ELCA Pastor number one: A few days ago, Liliana Stahlberg, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided to comment on Exposing the ELCA’s facebook page. Her comments came in response to a linked article entitled, “UCC Minister Enlists Help of Anti-Semitic Publication to Get Message Out.” Rev. Stahlberg said “Good for him!” Just after her praise for this UCC minister’s partnering with a Jew-hating publication she said, “Why do you guys waste your time hating people?” On another section of our facebook page Rev. Stahlberg commented, "Exposing the ELCA is the true apostate church along with word alone, lutheran core and the likes...you are truly sad people!” Liliana Stahlberg is the pastor of Highlands Lutheran Church in Denver, Colorado. (see here) Looking around on Highlands Lutheran Church’s facebook page (see here), I found a great deal of praise for many theologically questionable emergent church leaders. One post said “Highlanders, join me and others for this outstanding event where Brian McLaren a present day prophet speaks on how to turn hostility into hospitality! HE IS AMAZING!” and another post said “Bolz-Weber is preaching this Sunday at HLC! Come one, come all!”(read about Rev. Bolz-Weber here) Rev. Stahlberg’s church also shared articles on their facebook page by Jim Wallis and Shane Claiborne. Just today Rev. Stahlberg returned to Exposing the ELCA’s facebook page to share more of her anger saying, “How arrognat of Dan Skogen to think he knows what God's word really is? he has never heard of Christ obviously!” and “Why are you guys sooooo homophobic? What are you afraid of? Why do you let your reptilian part of the brain take over the cortex that makes you human?” Surely this woman is destined for greatness within the apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. ELCA pastor number two: Retired ELCA pastor, John-Otto Liljenstolpe, recently sent a comment to Exposing the ELCA in support of ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson, when he came across a blog of mine entitled, “What is Bishop Hanson's Motivation?” I decided to do a little research on Rev. Liljenstolpe and found out he is a 9/11 truther. Rev. Liljenstolpe signed a petition on a website called, Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth and he penned this statement found on the same website: “I agree that the official conspiracy theory offered us by the Bush Administration appointed committee is not credible. I therefore demand that a panel be appointed involving physicists, engineers, architects, pilots, former intelligence officials, and military officers, historians, journalists - some of these being from other nations to evaluate the 9/11 WTC incident in the light of the available facts.” (see here) I also came across a video of Pastor Liljenstolpe leading a prayer for protesters at Occupy Seattle. I’m beginning to think the only requirement for being an ELCA pastor is to deny Biblical Truth. Anything else is fine.
Mike Rostad
12/4/2012 01:52:47 am
How silly, arrogant and damnably foolish are these so-called "pastors." They have drunk at the pool of deception. They are intoxicated by those poisonous waters.
12/4/2012 10:05:19 pm
The ELCA has become the modern incarnation of Johan Tetzel, granting absolution to unrepentant sinners whose sins the ELCA has decided are no longer sins. An ELCA convention vote overrules the Bible, you see.
12/4/2012 01:02:21 pm
Wonder what part of the brain makes Rev. Stahlberg and other ELCA pastors and leaders disdainfully reject plain Bible truths. Maybe it's a hearing problem: "They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
12/5/2012 08:08:20 am
Besides Highlands' discontinuance of donations to ELCA headquarters, there's more good news. At least one avenue of Bible-revisionist ELCA propaganda will no longer be subsidized by Highlands Lutheran. A shrinking budget can have some very salutary effects.
J. Neal
12/4/2012 02:24:24 pm
Leftists condemn hate as a universal commandment, but embrace it whenever it suits them. In other words, they have no concern for truth.
Brian Edwards
12/6/2012 12:15:16 pm
Since the apostate leaders of the ELCA have no interest in the Bible, but do have a Muslim fetish, perhaps we should warn them from the Koran: "And the inmates of the fire shall cry to the inmates of Paradise; 'Pour upon us some water, or of the refreshments God hath given you?' They shall say, 'Truly God hath forbidden both to unbelievers, who made their religion a sport and pastime, and whom the life of the world hath deceived.' " (Sura 7:48-49; Rodwell translation & verse numbering. Compare Lk 16:19-31).
Brian Edwards
12/6/2012 01:03:25 pm
Rev. Stahlberg's Facebook page also has a quotation by Cornel West. For more about him, google his name along with "discover the networks."
Janet Muldoon
12/11/2012 05:36:51 am
Here is the history of the so called "sexual revolution" in America in a nutshell. Some medical bioscientist researcher discovered that if you juggle the female horomones you can stop ovulation of the female egg, therefore the infamous "Pill" was discovered and mass produced for profit by pharmaceutical companies under the guise of liberating women to enjoy sex without being worried about becoming pregnant or to control the birth rate among those who should not be giving birth. The medical doctors where given a sales pitch about the positive outcome this would have. This happened in the early 1960's. Thereafter we began to observe the era of the "Flower Children" who were supposely enjoying all the great sexual freedom. The "Pill" was being prescribed on college campuses to woman freely. Then arrived the co-ed dorms. Then along comes Planned Parenthood sometime in the late 60's and early seventies to set up shop and make the "Pill" available for those who could not afford it. At the same time private clinics and insurers make it easier and easier for unmarried women to access the "Pill" even including adolescent girls when they come of child bearing age. The result of this is what we already know now based the current data available. The rate of abortion has raised dramatically because people fail to use the "pill" as prescribed, They fail to use other methods of birth control so that the rate of sexually transmitted disease has skyrocketed. Many of these diseases are life threatening and debilitating. Now millions of dollars are being spent to find cures for these diseases and treat those conditions that have rendered some "would be parents" in the future unable to conceive. Some scientists now think "the pill" is carcinogenic and who knows what else it may be doing to womens bodies and their children. And now they medical scientists have produced the "Testosterone Pill" which some some scientists think can put men at risk for prostate cancer. People are dying every day from all this high risk behavior not to mention the killing of the unborn in droves, all for profit!! Face it, all this so called liberation has not worked! It has had the reverse effect if you consider the failed marriages, single parent families and now same sex marriages.
12/18/2012 06:01:03 am
I thought I read in the newspapers (perhaps earlier this year) that now almost 50% of babies born in the U.S. are born to single mothers. Can anyone confirm this?
Kathy Suarez
12/12/2012 03:08:48 am
Janet -- I make no secret that I am a Catholic, but all my life I have been against the Church's position on Birth Control. I totally agree with everything you have written, and now I am beginning to question my own beliefs about Contraception....
Janet Muldoon
12/15/2012 02:14:31 am
Praise the Lord that Roman Catholic Christians have not yet changed their position on this subject. Now they are under persecution from within and from without. Thanks for your response Kathy.
12/17/2012 03:47:46 pm
I am a former ELCA pastor. I pray that God will forgive me for all the sins I committed when I trusted that the ELCA was teaching God's will. I know better now; but the ELCA deceived me and made me one of their evil henchmen. Lord, have mercy.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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