Paul Egensteiner, Bishop Elect of the Metropolitan New York Synod (ELCA), recently attended a gay pride parade and shared a heretical message. While giving people "...thumbs up or a handshake or high five or simply a greeting of 'Happy Pride!'" Bishop Elect Egensteiner tells of a specific encounter he had with a young man who asked him "You mean I'm not going to hell?” The ELCA bishop writes:
"I was stunned. 'No,' I said. (Along with Bishop Eaton, I believe there is a hell but it is empty, by the grace of the Father and the love of Jesus.) 'God loves you!' He held my hand a little longer and then said, 'Come here. Give me a hug' As I did so, he repeated his initial question, 'So I’m not going to hell, right?' 'No!' I repeated, maybe a little more emphatically this time. 'God LOVES you!'” (See here) This statement about hell is wrong on many so many levels. - It is heretical to believe hell is empty. The Bible clearly speaks of people in hell and warns about going there. (See here) Teaching that hell is empty is universalism, a false teaching that all people will be saved. It is a dangerous belief that risks the eternal life of those who believe it. That is what this Evangelical Lutheran Church in America bishop elect (and many in the ELCA) believes. It is a teaching from hell. - In this exchange between the young man and the ELCA bishop elect, a false assurance of salvation was given. Nothing was said about faith in Christ, repentance, grace by faith for those who believe, fleeing from sin, forgiveness, God's Word or lovingly helping this man know the healing that God can provide him. Satan could not have done better. This is a grave teaching of the apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Shame on the ELCA for not preaching that Hell is real, people will be in hell and that salvation is available to all by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. - And then you have ELCA bishops encouraging sinful behavior that separates people from the Lord. ELCA members, you are hurting people and the Lord God Almighty by supporting this denomination.
7/17/2019 07:03:00 am
Because the ELCA encourages its members to live in unrepentant sin that the Bible clearly says will separate them from God for eternity, its primary mission is directly antithetical to Jesus' mission to save souls and bring them into His Father's kingdom. What more compelling reason can there be to leave a denomination that directly opposes Jesus?
7/17/2019 10:07:54 am
The Bible makes it pretty clear:
Kenneth Howes
7/17/2019 05:39:56 pm
Hell is not empty. We are told that at the second resurrection, those not in the book of life will go into the lake of fire with the devil, the beast and the false prophet. Rev. 20. For anyone who wants to answer, "The Revelation is antilogumena; you cannot base a doctrinal statement on that," I would simply point further to Matt. 24-25. Yes, there is a hell, and it is inhabited.
7/17/2019 06:56:21 pm
Hell will certainly not be empty! Marriage is between one man and one woman as it says in God’s holy word! This man is leading people astray and he will burn because of this!
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11