refugee crisis; RESOLVED that the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly encourage members of the Southeastern Iowa Synod to live out our biblical mandate to welcome the stranger by advocating to their elected officials for an increase, rather than a decrease, in refugee arrivals to our nation and communities;” “Respectfully Submitted by: Luis Arredondo, Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines Rev. Minna Bothwell, Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, Des Moines Rev. Mike Housholder, Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines Rev. Chris Olkiewicz, Windsor Heights Lutheran Church, Windsor Heights Rev. Sarah Trone Garriott, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive” The resolution was “adopted.” (see here and then click "Resolution 2." That link will take you to a document that must be downloaded to view) As is noted in the resolution, this is about the "ongoing refugee crisis." Given recent world events and the current political climate (i.e. "the Muslim ban" discussion and legal battle), it’s troubling that Mike Housholder and the SE Iowa Synod are asking the U.S. government to bring more refugees into the United States of America. A major concern is that a vast majority of people leaving their homelands and considered “refugees” today are from pre-dominantly Muslim countries where Muslim radical groups continually advocate for death to Christians or Americans. (here is an article about the world's refugees) The ideology of Islam, which many Muslims embrace, is that of its founder and the writer of the Islamic holy book, the Quran. What did the founder teach and practice? Forced submission to the Islamic faith, persecution or death. This is not just a former characteristic of this ideology, but we are seeing extremists of the Muslim faith continuing this all over the world today, most recently in Manchester, England where teenagers and parents were targeted at a concert attracting thousands of young people. Knowing this, we have an ELCA pastor in Mike Housholder, whose church is growing so much that they have opened up satellite ELCA churches in nearby towns, advocating that the United States bring more refugees in our country--some whose religion teaches to persecute and kill Christians if they do not convert, treat women as cattle, kill homosexuals, hate Jews, celebrate the murder of “infidels,” perform female genital mutilation on young girls, arrange for child brides, advocate the hatred of dogs and practice and enforce sharia law over the law of the United States. Look at all of the terrorist acts being committed in the world today and who is taking responsibility for them? Muslim extremists groups. And Pastor Mike Housholder wants to bring more refugees into the U.S. from countries that sponsor and harbor Muslim extremists? Have you seen the problems and crimes, including rapes and terrorism, happening by Muslim refugees in European countries? Check out the videos in this link regarding what is happening, in Germany alone, by Muslim "refugees." And who will pay for all these refugees to come here, to live here? Mike Housholder and the SE Iowa Synod wants you, the U.S. taxpayer, to foot the bill by asking the U.S. government to accept more refugees. That will fall on you, the taxpayer to fund this endeavor. Mike Housholder and the SE Iowa Synod are advocating for a policy that could put YOU and your family in danger, AND they want you to pay for it. I recommend every member of Lutheran Church of Hope let Mike Housholder and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America know, in writing and in person, that they vehemently disagree with their refugee resolution (and the ELCA’s LGBTQ policies, transgender policies, pro-abortion policies, Anti-Israel policies, universalist beliefs, anti-biblical teachings and agenda of gender-neutral language for God, among others), and let them know you will not be part of their church and denomination any longer. -- Your gift helps this ministry continue to warn of the heretical teachings and troubling direction of the ELCA. Give online by clicking the "donate" button below:
Being a Christian does not mean we have to import refugees to live in our country. The Good Samaritan did not bring the injured man to his own house. The Philistines were not invited into the Israelite camp. But Christians can help refugees in many God-honoring ways, like helping refugees in their homeland, or creating a safe zone in their country of origin, which is in turmoil. We can send food, medical support and missionaries to them. These are all acts of Christian love.
But the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America does not see this. They continually call on the importation of refugees into the United States. The ELCA was at it again recently when they went to Washington D.C. to lobby government leaders about refugees.
Last month Presiding Bishop of the ELCA Elizabeth Eaton signed a letter saying the ELCA, "stand(s) up for the long established policies that welcome migrants and refugees." (see here) These kinds of letters are meant to influence politicians as well as ELCA members. A different letter by the ELCA partner Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service says they "...adamantly opposes the Trump Administration’s new executive order that temporarily suspends the refugee resettlement program for four months and continues the travel ban previously imposed on individuals from Syria, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Yemen...this executive order is still a poorly disguised effort to ban refugees from majority Muslim countries." (see here) It should be noted that the ELCA partner Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) receives a great deal of federal money for placing refugees in American communities. They have skin in the game. Using money meant for God, from ELCA members, to seek the importation of Muslim refugees in the United States is dangerous and evil. Europe shows us the dangers of importing massive numbers of Muslims (refugees and those posing as refugees) into the United States. Europe has experienced increased terrorism, violence, crime and financial problems for doing so. Let's not be stupid. Not all thoughts are equal and good. The refugees the ELCA is lobbying for are for the most part followers of Islam. Who is creating 99% of the terrorism in this world? Followers of Islam. The Muslim ideology of convert or die, treating women as property, killing homosexuals, hatred for Jews, and the sexual abuse of children is EVIL. Why would anyone invite holders of this ideology into their country or home to live? --- Please prayerfully consider supporting the ministry of Exposing the ELCA. Click here to find out how.
The ELCA has always been political, pushing their liberal democrat viewpoints and policies. But the political climate of today has the ELCA leaders raving mad and constantly making news.
Bringing refugees to the United States is the hot topic this week with President Trump's executive order placing a temporary halt on refugees coming here from seven countries where terrorism and violent extremist ideology is so prevalent. You can read more about President Trump’s Executive Order here. President Obama did something very similar, as have other presidents (see here and here), in stopping immigration from certain countries, but, interestingly, I don't remember the liberals marching in the streets and throwing a fit at that point in time. That is certainly what the ELCA leadership is doing now. They are wrong. They are risking the safety of Americans. They are placing our society at risk, and they have no Biblical justification for what they are doing. The ELCA has been frantic in producing letters, social media posts, news releases and calls to action in response to Donald Trump's temporary halt on bringing refugees from a few select nations into the United States. Just yesterday the ELCA released this message, ELCA presiding bishop addresses President Trump’s refugee executive order (see here), where she writes, "I am convinced that temporarily banning vulnerable refugees will not enhance our safety nor does it reflect our values as Christians. Instead, it will cause immediate harm..." Regarding this message by the ELCA's presiding bishop, the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod's bishop Jim Gonia said "I am asking all ELCA congregations in the Rocky Mountain Synod to share this statement by our Presiding Bishop with congregants, and to encourage all people in your communities of faith to take action with respect to our church's long-standing commitment to accompanying refugees in this country." (see here) Many other ELCA synods posted Presiding Bishop Eaton's message on their Facebook pages.
Next is a list of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leaders who signed a letter against the refugee executive order, saying "This nation has an urgent moral responsibility to receive refugees and asylum seekers..." (see here)
(I have listed all the ELCA bishops who signed the letter as of Feb. 1st. There are many more ELCA pastors listed that I have not included here) Here is a press release from LIRS, an organization promoted on the ELCA's website under "Our Work," titled Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Condemns the Trump Administration’s Actions Against Refugees and Migrants (see here) Of course, ELCA Advocacy is up in arms about the Executive Order: Again we see the ELCA's Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) which "has resettled a half-million refugees and migrants since its founding in 1939,” (see here) and takes in a great deal of government money for their refugee work. Here is something else that they posted: Bishop Rick Jaech of the ELCA's Southwestern Washington Synod writes, "Immigration Refugee Blockage is Contrary to Way of Christ". (see here) Anne Edison-Albright is an ELCA pastor at Luther College. She tweets:
He is not ELCA but the Bishop of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada tweets this:
Finally, I believe these last two tweets are from ELCA laypersons:
Thank the Lord that He has given us some godly, wise ministers and laypersons to counter the ELCA's falsehoods. The son of Billy Graham, Rev. Franklin Graham writes, “It’s not a biblical command for the country to let everyone in who wants to come, that’s not a Bible issue.” He goes on, “We want to love people, we want to be kind to people, we want to be considerate, but we have a country and a country should have order and there are laws that relate to immigration and I think we should follow those laws...Because of the dangers we see today in this world, we need to be very careful.” (see here) Popular speaker and blogger Matt Walsh writes, "And I know that there is nothing in Scripture that compels me to become an open borders advocate. Nowhere does it say that countries may not rigorously screen immigrants and refugees. Trump has so far done nothing with respect to refugees and immigration that I, as a Christian, am called upon to oppose. Nothing. Sorry." (see here) Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary addresses the situation here, How should Christians think biblically about President Trump's latest Executive Order on refugees? (read here) On a different blog, Matt Walsh writes: "Trump has temporarily prohibited the citizens of 7 particular countries from entering the United States. Those countries were singled out as 'countries of concern' -- by Obama originally -- because they churn out terrorists by the bushel. Any rational, honest person would agree that we must be careful in how we admit people from places like Somalia and Libya and other failed states where militant jihadists are hatched by the thousands. It's not Trump's fault that the most dangerous nations in the world happen to be majority Muslim. And, anyway, there are 43 majority Muslim nations left unaffected by this new rule. Muslim ban? No. Not at all.” (see here) There are even Muslims and a former Muslims who support the President's Executive Order. Here is a CBN interview with a former Muslim who said "Don't bash this banning. This is wisdom, this is not can't shake hands with the devil." (See here) And read this article from a Muslim Iraqi who agrees with President Trump's Executive Order, "Chris Kyle's Iraqi Interpreter Has Blistering Message for All the Protesters Over Trump's 'Muslim Ban'" The ELCA is clearly an ultra-left, Democrat, money-collecting, quazi-Christian, social justice entity. They stand against Republican policies and conservative ideas. They stand against Biblical beliefs. And if you are one of these, the ELCA stands against you.
The United States has just experienced another Muslim terrorist attack at Ohio State University. The far left is in denial about the lethal call of Islam against non-followers of the religion. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, acted viciously against those who did not believe his new religion. Today, many followers of Islam act in the way of their founder and carry out what he has instructed, as written in the Quran.
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a large majority of the leaders and pastors are liberal in their thinking and their theology. They are wretchedly warped and in denial about Scripture that they cannot understand that Islam is a false religion: that its followers worship a false god and that millions of Muslims agree with the violent directives the Islamic god gives them in the Quran. The ELCA does not condemn Islamic ideology. They do not speak against or even confirm that it is a false religion. They deny Islam's responsibility for terrorist acts by followers of Islam. Instead, the ELCA stands with them seeing them as the victim, and views people as "Islamophobes" who warn and reject the violent teachings of this false religion. And the ELCA speaks out against imagined discrimination against Muslims. See below: Then you have ELCA pastor Clint Schnekloth, author and blogger who facilitates the ELCA Clergy Facebook Group with over 5800 members, who last month was encouraging people to do this:
Not to be left out, there is ELCA pastor Joshua Ehrler encouraging everyone to take their youth to a Muslim prayer service. He writes:
“If you are part of a Christian youth group, it would benefit your faith and your heart for humanity to schedule a visit with a local mosque…Learning different cultures and faith traditions upholds our own and destroys the false stereotypes that only separate us as God’s people. I hope you find a Friday night to attend a Muslim prayer service with your youth group. Make the call, and thank God for the opportunity.” (see here)
Mixing liberal politics with a poor understanding of Scripture and religion, ELCA pastor Katrina Foster writes:
Rev. Kathryn Lohre, ELCA Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations and the Past President of the National Council of Churches tweeting the video of the press conference shown above. The ELCA notes that the gathering was intended to "demonstrate interfaith cooperation and solidarity, and to call on the incoming administration to protect religious liberty and defend Muslims against violence, hate speech and discrimination." (see here)
God tells us: Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 Islam is not a religion of peace. The god of Islam is NOT the God of the Bible. Muslims are safer in America than anywhere else in the world, much safer than Christians and Jews are in Muslim countries BY FAR! Muslims are people who need to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Let us pray for, and not with Muslims. Let us look for opportunities to guide Muslims to know Jesus, not guide our youth to attend worship gatherings of a false god. Let us introduce others to the Prince of Peace, rather than deny the call toward terror of radical Muslims. Let us ask God to use us as we take a stand for Him in a world that desparately needs to know the One True God. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is on a mission. The mission? Bring the refugees who are in Europe, originally from the Middle East and North Africa, to the United States. How many? As many as they possibly can.
The ELCA dismisses the danger of doing this, despite the fact that at least one refugee participated in the recent terrorist attack in Paris. They say God would want us to take in the refugees. Yet they would never recommend sending troops into Syria to help the thousands upon thousands of people still there--being enslaved, raped and slaughtered. I guess God (of their making) doesn't care as much for those who are in Syria, living under constant danger, oppression and persecution. They talk as if Christians are obligated to relocate the refugees to America. But helping the poor can come in many forms. Moving refugees to America is not the only option. The Good Samaritan did not bring the poor, injured man to his home. He paid for his care and housing elsewhere. And it was good. They say we need to bring the refugees here, but they don’t tell you that these refugees are living safely in Europe and are in no danger. The ELCA says the refugees will be thoroughly vetted, but we all know that that is nearly impossible. And many national security experts have agreed. The ELCA bishop even says that most of the refugees will be women and children, but 70% of the refugees are healthy young men who are capable of fighting for their homeland. Very few are women and children. Let’s think about this for a minute. Besides the danger that some refugees will no doubt have an allegiance to radical Islam and a desire to kill as many Americans as they can, what about the Muslim refugees who are not terrorists but want Muslim law to rule the land in which they reside? (You know, cutting off the hand of thieves, women must be covered and killing homosexuals.) What about the way most Muslims view and treat women, like possessions, pieces of property with no rights? What about the Muslim view that Islam is superior to all other religions and that Muslims must hold power over others of differing religions for the sake of their god? What about the hatred of Jews, honor killings, female genital mutilation, molestation of young girls and boys that is rampant in the countries from where the refugees come? The ELCA wants to bring this to our country? Maybe the United States, who already takes in 20% of the world’s immigrants (stat from this article) can help the refugees by giving food, clothing and financial help as they make a new life in the European country in which they now reside, safe and sound. That sounds like a loving and WISE response to the refugee situation. Here are quotes from the ELCA leadership pressing for the settlement of the refugees in the United States:
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11