ELCA Bishop Michael Rinehart is a social justice warrior and loves the internet. He is the bishop of the ELCA's Gulf Coast Synod.
Let's learn more about Bishop Rinehart by checking out some of his social media posts. As you can see, he loves marching for his favorite liberal social justice causes. And here is Bishop Rinehart with controversial ELCA pastor Lenny Duncan:
9/3/2020 06:07:05 pm
Basking in the world's praises: the ELCA lives for them. Just as it lives to eradicate every vestige of confessional Lutheranism in its ranks on its descent into extinction.
9/4/2020 12:41:47 am
If he was honest, he would voluntarily give up his Bishop's miter to a black transgendered woman. He isn't woke enough to do that...
9/4/2020 05:44:27 am
Why would he ever put his money where the ELCA's mouth is when he's having so much fun riding the wave of public adulation into his denomination's extinction: "...the ELCA’s Office of Research and Evaluation predicts that by 2041, it will dwindle to 67,000 members."
Born again
9/4/2020 01:04:40 pm
And where’s his mask???? Who does he think he is? Nancy Pelosi??
Interested ELCA Reader
9/4/2020 04:52:25 pm
It likely won't take until 2041 to sink below 67,000 especially with the churches dealing with the issues of the virus problems & limited in-person worship. Soon the ELCA will not need all these "enlightened Bishops" so they can consolidate their areas. "Will the last ELCA congregation please remember to turn off the lights when you close your doors!"
9/5/2020 02:05:50 pm
Crazy Joe Biden did a town hall at Grace Lutheran in Kenosha. The pastor at that very liberal church is a HUGE supporter of the Green New Deal. His name is “Rev” Jonathan Barker. He is so insane that he once did a public 12-day fast in support of The Green New Deal
A Reader
9/6/2020 10:12:04 am
After reading the link to the pastors activities it makes sense why it was held at this church. Since everyone is going to heaven anyway & some of our ELCA leadership says there may not be a hell or it is empty so perhaps the only people that will be going to hell in a hand basket are the people who won't buy into the Green New Deal to save the planet
Born again
9/6/2020 02:19:08 pm
If these nitwit pastors would read Hannity’s latest book, they would know that American households, footing the bill for the Green New Deal can expect to pay $70k per household for the first year of it. $45k per year for the next 4 years. Then, $37k per year for every year after that. That doesn’t include their current taxes, nor does it include paying for everyone’s “free” govt health care (incl illegals), nor does it include paying for everyone’s “free” college. The collection plates will get pretty bare!!!!
9/6/2020 08:01:03 pm
Right! It’s ridiculous. My response to these libs, like AOC and Greta “How dare you” Thunberg, is simply Genesis 8:22... Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11