Three readers stand up for truth and correct falsehoods published by the ELCA's official magazine saying -
- "There is a way to God I strongly disagree with the Rev. Dave Daubert's statement that 'there is no way to God' (October, page 28). In John 14:6, Jesus clearly states that he is the way. Ephesians 2:8 reminds us that we are saved by grace through faith. The faith response is absolutely essential — that is 'the way.' That may take the form of baptism, confirmation or a simple prayer expressing faith ('Lord, I believe, help my unbelief') and so on. Everyone's faith journey is unique and there is no set 'formula,' but there has to be a commitment to an ongoing relationship with our Lord. To say that we don't have a part in the equation takes away the personal responsibility we all have and dangerously implies we can just sit back, do nothing and all is OK. Dave Gale Auburn, Wash.” - "Inconsistent ethic The Rev. Bernard K. Kern's article about the death penalty (September, page 49) was well written and logical. But it is hard to get motivated on that subject while we continue to kill our children at a rate of about 23,000 per week. The sin of silence in the ELCA on abortion is very grievous. Dave Nelson Billings, Mont.” - “More than social work The study guide “Activism: 'Doing church' a new way" (November, page 26) seems to be saying that social work can be the main purpose of the church. The church is not just another social service agency. Its main purpose is to praise God, which is both our duty and our joy. It is also there to bring up children in the faith through baptism, Sunday school, worship services, communion, confirmation and youth groups, and to evangelize, as well as to do good works in the community and the world. If you get the faith right, it will produce good works, which is the evidence of faith. If works isn't there, go back and look at the faith of the church. It doesn't work the other way around — works doesn't lead to faith. Richard N. Bergesen West Chester, Pa.” (read here) The leadership of the ELCA ignores and maligns the Word of God. The above three readers expose this truth. As the evidence of a great deal of research within the work and writings of Exposing the ELCA reveals, those in leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America lack the ability to lead a Christ-following church. We want to acknowledge the challenging work of those, like the contributors above, who have spoken out courageously!
12/31/2013 01:37:58 am
While the ELCA continues to do obeisance to the culture of death and to pay for abortions with parishioners' offering dollars in its self-funded health care plan, other churches serve a different Lord, the One who came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
John Klingler, Salem, NH
1/1/2014 11:21:00 pm
Thank you Mr. Bergesen for validating a concern that I have been discussion (arguing) with my ELCA pastor for years. The results of ELCA's position is expressly obvious in our congregation where the youth are leaving immediately after Confirmation. They are not dumb. They know that if their goal is progressive social justice, they can participate outside the ELCA. Sadly they graduate not knowing faith and not bringing those in need to the Christian faith.
Paul Conner
1/2/2014 11:46:34 am
There's a refutation of the ELCA's statement on the death penalty in the "Other Critical Issues" section of Exposing the ELCA.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11