Send your end of the year gifts to Exposing the ELCA!
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Exposing the ELCA 1390 Forest LN Marion, IA 52302
Thank you!
1 Comment
Day 4
The ELCA cares nothing for sharing the Good News of Christ's death and resurrection, the forgiveness of sins for those that believe. With the prevailing belief in universalism in the ELCA, the Good News is not important. Instead they turn to transgender talks in the church, pushing conservative voices out of the denomination, women's marches, gun marches, refugee marches, declaring your pronouns, anti-Israel advocating, abortion love, free sex, pushing leftist beliefs, collecting money, race baiting, making a name for themselves, indoctrinating members and the youth, LGBT everything, destroying faith in God's Word, encouraging and binding people in their sin.
I began this ministry, Exposing the ELCA, in 2009, as a mission of love for those being lied to, whose faith was being destroyed, for those being encouraged to sin and the ELCA’s blessing of sin.
Over the past 13 years Exposing the ELCA has reached many people with over 3.2 million pages viewed, have been quoted on national media, and have heard stories from many who have been helped and blessed by this ministry. I wouldn’t doubt if you know those who after reading some of Exposing the ELCA’s information, left the ELCA and are now part of your church family. The teachings and actions of the ELCA grow colder and bolder in wickedness every year and the need for this ministry is greater than ever. Exposing the ELCA is the primary source in the nation documenting the ELCA's deception, showing people their heresy and disregard and twisting of God's Word. The ELCA would love to see this ministry silenced. They are watching this fundraiser in hopes that it fails. We have a long way to go to meet our goal of $15,000. Is there someone who would give a gift of $10,000? We need your support both large and small, monthly gifts and one-time gifts. Thank you for supporting this ministry! Checks can be sent to: Exposing the ELCA 1390 Forest LN Marion, IA 52302
Here are three newly added ELCA exposing articles:
God has used this to open the eyes of faithful Christians in the ELCA and many are not willing to stay and participate in this evil.
Before we look at some more recent examples of what the ELCA is doing and saying, would you give to the ministry of Exposing the ELCA so we can continue to provide evidence of the ELCA's departure from Truth, God's Word and the Good News of Jesus? Checks can be sent to: Exposing the ELCA 1390 Forest LN Marion, IA 52302 Below are articles detailing what the ELCA has been doing, teaching and advocating for over the last few years: More Universalism from the ELCA
One person stood by Exposing the ELCA yesterday with a gift to continue to pull people from the fire of hell that awaits those who listen to so many of these false teachers.
We are a long way from the meager goal of $15,000 this ministry needs to continue this good work that God called us to do.
I am praying for God's will to be done. Pray with us if you will.
Checks can be sent to:
Exposing the ELCA 1390 Forest LN Marion, IA 52302 Three ELCA exposing articles:
Exposing the ELCA's calling is to shine light on the ELCA's departure from God and Scripture. Why? Because leading people away from God's Word has devastating and eternal consequences for people. In order to do that we are having a 5-day Fall Fundraiser.
Would you help us continue this vital work? Exposing the ELCA provides daily highlights of the actions and false teachings of the $2 -billion dollar, 3 million member and 10,000+ liberal pastor-woke army of the ELCA. This is an effort to help people know the truth and not be directed down the path of spiritual destruction. With God on our side, we are winning the battle. God's Word tells us to "contend earnestly for the faith." (Jude 1:3) Exposing the ELCA reports on how the ELCA has departed from the Christian faith and we have seen hundreds of thousands leave the ELCA because of it. If you are a Lutheran you likely know someone who has left the ELCA and there is a good likelihood God used the work of Exposing the ELCA to help facilitate that move. After twelve years of predominantly voluntary ministry work at Exposing the ELCA, we must now ask those who believe in this ministry to help provide for the costs and labor to keep this running. We are aiming to raise $15,000 this fall, and we are having a special push to get there in the next 5 days. Can you help with a large or small, one-time or monthly gift to this important work that has life-saving results? We are also calling on thousands of churches that have benefited from the work of Exposing the ELCA to help. The LCMC, LCMS, and NALC are three of the many denominations or associations that have made huge gains in membership and offerings because of this ministry. has garnered over 3.2 million page views since it began, inspired hundreds of news reports about the ELCA, and witnessed over 1 million people leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. And yet there is so much more for us to do. So many more need the resources we provide.
Three ELCA exposing articles:
Please give a gift to help continue the ministry of Exposing the ELCA!
In the first few months of 2021 Exposing the ELCA made a goal to raise $75,000 to support the work of informing the public about the teachings, advocacy, and beliefs the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. From that first day until now that goal has fell woefully short. As of today, $3635.13 has been given to this work. To those who have given, thank you very much! Your support is a great encouragement! To those who haven't given but believe in this mission, would you consider an end of the year gift today? Credit card and paypal users can make gifts here. Thank you!
We are 8 months into 2021 and have a long way to go with our goal of raising $75,000, a average salary of an ELCA pastor at a large church. At this point we have been blessed with gifts of over $2750. The work of Exposing the ELCA could use help in reaching our goal.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration! Dan Skogen Gifts can be given by credit card, or PayPal at If you'd like to give by check send me a message on social media.
Exposing the ELCA's goal is to raise $75,000 this year, an amount many ELCA pastors make in one year, so we can continue to be a light in the darkness to ELCA members and those the ELCA is misleading.
After almost 5 months, faithful followers of Christ have given $2470 toward this goal. It is very much appreciated, thank you to all that have given! As you can see, this is a long way from our goal. Can you help fund Exposing the ELCA for the remainder of 2021? The ELCA is spiraling downward fast, dragging millions of people with them. These are our friends, family members and neighbors. They need to know that they are being mislead and the consequences are dire. A recent note to Exposing the ELCA reads "Thank you for the work you do. My family has left our small local ELCA church after finding your website, learning what the ELCA was doing and sharing it with the church council who chose to do nothing about it. They don't think what the ELCA does affects us "that much" and they are afraid of losing half the congregation if they address it. Save the church, lose your soul. So sad. Your work is important. God bless!" Thank you for your gifts, big and small. God bless! Dan Skogen
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a goal to promote themselves, to bring people into the denomination. "It’s our intent to contact a million new people and introduce them to the ELCA as this community of Jesus. This has to be our great mission and our great purpose," says ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. (see here)
Exposing the ELCA, this ministry, wants to be here to inform those that the ELCA is contacting and others, of the heresy, wicked teachings and departure from Biblical Truth that permeates the denomination. Would you help us! Exposing the ELCA is seeking $75,000, an amount many ELCA pastors make in one year, so that we can continue to help people know the truth about the ELCA. Gifts can be given by credit card, or PayPal at If you'd like to give by check send me a message (here) for more information.
Since 2009 Exposing the ELCA has been contending for the faith. God's word says "Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints." - Jude 1:3
Exposing the ELCA has been reporting on the ELCA for over 11 years. This has been a ministry of care and concern for people under the influence of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. God has used this ministry to help thousands of people and hundreds of congregations be equipped with truth and knowledge that has helped them to discern God's will and direction. Thousands have been reached through connections to articles in The New Yorker, The Jerusalem Post and other reputable news outlets. This work continues to be exceedingly valuable in the pursuit of people knowing the truth.
After 11+ years of very limited financial support, and in order to keep this ministry going, it is time to ask those who believe in this ministry to help. The ELCA's minimum salary guidelines for a pastor of 10 years (with congregations of over 300) is $62,600 to $77.800. (See here on page 16). The goal is to raise $75,000 to support the work of Exposing the ELCA . Gifts can be given by credit card, or PayPal at If you'd like to give by check send me a message (here) for more information. I believe a God-honoring ministry, which we no-doubt labor to be, should be supported at or above what people who teach heresy are given. If you believe this work is important, please give generously to help shine light in the darkness. With your help, we can continue to warn others and reveal the abandonment of God's Word happening in the ELCA, and in so doing, advance the Gospel. This is mission work, and I am thankful for your prayer and financial support thus far and your prayer and financial support in the future. In Christ, Dan Skogen Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11 10 days ago I attempted to post an article on Facebook from my website It is something I've been doing for over 10 years. But this time I received the following message: Now, any link from can not be posted or shared on Facebook. The statement Facebook displayed says that "other people on Facebook" have reported the content of my website as "abusive." This, of course, is not true. One can disagree on issues, behavior, actions, etc. and not hate someone. Nothing on my website is "abusive." This is an attack by those that do not like the ministry of Exposing the ELCA. So as of now, and likely forever, Facebook is preventing anyone from sharing any story or any link that comes from It is sad to see Biblical principals being censored and banned by American companies.
Over these ten years, Exposing the ELCA has reached millions of people. - has had over 2.7 million page views - Our website has had 280,000 page views Publications in which I have been quoted directly or those who have shared content and have referenced or quoted Exposing the ELCA:
This ministry also has five Facebook pages or groups that reach hundreds of people daily. We face an organization, in the ELCA, that has almost 20 billion dollars in assets and has brought in income, in the past, that has exceeded 2 billion dollars a year (see here). They have millions of allies, thousands of websites and social media pages, dozens of educational institutions and a publishing company that they utilize to preach and teach their falsehoods. Shockingly, heretical leaders, preposterous teaching and radical policies in the ELCA have grown immensely in the last decade, and there are still 3.3 million ELCA members and millions of potential members who need to know the truth about the ELCA. Just peruse our "Newly Added Articles and Information" section on our homepage to see the height of the ELCA's heresy, and understand the need to carry on this calling, to expose the beliefs, teachings and actions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Thank you for reading, praying for and supporting this ministry!
In Christ, Dan Skogen |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11