She hangs out with ELCA bishops, she speaks on the biggest ELCA stages, she is more popular and revered than Martin Luther in the denomination, but her theology is poison. Its ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. Exposing the ELCA has exposed Bolz-Weber's teaching in detail (scroll down page here) and in a recent interview we hear more of her heretical thoughts concerning Scripture.
At the 16 minute mark of Nadia Bolz-Weber's profanity-laced interview she says, “I had this weird realization about Paul, the apostle Paul . . . There's stuff in Paul's letters that is like so incredibly beautiful its like you almost tear up reading it, right? At where you're like that is the Gospel. Like when he is good he is unbeatable, right? When he is bad he is wretched. Right? So in Paul's letters its like at one point he is just going off about his opinions about on how you should do church and what this person should do and don't do that and this isn't okay and blah blah blah and then he speaks theologically and it's like beautiful, right? . . . there's a difference in me in what I say as a speaker and what I say as a preacher.” Bolz-Weber goes on to describe that when she is speaking to people, she has some authority to speak on the topics but a lot of what she says are her own “snotty opinions.” According to Bolz-Weber, preaching is different. “. . . Preaching hopefully in some way is the word of God, speaking is not. So I thought, I wonder, we can look at Paul that way. You know like sometimes he was just going off on his snotty opinions, he has some authority to speak on it but that’s not necessarily the Word of God.” (listen here) You read that right, Nadia Bolz-Weber believes that the parts of the Bible she likes are the “Word of God.” However, the parts of Scripture that she doesn't like are not the “Word of God” but rather they are just the author's snotty opinions. Bolz-Weber is dangerously wrong. ALL of Scripture is God's Word! Paul, the man who wrote 13 books of the New Testament, says this about the Bible - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Paul writes, all Scripture is God-breathed, but ELCA superstar Nadia Bolz-Weber disagrees. She even believes that her preaching is more of the Word of God than the segments of the Bible she doesn't like. Why are some of you staying in the ELCA when such heresy is lifted up?
And this is yet another example of why Paul felt it necessary to tell the Corinthian Christians, 'As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.'
Gretchen Long
5/20/2014 03:01:03 am
Hi, I am a lcms Lutheran , and as a woman I think your comment is pretty ignorant. I prefer male pastors , because that is what I have always had in the lcms, but not all women are like Nadia Weber Boltz, and not all women ministers would be like her. How about instead of blaming it on the fact that shes a woman ,blame it on the fact that shes an idiot.
Charles H Hyneman
5/18/2014 08:16:29 am
She may have some gifts, but they are not intellect, wisdom, Spirituality or discernment. I just, like, don't know what they are. I do know why she is big in the ELCA.
5/19/2014 06:21:53 am
It’s understandable that Nadia Bolz-Weber should haughtily diss the Apostle Paul. He regularly called out snake oil-peddling poseurs like the ones who populate today's ELCA seminaries and pulpits:
Sandra Dusenbery
5/19/2014 02:22:18 pm
her comments make me so sad I could cry; she is scary as she leads people astray.
Gregg Manchester
5/21/2014 12:55:25 pm
Also interesting was the discussion of her congregation's communion practice: "One of the central aspects of the House For All Saints is that open table, that everybody without exception is invited to receive the bread and wine at the communion table" (interviewer at the 41 minute mark). Apparently she dismisses as another one of Paul's snotty personal opinions his warnings in I Corinthians 11:20-22; 27-31.
Dave from Minnesota
5/24/2014 02:16:53 pm
She is like left wing secular politicians. They like to say things like "our thoughts and prayers are with you". Or "May God watch over you". Something kind of poetic. But they hate actual theology. Christians words and phrases that have more deeper Biblical meaning. Nadia like the poetic feel good words, but hates true Christian theology.
Gregg Manchester
5/26/2014 09:28:18 am
"In my letter I wrote that you must have nothing to do with loose livers. I was not, of course, referring to pagans who lead loose lives or are grabbers and swindlers or idolaters. To avoid them you would have to get right out of the world. I now write that you must have nothing to do with any so-called Christian who leads a loose life, or is grasping, or idolatrous, a slanderer, a drunkard, or a swindler. You should not even eat with any such person. What business of mine is it to judge outsiders? God is their judge. You are judges within the fellowship. Root out the evil-doer from your community." (I Corinthians 5:9-13, New English Bible)
6/9/2014 09:11:48 am
At the 48 minute mark she says, "After the Easter Vigil we have a dance party and there's usually beer there" [at the church].
Gregg Manchester
6/9/2014 12:49:29 pm
One of Bolz-Weber's interviewers smuggled in a half-truth: that the "open table" is a Methodist tradition (44 minutes). It is true that "unlike many in the Reformed and Puritan traditions, Wesley did not require whole faith for Communion. He taught, indeed he knew by experience, that the sacrament was a converting ordinance, meant also for 'the honest seeker,' who, though not yet possessed of justifying faith, was already responsive to the Gospel." (LITURGIES OF THE WESTERN CHURCH, p. 413.) But Wesley's own service contains the following exhortation:
6/12/2014 02:44:13 am
At 33 minutes she says, "A lot of times the absolution at House is 'God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, loves you AS YOU ARE. As a called and ordained minister of the Church of Christ, and by his authority, I declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins.' " The words "God...loves you as you are" do not appear in any service books that I have. Whether these words are Bolz-Weber's invention or they actually occur in some service book, they constitute a confusing explanation. God loves US; he does not love our sin. Why should I make a confession and condemn some aspect of my self if God loves it? Why would God want to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9) if he loves our unrighteousness? It would be clearer to say, "God loves you in spite of your sin."
George B.
6/16/2014 06:14:24 am
She makes up her own liturgies to suit her own agenda. See
George B.
6/18/2014 03:44:08 am
"God loves you as you are" sounds strange, coming from someone who encourages people to change their gender.
tom muse
6/25/2014 02:30:48 pm
R. Morley
7/5/2014 07:32:44 am
The "second death" is damnation (Rev. 20:6,14; 21:8). Writers might also want to know that the comment box has a spelling checker: a wavelike line will appear beneath misspelled words. But it won't help when a wrong WORD is spelled correctly, such as "revile" instead of "reveal," "shell" instead of "shall," "bare" instead of "bear," etc.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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