Rev. Kristin Johnston Largen preached a sermon titled "’Queer’ Jesus--a Sermon.” (read here) She also posted it on her blog, which she says she usually does not do, because she is so "passionate about the subject matter and...want to share it." Rev. Largen is the Interim Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the ELCA's Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, (see here)
Rev. Kristin Johnston Largen makes it clear at the beginning of her sermon that she is a big supporter of LGBT people who embrace their sin saying, “The seminary just received our certification as a ‘Reconciling in Christ’ seminary, which means that we are explicitly and publicly welcoming to all people, especially those in the LGBTQ community. It's an exciting decision for us…” and “I believe people should be able to name for themselves what they want to be called; and wear what they want—pants and skirts alike.” Rev. Largen then turns her attention to calling Jesus “Queer” based on her expanded idea of what queer is. (you can read that for yourself in her blog) Here is some of what the ELCA seminary professor says in her sermon - - “the very incarnation was ‘queer’—“ - “And, when you think about 'queer' this way, you know who else was pretty queer? Jesus!” - “That’s one reason why I like this language of a ‘queer’ Jesus—it’s a disruptive, shocking word for the church, and sometimes I think that’s exactly what we need to see Jesus anew, and to appreciate afresh who he is, and what his life continues to mean for us today—and for the whole world.” Rev. Largen is blaspheming our Lord and Savior. She is being purposefully provocative. She knows full well what “Queer” means to most people, a sexual attraction to someone of the same sex. And even though she adds to that definition, the desired result of this sermon is to normalize sexual perversion and draw attention to herself because she called Jesus "queer." This is the type of person teaching in ELCA seminaries.
12/21/2015 10:00:23 pm
I pity the fool who mortgages his working years for four years of such shock-jock indoctrination! And this from a professor of systematic theology, no less. "If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" (Matt 6:23b)
12/22/2015 09:00:02 am
You should have had the opportunity to listen to her sermon at the seminary in which she explained how "Jesus makes mistakes" and needed to be corrected by a mortal woman in Matthew 15. Largen explained how this was incredibly "comforting" because it meant that even our God could make mistakes like us and even he could learn from someone outside the faith..
Jackson Gilbert
12/22/2015 07:26:22 pm
This message by Larson is as bad and blasphemous as the woman who preached her senior sermon at LTSS calling the menstral blood of a woman's period the blood of Christ which we take in Holy Communion!
Walt Mason
12/23/2015 03:20:28 pm
MP, The idea that Jesus made mistakes and was corrected by the Syrophoenician woman (Mt. 15:21-28; Mk 7:24-30) seems to be rampant among ELCA leaders. I know of at least three blogs on this site that have dealt with the subject: "Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Claims Jesus Made Errors in Judgment" (9/7/2015); "Bigoted, Biased and Racist Jesus" (6/8/2015); and "God Is Sin and Jesus Is a Bigot: Teachings of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia" (4/27/2014).
12/22/2015 10:34:32 am
Satan is transferring himself in a Angel of light and Deceive many I can see that he is doing a super job LGTBOQ is a Sin unto death Please do not listen to this garbage
12/22/2015 03:52:42 pm
This notion of the ELCA churchians seeking & receiving ...."our certification as a ‘Reconciling in Christ’ seminary, which means that we are explicitly and publicly welcoming to all people, especially those in the LGBTQ community. It's an exciting decision for us…” is nothing more than a blasphemous & hideous "Badge-of-Honor" in their view; Satan himself is laughing day after day at all the ELCA nonsense taking place while the Holy Spirit & Christ Jesus, Himself, shed tears day after day.....Come quickly I pray, Lord Jesus, in order to end this madness...
12/23/2015 11:19:41 am
Let's put Rev. Johnston Largen's argument in the form of a syllogism:
Former seminarian survivor
1/4/2016 12:57:12 pm
This is typical politics for them. ... that school is only interested in agenda, indoctrination and intolerance against people with a genuine hermeneutic of faith and accountability. They place pretty young people into key church positions because they look good. has nothing to do with pastoral care or responsibility at all. They will continue to attempt to destroy the Gospel until we reach out beyond them and teach, preach, LIVE the truth!
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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