(This report is by Pastor Tom Brock. Check out his ministry at The Pastor's Study here. The "Jesus, Justice and Jazz" National Youth Gathering of the ELCA was held in 2009).
The ELCA's "Jesus, Justice and Jazz" youth conference gave out Bibles for youth which re-interpret what the Bible says about homosexuality in I Corinthians 6:9-11. For 2,000 years Christians have read two Greek words in that text to refer to homosexuality. Not any more. Here's what the ELCA Bible says (to youth yet): "Two terms..have been mistranslated from the Greek in all modern versions, and this has caused needless pain in the church....The issue here is violence. Neither term pertains to homosexuality or to the lives of gay and lesbian people." So "all modern versions"--and all ancient versions for that matter-- are wrong and the ELCA is right. The truth is that the ELCA's promotion of homosexuality is what will really cause "needless pain in the church" as youth embrace a lifestyle that is physically harmful in this life and eternally harmful in the next. I urge those who are still members of the ELCA, time to find another church.
Soon to be ex-ELCA member
2/1/2014 04:24:14 pm
That is terrible, but how many ELCA youth actually read the Bible?
Okay, I'm guessing this is the whole 'the kind of homosexuality Paul is writing about is a different kind than we practice today' thing. Following the same kind of logic, it must be okay to get drunk on scotch, since that's not the kind of drunkenness the Bible talks about (in the Bible, it's drunkenness from wine).
2/2/2014 01:39:41 pm
None of the Greek speaking early Christian communities got it wrong. All followed the Biblical condemnation of homosexuality. Apparently the ELCA knows better than First Century Christians what their own language and fundamental teachings proclaim. I think you will find that the ELCA studiously ignores the teachings of the Greek speaking churches in Alexandria and elsewhere.
Dan Skogen
2/3/2014 04:38:31 am
2/3/2014 08:23:47 am
Here's a link to the Bible I think they passed out. I have not seen one.
2/3/2014 01:43:44 pm
An article in 2009 on lutheranforum.org also mentioned the Bible and the gathering. Here's that link:
Janet Muldoon
2/8/2014 03:50:58 am
Vel did you hear about Ole and Sven then? Der ver two Lutrin teealogens from Seattle by da name of Ole and Sven. Dos two guys did not belief in da devil or hell so dey vent on a trip across the USA to spread da vord and get da help to take dos verds out of da 'good book'. Den dey joined the Democratic party. Vel den dey found out dat da men can marry da men and women can marry da women. Vel den da teealogens said ve better do someting in da bibul about Adam and Eve. Vel den von day Ole and Sven got bissy and changed bibul to Adam and Steve and den dey said Eve fell out of da rib some dayss later. Ole and Sven said,der r toooo many peepole on de planet da vey it is. Vel den dey had to deal vith the pro-life issue. Vel dey tot taabout it a long time for sure. Dey den decided ve kant be like da Katliks, so ve better take da udder side. Vat is dis pro-life ting anyvey? Ya sure, ya betctcha, being a Lutrin is yust too darn komplicated. Ole says to Sven....."let us yust forget about it and get a cup of kaffe.
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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