(See additional information since 2013 here)
Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber is a troubled Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastor who has grown in popularity within the ELCA ranks. She is highly sought after by ELCA leadership to speak at conferences and gatherings, and to preach to their leaders, members and youth. (see here) Just last week an ELCA website published a letter she had written praising Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson for his leadership. But there are problems with Rev. Bolz-Weber, big problems. The problems I'm referring to rest in two areas, her teaching/theology, which is non-Biblical in many important areas, and moral issues that she seems to take pride in and actively flaunts. God tells us what an appointed church leader should look like; He says the leader “must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” Tell me if that sounds like Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber as we examine an interview she recently gave -
I guess Rev. Bolz-Weber can blame Jesus for that.
Let's be clear, this stance is not Biblical, but it is espousing universalism, the very dangerous belief that all people will be saved. The Bible says there will be judgment for those who deny Christ or do not have faith in Christ. John 3:36 says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.”
As you can read from this interview, Bolz-Weber's “sailor's mouth” is on full display; and I'm not listing all of what she said. (see video here) Rev. Bolz-Weber is dangerously wrong regarding very important Biblical doctrine and Biblical Truth. (see here, here and here for some more examples) Additionally, this ELCA pastor has a toxic tongue. There is no repentance or evident desire to tame her month. Paul tells us in the truth of scripture, “Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.” - Ephesians 5:4 Here are two snipits from Rev. Bolz-Weber's Facebook page that show her worldly and bankrupt spiritual state:
What is really telling, with this exposition on Nadia Bolt-Weber, is that this is someone the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has elevated to a place of leadership and authority.
C. Douglass
9/16/2013 09:54:53 am
"That's God saying, 'I would rather die than be in the sin accounting business that you've put me in.'" Here Nadia Bolz-Weber seems to be suggesting that Jesus came to abolish the law. But that contradicts Jesus' own words, and also St. Paul's.
9/16/2013 08:26:51 pm
When Jesus started His earthly ministry, Mark records His first words as, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
9/16/2013 11:43:34 am
So the ELCA is hunky dory about having a stable of heretics like Bolz-Weber on its official clergy roster, but when it invites her to speak at its National Youth Gathering, it expects her to sanitize her speech of crudities it wouldn't object to her using in church and in everyday interactions with the public.
9/22/2013 01:48:10 am
ELCA is the most dangerous organization today in the organized church as they act Lutheran to keep people off their guard while clearly promoting an anti-orthodox and arguably anti-Christian agenda. This is just another in a seemingly endless stream of examples proving this point. If you are still in any way affiliated with, or know anyone affiliated with the ELCA, run, don't walk!
9/17/2013 10:14:58 am
In her interview, Rev. Bolz-Weber said, "nobody believes every line of the [Apostles'] Creed." That's acceptable if she's talking about the inquirers who attend her church services (provided they don't receive communion). It's NOT acceptable if she's talking about herself or her fellow ELCA pastors or the members of her congregation. The Apostles' Creed is the bare minimum of Christian doctrine. Rev. Bolz-Weber went on to say that it's the Church's creed, not the individual's. But how can it be the Church's creed if individual members are not expected to actually believe it?
9/18/2013 09:15:05 am
Jason let me shine some light on this situation for you. The ElCA's stance on creeds is confused at best. They claim them to be authoritative, but at the same time find no problem with people disagreeing with parts of these creeds based on their conscience....and the fact that the ELCA effectively uses them as nice displays of theological relics, not as things which declare normative beliefs of a church. Now, for a layman to have some doubts about the content of the creeds is not the biggest issue and shouldn't exclude that person from communion. If a person (ordained, or layman) blatantly disbelieves parts of the creed then this is problematic. I say this from an Orthodox Christian perspective who has had experience with an ELCA seminary (LTSS). In the Orthodox Church we do not fault a person who struggles with doubt towards the Nicean Creed (sans filioque) and they can still receive communion. Now if one of our members openly and blatantly disbelieves, or obstinately doubts parts of the creed then some ecclesiastical reconciliation may have to take place. Her theological views, appearance, and flippant attitude toward the creed would get her in some hot water in Orthodox Church, unfortunately the ELCA has chosen leftism and a disregard for Holy Tradition as their pope and magisterium.
9/22/2013 01:51:39 am
It Can't Jason! If the creed doesn't state what everyone there believes, it ain't a creed!!! You are absolutely correct! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/creed
10/27/2013 11:19:46 pm
This person is appearing at my home church this week, and her book was on display this Sunday, and here is what I wrote our Pastor's this morning.
11/4/2013 04:33:52 pm
Bolz-Weber's "ministry" is a mockery of the Gospel preached.
Thank you for posting this article. Drudge posted the Washington Post story which will unfortunately give her even further momentum. It is just plain sad that her brand of 'Christianity' is viewed as progressive. It is regressive and post-modern. I'd make the argument that it is post-POST. There is no 'modern' to it. A Christianity which dismisses the Bible, all other churches throughout history and the words of Christ, is not Christianity.
Angie Birdsall
10/16/2014 12:50:24 pm
I adore Nadia Bolz Weber. She's refreshing and I feel looking at her is like looking at God.
6/30/2018 07:26:52 pm
Are you kidding me? She is the most refreshing thing to come out of the church in years. Your comments do not live up to the only commandment given is in the New Testament which is to love one another. Jesus came to save us from the rules. If you don’t want to believe it, that’s fine. But look at the ELCA website. It outlines everything the ELCA proposes to believe. And what it says is that you don’t even have to believe to be saved. Check your source my friend.
7/1/2018 06:27:37 pm
If you honestly think one does not even need to believe to be saved then you are taking a position contrary to the teachings of Christ Himself..there is nothing more to be said as you are truly losy...
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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