Last year, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America endorsed transgenderism by having a 12-year-old "transgender" person and his/her advocate mother speak to 31,000 youth at the ELCA Youth Gathering. (See here) This last week, the ELCA is pushing the transgender narrative by promoting a television show about about this same child, calling him/her the "Marvel's first transgender hero." (See below)
This liberal, Bible-defying, God-mocking denomination is encouraging and celebrating sinful lifestyles. Attending and financially supporting the ELCA makes it possible for the ELCA to push their sinful agenda and pay professionals to indoctrinate people under the guise of Christianity.
ELCA pastor Emily Heitzman writes:
Of course, "Rebekah's" mother is heavily promoting her child's show. Below are a couple examples. "Rebekah's" father is an ELCA pastor. Pastor Tom Brock had an excellent post about this story. I will embed it below:
Mary Lorvick
12/9/2019 06:54:35 pm
I have NO words for what I am reading-this is the denomination I grew up in and was a part of for about half my life. The downward slide in the last 33 years (when we left the ELCA) has been accelerating at an alarming pace. And the Luther Seminary president is wondering why membership is projected to be 66 thousand in 30 years????? They are poking Almighty God in the eye with this behavior.
12/13/2019 06:16:05 am
Forbidden Lies: Speaking Truth About the Sexes Is Not Optional
What Next??
12/10/2019 07:14:09 pm
Hmmm.....could the big promotion at the 2018 ELCA youth convention & the parents have anything to do about $$$??? Oh how could I ever think that might be possible!!!
12/13/2019 06:25:51 am
Feral Sexuality: the Inhuman Transformation of Transgenderism
Stephen Paul
12/10/2019 08:26:55 pm
The fastest growing Lutheran denominations are in Southern Africa and they openly condemn LGBTQ culture in accordance with the Bible. So since the ELCA is doing the opposite, they will surely dissolve. The Lutherans in Tanzania are only on good terms with NALC because NALC is Confessional. Africans are even skeptical of LCMS and the Wisconsin Synod because of their occasional liberalism.
12/12/2019 09:31:45 pm
Physical Interventions on the Bodies of Children to “Affirm” their “Gender Identity” Violate Sound Medical Ethics and Should be Prohibited
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11