Many leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are showing their true colors. For years I've been documenting the anger and dislike they have for conservative, Bible-believing people, including ELCA members. Taking it to a whole new degree, the election of Donald Trump has them unhinged. They are exploding in vile, demonic-like hate. Be aware that there is vulgarity below. Here is some of what I am seeing.
- Lenny Duncan, who is a Vicar at an ELCA Church and Candidate for Ordination to the office of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, recently wrote a blog that included this picture on the right. In Mr. Duncan's blog he writes, "More than half of America has spoken, and it was what I have come to expect. They have sided with hatred." "If you are a leader in the church, or in a movement of liberation, our fight has just begun. If you are complicit in this travesty, may God have mercy on your soul." (see here) ELCA pastor Rev. Kwame L Pitts wrote this: ELCA Rev. John P Willmann posted: ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson, who is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod, has been very angry and vocal about the election. See her comment below and you can see more from her at her twitter account here. ELCA pastor Alex Darling-Raabe had this to say to someone on FB who said they voted for Mr. Trump: In a different thread on an ELCA Clergy page Alex Darling-Raabe writes: Francisco Herrera, a Ph. D student at the ELCA's LSTC and their "Diversity Blog Manager" posts this hate-filled diatribe: Then there is this from ELCA pastor Robert Franek, who if you see what he is tweeting is is a liberal fanatic (over 160 tweets and retweets in a 24 hour period this week):
Next is a comment by Sherianne Molzahn Caldwell. See her bio on the Northwest Washington Synod website here, (page 3): Ian McConnell, a candidate for ordination in the ELCA says:
The most popular pastor in the ELCA says:
Listen to what they are saying...many of the comments rail on people who voted for Donald Trump. I doubt they would be doing the same if Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders won the election. Even if you do not like Donald Trump, the behavior of these ELCA leaders is ugly, evil and disgusting. They are poor representatives of Jesus Christ.
Kathy S.
11/12/2016 11:47:30 am
11/12/2016 06:16:02 pm
Weep and gnash your teeth, ELCAnites. It will be good practice for when you are judged for the baby-murders you have paid for, for the sodomy you have promoted, for the lawlessness you have incited, and for the defamation you have heaped upon Israel.
11/12/2016 09:42:23 pm
PS. Please repent. It's worth it, I know. I was an ELCAnite myself until 2009, then I repented. If I could, you can, too.
11/13/2016 09:00:14 am
This is exactly why I am against organized religion. People[ some pastors and elders] set them selves apart and profess to be the conscious of the church. THEY PROFESS CHRISTIANITY and yet preach hatred if you do not agree with their point of view. Kind od like the far left progressive liberals. I, myself did not vote for Mr. Trump but he won and we should stand together and work to get this country back to its one time glory.
11/14/2016 09:57:08 pm
There are still churches who teach love, keep looking you'll find one! And we do need to stand together, you are right.
James Walth
11/14/2016 11:28:58 am
The comments of these liberals calling themselves pastors is one of the many reasons I left the ELCA, resigned from the roster, and became affiliated with another denomination. Apparently Hillary Clinton's dishonesty, her support of Bill's adultry, her many lies, her corruption is acceptable to those in ELCA. WHAT HYPOCRISY!
Sasha Kwapinski
11/14/2016 02:44:45 pm
The ELCAites apparently see Christianity as being little more than left wing politics. This does not surprise me; I saw it coming beginning when I was a student at California Lutheran College in the late 1960s. I am not especially fond of Trump and I did not vote for him. Nonetheless, the attitude of these ELCA folks is pure hypocrisy. I am not an ELCA member myself and proud to say that I never have been . (One of the smarter decisions I've made in my life, I'd say.)
Doug Paulson
11/14/2016 10:36:45 pm
I was a member of the elca but left about 7years ago because what I noticed going on in the church. Anyways after the election a member from that church knows that I am of conservative nature gave me a piece of his mind and what he said surely did not reflect a follower of Christ. My opinion of the ELCA is at best a cult and they are not rooted in the biblical core beliefs but what ever suits their fancy. In my opinion they change their doctrine just like the Islam faith. Makes me sad.
William Cox
11/14/2016 10:36:46 pm
I cannot speak for the other teaching theologians of this church -- pastors, seminarians, bishops, seminary professors -- but as for me, the impending presidency of Donald Trump is a reflection of humanity at its baseist nature. His initial actions are confirming the image he displayed throughout his campaign. Have we elected a modern day Adolph Hitler?
Dan Skogen
11/14/2016 10:52:39 pm
And there you go, another ELCA pastor blaming you for electing Donald Trump or not speaking out against him. He even mentions "Hitler" in this comment. Delusion on his part. Stop paying the salaries of these people.
11/14/2016 11:26:06 pm
Pr. William,
1/28/2017 11:07:55 pm
Google "Libyan refugee boat capsizes". You will see stories of hundreds dying fleeing their country after the candidate YOU claim was the only acceptable moral candidate destroyed their country, cackled with glee when Quadafi was murdered, then left Libya in complete turmoil to become a breeding ground for ISIS. The stories found by that search highlight the moral character of YOUR candidate.
Christina Pillado
1/29/2017 01:05:37 pm
I was baptized and confirmed in the, first LCA, later ELCA church in Eastern Pennsylvania. My father, Frank Jogwick, was a Lutheran pastor for many years. As such, I have seen many changes in the Lutheran Church. I am disgusted at what I have been reading regarding the hatred spewed by the Liberals! The more I read, the more horrified I become! Such unChristian attitudes from those in positions of power in the ELCA makes me sick! I am grateful that both of my parents are dead and not having to read about such idiocy!
Sally Coombs
6/28/2017 01:07:11 pm
Thank you for compiling the courageous, faithful responses of church leaders who take compassion and truth telling seriously. After all the hypocrisy and self righteousness of so many supposed people of faith turning so many off to the good news of Jesus, this was very inspirational!
9/28/2020 12:31:51 pm
Imagine my surprise when this article popped up in a recent search. i was doing. I have been vert troubled by the open embrace given to Nadia Boltz-Weber and her above expletive comment from a pastor continues to confirm my fears. I am looking to leave the ELCA. I am ashamed right now to be a part of them.
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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