The ELCA must worship a God that has no power. A God that can not do miracles. A God that has to make up a birth story of His Son to make people believe He is special. A God that can not create a child in the womb of a virgin. That is the powerless, lying god of the ELCA.
Here is what the ELCA and many ELCA leaders are saying about the details of the birth of Christ -
A Pew Research Poll this week reports that "Roughly three-quarters of adults (73%) say they believe Jesus was born of a virgin.” (read here) But the people who are suppose to disciple us do not believe what God tells us in the Bible? Something is wrong here folks! Denying Scripture is not just an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America problem, just look to the ELCA's liberal Lutheran twin to the north. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) pastor Dawn Hutchings has this to say about the Nativity account, "For this story is a parable and like all parable’s it represents a truth that cannot be fully expressed in words. Like all good parables the truth is not to be found in the details, but rather in the Spirit of God that breathed life into the parable. " (read here) Not believing the virgin birth account, Pastor Hutchings speculates that Jesus was the result of Mary being raped. She writes, “Some say the evidence is clear, if you’re willing to see it. After all there was a large cohort of Roman soldiers encamped near Nazareth. The people of Nazareth had participated in an uprising against their oppressors and the Roman’s had raided Nazareth in retaliation. There are numerous Jewish accounts of Roman raids that include details of strategic rapes. Could our young heroine be the victim of such a rape?” (read here) This Christmas (and beyond) please, please stay clear of these Bible-denying Lutheran denominations.
Craig N
12/22/2013 07:14:56 am
When I was still a elca pastor, I was brought up on charges b/c I was saying that the elca were teaching problematic things. One of the things I highlighted was their refusal to state, for the truth, of what we confess in the Creed's about Jesus' birth.
12/22/2013 10:24:21 am
Craig N, you stood up for the Christian Faith. The ELCA is rejecting both the Scripture and the Creeds.
David Michael Carrillo
12/23/2013 03:47:51 am
Just reading this has made me sick. I used to travel and do ministry among 400 ELCA churches acroos the country. But I never bought into their "open minded thinking".
Joshua Lucas
12/23/2013 02:30:12 pm
the problem that I see here with the ELCA and the Christmas story is that the ELCA is rejecting the entire divinity of Christ and the virgin birth and the inspiration of Scripture along with the Old Testament fulfillment of the Isaiah promise of the Messiah that was to be born of a virgin. the comment that the ELCA pastor by saying that Mary was raped is absurd. This goes along with the same concept that the ELCA at its core doctrinal stances. SINCE ELCA rejects the resurrection of Christ it also stands to reason that the ELCA Rejects the divinity of Christ. So it is also safe to say that the ELCA is not even a Christian body. I think it would also stand to reason that the person should be willing to witness to any ELCA member and pray that the spirit would convert their heart to the true meaning of Christianity.
12/25/2013 02:42:35 am
I’ve said it before: if Martin Luther were alive today, he’d sue the apostate ELCA for misappropriation of his name.
1/25/2014 09:06:35 am
Greg Borchert
2/6/2017 01:37:04 pm
Not all who worship and lead in ELCA congregations share this perspective. There are many who believe the Creeds that we confess. I for one believe every word of it.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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