Honestly, I'd like to write about something different, but I can't. When the ELCA continually presents false information, encourages destructive sins and makes hateful resolutions, it must be exposed. So here I am writing about homosexuality again. I've written about the ELCA and homosexuality so many times this summer it seems almost constant. But the truth is that the ELCA is obsessed with homosexuality and the ELCA glowingly writes about it and talks about it and forces their opinion of it down their membership's throats. (see here, here, here and here)
The September 2013 issue of The Lutheran, the official magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, had a big article on homosexuality again, which presented this false justification for homosexuality to their ELCA readership, “There is no Greek or Hebrew word that corresponds exactly to our word 'homosexual.' You may have participated in a Bible study where the term was used. But that's a modern application of the word. The category or classification that we may refer to as homosexuality did not exist in biblical times. The few scriptural references to lusting or exploitative sexual behaviors between same- or differently gendered people have nothing to do with the abiding personal companionship, enduring love, shared intimacy, and trusting commitment of gay and straight couples who cherish such qualities in our day.” (read here) The ELCA hopes if they say homosexuality is “good” enough times, people will start to believe them instead of God's Word. The ELCA wants to indoctrinate church members into believing that the homosexual lifestyle is perfectly fine, that it is normal and the way God made those individuals to be. How else can you explain the ELCA's obsession with declaring to their members that homosexuality is to be considered normal? This plan has worked, to a great extent. When trusted pastors explain to their congregations that same-sex relationships are fine, people are going to believe them, especially those who have little Biblical knowledge. And when synod bishops say it, ELCA assemblies declare it, ELCA pastors claim it, ELCA seminaries and colleges teach it and ELCA publications expound on it, church members are going to start to believe it. Maybe not all members believe it immediately. There are some who have stayed with their ELCA congregation who know what God says in Scripture about same-sex relationships. They thought it wouldn't affect them or their local church, but they are constantly being fed this line of cow dung by the denomination. A majority of these members will succumb to the lie and will eventually view homosexuality as good. Sadly, many of the people have made an informed choice to stay in the denomination. They have known of the ELCA's departure from God's Word, but they have placed their lifelong loyalty, to a church building or friends, over what they know is true. They stay in churches despite knowing that the ELCA is teaching in opposition to Scripture. They justify it in their minds and they begrudgingly go down the path of acceptance because, after all, their parents and grandparents belonged to their church and are buried in the church cemetery. They can't leave their church, no matter what they are being taught. Whether we like it or not, followers end up emulating their leaders. Spiritual leaders have a great deal of influence. I do hope that people are willing to recognize how they are being influenced and take a stand for Truth, standing to their feet and walking out for the sake of what is far more important than tradition or generational loyalty, but instead out of obedience and allegiance to God.
Kevin Cook
9/4/2013 10:24:07 am
Dan, We have talked before. I know we disagree but have you considered the possibility that there are hundreds of thousands, maybe even a few million remaining members of the ELCA who disagree with your views and who support same gender relationships and ordinations? All of your posts and stories seem to suggest that if people only knew they would run from the ELCA. I am in a very active ELCA church in a very active ELCA synod. We are adding new members because of who we are. People are not running away from us.
9/4/2013 12:53:09 pm
Hi Kevin, I have considered that and believe you are right, that there are many, perhaps millions of people, that agree with the ELCA. But do they all know about the universalism being preached? The denial of historical events by the ELCA? The antisemitism? The goddess worship that is allowed? I doubt there are that many that know all these things. But back to your question. I can only present the facts to people, they are responsible for what they do with it. This verse speaks to that in some extent - Ezekiel 3:18-19
9/5/2013 01:53:45 am
Only those who have ears to hear will heed your warnings, Dan. Keep standing squarely athwart the ear-tickling apostates who continually dishonor the Word of the Lord and grease the skids under unrepentant sinners.
James Mott
9/5/2013 09:42:42 am
I have held off leaving the ELCA. Only because I like the local church, but I will be going back to the church I started in, an LCMS church. I picked up a pamplet at the local Roman Catholic Church about their beliefs, I will look , but there are 7 ways to be a part of someone elses sin, Condoning is one, not speakig is another. 9/9/2013 06:54:06 am
Chuck Braun
9/4/2013 12:19:23 pm
I am happy for the souls of those buried in ELCA church cemeteries, since they are with the Lord now. If they could see what their churches have become, they would be outraged and would demand that their family members leave their churches. I would have no compulsion in disinterring my deceased ancestors' remains and reburying them elsewhere, At my former ELCA church, they have scattered the ashes of those who have died over the last decade, making it impossible to retrieve them.
9/4/2013 01:22:45 pm
In the August 2013 issue of Charisma magazine, J. Lee Grady writes this in his article entitled "Spineless Christianity produces spineless Christians":
9/5/2013 06:11:50 am
I admit it I am a diehard ScyFy fan. Recently, out of boredom, I took to watching “Lost Girl,” It’s opening monologue, by the lead character, Bo, struck me:
Gavin Reed
9/5/2013 12:55:06 pm
I think Dan has got the subservient ELCA churchgoers pegged to a tee: "They have known of the ELCA's departure from God's Word, but they have placed their lifelong loyalty to a church building or friends, over what they know is true...because, after all, their parents and grandparents belonged to their church and are buried in the church cemetery." Their religion, which is nothing more than family tradition, is not Christianity: "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26).
Kevin Cook
9/6/2013 01:40:29 am
Gavin, I will have to disagree with you. I joined the ELCA as an adult. My wife joined as an adult after being raised Catholic and leaving the church some years earlier. She says this is the first time she has felt comfortable in an organized religion. The people I attend church with make a conscious decision to be in the ELCA. It is not the building, family tradition or who is buried where. We are not subservient to the ELCA. Because people who disagree with us don't understand how we can have our beliefs, they assume wrongly that we are being led blindly. The problem as I see it is that we are never going to agree. You are going to quote Bible verses and declare that we are not Christians and we are at times going to take offense and reply. But I am finding out that after many many years no one really changes their minds. People just get more entrenched in their positions. So for the most part I choose to not participate in the dialogue. Every year or so I may attempt a post to see if things have changed but I am finding that they don't. Gavin, we could get in a shouting match but it won't change either of us. I guess the best we can do is pray and that applies to all of us.
9/6/2013 01:57:30 pm
It would help if you would specifically articulate your beliefs, Kevin, and tell us what they're based on. What are the foundational tenets of your faith, and on what authority are they based? The Bible? The ELCA? A particular pastor? When a denomination's or pastor's teaching diverges from the Bible, who wins? And are you comfortable betting eternity on your choice of authority?
Gavin Reed
9/8/2013 06:31:39 am
"He that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Proverbs 29:1
Gavin Reed
9/5/2013 01:16:22 pm
To those who may have been taught the false doctrine of antinominism--that God requires nothing of anyone--I offer this:
9/6/2013 10:55:20 pm
The world has a mandate for Christians: "Capitulate to us; then we'll all get along." The Evangelical (just what does it "evangelize" about these days?) Lutheran (Martin Luther would be revulsed by its abandonment of the Bible) Church in America has responded, "What a friend we have in totalitarian anti-Christian secularism."
Kathy Suarez
9/8/2013 03:51:26 am
Didaskalos --
9/9/2013 12:18:21 pm
9/10/2013 06:03:13 pm
Kathy Suarez
9/11/2013 03:59:17 am
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11