We all know that in August of 2009, at the ELCA Church Wide Assembly, the delegates voted to adopt a resolution that committed the ELCA to a find a way for people in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as rostered leaders. It was a bold move against Holy scripture. The liberal, homosexual supporting leadership found a way to pass their agenda.
Let's be honest here, do we really think that the ELCA will . . . 1) Deny homosexuals from being rostered that are not in a monogamous relationship? 2) Deny homosexuals from being rostered that are seeking, but not in a lifelong relationship? 3) Deny homosexuals from being rostered that have been dating someone for only a week? What about one month? The ELCA language says it has to be "lifelong." 4) Deny homosexuals from being rostered that are not "public" about their relationship? 5) Remove rostered leaders including pastors that "break up" with their same sex partner? Because they are no longer in a lifelong relationship. I want to be very clear here. The ELCA was trying to and has pulled one over on their membership. The ELCA doesn't know or care about the answers to these questions. They just wanted to use sugar coated language and manipulate scripture in their quest to officially allow practicing homosexuals into ELCA leadership. It has been going on for years. I have been in correspondence with an ELCA pastor who stated that over the last 15 years two male pastors have tried to cross boundaries with him sexuality. This was before August 2009, when the the ELCA only allowed homosexuals to be rostered employees if they were celibate. The ELCA had an well planned out agenda. To come up with a "passable" defense against the Bible's clear teaching on homosexuality. To declare homosexuality is not a sin. To allow homosexuals to teach, lead, and preach. To encourage homosexuals to live out their (God declared sinful) behavior. And to get their membership to believe it! We can see this now and we all should have seen it then. Jan Mickelson, a Midwest radio host said it this way, "the fact that human beings, representing the church of God, in 2009 can be so gullible, as to swallow this nonsense that has only been invented in the last 20 years by the gay lobby, in order to torture the people of faith. In order to take over the denominations. They said they were going to do this. They said they were going to rewrite scripture. And they said they were going to take over the institutions. They are doing it. Only because the alleged people of God are stupid and gullible." - Jan Mickelson, radio host, WHO People of the ELCA, we allowed this to happen. God will not be mocked. Lets not be pawns anymore. Invite every ELCA member you know to join a Bible believing domination.
Bob Kitchen
3/4/2010 12:53:07 am
As a retired marriage & famly therapist, I wanted to share statistics at our synod assembly and the ELCA CWA, showing the shortness of gay and lesbian relationships, as compared with heterosexual ones. I was advised against it, because "it would be too confrontational". Who was trying to hide the truth? Now those who are staying in the ELCA can live with the results.
Conservative Mark
3/7/2010 09:11:41 am
Edward Matthews
3/25/2010 07:40:17 pm
I am a former ELCA pastor, and left the church officially as of September 2009. The ELCA has lost it's footings, and as far as I am concerned, not Christian. I too would encourage people to leave dodge and join a Bible Teaching Chuch.
Karen Berger
3/30/2010 12:15:52 pm
I left the ELCA in November 2009 and have located another church that believes in the Bible. Why would anyone who puts Christ first in their life attend a Lutheran Church? What will it take for people to get wise to the fact that the ELCA is morphing into a cult? Listen to Dr. Walter Martin on the subject of Liberal/Modern Theology. WOW. It will open up your eyes.
We had a meeting nearly a year ago with our Bishop and 9 former homosexuals. They told their stories of broken marriages and broken lives and a feeling of dissonance with God's plan for them. It was the first time our Bishop ever met a former homosexual. These men and women had heart warming stories of redemption and deliverance (there words) and of healing.
Janet Muldoon
4/30/2010 07:47:42 am
Study carefully the Book of Jude. It speaks clearly to these times and how we need to respond as Christians true to the Word
Hugh Jack
5/19/2010 03:40:54 am
I believe that Any Church who entertains the idea of allowing people who are practicing a Sin Nature, to be a Church leader or Pastor, is opening the door to Satan. People cannot lead, preach, guide other people in the Christian Walk if they themselves are not walking accordingly to God's Word.
Agnes Schaeffer
5/25/2010 11:14:33 am
Some Lutherans believe this change does not touch our "core" values. Be careful of the so called small changes. One day you will look around and wonder where your Bible went. We need to be vigilant towards those who propose freedom and justice but are only looking for justification of their own sinful urgings.
6/7/2010 02:26:10 am
My wife & I were life-long members of the Lutheran Church that transitioned into the ELCA. We are in our mid-fifties. In 2005, we had become what we believed to be lazy luthereans; some are referred to as "chri-easters". Our poor church attendance had a 6 year track record, which began shortly after our last child was confirmed. We were happy with the ELCA, and at that time, the homosexual position was to "pray for them". Nothing good comes from regularly skipping church, not sharing God's WORD, or not reading God's WORD in the Bible. I got reckless, made a huge mistake, and then proceeded to take 1 1/2 years to regain my good sense. Thankfully, a WELS Pastor met with me and brought me into a twice a week Bible Study; then months of Bible Study. My wife was never comfortable with the WELS, so we joined the local lutherean (ELCA) church, not our church homes from S.D. or MN., but in northern WI, where we planned to retire in 15 or 20 years. Two years passed and we attended church zealouly each Sunday. My friend from the WELS had a true gift from GOD, and I was fervent in reading the Bible, Worshipping and sharing the Good News. My wife is, without question, my best friend, but she didn't share my passion for religion. Our church home was multiplying rapidly, from 600 members to 900 + members, mostly due to the youthful and energetic Pastor. [Lesson: get the kids interested and the parents follow, too.] When I learned, during the summer of '09, that our Pastor had attended the MPLS convention and voted in favor of allowing homosexual Pastors to preach and teach, it was crushing. My wife & I did not go back to church after August '09. Two days prior to Christmas '09, my wife and I were both emotionally down, as we had always been chri-easters @ a minimum. I telephoned the Bishops office in Chetek, WI. The Bishop was out of town, so the assistant bishop spoke with me. He listened understandingly and, initially, asked sound questions to gain appropriate knowlege of our problem. At a point when he knew the homosexual pastor issue was a deal breaker for me, the Assistant Bishop became more assertive in his defense of the ELCA's position. This man went so far as to inform me that if Jesus were walking the earth today, HE would be instructing us differently on the Gay Issue, because society has changed significantly in the last 2000 years. The assistant bishop must not have appreciated my response, because he then pretended to not hear me and hung up on me. I have tried to communicate with the Pastor and the church board, but they have gone to a position of shunning me and my wife. I resigned. The church responded by releasing both my wife and I, which was upsetting to my wife. An E-mail was sent to the Congregation President, who took a month to "look into it" and then replied that a mistake was made with regard to releasing my wife and they'd get back to us. It's been over a month and we've heard nothing, which suggests to me that they really don't want us around. Personally, I still read my Bible or a devotional booklet, nightly, and provide my wife with inspiration of God's WORD as she'll allow, but I can honestly state that the hypocrisy of the ELCA and our former church home has left me with quite a hole in my heart.
Conservative Mark
6/8/2010 01:17:24 am
Annette Sergent
6/10/2010 03:42:01 pm
I am crushed, lost and disillusioned by ELCA's resolution on homosexual partners as pastors. Was there any one who voted for "this" resolution able to refer to Bible scripture to support the
Nate R
6/16/2010 11:22:56 am
As a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), the congregation I belong to has discussed this issue in great depth.
6/17/2010 03:14:26 am
The Upstate New York Synod voted to "study" the homosexual question in the year 2000 at a cost of $1,000,000.00. After that synodical meeting, I wrote the Bishop (Lee Miller) and informed him that St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Griffins Mills would NOT financially support the synod. In his reply, his stated that I could not withhold money because the congregational budget meeting had declared that support in a previous meeting. How wrong he was. There is never a law for me to support the disguise of sin. My point is this. Stop supporting ANY ELCA church financially.
Conservative Mark
6/23/2010 05:31:50 am
I have been dealing with two apparent homosexuals who are working to protect the the ELCA from the truth on Wikipedia. I simply added a sentence or two that there is no way the ELCA can be 4.5 million strong (still) since 5% of the congreations have left or are in the process of leaving. I offered proof of my research. Yesterday they got me blocked by Wiki. If the ELCA cannot produce church records on me and my family (and they can't), they do not have records to claim they are still 4.5 million in number after August 21st of last year.
Hugh Jack
7/7/2010 02:32:17 am
The ELCA is coming at us with their theology of "the mind of Jesus". Using this as a means to allow gay people to be pastors. The ELCA wants to say that Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God, and Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. They believe this message says that Jesus is about loving,mercy,and forgiveness and that because of this, we should let gay's be pastors. The ELCA would like to compartmentalize GOD and only focus on "the mind of Jesus","what would Jesus do". This is like separating steam from water, it's all wet! Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians Ch. 6 verses 9&10.. that the people who practice these lifestyles shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD. So how can the ELCA give people who are practicing a livestyle that they shall NOT see Heaven, the right to preach to the public the way of GOD ??
7/27/2010 10:12:23 pm
This is a huge issue ....but I am finding that many ELCA Lutherans are complacent about it.....I have left the church over it....it goes to the soul of every christian...and totally outrageously defies God's Word....I am of the opinion that God is cleaning His house with this one and if we are His followers we can not be a part of what is taking place in His church.
12/19/2010 05:55:35 am
My wife and I considered joining a ELCA church in the area but I have completely disagreed with doing so since the vote to allow gay/lesbian pastors. If I want a meal my way I go to Burger King but if I want to get religious answers I go to a church that provides me a way to get answers. I don't expect to have the church change their believes just because of some liberal wave that being gay/lesbian is a good lifestyle choice.
Hugh Jack
2/16/2011 03:35:35 am
If the ELCA Lutherans claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, then they have to acknowledge that Jesus Christ was obedient to his Father (GOD). So then if we claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, then we also have to be obedient to his Father (GOD). So then the people who claim to be Christians and are practicing Homosexuality, are living in open rebellion to God. And open rebellion of God in 1 Samuel 15:23 "is as the sin of witchcraft". It is of Satan period!!
Harold Engstrom
2/16/2011 03:12:02 pm
Thousands of years of Biblical teaching should determine our moral standards,not politics or modern pop culture. Two things the Bible is clear about are the sinfulness of the homosexual act and the definition of marriage as a man and a woman. Holy matrimony should not be politicized to benefit the liberals and gay activists.
Kurt Kuster
11/18/2014 11:05:51 pm
I can' see being part of any church of the the ELCA. Yes, faiths and practices change. The ELCA has taken a bold step for those often pushed away from the church. A faith that never evolves is not a faith. It's a prison.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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