Keynote Speaker At 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering is the Co-Creator of the "Fuck This Shit" Devotional3/13/2018
(Language warning. My apologies for using the vile words of this ELCA Pastor. But with so many teenagers going to this event, people need to know what kind of teacher will be speaking to their children and also what the ELCA leadership finds good and acceptable to place in front of these students as a teacher and role model)
The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering, occurring this summer, recently announced that the ELCA's Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche will be a keynote speaker at their national gathering/conference. Here is their announcement:
(See here)
Parents sending their teenagers to the ELCA Youth Gathering are entrusting their children to the ELCA, to care for and properly instruct them in Christ-honoring ways and with Christ-honoring content. It is a mistake. The ELCA has proven to be an extremely liberal denomination that twists, ignores and violates God's Word. And the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has proven again that they can not be trusted, by asking Pastor Tuhina Verma Rasche, an outspoken radical and controversial pastor, who gained fame in the ELCA for co-authoring the "Fuck This Shit" devotional, to be a keynote speaker. Here is a screenshot of the devotional written by Rev. Rasche:
(See here)
- A follow-up Advent devotional, co-authored by Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche, is called #ShutTheHellUp. (see here) Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche will be speaking to an estimated 30,000 young people who are coming, from all over the United States, to the ELCA Youth Gathering held in Houston, Texas. (Who will each pay around $400 to attend.) - If that isn't bad enough, ELCA pastor and Youth Gathering speaker, Tuhina Verma Rasche, stood in agreement with a sex-obsessed ELCA group called "Naked and Unashamed" when she signed a statement by the group, which in part said, “We are ELCA Lutherans…The plethora of stories we hear in our conversations demonstrate that life and liberty are being oppressed in the pressure for church leaders to be in marital relationships, or otherwise abstain from all sexual intimacy. The common good of both parishioners and church leaders would benefit from the freedom to be in a variety of healthy relationships…” A specific change the group would like to see in ELCA official documents is: "No longer privileging marriage as the only acceptable form of sexual relationality." (see here) Tuhina Verma Rasche isn't the only ELCA 2018 Youth Gathering keynote speaker who signed the "Naked and Unashamed" statement. ELCA Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber did also. (read more about "Naked and Unashamed" here) - Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche says she is a "Networker" for another radical ELCA group called #decolonizeLutheranism. (see here)
As you contemplate what you have just read and what you will read below, ask yourself if Pastor Tuhina Verma Rasche is the kind of person you want challenging, instructing and motivating your teenagers. Also ask if you should trust the ELCA with your teenager's spiritual growth. Events like this have potential for enormous impact in the lives of young people. Many make commitments and respond to challenges given. What type of commitments will they be called to make? What kind of messages will they be asked to respond to, in their thinking and actions?
Additionally, the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering will have a transgender child and his trans advocate mother speak. (see here) As well as many extreme, radical groups hosting “Interactive Learning" booths at the Gathering. (see here) If you are a parent of a teenager scheduled to go to the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering, I recommend you cancel their trip. Additionally, if you know of students attending, call your church leader and recommend the church cancel their plans to go. Choose something that will lead them to know and follow Jesus, an experience that will lead them into a greater understanding of God's Word rather than being influenced by leaders with this type of message: - In a blog by ELCA Pastor Rasche, she writes, "I am so fucking furious right now." And, "The United States, a nation built on white supremacy, decided that it would rather be white than the silly and stupid metaphors of a melting pot and a salad bowl I learned about in my civics classes." (see here) - Below are tweets by ELCA Pastor Rasche going back to the first of the year. In her tweets you will find lots of anger, demonization of white males, racist comments about white people, liberal politics, gay pride, trans pride and anger at the United States of America.
3/15/2018 06:18:29 am
It cannot be emphasized enough: in its manifold, God-defying heresies and apostasies, the ELCA is an ersatz-Christian, ersatz-Lutheran sect that leads people toward damnation, not salvation.
3/15/2018 04:24:13 pm
The hatred of white people qualifies as racism.
3/15/2018 06:37:50 pm
She sounds like Charles Manson plus more profanity. There's a keynote speaker you want teaching your youth, no? Or if you are that youth, check out Charles Manson on any online history site, and then add a lot of profanity and you've just saved yourself all the time and costs.
3/15/2018 07:32:36 pm
I'm getting tired of "pastors" whose main goal in life seems to be just to shock people.
3/16/2018 10:14:39 am
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Matthew 12:36-37)
MN reader
3/16/2018 10:55:36 am
The "race to the bottom" continues under the guidance & direction of the ELCA leadership!
Dean Fevold
3/16/2018 03:09:08 pm
Nothing surprise me in OUR Beloved church anymore. !!!
Dave from Minnesota
3/17/2018 11:21:48 pm
But wait. At my parent's more traditional ELCA church they hold brat feeds to raise money for this trip. They show a nice poster of the event but no mention of what really is going to happen. And the pastor tells a good ol'fashion Ole & Sven joke so the senior citizen donors still think its 1950 as they write out the big checks to support the ELCA.
3/18/2018 02:37:25 pm
The memo from ELCA headquarters probably reached the ELCA pastors in the hinterlands: “Keep feeding ‘peace and justice’ bromides to the rubes in your pews. Remember the 682,963 members we lost from ‘09-‘12 after the Great Apostasy of ’09. We’ve gotta be more careful to soft-pedal our activism."
Kay weaver
6/19/2018 01:36:32 pm
Bingo. The local church is kept in the dark.
Dave from Minnesota
3/17/2018 11:33:29 pm
I went through her Twitter feed. She certainly posts a lot of items. Does she have a job? One thing she posted on March 1st is that she supports legal prostitution. Stay classy ELCA!
3/18/2018 06:03:14 pm
So Jesus, who told the woman caught in adultery, "Go, and sin no more," is now declared by the ELCA feminists and other Mainline Protestant clerical wolves to be the "first to decriminalize sex work"?
Lane Sandstrom
3/25/2018 06:52:24 pm
I was baptized, confirmed and married in the Lutheran Church. Back then it was ALC. After they merged and became ELCA, I left and joined another denomination because of the liberalism. I still have ties there, and volunteer my time there occasionally. What I don’t understand is, I hear people complain about the ELCA, but they just sit on their hands and do nothing. There are many beautiful ELCA Lutheran Churches, where the attendance has shrunk to almost nothing. I believe they will continue to shrink, unless the members get off their arses and do something. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Kay weaver
6/19/2018 01:41:52 pm
Say something and you get kicked out. Forty of our members did including choir director and the secretary.
Mirjami from Finland
8/2/2018 04:18:06 am
We live in the last days apostasy, no wonder the church has gone haywire. Christians, the true church is the body of believers, the body of Christ, and they shall be persecuted for their love for Christ. Hang in there, brothers and sisters. 7/1/2018 02:44:59 pm
Having been baptized myself in the LCA half a century ago, I later left it to gain an understanding of what it means to be a Lutheran Christian, by the Grace of God. I left the ELCA 25 years ago and joined the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, because the LCA/ELCA (henceforth referred to as XXXA since it is not Evangelical, it is not Lutheran, and it is not the Church, but it is in America) had almost totally abandoned Lutheranism and the Authority of Scripture even though it was never on good footing with the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions from it's very beginning. So it is not surprising that the XXXA now elevates all forms of blasphemy in the name of "the Lutheran Church" to mislead people.
Clifton Boyle
4/4/2018 10:40:38 pm
In a pathetic attempt to defend Rasche's obscenity, ELCA Bishop Tim Smith argues that "St. Paul himself dropped the 's-bomb' in Philippians 3:8." (The text he refers to is, "...I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ...".)
Mary Barr
4/11/2018 09:20:28 am
I am being ripped apart by the writings of the Key Note Speaker for the ELCA Youth Gathering of 2018, Rev. Tuhina Verma Rashe. I admire her support for the Indian-American nation and her support of the LBG Community, but isn't there a more positive way through love and compassion to challenge the Christian Community as opposed to the negativity that she brings out through her writings. Would our God support such thinking. Were are the leaders of the ELCA? ? ? ? ? ? ? Please tell me these writings are not true! ! ! !
Sonny Guizzetti
5/31/2018 07:31:42 pm
I spent 47/years in a Pentecostal Church that I loved. Recently there have been some weird changes. My wife and I left and now go to a Lutheran Church where we love the Pastor and our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. My question, why would anyone go to hear this woman?
Phillip G
4/20/2018 03:46:09 pm
I literally have no words beyond these that can adequately describe the sorrow, astonishment (which is a remarkable thing after these last years) and disgust I feel in seeing this occur despite my knowing that it was the logical end for a revisionist, perverse and hate-filled movement that has no other rationale other than its own curved in upon itself spiritual and physical obsessions with orgasms of any sort and with anything in anyway. I suppose scripture says it do well in Isaiah 5:20 and following. God be merciful and come quickly - maranatha. I suppose, I did have a few words after all - I just needed to spit out the bile first in order to focus...
Jeff Winter
5/22/2018 05:32:28 am
Sadness, alarm, where's the discipline ELCA?
James Johnson
6/5/2018 09:32:47 am
I am a refugee from the ELCA, currently attending and LCMC congregation. I am deeply saddened by the continual drift of the ELCA clearly in a secular Direction. Training our youth should not be turned over to the wolves, since public education is more indoctrination in the hedonistic culture we live in, that leaves the family and the church in a position to nurture.
6/28/2018 09:38:27 am
I left an ELCA predecessor body in 1982 and attended a Lutheran Seminary that is still true to the Word of God. I have served as a Pastor and missionary for more than thirty years since then. Dear Christian, leave while you can. The darkness deepens, but the true light of God’s Word shines as brightly as ever outside of this apostate organization. May God have mercy on the 30,000 poor children in Houston this week and open their eyes with a sense of holy outrage.
Kay weaver
8/2/2018 01:57:13 pm
We have heard nothing from our group who attended, except they saw God everywhere.
Carol Kienenberger
6/28/2018 12:19:23 pm
I did not check the agenda for the gathering. Just knew my granddaughter was going. If I had know what was going to happen and who was going to speak, I would have certainly spoken against her and her friends going. What garbage!
Kay weaver
8/2/2018 02:00:03 pm
Have you heard anything about the gathering since your group got back?
Nancy Forsythe
7/3/2018 10:11:32 pm
My parents and my husband and I left the ELCA after the unbiblical vote on August 19, 2009. I will tell anyone anywhere at anytime, don't walk away from the ELCA...RUN!!!!!
Mirjami Tchoukanov
8/2/2018 04:20:40 am
We live in the last days apostasy, no wonder the church has gone haywire. Christians, the true church is the body of believers, the body of Christ, and they shall be persecuted for their love for Christ. Hang in there, keep strong, brothers and sisters.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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