I thank God for those of you that are willing to be on the front line of a battle for God’s Truth. The ELCA has continually defied God and His Holy Word, yet many are not willing to take a stand. Sadly, many more do not want to be part of publicly confronting a wayward denomination.
Exposing the ELCA is a ministry that is passionate with directly confronting the heresy and apostasy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Scripture tells us to, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” - Ephesians 5:11. John the Baptist called out King Herod. Jesus called out the Pharisees. David called out Goliath. Exposing the ELCA ministry is calling out the ELCA. (It is this ministry's prayer that the ELCA would return to the Truth) Unfortunately, there are some who do not like and will not support a ministry that does this. Earlier this winter I spoke to a pastor whose congregation had conducted a study of the ELCA. This pastor’s church had produced some documents that I thought would be helpful to other individuals and churches who were looking into leaving the ELCA. These documents were posted on their website, but were going to be removed. I emailed the church asking if there was some way to make them available, by linking to them or uploading them onto Exposing the ELCA’s website, so that they might be helpful to others. The pastor was not interested in keeping the documents online or making them available on Exposing the ELCA, saying, “I choose to not live in an adversarial posture towards the ELCA.” This pastor’s decision and comment do not make much sense to me. Why are we content with only “saving ourselves” when so many lost, unknowing or complacent members need to be saved from the false teaching that is becoming so prevalent in the ELCA? Yesterday, I had the opportunity to dialog with a pastor of a large church, which was, until recently, an ELCA congregation. Concerning the Exposing the ELCA ministry he said, “A ministry called ‘Exposing the ELCA’ is not one I would support. It sounds too divisive and condemning. I would rather continue to pray for the leadership of the ELCA and that there would be more unity in the Lord's Church.” Exposing the ELCA ministry makes no apologies for its name or the call to confront these false teachings in our denomination. Our ministry’s name makes it very clear; we believe there are major theological problems in the ELCA. We are going to share those concerns and facts; this is the place to find information on the ELCA. Here is how I responded to the second pastor’s comments: “Hello Pastor, I respect your opinion. For me, I agree with many, including WordAlone Ministries President Clark, who states that the ELCA is teaching a false gospel and a new religion. (Read here) I think it is ‘worth’ exposing these things so that people will not be ignorant as to what the ELCA is doing and so the ELCA will not, God willing, lead more people away from Christ and His truth. God bless you.” This world needs more people, like you, our loyal readers, who will stand up and expose what the ELCA is doing. Sometimes we need to do what is unpopular. Exposing the ELCA does what it does because we love God and want to save people from the “flames” of deception preached by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Thank you to all who stand by Exposing the ELCA.
James Young
1/6/2011 03:07:23 pm
Politically, I know I'm winning when someone complains about being "divisive." Politics is all about dividing: dividing the good ideas from the bad. Christ's message is no different in this regard.
5/31/2011 03:53:34 am
Thank you for this site! I am not ELCA (I am not even Lutheran) but my husband is. He is absolutely appalled at the turn the ELCA has made and has decided he no longer will claim them. I thank you for getting this word out to others. We are currently looking into non-denominational churches.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11