Exposing the ELCA received the following statement yesterday:
Martin Luther Church, Johnson, Nebraska is NO LONGER an ELCA church having passed the second vote December 7th, 2014. There were 136 voting members present, 91 votes were needed to pass. The vote results were 93 YES votes, 40 NO votes, 3 abstains (which count as NO votes per ELCA rules) giving a percentage of 68.4%. In the same ballot vote the congregation voted to be affiliated with both the NALC and LCMC. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!
12/9/2014 05:22:15 am
I wonder how many have left by now. I used to follow Rev. David Barnhart but that site has not been up dated lately.
12/9/2014 01:00:57 pm
Even since the ELCA petulantly tightened its iron curtain in 2011 around congregations yearning to breathe free of pandemic denominational heresy, churches are still escaping to confessional Lutheranism.
Toni Sanford
12/10/2014 07:36:03 am
Well done good and faithful servants.
Jonathan Cates
12/10/2014 08:07:43 am
They have captivated the Mayans and pocketbooks of their members.
Michael Mapus
12/11/2014 07:22:19 pm
I have a question for everyone? I left the ELCA 12 years ago and have need a member of the Missouri Synod and not regretted one second of it. The NALC and LCMC have the same underlying hermeneutic principals which brought down the biblical foundation of the old ALC. Why are these congregations not looking at the ,Missouri Synod or The American Association of Lutheran Churches (Old ALC)? The TAALC just called the ELCA to repent in their convention this year, Both of these church bodies are in full altar and pulpit fellowship with each other and have strong statements concerning the Bible and Book of Concord.
B. Lars
12/13/2014 05:33:43 am
Ed James
12/13/2014 10:26:16 am
Michael Mapus asks a good question. We also left the ELCA and joined a Missouri Synod church in our city. The final straw came at the Annual Meeting of our former congregation in February 2010. A group of us respectfully brought forward a proposal that we retain the previous position on same sex blessings and ordinations. Not only was I stopped midway through my short statement, but the Pastor (now Bishop in Madison, WI) stood up in anger and literally shook a Bible hollering "what else do you believe in there - women are chattel - slavery is good?" Some of us who then left joined LCMS, some LCMC, some WELC, and some non-Lutheran. The biggest factor was location along with biblical standards. I do have some of the concerns mentioned by Michael Mapus, especially the attempt by NALC to join the Lutheran World Federation. NALC was blackballed by the ELCA and that is good. Hopefully they will avoid the ELCA drift. LCMS and WELC are probably safer places to be.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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September 2024
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11