ELCA Pastor Preaches the “Beauty of Queerness” and Universalism to 31,000 Lutheran Teenagers7/3/2018 (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the liberal branch of Lutheranism in the United States. She is a universalist and believes that everyone will be saved and no one goes to Hell. She spoke last week to 31,000 Lutheran teenagers at the ELCA Youth Assembly. In the below video at minute 17:50 she teaches that Harvey Weinstein, and everyone, will be in heaven. The low point in her sermon was when she had 31,000 teenagers follow her lead and loudly proclaim “I renounce the lie that queerness is anything other than beauty” (minute 22:05). She also tells the teenagers that it doesn’t matter if they believe in a literal Devil. But according to Jesus, there is a Hell and a Devil and only those who trust in Christ will be saved (John 14:6). According to the Old and New Testaments, homosexual behavior is not beautiful but sinful. Jesus said stern things about those who lead children astray (Mark 9:42) and I believe God is angry with this denomination as it indoctrinates teenagers with evil teaching. There is a reason the ELCA continues to decline in members. There is a reason the ELCA has to merge its shrinking seminaries (Gettysburg and Philadelphia seminaries) or sell off large portions thereof (Luther Seminary). The reason the ELCA is shrinking is given in Revelation 2:5: "Repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent." The ELCA's lamp stand is going out because it refuses to return to the teaching of Scripture. If you are still an ELCA member, I pray you will find a more faithful Christian denomination. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
7/5/2018 08:34:49 pm
We're finally on our way out the door. Our congregation had been fairly conservative, but the denominational rot is too far advanced now, there are too few members who know which end is up spiritually anymore, and we simply can't stay. We're going to either drive way out of town to a NALC church or switch over to PCA.
George in Texas
7/7/2018 01:38:14 pm
Good luck. It truly is a wasteland out there to try and find a fresh hearing of the Good News. I am leaving the ELCA roster as an ordained pastor. I hope to add my name to the roster in the LCMC or NALC, eventually.
7/8/2018 08:01:07 am
Thanks; best of luck to you as well.
Carol Rode
7/19/2018 08:56:48 am
Pastor George I want to thank you for being brave and speaking the truth. I know there have to be many more ELCA pastors that feel the way you do, but are not as brave or as with our pastor seem to want to shut their eyes and ears to what is happening. He says that he wishes they wouldn't have done this or said that, but can't seem to bring himself to admitting that it is time to cut ties. I am so worried about our congregation family and don't know what to do except to keep bringing up news they don't want to hear. So easy to sit in a pew on Sunday and forget about the church the rest of the week.
7/8/2018 03:10:15 pm
". . . The study of Protestant churchgoers found most are committed to staying at their church over the long haul. But more than half say they would strongly consider leaving if the church’s beliefs changed.
7/6/2018 07:24:20 am
What's Nadia Bolz-Weber's primary allegiance: Jesus or abortion-supporting, libertine feminism?
Carol Rode
7/19/2018 09:06:52 am
My cousin (the daughter of an ELCA pastor and former Air Force chaplain - now deceased) and I have been discussing her video via Facebook. I asked her what she thought her dad would think and she replied he would be horrified. I think she is also correct in her statement that the ELCA is being hijacked and I agree. However, she still holds out hope for the ELCA whereas I don't see them turning around any time soon. They are too deeply mired in the kinds of things of Nadia Bolz-Weber and her ilk. My husband & I have been discussing this all for some time now and I think that we ourselves are just about at that point we will be transferring our membership from our home church to a nearby LCMC congregation. It appears that our pastor doesn't want to have an honest discussion on the decline we see in our national leadership and is content to act like it doesn't affect us. I don't see it that way. We advertise we are an ELCA congregation and that appears to those looking at us that we are in agreement with all that the ELCA proclaims and does. (Sigh) And I have been doing a lot of that lately. My son-in-law says that my sighs sound so deep and heartfelt and he is correct.
MN Reader
7/7/2018 11:58:31 am
Watched Nadia's talk at the gathering on your website. She had some good points but it also seemed there is no joy in her message, still a lot of anger and finger pointing! I kept thinking, I wonder how much $$ the ELCA paid her to appear to spread her point of view to thousands of youth???
George in Texas
7/8/2018 11:40:18 am
There is no joy there because she doesn't know the Gospel. Remaining under the law and speaking from there will inevitably produce political statements and judgments. She is just as lost as those kids who haven't heard about Jesus at that point.
Carol Rode
7/19/2018 08:58:12 am
And to that I say "Amen!"
7/11/2018 07:19:46 pm
we already left ELCA and returned to LCMS. something is really wrong in elca. they are selling their souls for body counts.
7/12/2018 06:37:39 pm
8/4/2018 07:21:24 am
How in the world how did this woman ever become a "pastor"? Why is she allowed to speak to kids?
2/7/2019 11:10:39 am
As a member of the millenial generation, it saddens me that the views of people such as Bolz-Weber have become the social standard. The oppression my generation recieves, not only from atheists/agnostics but from people from within our faith is perpetual.
Kathy H.
3/21/2019 06:26:14 pm
The Holy Spirit has led me to attend and pray for the ELCA church I grew up in (LCA back then). Some individuals there actually desire a bit more of God (while others would be fine with an LGBTXYZ pastor). I'm on the call committee for a new pastor. Would love to see a Holy Spirit filled pastor in the pulpit! The synod surely won't offer one to us, but I'm trusting God to do HIS work. No one else there (that I'm aware of) knows how bad things are with the ELCA (unless they just aren't saying anything). I can't even get the people to talk about God or the Bible or faith, except for a rare few. Well, it's those rare few that I'm investing in, and then feeding God's word to others in random ways, in simple sentences. Some receive it. Some change the topic. Yes, we need to leave the ELCA, but they don't know that yet! When our intentional interim pastor leaves at the end of April (2019), we'll see what happens. I pray for the congregation. God hasn't QUITE given up on them yet! May we leave this nonsense and truly serve Jesus Christ as Lord! Amen.
1/20/2020 09:21:58 pm
I am an ELCA pastor in Newport Beach, California and have been estranged from the denomination for years. It is tragic to see what has happened but our small congregation remains an outpost of grace, proclaiming law and gospel - Jesus Christ crucified and raised for sinners.If you are in the area and looking for a congregation, you are welcome to join us.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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